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Lady Boss (The Spitfire Book 2)

Page 1

by Silver, Jordan

  La Principessa

  Jordan Silver

  Copyright© 2013 Alison Jordan

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 1

  It's morning and for some stupid fuck reason I got up with the need to take her out to breakfast; I just had the urge to see her sitting across a table from me in a crowded place while we enjoyed something as a simple as breakfast, normal right? Forgot I was talking about Mouth.

  First she moaned and groaned about being awakened too early in the morning for sex.

  "Listen Lancelot, my coochie goes on lock down until at least nine in the damn A.M, no overtime write a memo, and memorize that shit."

  "Do you ever stop?"

  "Is this or is it not my coochie?"

  "It's mine now."

  I had to wrestle with her ass to open her legs; I ended up holding both her hands in one of mine while prying her legs open with the other. Crazy lady was trying to bite me.

  I pushed two fingers deep inside her to calm her ass down.

  "Ummmmm, okay, if you can keep that up you can get you some, but don't make it a habit."

  "Open your legs and close your mouth."

  "Uh huh." She gave me shit but did it anyway.

  I worked her over with my fingers, then my mouth because I couldn't resist the taste of her.

  It seems she became a completely different person when I put my hands on her. All that fire in her tongue went straight to her pussy. She was sweet and wild and it drove me fucking crazy.

  If I wasn't careful she would soon be leading me around by my fucking dick.

  "Dammit." That's all I heard before she flooded my mouth, she pulled my hair so tight I wasn't sure if she was pulling me closer or trying to push me away. Whatever! I wasn't finished eating her.

  I kept my tongue inside her while I teased her clit with my fingers.

  "It's too much Shane."

  Her body was shaking as her nectar flowed onto my tongue.

  "Take it babe." I gave her a few more licks, nipped her clit, and then climbed up her body burying my cock to the root.

  I wasn't going to last too long, which seemed to be my usual plight where she was concerned.

  "Fuck Ari why is your pussy so fucking good, damn?"

  She was squeezing and pulling on me like nothing I've ever felt before.

  "Give me your mouth."

  She licked and bit my bottom lip before sucking my tongue into the vortex of her mouth.

  Now her eyes were doing that dreamy look thing they did whenever I fucked her, like the pleasure was too much and she was drifting on another plane.

  "Harder Shane..."

  "Get up."

  I pulled her up, her legs went around my hips, and mine were under her in a sitting position.

  This way I could look into her eyes as we moved together, it also drove me deeper into her core which made her arch her back, thrusting her beautiful tits in my face.

  "Hmmm." I tasted her soft flesh with my tongue.

  "I can't wait to give you my son."

  Ah, you liked that did you? Your mouth might say one thing but your body can't lie. She'd clenched around me at my words.

  I looked at her, really looked at her, in this position it was hard not to.

  My heart clenched. Fuck, fuck me, how did she do it?

  I didn't even realize I had stopped moving until she gave me this quizzical look and tried to get me to move.


  I could only shake my head as I started to move again. How could I tell her that in her eyes I saw forever? What kinda sappy ass fuckery was this; I was fucking falling for this girl.

  I reared up forcing her back onto the bed; her legs were caught high up on my back giving me more room to plow into her at will.

  I needed to pound out whatever the fuck this was that was clawing its way up my throat.

  "Fuck, shit, damn."

  She was going through her repertoire of swear words I guess as I thrust harder and faster, it was a race against the turmoil going on inside me. When I came I went blind, deaf, and dumb.

  She'd sucked my essence from me that time.

  Now we're dressed and ready to go. She's wearing one of my dress shirts tied at the waist with a pair of low rider jeans, she looks hot as fuck with her hair wild and all over the place.

  Her lips were red and swollen and she looked freshly fucked. I'd left a nice little hickey on the side of her throat; I don't think she noticed it yet. There will probably be hell to pay when she did.

  "Are they likely to be any of your friendly neighbors shooting at us this morning John Gotti?"

  She never stopped, and what the fuck was her fascination with the mob?

  "What's with you and the godfathers Mouth, you study this shit or what?"

  "I just find the criminal mind so compelling, not to mention batshit crazy."

  "Who you calling crazy?" I put her in a playful headlock.

  "If the cement shoe fits...."

  "Let's go eat."

  "Don't you need to call Fredo and Carmine?"

  "My guys are already here."

  "You never answered my question, will there be any disgruntled Capo de capos shooting us up, I don't think I can run in these shoes."

  She looked down at the stilts she had on her feet, fucking women.

  "Nothing for you to worry about, ever, that's my shit to deal with not yours."

  "Just so you know those imaginary sons of yours if they ever do exist are going to etiquette school."

  "You're not turning my sons into pussies."

  "Open the door douche bag."

  "I'm getting on it, give me a sec."

  I pulled out my phone to check in with my detail and hers, just because she was with me didn't mean she didn't still have Tommy on her ass, of course I had to talk in code so she wouldn't understand what I was saying to him.

  I hung up the phone and opened the door for the mouthy one.

  "That that dark haired guy that's been following me for about a week?"

  "What the fuck?"

  Chapter 2

  Prince of the City

  How the fuck had she made Tommy? Had he been carless or was she just that observant? I had to play this shit off or who knows what the fuck would come of it.

  "Who's following you crazy lady?"

  "The guy you were just talking to, I hope he doesn't sit in that car all day while I'm in class, you might as well pay me the money to look out for myself.

  "Whatever, we'll deal with your paranoia later; right now I just want to take my woman out to breakfast."

  "Uh huh, paranoid my ass, you tell Tessio if he's going to be tailing me he might as well give me a ride, I could save on gas, it would be good for the environment."

  "Would you quit it, damn; can we just go have breakfast like normal people?"

  "Listen John Roselli, only one of us is normal and it ain't you."

  "Plan on dumping me in a steel drum do ya?"

  "Don't forget the sawed off legs part, handsome Johnny."

  She had the nerve to laugh in my face, I didn't know what my life was gonna be like, half the time I didn't know whether to fuck her or strangle her.

  As I walked her through the door being sure to keep her on my inside away from harm, my phone rang.

  Mom callin


  "Good morning son, how are you this fine morning?"

  Oh shit, she was up to something, whenever she got this sugary sweet it always meant my ass was on the line for something.

  "I'm good, I'm about to take Arianna to breakfast."

  "Oh how sweet, actually that's why I'm calling, I want Ari here for Sunday dinner, if the girl is going to be part of the family we might as well throw her into the deep end of the pool right off, don't you think so sweetheart?"

  Well fuck me, I knew she would eventually have to come but not this soon, not only was I not ready to share her with anybody, not even my own mother, but too much exposure to the females in my family was not a food thing.


  "That's wonderful son, so we'll see you at your usual time, and could you please do something with your brother, he's gone strange all of a sudden."

  Oh fuck I forgot all about Mouth and Jimmy, how the hell can I get out of this shit? If I missed Sunday dinner ma would have a fit of astronomical proportions, I couldn't leave Mouth alone not with the Staccos still on the loose. They'd gone into hiding and it was taking me a minute to flush them out, not that I was worried, I wasn't the best in the business because of my looks, I got shit done when it needed doing.

  Now instead of doing my shit I have to deal with the women in my life, give me the Staccos and their fuckery please. I didn't mouth off to ma, just made noises in her ear that she wanted to hear and hung up the phone.

  "Afraid of your mother are you?"

  We had reached the car and of course those two fucks overheard her and started laughing, when did I lose my edge, when did people start disrespecting my manhood?

  I gave the two of them a glare, seated her next to me in the back with my hand thrown over her shoulders and kept my mouth shut. It was too early in the damn day for this shit.

  Breakfast was interesting as was to be expected, Mouth thought she was eating toast and coffee, I had other ideas, you can imagine how that went.

  "You need to eat, that's not enough food to feed a cat, bring her the steak and eggs, hash browns, and toast, you want pancakes Mouth......?"

  She was busy ignoring me; the poor waitress looked like she would rather be in Outer Mongolia right about now.

  "Oh, you finish trying to feed the free world, I can order now? Thank you, as I was saying ...what's your name, uh, Sandy, as I was saying, wheat toast with butter and coffee black."

  "Mouth swear to God, I will force feed you this shit, you're not going all day on toast and coffee, not on my watch, bring what I ordered please."

  Good at least the waitress still feared me, somebody around here was acting like they had some sense, the peanut gallery was fighting their laughter, elbowing each other on the sly.

  What happened to the hard asses that I've known all my life, she'd turned all of us into pansy asses. My glares were barely working these days.

  The food came and as you can imagine there was a standoff, I meant to win this war though , I never understood why women starved themselves like that, I would never have expected it of Mouth though, she just didn't seem the type, besides I'd seen her throwing down in my kitchen so that couldn't be it, and why in the hell did she keep looking around, she's doing it in a very circumspect way but I was attuned to her, it was almost as though she was casing the joint, what the fuck?

  "Eat Arianna, I got you covered."

  "What, what do you mean?"

  "It just occurred to me that although you didn't make a big deal out of being shot at it must still be a bit of a shock, and maybe you're expecting some shit to go down again whenever you're with me, I'm just letting you know that I have you covered, my guys are on the job so there's no need for you to worry."

  She fidgeted for a second, tried to pull it back in but I had seen her unease.

  "I'm fine, really, no worries."

  Uh huh that's why you just picked up your fork and started eating the food you just told me you refuse to eat. Yep she was scared that something would go down, I couldn't have that, if I wanted to take my woman out to eat she was supposed to be happy, relaxed, not looking around corners for the fucking boogeyman, the Staccos were so fucked.

  She talked me into letting her go to her place for some clothes after breakfast; since I wasn't born yesterday I went with her, we argued the whole way there.

  "Arianna just open the damn door so we can get this over with. I pushed her inside when she opened the door.

  Two things registered as soon as we entered, one I could smell men's cologne, and two there was someone here.

  I pushed her behind me just as I registered the older man with the gun. The fuck. I could draw and shoot in a second if needed but what if he hit her.

  What the fuck Shane, you're slipping.

  As I pulled my gun out and aimed Mouth came around beside me.

  "Uncle Alphonso put that gun away, this one's mine."

  "He's what?"

  "Mine, you know my one and only true love, all that bullshit you and dad used to feed me when I was little."

  "Principessa." He smiled wide and opened his arms.

  "What the fuck did you just call her?"

  Chapter 3

  "Ari Mia who is this yahoo?"

  "She isn't your anything old man, watch what the fuck you call my woman in front of me."

  Shane stepped towards him as if he was about to throw down.

  I placed myself between them, men were so pig headed, "Cool it Michael Corleone, no one's taking out the five families today."

  "You still doing that shit Ari MIA?" Shane pointed his gun at him again and I gave my uncle a glare, he was just provoking Shane on purpose now.

  "Put that thing down, it's fine I promise." He lowered his gun but kept his eyes on uncle Alphonso.

  "What shit?" He finally asked.

  "Quoting mobster flicks, how many files you got now by the way Principessa?"

  "All of them." I smirked at him; I'd pulled off something none of the others could in all the years they'd been trying. I had the files of every sitting head in America.

  "Damn, you are selling?"

  "I ain't no stinking snitch."

  "Whatever, what are you doing in this dump?"

  "This is a dump?" Shane looked confused.

  "Compared to her home it is."

  "Uncle Al, ssshh."

  "Oh no you don't Mouth, start talking."

  Oh shit, I wrung my hands together going for my innocent look, how to tell him, he's going to flip, I looked to uncle Alphonso.

  "You told me to sshh remember."

  I rolled my eyes at him, now he decides to listen to me, old blabber mouth; I wondered what game he was playing now.


  "Your what?"

  "Her father is Roberto Rossi, maybe you've heard of him in this bumfuck town."

  "The fuck?" He looked dazed, yeah; my dad had been the baddest of the bad.

  "Speaking of which Ari, I might have a surprise for you."

  "Ooh, I almost forgot, what did you bring me?"

  He inclined his head to the gift bag on the table. I ran over squealing like a school girl.

  "Are you two bent, Arianna get over here."

  "Keep your shorts on there little Nicky." I took the snow globe from its silk wrapping paper. "Ooh wait, I have this one."

  "No you don't."

  "I think I do."

  "No you don't, your dad and I have a scrap book of all the ones you have and that's not in it."

  "We'll see."

  "About that surprise....."

  "This wasn't it?"

  "If you two are finished with family hour there's a little matter I would like to discuss, like how the fuck my wife ends up being the daughter of one of the most notorious mob bosses to grace our great nation?"

  "You got married without us?" Uncle Al looked hurt.

  "No uncle, Shane here prides himself on being a forward thinker; he think
s he only has to say something to make it so."

  "So you're not marrying him?"

  "Yes the fuck she is, or I don't care who her father used to be, I will fuck everybody's shit up, now one of you start talking, preferably you Mouth, did you play me?"

  "What, of course not, why the hell would I do that?"

  "I don't know, why didn't you tell me who you are?"

  "What's it to ya?"

  "Mouth, swear to God."

  "Look, I don't have anything to do with that cops and robbers game you grown men like to play, I came here to get away from all that; I found some notes in day's office about this place and thought it was as good a place as any." I kept my fingers crossed where they couldn't see; lying is such a shit fuck thing to do. Damn I'm starting to sound like Shane.

  "So how did you find me Uncle Al?"

  "It wasn't easy let me tell you, I wasn't expecting to find you hooked up with the local head, seeing as how you're so averse to the family business and all." He had that gleam in his eye. He's been trying my whole life to turn me into a boy.

  "Don't even think about it, I'm not taking over that mess....."

  "What the fuck Mouth, you're the heir to the Chicago Cartel?"


  "Speaking of which Ari Mia, about that surprise......"

  "Hello baby girl."

  I spun around so fast I almost gave myself whiplash. No it couldn't be.


  "In the flesh baby girl." He opened his arms for a hug, big sappy grin on his face.

  "Shane give me your gun."

  "Now Arianna calm down, you don't want to shoot your old man again do you?"

  "Again?" Poor Shane was trying to keep up.

  "When I was three he left his gun on the table, I mistakenly shot him....... in the ass."

  The jerk started howling with laughter.

  "Whatever, dad, what the hell?"

  "Sorry." He gave me a sheepish look.

  "Sorry, sorry, you let me think you were dead all this time...?"

  "It wasn't that long bambina, besides I couldn't tell you what was going on, it had to look legit, if you knew I was alive then you wouldn't have grieved the right way and our enemies would've known something was up. By the way that was a nice turn out I had, you did me proud ......"


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