Santiago, Lara - Range War Bride [Tasty Treats 11] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

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Santiago, Lara - Range War Bride [Tasty Treats 11] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) Page 4

by Неизвестный

  “Very funny.” But she gave the machine a caustic look and backed away two more steps and out of Alex’s arms as if to ensure it couldn’t get her.

  Alex grabbed her elbow and guided her out of the barn as Rafe followed close behind with an amused smile on his face. Reliable or not, he’d heard rumors that it sometimes worked on other animals besides cows, including humans. He’d have to ask his brother later if the machine registered her as “ripe” for impregnation or not. He’d love to get her pregnant this first week.

  Once they were back where they started in the parlor outside the bedrooms, Alex moved in close, pinning her with his most serious gaze. “Where were you headed once you’d gone backwards through your bedroom window?”

  Her chin hitched up a notch. “Out.”

  He remained quiet for a slow count of ten as if expecting her to launch into a long explanation of why she was leaving. She obviously wasn’t going to oblige him.

  Alex kept his stare fixed on her face. “Next time use the door.”

  Her arms crossed in front of her as if to ward him away. “Maybe I didn’t want you to see me go.” She looked him in the eye, but the defiance was all gone. She seemed a little scared and not at all like the sultry siren who’d practically kissed his lips off earlier.

  Alex was deflated. She’d been so responsive when he caught her outside the window. He wanted to go back to that moment before they’d been interrupted. He wanted to kiss her again.

  He leaned forward, ignoring the barrier of her crossed arms. “Do me a favor and just tell me to my face you don’t want me rather than risk breaking your neck shimmying out a window backwards. We haven’t done anything we can’t take back yet.” But his heart hurt at the mere thought of losing her.

  Her eyes widened slightly. If anything, she looked more sexy than ever.

  She whispered, “But that would be a big fat lie.”

  A slim hope rose in his heart. “Why?”

  “I definitely want you. I just have other things I need to be doing.”

  * * * *

  Rafe watched his brother and Brianna with interest. “What about me? Do you want me? Or am I the real reason you tried to escape?”

  Her gaze shifted to him. She sighed as if resigned. “No. I want you, too. But I still don’t want to get married right now.”

  “Why not?”

  Her gaze lifted to the ceiling for a moment. “Do you even understand what it’s like for a woman in today’s society? I feel like a brood mare. You only want me if I can produce a child anyway. You don’t care what I like or don’t like or anything as long as my pussy is serviceable and my womb will carry your next heir.”

  Rafe stepped closer. “That is not true. At least give us a chance to show you what being with us would entail before jumping to conclusions.”

  “Will there be whips and chains available for our sexual adventures?”

  Rafe exchanged a puzzled glance with his brother and said, “Not unless you want them.”

  “Well, I don’t. And I don’t want my only vocation in life to be impregnation. As a matter of fact, I wanted to be different. I wanted an education. I wanted to do something besides spread my legs for two men and their ultimate landholding legacy ambitions.”

  “You can do all of those things. But given our experience, we’ll ask that you obtain your education once a baby is on the way and the keeping ceremony is complete.”

  Rafe moved closer. Alex stepped away to allow him full access. “We have a very progressive attitude toward women. You are welcome to participate in the running of this ranch if you’re interested. All we ask is that you provide heirs so that our land is protected. These two tasks are not mutually exclusive.”

  She expelled a long sigh and shook her head. “Why me? I’m almost twenty-nine years old. Ancient by ‘review’ standards these days.”

  Rafe grinned. “Well, Alex and I prefer a more seasoned woman. Besides, you don’t look that old.” He moved closer yet. He wanted to taste her lips. Wanted to lick his way inside her mouth and not stop his seduction until they were both spent, satisfied and breathing hard. Then he wanted to do it again.

  The kiss was unavoidable. And he’d wanted to do it since he’d seen Alex kissing her before they went to the barn. She didn’t put up any protest when he pushed his mouth to her soft lips and nibbled the bottom one. He twisted his face to allow a deeper access. She didn’t hesitate. Instead, she slid her arms around his neck and pulled her breasts into his chest.

  The delectable feel of her soft curvaceous body willingly pressed to his put him in a different frame of mind. His cock pulsed to attention, ready to go. He slipped his hands to her lower back and massaged the muscles on either side of her spine. She moaned into his mouth and pushed her hips forward. Rafe thought he might die of happiness right there in her arms.

  He caught Alex’s movement out of the corner of his eye. His brother moved in behind Brianna and kissed the back of her neck. She moaned again, and Rafe didn’t know if he could last much longer. His desire raged out of control for this woman. She was perfect, and he intended to show her how they would love her.

  He wrenched his lips from her mouth. No small feat. “Let’s move into the bedroom. We can show you an example what your new life with us would entail.” Then he latched his lips to hers again, unwilling to stop kissing just for conversation.

  She kissed him back for several long moments, before pulling away slightly. Her glazed-over expression softened his soul. A timid smiled shaped her lips. “Okay. Show me what life would be like with the two of you.”

  Before she changed her mind, Rafe grabbed her hand and led her into the large space. They both started pulling clothes off as they made their way across the room to the bed. First his shirt hit the floor, then Alex’s followed. Rafe pulled off his cowboy boots and finally they both helped her slowly remove both her shirt and jeans.

  Rafe eyed her perfect body as Alex unhooked her bra. Her breasts spilled out in lush invitation. Alex cupped them each and pinched her nipples as Rafe leaned forward and kissed her mouth again.

  She paused, and her uncertain expression made him ask, “What?”

  “Are you both staying for this round?”

  Alex kissed her neck and answered at the same time Rafe did with, “Of course.”

  Chapter Four

  Brianna trembled in the arms of these two delicious cowboys, wondering if she was about to wake up and find out this had all been a fear-induced dream. Had she really run from Cody and his lecherous cousin, Simon?

  Would she have crashed her horse into the fence separating the two properties if they hadn’t let her in? She couldn’t honestly answer. Finding out from a house maid that the northern perimeter fence bordering Cody’s land was patrolled each and every day at a certain time by Drakestone ranch hands had been valuable information. She assumed rightly that they’d have the means to open the fence. What she hadn’t anticipated was that the Drakestone brothers would patrol their own land on occasion.

  Fate had thrown her a wicked surprise.

  Rafe kissed a tingling path from her lips to her throat. Alex pressed up against her from behind. His cock dug into her ass, and she honestly hadn’t ever felt so sexy in all her life. She wanted him. She wanted Rafe. She wanted to have sex with both of them. And hadn’t ever been tempted by even one man before now.

  There had been attractive men in and out of her life certainly, but none that made her blood pound in her veins. None that had ever gotten her to disrobe and none that had ever made her want to share her body with two men, especially at the same time.

  Rafe lowered his head and kissed her throat as Alex continued his languorously decadent kisses across the back of her neck. He stopped pinching her nipples, and she didn’t know why until Rafe kissed a path to one and sucked the tip into his mouth. The suction pushed an electric pulse of desire to her pussy.

  If their intent was to get her in the mood, she was already there. Rafe released one nipple and su
cked the other between his lips. The sensation sent a desperate longing to the center of her body. Her pussy was wetter than she’d ever felt it and threatened to spill juice down her legs.

  Rafe released her nipple and kissed his way to her belly. He slid to his knees, and when his face pushed into the curls at her apex, she sagged against Alex. She didn’t think her legs would support her if Rafe put his tongue on her clit.

  Alex slipped an arm around her waist to steady her on her feet. Rafe pulled her legs apart and licked her clit, and a groan escaped her throat before she could stop it. She glanced down at his dark head buried between her thighs and a shudder ran down her body.

  The sensation of his tongue on her clit was vibrantly thrilling. He was very good.

  From behind her, Alex shifted to her side and whispered, “Turn your head. Kiss me.”

  Alex made love to her lips with tender attention as Rafe brought her to the brink of orgasm with his tongue. Her legs wobbled with longing as a spiral of desire coiled deep in her womb.

  Rafe’s fingers dug into her ass as he pushed his face deeper into her curls, licking her clit with a steady rhythm. Her pussy clenched as if searching for a cock, and more juice was released. He moaned, and the sensation of vibration between her legs almost made her release.

  Was she supposed to come? Weren’t they supposed to stop before she ever hinted at climaxing to stick a cock inside of her and propagate the planet? Apparently not, because neither of them seemed in a hurry to fuck her. She relaxed a notch as she remembered that they were showing her what life would be like with them. They were on their best behavior.

  Alex’s tongue tangled with hers in a frenzied kiss. He pinched her nipple which sent another spiral of pleasure to her core. She wasn’t going to last much longer.

  Rafe’s fingers shifted below. While his tongue never stopped the enticing, indescribably delicious torture of licking her clit, he slid two of his fingers deeply into her pussy. And that was all it took for her to come. A bolt of pleasure rocked her core and spread her warm and tingling release outward. She broke the kiss with Alex to shriek as waves of delight rippled across her body with a force that had her writhing against Alex. His steady hold on her kept her from slithering to the floor in a sated heap.

  “Whatever you just did to me should be bottled and sold. You’d make millions.”

  Alex laughed and kissed her cheek. “It’s called an orgasm. Do you like it? Because we can do it again and again if you like it.”

  “I love it. But what about you two?” Brianna’s eyes popped open. She stared at Alex. She kept waiting for them to throw her to the bed, whip out their mighty cocks, and take turns fucking her, but they didn’t seem in any hurry for their own gratification.

  “We have plenty of time for us.”

  Rafe’s fingers slid from her pussy. He stood and licked them clean. “Tasty.”

  “I’d think you at least want to attempt to get me pregnant.” The words came out of her mouth before the futility of it registered. She closed her eyes for a moment, hating herself for what she’d done.

  “If you’re anxious, I’ll certainly oblige you.” Rafe proceeded to remove his jeans. A lock of silky dark hair fell onto his forehead as he bent to his task. The well-worn jeans slid down his long, muscular legs, and when he straightened, his wide, stiff cock stood at proud attention. Her gaze followed upward to his six-pack abs sculpted as if from marble and then to his perfect chest. She then looked up at his dimpled grin and light blue eyes. He was perfect.

  She wanted his cock pushed deeply inside her body. As soon as possible.

  Alex released her and also shucked his jeans off quickly after pulling first one boot off and then the other kicking the pile of clothing aside.

  “So do we continue?” Alex asked as he approached.

  “Why wouldn’t we?”

  “The choice is yours. We will finalize the arrangement with you when we verify we can get you pregnant. We’ll be able to tell within a few days if you are. At that time we can continue with the keeping ceremony.”

  “What if I can’t get pregnant? Or what if it takes me a long time?”

  “There are tests that can determine your overall fertility.”

  “I’ve had those tests.”


  “And as far as any doctor has told me, I’m good to go.”

  “That you are, honey.” Rafe licked his lips. “The very best I’ve ever tasted.”

  Brianna’s head was swimming is post-orgasmic bliss. She desperately wanted to know what it felt like to have sex. A part of her heart knew these men were damn near perfect, and she couldn’t seem to form the words, “I shouldn’t do this.” So she nodded.

  “I do want to continue. What happens next?”

  Alex took her into his arms and kissed her hard on the mouth. His cock dug into her belly. Just as quickly, he released her and spun her to face Rafe. Alex’s hands bracketed her waist, and he buried his face into the back of her neck.

  Rafe smiled. “Will you kiss me?” Knowing his mouth had just been licking her pussy made the idea of kissing him that much naughtier. She nodded again and added a smile.

  He took her face into his hands with gentle care and brushed the barest of kisses across her lips. One of Alex’s hands dropped between her legs and his fingers grazed her sensitive clit just as Rafe slid his tongue into her mouth. The musky flavor of her own juices assaulted her taste buds and revved up her libido in seconds at the same time her clit sparked with pleasure. She grabbed Rafe’s cock in one hand and squeezed. He growled when her thumb slid across the head of his cock, spreading the drop of pre-cum over the head of his dick.

  Brianna had a wicked thought enter her mind, courtesy of a sex video disc she’d watched long ago. She pushed Rafe back, breaking their carnal kiss. His eyebrows furrowed. “I’d like to reciprocate.” She turned her head and caught Alex’s gaze. “And you can fuck me from behind as I suck on his cock, if that gets you off.”

  Never in her life had she said such bold words. She’d seen her fair share of sex in movies over the years. At least enough to bluff her way through this first time. They were both so big, they likely wouldn’t notice her lack of experience anyway. She certainly didn’t intend to say the words, “I’m a virgin, so take care.”

  Rafe stumbled backwards and sat on the edge of the large bed. Brianna placed her hands on his thighs and dipped her head into his lap, taking his wide cock into her mouth. Rafe’s hand speared through the strands of her hair, guiding her gently as she sucked his dick all the way to the back of her throat. Rafe’s groaning encouragement from above came out as a murmur as she sucked his cock in and out of her mouth. She grasped the base and squeezed as she found a steady rhythm.

  Behind her, Alex moved in close. His thighs brushed against her legs, and his cock slid easily between her parted legs. Her pussy gushed as he found and fingered her clit. The head of his cock soon edged between her pussy lips, sliding easily inside with all the creamy moisture available to ease the way. He didn’t move any deeper, but instead stroked her clit with his finger.

  The sensation of his cock widening the entrance of her pussy as he pleasured her combined with the huge cock in her mouth made for a seductive experience. Brianna was so turned on, it only took a few strokes of Alex’s fingertips against her clit before she climaxed again.

  The moment she screamed in bliss, she pulled her mouth from Rafe’s cock. Meanwhile, Alex shoved his cock the rest of the way inside her body. Spasms still rocked her pussy with such orgasmic delight that she didn’t notice any pain from his entry. He stretched her, filled her, and the very feel of his cock wedged in her pussy made her womb tighten in pleasure. This experience was exactly what she’d always wished for and never expected.

  Brianna took Rafe’s cock back into her mouth as Alex pulled out half way and slammed inside her pussy again. The feeling was indescribably pleasurable. The walls of her pussy pulsed from the second climax.

  Rafe groaned
and pulled her head off his lap. “Don’t want to come in your mouth,” he whispered. His eyes slammed shut as if he were trying to get hold of himself.

  “Why not?” Brianna put her mouth back on Rafe’s cock. He started to protest, but she did her best to swallow him whole. The hiss of pleasure from his lips galvanized her to suck even harder. She wanted him to come. Wanted to make him happy. Wanted to be a part of this threesome more than anything she’d ever wanted in her life. And this was a huge surprise. She had never wanted to so much as share her body with another man until now.

  Alex stroked into her pussy from behind harder and deeper with each thrust. He grasped her hips and pierced her deeply before a guttural sound erupted from his throat.

  Rafe tried once more to remove her head from his lap, but she wanted him to be satisfied. She tightened her grip at the base of his cock and sucked just a little harder. Her tongue wrapped around the end of his dick, and after a second or two, Rafe groaned in what sounded like pleasure as a salty blast of cum gushed down her throat.

  Waves of satisfaction burned down Brianna’s body. She never expected her first experience to be this good. She’d never expected to enjoy sex with one man let alone two men. She never wanted to leave this bed, but reality intruded. There was someplace she needed to be.

  Once she satisfied them and gained their trust, she’d be gone. Perhaps they wouldn’t hate her when they found out why.

  Chapter Five

  Alex grabbed Brianna around the waist and lifted her off of Rafe’s very satisfied body. The fact that she’d swallowed after being given the option not to raised her even further in his mind. Her pussy was so tight, Alex wanted to ask her if she used to be a virgin, but didn’t want to find out the truth of that just yet.

  Cody Welter was a bastard in many respects, but he didn’t think Brianna had slept with him willingly or not. Perhaps that was why she’d run. She didn’t want to learn the facts firsthand regarding Cody’s bedroom thrills.


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