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Kougar, Savanna - Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Savanna Kougar

  Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds

  Kandace doesn’t know why she’s a real witch. Despite her powers, she can’t find her biological parents. When the Tuxedo Twins tempt her with knowledge about her heritage at a charity event, Kandace agrees to dance with the mysterious Supernaturals. Unexpectedly, they are threatened by the omnipresent evil she’s been warned about in her dreams. To keep from being enslaved, Kandace brings forth her greater magick. But, to save her homeworld, she needs her Hellhounds.

  Zolivar and Zindale, two of Hades’s most mission-accomplished Hellhounds, see a witch sliding down the bannister after her heist of a painting. Spellbound, they know they’ve found just the right Kandy Apple to lick for Halloween. With every passion, Zin and Zol woo their chosen witch. Will their Triad mate stay once she learns they can’t fall in love like humans? Or will she return to her homeworld?

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 89,704 words


  Savanna Kougar


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2011 by Savanna Kougar

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-582-7

  First E-book Publication: July 2011

  Cover design by Amanda Kelsey

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Dedicated to all the good witches of Earth, past, present, and future.

  A special thanks to author and friend, Serena Shay, for the incomparable gift of her creativity.



  Copyright © 2011



  Chapter One:

  Zolivar and Zindale

  August 14, 2009

  “Ready to unleash your inner being?” Zol asked his twin. Utterly naked, he pulled off his gold and onyx signet ring, twirled it once on his finger, then slid it inside his tuxedo pants pocket.

  Zin stripped off his dress pants and tossed them inside their black sports car, affectionately known as the Twilight Mirage. He shut the door with a neat twist of his wrist. “I’m releasing my inner beast,” he returned with dry amusement.

  Standing side by side, they traveled their supernatural gazes over the Mojave Desert’s moonlit landscape. As one, they searched out their target, a corporate hit man. Currently, he followed a prominent woman herbalist. Using biblical herbs, she had recently created a formula that rendered any virus inert.

  Since the woman’s products already sold well, several of the flu vaccine companies had decided to go Mafia, eliminating the threat to their profits in the old-fashioned way.

  “The only good competition is no competition,” Zol and Zin uttered in unison. On mission, they’d recently infiltrated a Big Pharma company party and heard that phrase spoken several times.

  Sighting the hit man, the enemy to humanity that they’d sworn to hunt down and deliver to Hades, Zol and Zin used their internal radar, locking in his position. A second later, their heads swivelled and their fiery gazes connected.

  Mirror reflections of each other, their eyes flared simultaneously, flashing to hellfire red. Their features took on a reddish glow, their gazes remaining intensely brilliant.

  Growling like thunder in their throats, Zol and Zin morphed into what they were, hellhounds.

  Their guttural howls ripped through the night and seemed to strike the moon. Luna rode high in the midnight heavens, a glowing Halloween orange and nearly full.

  As they gathered their sleek brute bodies, preparing for the chase, horrendous snarls issued from the twin hellhounds. Their coal-black lips curled upwards over their scimitar-like fangs, now dripping with poisonous saliva.

  Together they leapt toward their prey. The explosive power of their beast muscles rippled beneath their hairless ebony hides. An impenetrable shield to most weapons and all manner of magic, their hides were composed of alchemically-arranged volcano magma.

  Totally driven by the hunt, they raced in perfect concert with each other, their gargantuan paws skimming over the desert floor instead of striking fully. As they ran, Zol and Zin existed in two realms, the world above and the Underworld.

  Scarcely aware of what else moved around them, they caught Geraldo’s scent and the smells of his expensively outfitted Jeep. With each giant-bounding stride toward their target, their hellbeast instincts grew.

  Since Geraldo’s employers wanted the exact proportions of herbal substances used in Mary Sweetwater’s formula, and were willing to pay him a small fortune, Geraldo had first attempted to gain her trust but failed. He’d also tried ingratiating himself with her family and friends. That hadn’t succeeded, either, despite his vile seduction of her sister.

  From their otherworldly vantage point, Zol and Zin had observed Geraldo ignore e
very divine urging not to continue with his corporate theft, then his murder of Mary. However, the hit man eventually crossed the invisible line and now belonged to their punishing jowls, to their boss, Hades.

  Currently, he drove to Joshua Tree, California, where Mary attended the Stargate conference, an out-there spiritual gathering. Like a cloud of putrid smoke, his foul intention shrouded the entire Jeep.

  Resembling the gaze of a White Lightning Dragon, a breed devoted to serving the angelic hierarchy, the Jeep’s headlights cut through the darkness. The amusing contradiction was lost on Zol and Zin now. Later, they would sip martinis and drily chuckle over it.

  Blending in with the night except for the red glow of their eyes, they charged toward the front of the Jeep. The headlights acted like a beacon as they ran.

  Geraldo stomped on the brakes, obviously seeing their red-blazing gazes flying toward him. The Jeep swerved back and forth, then fish-tailed.

  The hit man tried to gain control, but his tires skidded on the asphalt, hissing screeches of sound. With a mighty jerk, the Jeep came to a halt, the rear end jumping up.

  Still running, the shiny status symbol sat cockeyed, the front tires off the road. Of one mind, Zol and Zin sucked the power out of the engine.

  Gathering their hindquarters, they sprang. Intentionally, Zin and Zol landed with a shock-and-awe thump that rattled the Jeep.

  Geraldo frantically turned the ignition key, his mindless fright in control. Through the windshield, they witnessed the terror bulging his eyes just before he dived his hand inside an open bag.

  Whipping out a mini Uzi, he pointed. Zol and Zin snarled as if they opened the gates of hell, and lowered their heads toward him, their beastly muzzles not an inch from the glass.

  Paralyzed with fear, Geraldo couldn’t pull the trigger. Like dogs spawned by the devil, Zin and Zol barked and growled, blasting him with the sound of doom.

  Once Geraldo pulled the trigger, the windshield shattered from the spray of bullets. Pretending to retreat, they leapt from the severely dented hood. With demonic speed they raced around the Jeep.

  Bullets bounced off their hides, some of them pinging the outside of the Jeep. Halting, Zin thundered growls, then clamped his fangs onto a back tire.

  He tore large hunks out of it. Following his brother’s lead, Zol spun around lunging for a front tire. He shook it like a rag, deflating it instantly.

  Kicking open the door, Geraldo jumped out, ready to do battle. Armed with two assault weapons now, he twisted back and forth, firing at them.

  The tattoo of bullets pelting their bodies only enraged their hellbeast natures. Zin filleted the other back tire with quick swipes of his razoring fangs. Zol snatched the other front tire, sunk his rows of blade-like teeth in, and mangled it beyond recognition.

  Done, they curled their lips, snarling hideously as they stalked Geraldo from two directions. With his ammunition rounds gone, he threatened them by brandishing the useless weapons.

  “What are you?” he shrieked. “Rejects from a black ops experiment?”

  Insulted to their volcanic cores, Zol and Zin bared their front fangs and menacingly padded toward him. After licking their slavering chops as if he was about to be a meal, they beamed their eyes, changing them to blood red.

  In perfect sync with each other, they crouched, ready to spring. Geraldo whirled, running like a madman into the desert.

  The chase was on the way Zin and Zol particularly relished. They glanced at each other, anticipation zinging between them.

  Launching shoulder-to-shoulder, they matched each other’s strides, and appeared to be one humongous Underworld beast. It made great theater for the human mind to feed on.

  If they were observed, the hellhound mythos merely continued—far superior than the full truth of who and what they were. Hades valued secrecy because it made their missions in the Upperworld easier and ultimately more successful.

  In the spirit of the chase, Zol and Zin allowed Geraldo to remain ahead of them. Inspiring his terrified race through the desert, they licked at his butt with their flaming snarls.

  He changed course often, and had already avoided several patches of cactus. Zin and Zol decided that was fairly impressive.

  Geraldo’s undoing came in the form of a spindly Joshua tree. He glanced over his shoulder, and failed to alter course, despite his last-second leap to one side.

  He smashed into the trunk, and the thud of his human body reverberated in the immediate area. Flailing backward, he tried to regain his balance rapidly by propelling himself forward.

  Zin chomped down on his lower leg and flipped him off his feet. Zol dived for his throat, but unhinged his jaw so no real harm would be done.

  Gurgling a scream of horror, Geraldo protectively covered his throat with one hand. Loosely gripping, Zol twisted his head back and forth. Geraldo’s body flopped from side to side several times.

  Unclamping their jaws, Zin and Zol pretended to maul his body. They mouthed him in a tag team effort, but left only surface gashes.

  Ferociously snapping the air around the hit man, they heightened his terror. All the while, their poisonous saliva did its work preparing Geraldo for Hades and imprisonment in the Underworld.

  Crying out like he was being slaughtered, their prey pretended to succumb to the sheer hell of their attack. After going through death spasms, he played dead.

  Zin and Zol backed away. Hiding the red blaze of their eyes, they waited. The instant Geraldo rolled to his hands and knees, he crawled at a surprisingly fast pace, and at the same time, he tried to gain his feet.

  His cartoonish movements struck Zol and Zin as bloody hilarious. Grinning in ghoulish hellhound fashion, they bounded after him, then took turns nipping at his ass cheeks with their sharply pointed teeth.

  Soon enough, Geraldo’s unceasing screams rent the night air. His forward progress had been halted in the cruel manner of the desert.

  Zol and Zin locked gazes.

  The cactus patch had the last laugh, Zin mind-spoke.

  I’d say the last bite, Zol returned.

  We could bite him again. Win one over on the cactus.

  We could. I say score one victory over evil-doers to our cactus friends. Are we ready?

  Advancing on their assignment, Zin and Zol took hold of the hit man’s booted feet. Geraldo cried out pitifully. His string of curse words became unintelligible shrieks.

  Acting like super-sized Labrador Retrievers, they dragged him backwards on his stomach. Behind them, Zol and Zin felt the vortex form. The gateway to the Underworld appeared to be created by a rogue whirlwind. In a matter of seconds they were sucked through.

  Holding Geraldo’s feet with the strength of their jowls, and not their fangs, Zin and Zol dangled their completed assignment like a prize. Hades’ dark-as-midnight gaze glowed with approval before he spoke.

  “Excellently done, my hellhounds. The sinner has been properly mutilated in mind and body.”

  Hades’ thunderous, yet melodious timbre rolled like a tsunami throughout his palatial domain. His sumptuously appointed rooms were beneath the outskirts of Paris, a favorite playground of the Goddesses and Gods. However, his underground river cavern circumnavigated planet Earth.

  For several moments Hades regarded the hanging sinner. “I will consider letting the thorns remain as an appropriate punishment.”

  Geraldo wiggled like a hooked fish, emitting a long hoarse wail. “Oh God, where am I?”

  “Not at St. Peter’s Gate,” Hades joked. “Welcome to what you would call hell.”

  As Hades waved his arm, Zol and Zin dropped their human fish. With a point of his finger, Hades transported Geraldo to his first “hell.”

  Zin and Zol watched his barbed and bloody body vanish, then shifted back to their human forms.

  Expecting Hades to whip them through the ethers, sending them back to the Twilight Mirage immediately, Zin and Zol cocked their heads. Now they waited patiently, giving him their devoted attention.

bsp; Hades rubbed his short black beard, immaculately trimmed, of course. His gaze thoughtfully examined their nether region. “Might I suggest you two find a nice witch and indulge in fleshly pleasures upon your return, or soon after.”

  Glancing at each other, then down at the particularly rigid state of their cocks, Zol and Zin had to agree.

  “Perhaps,” Hades continued, a divine light gleaming in his eyes, “it’s time to consider settling down. You’ve earned it, Zolivar and Zindale, permanent residency in the Upperworld.”

  Chapter Two:

  Kandace Sylvia Winter

  October 30, 2009

  Kandace halted part way up the long curving staircase. “Lightball,” she whispered. Instantly, the luminous blue sphere she’d imaged before her third eye appeared.

  Floating ahead of her, the blue ball guided her steps as she mounted the stairs. Kandace hoped her lightball wasn’t noticed by anyone attending the high society charity event, since it provided enough illumination for the darkened upper level.

  Kandace sensed the man standing on the top landing of the stairway before she saw him. She focused her psi awareness on his aura, observing the muddy swirl of colors.

  Definitely inebriated, he was four sheets to the wind as her friend’s grandmother liked to say. Kandace didn’t bother dissolving the lightball as she neared him.

  In his mid-twenties and overly full of himself, he brazenly ran his gaze over her body. By the expression on his admittedly handsome features, he thought she was his for the sexual taking.


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