Book Read Free

On Wings of the Morning

Page 6

by Dan Verner

  Mama immediately noticed what had happened to his shirt when he came in the door. She didn’t miss much. “Otto, where is the rest of your shirt?” The look on her face meant it was unlikely that she would not believe any story he could make up, so Otto’s resolve to tell the truth was affirmed.

  “They cut it off after I soloed today, Mama! I soloed!”

  Maria looked puzzled. “You do this and they cut off your shirt? I do not understand…”

  “It’s a custom—a tradition among pilots. When you solo, they cut off the bottom of your shirt and then everyone signs it. See?” He held up the autographed shirttail for her to see.

  “Yes, I see, but I think it a very strange custom to cut up a perfectly good shirt that I worked for hours to sew for you.”

  “I’m sorry, Mama. I didn’t mean to spoil the shirt.”

  Maria sighed. “Well, I suppose you didn’t do it. But the next time you solo, wear an old shirt.”

  Otto thought of explaining that this only happened the first time you soloed but decided not to say any more and went to his room. There he laid the shirttail out on his bed and admired it. He could fly by himself now. He could hardly wait for Saturday to come when it would be time for him to fly again. Life was good.

  Chapter 9

  The End of High School—May, 1938

  Otto knocked nervously on the door of the biggest house in town. It belonged to Betty’s family, and he was here to practice dancing with her. He and Mata had practiced at home to the radio, but dancing with a pretty girl, even if she was your best friend, was different from dancing with your sister.

  Mata was a very good dancer. Otto didn’t know how she had learned—it just seemed to be something that girls knew how to do. He hadn’t paid much attention to what she was doing in her room, but gathered that she had taught herself how to dance. In fact, she seemed pleased when he asked her to teach him. “Of course, Otto! I’ll be glad to,” she had exclaimed. That was a month ago, and they had practiced almost every night. Their mother looked on smiling while Papa hid himself behind his German-language newspaper.

  So they practiced, although Mata had allowed that Otto would never be very good, but at least he wouldn’t cripple his partner by stepping all over her toes. He and Betty were going to the school prom at the end of May, and they had agreed to meet several times to practice dancing so they would be used to each other when the time came.

  A uniformed maid answered the door. “Yes?” she queried.

  “Hi, ‘mam, I’m Otto Kerchner, and I‘m here to see Betty.” He hadn’t expected a maid to open the door. This was really uptown.

  “Please come in, sir. Miss Ross is expecting you.” The maid turned and walked away in such a way that Otto knew he was expected to follow.

  Otto followed her past a large staircase, down a long hall and into a large room with floor-to-ceiling windows along one wall. The maid indicated with a gesture that he should sit on a sofa covered in a rich floral fabric. He took his seat as she glided silently out of the room.

  After a minute or so, Betty came into the room. She was wearing a yellow dress Otto had never seen before. Otto stood up, and she took both his hands in hers. “Otto! Thank you so much for coming! This is going to be fun!” She let go of his hands and twirled around once. “How do you like my dress? It’s for the prom! I’m so glad we’re going together!”

  Otto couldn’t speak for a few seconds. Finally he said, “It’s lovely, Betty. I’m glad we can practice before. That way we’ll dance better at the prom.”

  Betty smiled. “Well, let’s get going, then, shall we?” She took him by the hand and led him to an open area. She went over to a small record player and started a record. The strains of a big band orchestra filled the room. Otto recognized the song, “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.”

  Otto put his right hand on Betty’s waist and held her right hand in his left. They stood for a moment to sense the beat and then Otto pushed lightly on Betty’s waist. They moved around the room, a bit awkwardly at first, but then more smoothly as they became accustomed to each other. Betty pulled him closer. “It’s easier when you hold me close,” she said. Otto felt faint for a moment as they continued to glide around the room. The music continued,

  They said someday you'll find

  All who love are blind

  Oh, when your heart's on fire

  You must realize

  Smoke gets in your eyes.

  “You’ve done this before,” Betty smiled.

  “I’ve been practicing,” Otto admitted.

  They practiced for about half an hour. Betty said, “Let’s take a break and have something to eat.”

  “All right,” Otto said. She led him by the hand over to the sofa. A small bell was sitting on the coffee table. Betty picked it up and rang it. The maid Otto had seen earlier appeared at the door.

  “Sarah, we’ll have our refreshments now.”

  The maid nodded. “Yes, Miss Betty.” She left the room and came back in a few minutes with a tray laden with cookies and a carafe of coffee.

  “You like coffee, don’t you?”

  “I sure do,” said Otto. Sarah set the tray on the table and backed up.

  “Will there be anything else?”

  “No, Sarah, that’s all we need for this evening. Thank you.”

  Sarah curtsied and walked smoothly out of the room.

  “So, Otto, what do you plan to do after graduation?”

  “Continue to work on the farm, I suppose. Mata thinks I should take some courses at the Ag school, but I don’t want that to interfere with my work at the airport.”

  “Will you take me up some time?”

  “I’d be glad to, Betty. I’ll have more time to do that after we graduate.”

  “Sure. It’s a date, then.”

  “What are you going to do, Betty?”

  “Well, my father says I can work as a teller in his bank. But I have to be twice as good as anyone else since I’m the boss’s daughter.” She laughed. “There’s something I need to ask you.”

  “Sure. Go ahead.”

  “Would you mind if we drove my car to the prom? You’re planning to drive your father’s pickup, right?”

  “Yes, I was.”

  “Well, that’s fine, but I think my convertible would allow us to make a grander entrance. My father said you could drive it.”

  “Gee, that’d be swell, Betty, but I wouldn’t want to take a chance of wrecking your car. It’s OK if you drive.”

  “If you’d like.”

  “I would like.”

  They finished their snack and practiced dancing some more. About eleven, Otto said, “I’m going to have to be going, Betty. I have to be at the airport early on Saturdays.”

  “Certainly. Thank you for a nice evening. You’re a good dancer.”

  “So are you. Thank you for having me over.”

  She walked him to the door. He stuck out his hand. “Well, good night, Betty.”

  She looked startled for a moment, then took his hand and shook it. “Good night, Otto.”


  They practiced their dancing a couple more times before the prom, and then the big night arrived. Otto dressed up in his Sunday suit. Mata was practically dancing with delight, waving her Brownie camera around. Otto posed for pictures in the living room. Maria looked at him with tears in her eyes. “You are so handsome, Otto.”

  Hans held his paper in front of his face. He had told Otto that he regarded dances as frivolities that he would have no part of.

  Mata took picture after picture. Finally Otto waved her off. “I’ve got spots in front of my eyes, Mata. I won’t be able to see to drive.”

  “It’s just so exciting!” she exclaimed. “You must tell me all about it!”

  “I’d better be going.”

  “Have a wonderful time,” Maria told him.

  “I’ll be late,” he said as he went out the door.

  He set the throttle and spark on the old pickup and pu
lled the choke wire, turning the crank through a full revolution. The engine caught, and he jumped into the seat.

  He drove quickly to Betty’s house, nervously thinking ahead to the dance. Would he be able to think of anything to talk about? Would he say the right things? The wrong things? C’mon, Kerchner, you’ve known Betty as long as you’ve been in school. Just act normal.

  He pulled into the circular driveway and parked off to the side as Betty had told him to. He went to the front door and was greeted by the same maid. “Come in, Mr. Kerchner,” she told him. “Miss Ross is expecting you.”

  She ushered Otto in to the living room and indicated he should take a seat. Otto sat expectantly on the edge of the couch, waiting for Betty to come into the room.

  After a few minutes, she came down the stairs, wearing a green dress that matched the color of her car. Otto felt as if he couldn’t breathe as he stood up. Betty twirled around. “Do you like my dress, Otto? I decided not to wear the yellow one. I had it specially made to match the color of my car.”

  Otto gulped once. Betty was transformed. She had her hair piled on her head in the latest style worn by movie stars and she smiled radiantly. “You look swell, Betty. Everyone will be looking at you at the dance.”

  Betty laughed and took his hand. “We’re going to take some pictures first. I hope you don’t mind.” She led him into another large room which had floor-to-ceiling windows. Betty’s mother and father were waiting there. Her father shook Otto’s hand. He was holding a large complicated-looking camera like the ones the press used. “Good evening, Otto. It’s time for pictures!”

  Betty’s mother smiled at him and Otto bowed to her slightly. “Good evening Mrs. Ross, Mr. Ross.” Her mother looked like an older version of Betty, which only made sense, Otto thought.

  They stood in front of a fireplace on a back wall. “Move in closer,” Mr. Ross directed. “I don’t think you’ll bite each other.” They moved in closer; Otto put his arm around Betty’s shoulder and Betty put her arm around his waist. He felt faint.

  The flash on the camera went off what seemed like dozens of times. Otto had blue patches in his vision from the bright light. Finally Mr. Ross waved at them. “I got some good shots. Now you two kids run along and have a good time.”

  Betty went over and kissed her father and mother on the cheek. She came back to Otto and said, “Let’s go, shall we?” and offered him her arm.

  Otto took it and they went out the main hall. The maid he had seen earlier stood along with a man who was evidently a butler. They wished them well as they walked by. “Good night, Sarah; good night, James; don’t wait up for us!” Betty laughed again.

  They went over to Betty’s convertible. “I’ve left the top up so it won’t mess up my hair, but I’ll stop when we get close to the school and you can put it down. That way we can make a grand entrance.”

  “That would be great, Betty,” Otto said. He opened the driver’s door and Betty slid into place. She started the car as Otto went around and climbed in the passenger seat. They pulled down the long driveway and turned onto the main road which led to the school. It wasn’t far, and as the moon hung low on the horizon, Otto looked over at Betty and thought how pretty she was. Soon school would be over and they wouldn’t see each other every day. He would have to think of a way to see her as much as he could. Maybe he could visit the bank where she would be working as much as he could.

  They drove through town and Betty started to turn in at the high school. She had told Otto she had been at the school all day, decorating the gym for the dance. The theme was “Once Upon a Dream,” and the decorations featured white clouds and ideal landscapes. Betty pulled over before she got to the parking lot. “We can put the top down here. Would you get out and do that? Just undo these two latches and pull up and back. It folds into the little compartment you see and then the cover snaps over it.”

  Otto jumped out and folded the top back and secured it. He climbed back into his seat and looked at Betty. “Ready?” she smiled at him.

  “I’m ready,” he said.

  “Let’s do it, then,” and she moved the car toward the parking lot.

  A number of couples were gathered around the entrance to the gym to watch others come in. Betty caused quite a stir when she swept up to the curb in the green Packard with her gold hair shining. Otto felt proud to be sitting beside her.

  She stopped the car and Otto jumped out to come around and open her door. She eased out gracefully, curtseying to him. “Thank you, kind sir,” she murmured.

  “Think nothing of it, ma’am,” Otto returned, and they both laughed. He offered his arm and they went in to the prom.

  The dance was well underway, awash with couples. Betty took Otto by the hand and led him to the dance floor. The small orchestra the senior class had hired from Madison swung into “In the Mood,” and Betty and Otto were soon moving to the rhythms of the song. The band next moved into “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.” They moved close together and glided around the floor. Otto was glad they had practiced. He sang along with the lyrics,

  They said some day you'll find

  All who love are blind

  When your heart’s on fire, you must realize

  Smoke gets in your eyes.

  Betty laughed quietly at the end of the verse. Otto looked at her. “What’s so funny?”


  “Me?” He smiled at her and she smiled back.

  “Yes, dear Otto, I have to say that you dance better than you sing.”

  Otto knew it was true so he didn’t object. “All right, then, no more singing.”

  They danced on through the evening until it came time for the last tune. The band played “The Party’s Over,” which the female vocalist sang, and then the chaperones turned up the lights. The prom was over. Couples made their way to the doors and spilled in the parking lot. They got into their cars and most drove off. Otto and Betty sat in the Packard for a moment.

  “I don’t want to go home, Otto,” she said. “Let’s go someplace.”

  “That’s a swell idea, Betty. Where would you like to go?”

  She chewed her lip for an instant. “How about Spencer’s?” That was the all-night diner that the kids liked to frequent. They knew they would know plenty of people there.

  “Good idea,” Otto said. “Let’s go.”

  Betty started the engine, put the car into gear and they were off. Spencer’s was at the other end of the main street through town and they followed what seemed to be a parade of cars headed in the same direction.

  Spencer’s lot was filled with cars and young people from the prom standing and talking with each other. Some of them were making their way into the diner, which seemed to be almost filled to capacity. Betty seemed to greet everyone in the parking lot. They finally pushed through the door to the diner and found a couple of places at a corner table. It looked like Spencer’s had put on extra waitresses in anticipation of the after-prom crush.

  One came over to them. “Hi, Betty; hi, Otto. What can I get you to drink?”

  “I’d like a Coke,” Betty said. Otto echoed her.

  When the waitress had turned to go, Betty looked right at Otto. “So, we’re going to have some changes in our lives. I’ll be working at the bank and you’ll be farming and flying.”

  “I really don’t want to be a farmer, but until something better comes along, I need to help out.”

  “It’s the same way with me, but I’ll have fun getting to see people I know all day. I hope we can see each other.”

  “I come into the bank from time to time—“

  “No, I meant outside the bank. Like this. You know.”

  “Gee, I’d like that, Betty.” The waitress brought their Cokes.

  “What would you like to eat?”

  “I’ll have the tuna salad on rye,” Betty told her, closing her menu.

  “And I’d like a cheeseburger,” Otto said.

  “You got it,” said the waitress, taking their menu

  Remember, I want you to take me flying. Could you do that?”

  “Well, sure. I don’t have that many hours…”

  “I just know you’re a good pilot and I’d love to see what it’s like to soar like the birds.”

  “It’s pretty amazing. Let’s do that. I’ll let you know a good time.”

  “That would be great, Otto. Thank you.”

  They ate their food in silence and then climbed into Betty’s car and rolled back through town to her house. The lights were still on. “Mom and Dad are still up. Would you like to come in?”

  “I’d better get going. Cows don’t go to prom so they’ll be up at the usual time. Thanks for going with me this evening.”

  “It was wonderful,” Betty told him as they got out of the Packard. Otto walked with her to her door. He stuck out his hand.

  “Well, good night,” he said.

  “Oh, Otto,” Betty exclaimed, stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the lips. Otto stood there for a moment.

  “Thank you, Betty.” She laughed, squeezed his arm and slipped in the door. Otto stood there for a moment, remembering the touch of her lips on his. What did that mean? Probably nothing. Just gratitude. He went over to the pickup, started it and drove back through town. The moon shone on newly planted fields, and Otto found himself singing over the noise of the engine.

  Blue moon, you left me standing alone

  Without a dream in my heart

  Without a love of my own…

  This was going to be a good summer indeed.

  Chapter 10

  Good Fences Make Good Neighbors—July, 1938

  “Otto! Kommen Sie! Ve are going to inspect the fence.”

  Otto sighed and turned over in his bed from the book he was reading about a new bomber the Army had developed. It had four engines and was made by Boeing. The article called it the Flying Fortress because it was so heavily armed. Wouldn’t he love to fly one of those one day? But he would probably never have the chance. He rose heavily from his bed and went into the kitchen. Papa was drinking the last of his coffee.


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