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Kougar, Savanna - Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Savanna Kougar

As her supple body curved over his arm, Zin fought his urge to crush her against him.

  “It’s only because I’m a witch,” she murmured, as if that explained his zealous ardor for her. “Any right witch would do, right?” She shoved against his arms in a way that let him know she denied herself more than she did him. “I mean I’m just a witch in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  “The maneuvering strings of the Fates disprove your words, my enticing Enduoir witch.”

  Suddenly, as if every available light source switched off, inky blackness filled the enormous room. He and Kandace stilled for a split second, then Zin hauled her close. Ready to battle any foe, his lips curved in a silent snarl, even though he remained in his human form.

  Around them, the dancing couples looked like posed mannequins, their dark forms haloed by a strange radiance Zin had never encountered. Without sound, Zol slipped beside them, his body shielding Kandace.

  “You are found, daughter of Affrony.” The female voice sang in dulcet tones. Yet menace saturated the atmosphere. “Speak, so that we might introduce ourselves. Your true heritage awaits you. Come to us.”

  Pressed tight against him, Kandace remained paralyzed, barely allowing her breath to pass in and out.

  “Enemy!” Zol growled the word savagely. “Attack and I will scorch your hides into an inferno that will light up the black bowels of hell.”

  Instantly the lights flashed on, full force. Everything around them appeared normal, as if their life had been put on pause, and now, simply resumed.

  “Affrony.” Kandace weakly pushed past her lips. “I’ve dreamed so many times of that word.” Her entire body trembled against Zin. “Do not answer, do not answer. That was always the message. Stay still. Do not answer. I didn’t dream it as a name…though.”

  Zin wrapped himself around her as Kandace pressed her face against him. He locked gazes with his twin. “She’s too cold.”

  Zol nodded, moving close to add his warmth. “Kandace, darling, can you hear me?”


  “I learned from Phillip there is a search for an Enduoir witch by enemies of your birth world, a witch with a specific power.”

  “Phillip, the vampire?” she asked in a quavering voice.

  Concerned, Zin flared his volcanic force inside his fragile woman. Soon he felt her respond, her shivers easing off.

  “Yes,” Zol answered her, then paused. “A security team is headed this way.”

  “Don’t worry.” She drew in a deep breath, composing herself. “I can handle it.” Zol frowned. “We don’t know which power of yours will identify—”

  “I do,” she interrupted. “It was in the dream…I just thought it was nonsense. I should have known better.”

  Pivoting a bit from him, she straightened, presenting a nonchalant attitude.

  “Is something wrong, miss?” one of the security team asked.

  “Just a headache. It’s been a long day and I’m tired.”

  “Kandace Winter?” the other one inquired with authority.

  “That’s me. What’s going on? I noticed there are several of you around.”

  “There was an incident earlier. We understand you know a woman named Valerie Harper.” The man’s unrelenting gaze became trapped by his ID device for moments.

  Zin and Zol congratulated themselves, via mindspeak, for scrambling the team’s ID devices to near uselessness.

  “Incident? Must be more than an incident. Yeah, Valerie is a friend. She’s not here tonight.” Kandace offered them an expectant smile, and waited.

  “Were you aware she sold one of her paintings recently?” The man’s pale blue eyes attempted to pierce through Kandace.

  “No.” She drew the word out and made a show out of thinking. “I’m only aware that a painting of hers was stolen and she contacted her insurance company. Really tore her up, since it was one of her favorites.”

  The security team glanced at one other, their confusion obvious.

  Frowning, they assessed Kandace. “Do you know which one of her paintings was stolen?”

  “Sure do. It was a Frederic Remington. I would always spend a few minutes admiring it whenever I visited her.”

  “Let me get this straight. You’re saying this was a stolen painting?” The man’s genuine question indicated his lack of involvement in the Hendersons’ illegal operation.

  Kandace shrugged. “You can check the insurance company’s investigative report. Valerie told me she received a copy the other day.”

  About to speak, Blue Eyes was interrupted by several loud beeps. After checking his company cell phone, he gave a nod. “Thanks, for your help, Ms. Winter.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Zin’s instincts snarled loudly. Knowing trouble lurked nearby, he made a show of casually gazing around the ballroom.

  Chapter Ten:

  Bubbling Toil and Trouble

  Kandace figured if her last words had been rocks, they would have struck the main security guy square in the back, he left so fast.

  “No need to mind- read his message. We know what it is.” Zol stepped up beside her.

  Before she knew it, Kandace collapsed backwards. The twins steadied her immediately.

  “I must still be in shock,” she muttered. “This Enduoir witch thing is not turning out too well.”

  At the same time, the three of them stilled. Like gazelles watching lions approach, Kandace thought. Six thugs, by the look of them, even though they wore evening attire, strode toward them as rapidly as the crowd would allow, their attack pattern a semicircle.

  “I believe it’s time we departed for the evening, my delicious Kandy Apple.”

  Zin’s polished voice uprooted her feet. Seeing their gentlemanly offered forearms, Kandace took hold.

  “I believe you’re right. I’m so tired I’ll let you two put me to bed.” The words merely popped out. Not that she exactly regretted them.

  Oh, Sweet Goddess, she couldn’t think straight. Stress hounded her. Yeah, hellhound stress chased her tail while enemies prowled around her, planning to do hell knew what.

  Zol tucked her arm closer to his side. “Mmmm, what a tantalizing proposition with such tempting possibilities.”

  “Not unless you get me out of here,” Kandace snapped in a hushed tone.

  “Hellhounds at your service, loveliest witch.” Zin’s voice was cool as shaved ice.

  Once they’d casually wheeled around heading toward the mansion’s exit, she whispered, “Who are those guys working for? They’re not regular security.”

  “They’re hired guns that belong to the Hendersons’ criminal organization. I read their vibrations when Zin and I first arrived,” Zol answered. “The Twilight Mirage will be waiting for us.”

  “Waiting? What’d you do?” Kandace mentally reviewed her own powers, attempting to decide which one would serve them best in this escape scenario.

  “Just a mind-driving trick.” Zin eased their way through the guests lining one edge of the dance floor.

  “Oh, you mean like remote control.”

  Effing okay, she thought, witchy-turning the hired guns into the mastiff dogs they resembled probably wasn’t her wisest option…not yet, anyway.

  “A decidedly useful ability, mind remote.” Zol saluted a goodbye to someone.

  “They want my silence,” Kandace realized. She’d sensed for the reason behind the thugs’ foul intention. “There must be some big-money deal riding on that painting. And it has to appear legitimate to the buyer. Crap! I bet Valerie’s in danger, too.”

  “We’ll make certain your Valerie is protected, once you’re safe.” Zin looked to the side. “For now, playing with fire could be our answer to an uninterrupted departure.”

  “Playing with fire…”

  Her voice trailed off as Kandace watched blue sparks jump from Zin’s eyes. A linen tablecloth burst into flames as if doused by alcohol.

  Several women screamed. Shouts of “fire” echoed behind them. A butl
er type raced past them carrying an extinguisher.

  In moments, panicked guests moved alongside them, their fear tangible. The three of them quickened their pace.

  “Neat trick, H hound. But, is it going to get us out of here?”

  Two of the mafia-type thugs angled toward them, their gait lumbering yet rapid. Closing in, they reached inside their jackets.

  Kandace’s instinct kicked in. She blinked, causing them to trip over their feet. Crash-landing, the two gorillas in suits rolled with surprising agility. Once on their feet, they charged.

  By that time, though, the mansion doors were just ahead of them, and other guests already streamed through.

  “Picture the location of your car, Kandace.” Zin spoke as if he suggested a walk in the park.

  Kandace thought better of it, rolling her eyes. Still, she imaged her car’s position among the rows of cars parked beyond the mansion’s gate. The small lot had been designated for those without chauffeurs or exclusive privileges.

  “Got it?”

  “Indeed, my darling, I do. Take care of her, brother.”

  With that, Zin removed his arm from her hold, a smooth move Kandace could only marvel at. Easing ahead of them, he strode through the wide-open doors.

  She and Zol walked outside with those surrounding them. The crisp evening air entered her tight lungs, providing some relief.

  “Uh oh,” Kandace whispered.

  Four hit-the-ceiling tall goons bounded up the long sweep of carpeted steps. “Halt,” one of them shouted the command at her.

  “An old boyfriend?” Zol drily quipped.

  “Yeah, right…so not my ape type. Do you want to take two of them and I’ll take the other two?”

  “Let me handle this, my darling.”

  “Whatever.” Kandace wondered at her acquiescence. Although, she didn’t buzz inside with her full power.

  Arm-in-arm, as if nothing was amiss, she and Zol descended, the four near-giants closing in on them. Near midpoint, the first one planted himself directly in their path, his expression more hostile than a comic book villain.

  “Halt,” he ordered. “Kandace Winter, come with—”

  “She’s no longer interested in your company,” Zol loudly announced. “If you persist in your attentions, I shall have no choice but to demonstrate my superior fighting ability.”

  Stupefied for seconds, the goon regarded Zol before reaching to seize her arm. Zol’s fist crashed into his jaw. Toppling, he fell backwards like a redwood tree. At the last moment, two of his team caught him.

  Kandace compressed her lips, aware her mouth hung open, then sizzled her witchy power higher, just in case.

  The fourth goon lunged for her, his expression like an enraged bulldog. Zol solidly clipped his chin with a swinging uppercut.

  Bulldog man rotated in slow motion, then crumpled neatly on top of his down-for-the-count partner. Letting go of their kayoed cohorts, the other two goons launched toward Kandace.

  “Mugs carved by an ugly stick, don’t you think, darling?” Zol spoke as he released her arm

  Kandace stepped to the side, ready to zip-zap them if need be. Winding up, Zol let both of his fists fly.

  Caught in the throes of feminine appreciation and sheer amazement, she heard bone and cartilage crunch. Blood spurted from the nose of the goon closest to her. He yelped in pain as he covered his nose, and reeled backward.

  The other near-giant captured Zol’s fist, his beefy hand like a mitt. Using weight and muscle, he tried to shove Zol’s arm straight back. So it appeared to Kandace.

  In a blur of speed, Zol’s fist smashed into the goon’s cheekbone, cracking it. He sank to his knees. His eyes rolled and he collapsed, out cold.

  Kandace heard a chorus of oohs and ahs from other women. Mesmerized herself, she watched Zol briefly straighten his tux jacket in the manner of James Bond.

  She realized he possessed the supernatural strength of a hellhound. Still, her girly-goo emotion won out, and she tingled inside for him.

  “Shall we continue on our way, darling?” Zol presented his arm.

  Feeling more protected than she ever had as a woman, Kandace twined her arm with his. “Impressive performance.”

  “Thank you, my beautiful Kandace. That felt splendid, letting the beast out for a bit of exercise. I believe it’s clear sailing to the Twilight Mirage.”

  Elegantly, Zol guided her around their attackers. Seeing their ultra unique sports car positioned near the bottom of the steps, Kandace halted for an instant, admiring the sleek black curves. “My oh my, you two are exceptionally talented.”

  “It’s always wise to be prepared for a swift departure in the event escape is necessary.”

  Kandace giggled at Zol’s sophisticated, old-fashioned phrasing. Her raw nerves and her giddiness hit her like champagne, and the sound spilled from her.

  “I can truly say this has been the most eventful evening of my life. And, that’s saying quite a lot.”

  “The night is still young,” Zol intimately poured inside her ear, once they crossed the drive.

  The Twilight Mirage gleamed and appeared ready to spring into action. Zol settled her inside, handling her like a rare jewel.

  Kandace indulged in the gorgeous feel of the black leather seat, wiggling. She ran her gaze over the spare but luxurious lines of the interior, despite the danger pursuing them.

  “Dreams do come true…sometimes.” Kandace traced the futuristic curve of the dashboard with her fingertip.

  Oh yeah, she could have conjured up a way to purchase her own dream car, but that would have made her all too conspicuous to her enemies. Worse, it would set her apart from her friends and her family in a way she never wanted.

  Zol paused in front of the hood and Kandace felt him use his mind force to scout around them. She followed his energy, expanding her awareness to match his.

  An image of Zin driving her box-like, medium-priced car—actually, one she’d liberated before it got to the metal crusher—emerged before her mind’s eye. Obviously, the lack of a key hadn’t been a problem, as it wasn’t for her.

  Kandace, darling, let go. Zin and I need to connect in a different way.

  Letting go, H hound.

  Not surprised he’d realized her presence, Kandace decided to let the hellhound twins handle everything magickal, and save her energies.

  Alone with her thoughts, she didn’t delude herself. She’d stepped into a big fat steamy pile by telling the truth that Valerie’s painting had been stolen. More than by simply recovering it for her.

  Determination set Kandace’s jaw. She’d make certain her friend wasn’t harmed in any way because of this viper’s nest of criminals.

  So too bad her do-the-right-thing burglary had gone bad. She and Valerie had even come up with a plan to appease the insurance company, a note saying the crook had discovered the error of his ways.

  Now, well, bubbling toil and trouble, the Hendersons wanted her to disappear as in dead, and Daughter of Affrony—hearing Affrony, as she had in her dreams for so long—that spooked her far more than the sinister woman showing up.

  Shivering, Kandace watched Zol open the driver’s door and lower himself inside. Goddess, his elegant athleticism thrummed her pulse at a ridiculously fast rate.

  Removing her gaze, she faced straight ahead. “You’re like a first crush.”

  “May I assume you don’t refer to the crush of my jaws?” His bantering tone only heightened her heady silliness over him.

  “What is it with you two? I seem to have no control. Is it a hellhound sorcery thing?”

  The engine purred obediently to life, and from the corner of her eye she watched him check the flow of cars for an opening.

  “No, Kandace, it’s a seductive witch thing. You’re sweet sorcery to me and Zin.”

  “I think it’s probably mutual attraction…an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Something like that. Sorry, I know the Hendersons are arranging to have us followed. I should be
thinking about that.”

  “Where’s the painting, Kandace?”

  Hesitating, she sensed for anything or anyone else that could hear them. Besides, it went against her nature to tell him. “Why?”

  “If I know it will give us an advantage.” Smooth as satin, Zol slid the Twilight Mirage between a Bentley and a Rolls.

  “You can pluck it from my thoughts, can’t you?”

  “It would violate you and your energy. Zin and I won’t do that.”

  Kandace’s breath dived inside her belly for an instant. Hellhounds with integrity? What a trippy thought. “It’s in the trunk of my car. Inside a temperature-controlled container.”

  “Excellent, for now. No one is following Zin. May we place your car in hiding?”

  “I’m sure you have a better place than I do. Although, I can create an invisibility shield.”

  Zol sped around the Rolls Royce as soon as they passed through the mansion’s gate. In a series of slick quick moves that gave Kandace the thrill-quivers, as she called them, Zol wove past the sparse traffic.

  About ten minutes later, they zoomed north on the four-lane highway, out of the ritzy community located close to Eureka, California.

  Breaking the dark cocoon of silence, Kandace spoke her thoughts. “I’m worried about Valerie, my family, or anyone I know. The Hendersons’ goons could go after them. I’m trying to figure out which of my witchy skills to use for their protection. Amazing car, by the way. Your ride is beyond cool.”

  When Zol didn’t answer, she glanced at him, wondering if she’d interrupted at the wrong moment. A reddish glow emanated from his eyes as if light shone through red glass.

  Uncomfortable, Kandace stretched her arms and clasped her hands. At least the tension in her shoulders eased. Dropping her hands in her lap, she nervously twisted them.

  “A communication from Hades, my Kandace,” Zol explained not much later. “Zin contacted Hades about the Hendersons.”

  “Hades of the Underworld. Sure. Okay. It is real, then. I’ve only heard the stories.” Geez, oh strange universe, please, what had she gotten herself into, besides a hormone frenzy over twin hellhounds?

  “If we create a trail for the Henderson goons to follow, your family and friends should be safe. We require another strategy for your Valerie, however.”


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