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Ranger Bayne

Page 10

by James David Victor

  Would he have ever sailed the stars? Would he have been the kind of man who carved his own path, who followed orders blindly, who kept his head down, punched his clock and came home to a smiling family? Ate dinner around a table. Held a tiny hand in his as his baby took her first breaths. Laid down next to his wife at night.

  “I figured I would be hearing from you eventually.” But the voice on the other end of the comm cut that web. What-ifs didn’t matter anymore. The decision was made. There was only one path forward.

  “Hello, Alex,” Bayne said as he raised a view screen.

  The chuckling visage of Alexander Kyte appeared. “Hello, Drum.”

  The whole thing felt surreal. Running from the Navy. Fighting his own team. Talking to Parallax like they were old friends. Bayne felt like he had slipped into an alternate reality.

  Alexander Kyte, former Ranger captain, current pirate lord known as Parallax, kicked his feet up on his desk. “What can I do for you?”

  “I could use a safe harbor.”

  Kyte smiled.

  The Royal Blue made for Ore Town the second it dropped out of hard burn. With Mao off the bridge, and knowledge as to why having already spread among the crew, none dared say a word. Not even when they entered the small moon’s atmosphere. Not even when they docked. Not even when the most famous pirate in the system greeted them on the landing pad.

  “Did you really need to wear the mask?” Bayne asked.

  Parallax spread his arms. Bayne imagined he was smiling beneath the red and white kabuki-like mask. “This is my real face now.”

  A contingent of armed pirates marched up behind Parallax. He waved them forward. They swept around Parallax and then around Bayne and headed for the Blue. Bayne’s eyes narrowed on Parallax.

  “No need for alarm,” the pirate assured. “I’m sure you can appreciate me confiscating your weapons. Your last visit here didn’t exactly endear you to my people.”

  Bayne relented. He looked back to his people, to Delphyne and Hep and those he hoped were still his people. He nodded, tried to assure them that this was okay, that they weren’t entering one prison in hopes of avoiding another.

  The pirates disarmed the crew then escorted them away.

  “We have accommodations ready for them,” Parallax said. “An empty miners’ barracks. Nothing as luxurious as Central, I’m afraid.”

  “Better than a brig,” Bayne said. Despite himself, Bayne already felt a sense of ease washing over him. On the home world of a notorious pirate, watching his people marched away by thugs…and he felt better than he had in a long time.

  “Something is different about you,” Parallax said, eying Bayne up and down like a piece hanging in a museum. His eyes fell on the blades hanging on Bayne’s hips. “They’ve served you well, haven’t they?”

  When Parallax first gave the twin blades, Benevolence and Malevolence, to Bayne, the pirate told him that they meant something, that they would provide Bayne an understanding of the world that he had been lacking.

  And Bayne finally realized it. Two blades, named for two very different motivations. The system Bayne operated in as a sailor in the Navy, the system that tried to shoehorn all of existence into its box, functioned on the simple basis that everything was done in the name of one of these two motivations.

  The pirates were dark, vengeful, malicious sorts. Malevolence. The Navy was honorable, good, a protector. Benevolence. But it didn’t matter in what name those forces acted—they were still blades whose only function was to kill.

  “They have,” Bayne said.

  “Good.” Parallax gestured to the world around him. “Then welcome home.”

  Thank You For Reading

  Well, that was quite an ending, wasn’t it? Now that Bayne and his crew have seemingly joined one enemy to escape the other, what’s next?

  If you liked this story, or even if you didn’t, it would be awesome if you could take a minute and leave a review for me on Amazon.

  The next story is called Pirate Bayne and is getting the finishing touches right now. It will launch in February and should be available for pre-order very soon. Keep an eye out for it on Amazon.

  And if you would like to be notified whenever I release a new book plus learn about all kinds of special offers, you should consider signing up for our Science Fiction Newsletter. The details are on the next page. You will get a free story when you sign up.

  Well, I’m going to get back to writing now. If you would like to check out another series I’ve published, I’ve included a preview of Mercury Blade, the first book in the Valyien Far Future Space Opera at the very end of the book. The story, and series, features a crew that many have compared to the crew in the sci-fi classic Firefly. It’s right after the information about our newsletter. After you read the preview, you can download the book on Amazon.

  Get Mercury Blade here:

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  Bonus Content: Story Preview

  Preview: Mercury Blade

  If there is one thing you’re not supposed to do, it’s lie to Trader Hogan, Eliard Martin, Captain of the Mercury Blade thought as he stared into the small, fierce eyes of the man in front of him.

  Trader Hogan was only a small man, barely over five feet, and clad in the goldish-red robes of the Traders’ Belt. He had the sort of head that made the thin and rakish-looking Eliard think of rats—but this would have to have been a bald one, save for the black nodules of implants across the trader’s cranium. Hogan was surrounded by four very large mercenaries, who all dwarfed the captain in his green duster and form-fitting encounter suit. They had the sort of shoulders that could play pro-SpinBall even before the heavy layers of exo-suit armor were added on top. They weren’t carrying guns, but instead, steel grey stunclubs that would certainly put a dent in Eliard’s already terrible day.

  Frack. The captain took a deep breath.

  Eliard—or ‘El’ to those that knew him—knew that he was making a bad choice. But when he thought about his career, the man thought that he had never made anything but bad choices. He pulled his duster coat closer around his shoulders, making sure that at least the gold pips on the high collar were visible.

  “I can’t pay, Hogan. You know my last run was unsuccessful,” Eliard said, managing a tight-lipped smile. Eliard wondered if he could make it back to the door behind him before Hogan’s goons got to him. He wondered if he could make it off the Trader Base of Charylla before Hogan had the ports shut down. Hogan was a big cheese in the Traders’ Belt. A senior member of the council, if only because he had blackmailed, bribed, or threatened every other councilor. The station of Charylla was his.

  The little man did not return the smile. “You want to repeat what you just said to me, El?”

  Double-frack. “Didn’t you hear? There are Armcore customs ships up and down the Delta Sector, I couldn’t get through. No one can.”

  Trader Hogan pursed his lips. A bad sign, Eliard thought. “So, you are telling me that the fearless Captain Eliard, on one of the fastest ships in this sector, couldn’t make it past some lazy Armcore officials, sipping their coffee and eating daze-cakes all shift?”

  No, what I am telling you is that I still have your loot stashed in one of my aft lockers, and I’m going to sell it myself! Eliard tried not to betray a flicker of emotion. He was through working all these terrible jobs for Hogan and getting paid next to nothing for it. Not even a cut off the top of the deal—and Hogan always gave him the furthest, most dangerous jobs.

  Maybe because
he knows that the Mercury can do it, a sarcastic thought crept into Eliard’s head. Of course the Mercury could do it, just not for creeps like Hogan and his goons anymore.

  It was time that we started making some real money, Eliard had thought. Time that we strike out on our own…

  “Hm.” The little man reached up to very slowly and very carefully scratch at one of the nodes on his head. Rumor has it that he had quantum receivers in there, wired straight to the Coalition data-space, so that Hogan could read, in real-time, just what the galactic stock markets were doing, which was also why he was so fabulously wealthy.

  “Then the next thing that I have to ask is…where is the cargo that I entrusted to you?” Hogan glared at Eliard and there was a shift in the four guards around him, from ‘look threatening’ to ‘let’s paint the walls with this guy’s face.’ Hogan was like that, Eliard knew. He was famed throughout the Traders’ Belt of non-aligned asteroids and habitats for his means of ‘settling up’ with those who lied to, stole from, or cheated him. Usually, that meant a long walk out of a very short airlock—without your suit. Or else it could mean that you and your crew found yourselves in the fertilizer vats and pumped back into the synthetic food or sprayed across terraform projects as a fine particulate mist.

  Eliard felt the heavy iron of the bulkhead lock behind him. He stood in one of the many octagonal corridors that wormed its way through Charylla. On the other side of that bulkhead, it was a short sprint to the Charylla Markets—a chaos of neon and noise. Surely, he could lose them in there, right?

  “If you’re thinking about opening that door, I wouldn’t advise it,” Hogan said in clipped tones, as the nearest of the thugs—surprisingly quickly, Eliard thought—reached forward to prod him, hard, in the shoulder with the stunclub. Luckily it wasn’t turned on, but it still hurt.

  “Get off me!” Eliard batted it away, which only caused the guard to grin even wider, and raise the stunclub as if he were baiting a wild animal.

  “Where is my cargo, Captain?” Hogan repeated.

  “Armcore customs were on to me. I had to jettison it out by the Betel 9 transponder. Heaven knows who’s got it now.” Eliard had had his story ready of course. The Betel 9 transponder was just one of the many routine deep-space signaling devices that ships could use to navigate by, and that meant that a lot of traffic passed by. A bit of space flotsam out there could easily be picked up by a passing vessel or burned up in the passing warp signatures.

  “Had to jettison it,” Hogan repeated in a tone that could slice steel. This time, the other guards rolled their shoulders.

  “Well, normally in this kind of situation, Eliard, I would have you and your crew cleaning my boat without spacesuits, but then I would be down ten thousand credits.”

  That cargo was worth ten thousand? The captain of the Mercury Blade was shocked. It had been a small cargo box. Barely big enough to hold a pair of gloves. Oh, frack.

  “I can make it up next run,” Eliard said through gritted teeth, whilst on the inside, he was berating himself for trying to cheat the most powerful crook in the Belt. What had Hogan put in there, diamonds?

  “If I let you live, you mean,” Hogan said sourly. “I don’t think you could earn that much in a year, Eliard. How much is the Mercury Blade worth again?” Hogan gave him a quizzical look.

  Much more than that! “She’s not a part of this deal,” Eliard said quickly.

  “The deal? Deal?” The trader betrayed a momentary flash of anger. “And who are you to tell me what is and isn’t in the deal? This isn’t even a deal, you dimwit. This is recompense.” The thugs flexed their muscles and took a step forward.

  “Wait.” The trader held up a hand. “I can see the advantage of having you owe me, Captain Eliard. Here, then, is the ‘deal,’ as you so eloquently put it: you get me my ten thousand, or I take your boat.”

  Where am I going to come up with that kind of money? You just want the Mercury as your personal slave-galley. Eliard looked at the guards. Could he take them? He would rather give it a go than have to tell his crew they were going to lose their money and their ship and their home. That was the kind of thing that made a crew very angry indeed, and then made them think about words like ‘mutiny’ and ‘lynching.’

  I am so fracked. “I’ll get you your money, and then we’re clear.”

  “Really?” Hogan said.

  “Really. I promise. Ten thousand credits,” Eliard heard himself say.

  “I changed my mind.” Hogan smiled. “Twenty thousand, due in one Sol week.”

  One week! Eliard could have spat. That was an awful lot of money in a very short time, but he was being allowed to live, and to fly. He wondered if he could convince the rest of the crew to leave near Coalition space and never return to the Traders’ Belt.


  “You got a problem with that, El?” Hogan’s eyes were scouring his like a spider, waiting for a fly to land. “Because you know, I can just have my boys push you out of the nearest airlock and take your boat instead, if you’d prefer?”

  “No, a week sounds just about fine, Trader,” Eliard was forced to say.

  Now all I have to do is to find some well-paying work, very fast.

  “You owe how much?” Irie, the Mercury’s mechanic, looked at Eliard from between her long braids of dark hair. They stood at the side of one of Charylla’s many bars, where he had managed to track down the leather-clad engineer as she had been routinely acing everyone at darts.

  Irie Hanson was a marvel of the engineering world, or so Eliard thought, anyway. If only she didn’t know it at the same time, too, he had thought on many occasions. She was a little shorter than he was, with skin like burnt umber and a home-made set of goggles permanently slid halfway up her forehead. From her utility belts she could produce, almost at any given moment, an array of tools and spare parts from spanners to circuit boards. She was the reason that the Mercury was still flying after all of the misuse that Eliard put it through.

  “Twenty thousand credits. For Trader Hogan’s cargo,” Eliard said.

  “Wasn’t that the box that we were supposed to drop off at Kavon 3?” Irie squinted at him over the top of her bright green drink. They had been in space for a long time this run, and even the usually humanity-hating engineer had decided to venture into society for a change of faces.

  “Yeah, uh, about that…” Eliard shrugged, before a nervous grin spread slowly across his features. “It’s still sitting in one of the aft lockers.”

  “What!?” The woman coughed her drink over the bar. “We now owe twenty thousand because you decided to double-cross…” She looked around quickly and turned her angry shout into a fierce hiss. “You decided to double-cross the most feared smuggler on this side of Andromeda!? Eliard! What in the blue were you thinking?”

  “Oh, I don’t know…That we could make some money, maybe?” he said. “Which we can, now. We can sell the cargo ourselves somewhere, make a profit maybe, do a few other little jobs while we’re at it, and return to pay off Hogan…”

  “Why don’t you just give it back?” she hissed at him. “No harm, no foul, right?”

  The captain winced. “I don’t think Hogan sees it quite like that. I told him I jettisoned it past the Betel 9.” The captain licked his lips nervously. “And uh, the original cargo is only worth ten K. Hogan added another ten because he’s a fan of my sparkling personality.”

  “Urgh.” Irie slammed her drink down on the counter and signaled for two more.

  “Thanks, I could do with a stiff drink after today…” Eliard started to say when they arrived.

  “Uh-huh, fly-boy. They’re not for you.” The woman downed one immediately, then picked up the other to sip more slowly. “I will not be buying you a drink for a looong time, Captain.” She scowled at him. “You know that we can’t sell whatever it is on Charylla, right? Hogan will only find out about it…”

  “We’ll get the money, I promise,” Eliard said, before wondering just how many promises he
had made already today. It had been a water-tight plan. It shouldn’t have backfired like this.

  “You’d better get the money, you mean.” Irie finished her drink with another disgruntled shake of her head and reached for her patched leather jacket.

  “Hey. Where are you going?” the captain said. Is she walking out on me? On the Mercury? I need my engineer!

  “I’ve got a guy searching for parts in Level 9,” Irie flung over her shoulder. “I want to get those parts and get them stashed away before you do anything else stupid, and maybe get my home taken away from me!”

  Eliard watched her storm off into the crowd and groaned. Well, at least it hadn’t been our gunner that I ran into first.

  “Do you want to die!?” roared the very large, blue-skinned Duergar, with a broad, wedge-shaped head and tusks emerging from his lower jaw. He was the Mercury Blade’s gunner.

  Val Pathok was large even by Duergar standards. His shoulders were broad and thickly corded with visible muscle—Duergars, thanks to their greater body mass and double-layer of thickened skin, rarely wore much more than part-armor and trousers—and his long arms would reach down almost all the way to his knees, were they not currently grabbing the lapels of Captain Eliard’s green duster and shaking him violently.

  “Did you not hear me, human!” the Duergar roared again. El could clearly see the row of large, grinding fangs in the big mouth. “You gamble with all of our lives! You clearly want to die!”


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