Santiago, Lara - Range War Bride [Tasty Treats 11] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

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Santiago, Lara - Range War Bride [Tasty Treats 11] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) Page 5

by Неизвестный

  There were rumors of his ill treatment of women over the last several years. His cousin Simon was said to be even more sadistic in the sack.

  Alex and Rafe had obviously slept with barren women on occasion, but not recently and never abusively. Those women without the ability to bear children, and who could afford it, went to school and on to careers they enjoyed. The less fortunate found work in upscale brothels. Lots of those had sprung up after the cure to the virus made most women infertile.

  He didn’t like many aspects of the way the world worked, but finding Brianna after nearly giving up on any such soft notions reinvigorated his spirit.

  After seeing Desperado’s foal wobbling around the barn stall, he’d been stunned at the sudden thought he suddenly wanted a child of his own, too. Girl or boy didn’t matter. He’d train them to love the ranch or love the business of ranching or, hell, he’d let them do anything their little hearts desired. As long as their mother was Brianna. Now to convince her to stay permanently and not guard the windows for her perpetual escape each and every day. And most pertinent for the near future was keeping her as far away from Cody Welter as humanly possible.

  “Ready to take a shower?” Alex pulled her into his arms and kissed her lips.


  “I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.”

  The sound of her low, sultry laughter filled the room. “Of that I have absolutely no doubt.”

  “Is this an exclusive shower experience or can anyone join in?” Rafe asked from his reclined position on the bed.

  Alex pretended to resist. He rolled his eyes but said, “I suppose everyone is invited.”

  “Good, I was going to crash the party if you said no.”

  “I figured.” Alex led a naked and lovely Brianna into the large bathroom attached to her bedroom. The majority of the room was whitewashed, but the floors were tiled in varying warm earth tones and accents of rose, gray and black made up the rest of the colors in the room.

  “This bathroom is beautiful.” Brianna sent her gaze all around the generous space. “I’ve never lived in such a nice place before.”

  “We hope you’ll think of it as your home.”

  Her expression became slightly wistful before she turned her back and Alex could no longer see her face. “I hope so, too,” she whispered from across the room.

  Alex wanted to question her and discover why she’d tried to escape, but he didn’t want to pressure her unduly. He started to follow Rafe and Brianna into the large shower stall, but thought of something he wanted to check out. “Hey, I just remembered a phone call I need to make. Someone distracted me from it earlier.” He sent a pointed gaze to Brianna the moment she turned around. Her shy smile nearly undid him.

  “You two go ahead and get started and I’ll be right back.” He slid only his jeans and boxers back on, walked barefoot and shirtless through the house to his office hoping not to see anyone. Once safely ensconced in his private space, he picked up the earpiece for his personal phone line and dialed a familiar number.

  “Hey, Matt, it’s Alex. Could you do me a favor? I need to have you run a thorough personal background check on someone. And I need it as soon as possible.”

  Alex heard paper shuffling through the line. His lawyer said, “No problem. Who am I checking out and how detailed do you need the report to be?”

  “Her name is Brianna Lancaster. I want to know absolutely everything about her from the moment she was born to what she ate for breakfast this morning. No detail is too small.”

  * * * *

  Rafe rubbed a bar of rose scented between his fingers to lather suds all over Brianna’s perfect body. His hands skimmed from her collarbone to her lush breasts and down to her thighs. Then he worked his way back up again. She didn’t say a word, but her expression was blissful.

  “Turn around, let me scrub your back,” he murmured.

  She spun slowly and braced her forearms against the shower’s tiled wall. He moved closer and pressed his hips into her lower half. His cock, already granite hard again, rested along one cheek of her perfect ass. The visual of taking her from behind, as hot water blasted his shoulders, skated across his conscience.

  The moment he pressed his fingers into the muscles along her spine, she moaned. Nudging her with his dick, he asked, “Care if I massage the inside of your body with my cock as I as I rub your back?”

  Her laughter echoed across the small enclosed space. “Go right ahead.”

  Rafe buried his face against her neck and nibbled the cord of muscle along her shoulder to the top of her arm and back again. He brushed her sodden hair away from one side of her face and kissed her cheek. “Turn around,” he whispered.

  A smile caressed her lips as she twisted in his arms. Once facing him she rested her arms on his shoulders and lifted one knee to wrap around his hip and opening herself to his not-so-subtle intentions.

  Rafe leaned in and kissed her damp lips. Her tongue graced his lower lip as his cock throbbed in delight. He slid his hands around her lower back at the waist and pushed his fingertips into the muscles along her spine. A small moan escaped her throat. She pushed her hips forward. At the same time he centered his cock between her pussy lips seeking to bury himself to the hilt within the heat of her body. The tandem move put his cock an inch inside her pussy.

  He broke the kiss and pushed out a reverent sigh. “You’re intensely tight, honey.”

  “All the better to grip your hard cock as you move inside me.”

  A laugh bubbled up from his chest. He’d never been this comfortable so quickly with a woman before. She was truly exceptional.

  Rafe kissed her again. He thrust his cock all the way inside and listened to her quick intake of breath. Lord almighty, she had a vice-like grip on his dick. He pulled out halfway and stroked inside once more. Seriously fucking tight nirvana awaited him within her depths.

  His fingers danced up and down the length of her back as he found a comfortable rhythm pushing his cock in and out of her delightfully unyielding pussy.

  After the amazing blow job Brianna had gifted him with earlier, Rafe didn’t expect to be on the edge of losing control of his passion quite so fast. Each stroke inside her body was taut, slick, pure delicious sensation. He trailed kisses along her jaw on a path to her ear and nibbled her lobe. She moved her hips so that each thrust was more vividly felt and tightened her arms around his neck. Her breasts were smashed against his chest in a most delectable way. His cock pulsed a warning that he was about to come. He slid his hands to her hips. He gripped her tight, thrusting deeper and deeper into her divine heat. His balls tightened with the need to release, but before he did, she tensed in his arms and cried out.

  Her unexpected climax took him completely off guard. The sudden grip of her already tight pussy clenching his cock pulled the amazing orgasm from him as if he were tethered to her with a rope.

  “Jesus,” he cried out, and climaxed like he’d gone without sexual relief for a year.

  “I can’t believe I came again,” she whispered. He barely heard her over the roaring in his ears and the tremors vibrating his thighs. Steamy water still beat down on his back and shoulders as he endeavored to stay on his feet after the best sex he’d ever had. As his still semi-rigid cock slid from her body, the door to the shower opened and Alex peeked a head inside. “You really didn’t wait for me at all, did you?”

  “Nope. Not even a little bit.”

  Alex’s grin said he didn’t care one whit.

  “Everything okay with your call?” Rafe asked trying to get his brain working again.

  “Yep. Just fine.” Alex moved behind Brianna until they had her sandwiched between them. She leaned her head back on Alex’s shoulder as Rafe pulled away still attempting to keep his legs from collapsing beneath him. He turned toward the shower’s invigorating spray and rinsed his body off as Alex and Brianna started kissing.

  Before the three of them exited the shower, Rafe watched his brother reenact a
seductively sexy repeat performance of the exact thing he’d just done. He smiled when he saw Alex’s thighs tremble soon after he growled his climax.

  * * * *

  “Brianna is where?” Cody Welter, enraged beyond reason, stared at the palomino he’d given Brianna last week as it exited from a pricey Drakestone horse trailer.

  “Um…well as near as I can figure, she’s somewhere at the Drakestone ranch.” His lead guard, Dusty, shuffled his feet back and forth. The red hue in his cheeks matched that of his bandana. Cody only barely resisted the urge to tighten the cloth around Dusty’s neck until he choked.

  One of his stable hands led Brianna’s horse into the barn and its assigned stall. Cody ground his molars in fury. As soon as that bitch was back in his custody, she’d be punished. Brianna would find out very quickly that she shouldn’t have run from him.

  In a supreme effort not to show his rage, he asked, “How did you manage to lose her?”

  “Well, boss, she took off on the palomino, and we couldn’t catch her. That’s one fast piece of horseflesh. Anyhow, she was headed straight for Drakestone’s electrified fence. Looked like she was about to crash headlong into the barrier. Kind of foolish if you ask me—”

  “Why is she gone?” he shouted. He stepped toe to toe with Brianna’s lead guard. “And how in the fucking hell did she end up with Drakestone?”

  Dusty flushed nearly purple and started talking faster. “Turns out, Alex Drakestone was patrolling his northern property, and he opened the fence and let her through so she wouldn’t crash. Anyhow, I didn’t want to start a range war by going across the fence line, and Drakestone wouldn’t send her back across, even though I threatened him. He said she asked for asylum and that you’d have to bring the law to get her back.”

  The idiots Cody had guarding her while he and Simon went to take care of some very lucrative business were about to find out his views on failure, the hard way.

  “I’m going with you to fetch her back here.” Simon approached from the house to stand behind him as the ranch hands from Drakestone drove away.

  “Whatever. We’ll have to contact the authorities.”


  “That bitch declared asylum once she crossed onto their land, can you believe it?”

  Simon shrugged. “We knew enforcing her bride contract wouldn’t be easy.”

  “True. But I didn’t expect to have to wrestle her off of Drakestone’s property first. She’s going to pay dearly for this little stunt.”

  “Shouldn’t be difficult to get her back. We just need to speak to her privately for two minutes. Once she understands the significance of the tape we have, she’ll beg us to take her back.”

  “Now that she’s involved them, I want the Drakestone brothers arrested. They’re currently harboring property that doesn’t belong to them. It would serve them right.”

  “It’s a nice thought, but unlikely to happen just ‘cause you want it to.”

  Cody ignored Simon’s reasoning. “I want them in jail while we make Brianna our wife, in the flesh, repeatedly. And I want them to know we’re fucking her as they wait to be released.” He clenched his fists and again wondered what was going on between the Drakestone brothers and Brianna this very minute. They’d better not even look at her, let alone touch her.

  “Don’t need to have them arrested for that.” A cruel glint came into Simon’s eyes. “We’ll just send them a honeymoon video that automatically self-destructs after they watch it for the first time. Then they can’t send the law after us, but they’ll know exactly how we ushered her into our chamber of delights.”

  Cody pondered the vision of Brianna stretched out on their bed with each limb tied securely to the four bed posts as they whipped her into submission. But it was soon crowded out by thoughts of Drakestone and his brother taking turns fucking her unyielding virgin cunt. He shook off the disturbing mental picture. “Not good enough. I want them to pay for letting her have asylum. They should have just sent her back across the line.”

  “Get that burr out of your ass. If you go over there angry, they’ll have the upper hand. We’ll get the law on our side and then demand her return.”

  “That will take days. I want that conniving bitch back right now!”

  “Calm down. Even if they fuck her, we know that we can lure her back to us with a simple conversation.” Simon was as cold and calculating as they came. “Think of the bigger picture here.”

  Cody released a long breath. Simon was right, but it galled him to think of Drakestone touching their intended bride. Then again, the punishment they’d inflict after she returned would be all the sweeter.

  “All right. We’ll call the law and wait, but not for long.”

  Simon laced his hands together and snapped all of his knuckles. It was a familiar move. He always did it right before he took a whip in hand to instruct their bed partners. “You have pull with powerful people in the surrounding area. Use them.”

  Cody nodded and pushed a small button on the lapel of his outer coat. It connected immediately to his phone. He’d get the sheriff to meet them at the Drakestone ranch as soon as possible before confronting the brothers. He knew Alex and Rafe likely wouldn’t hurt Brianna physically, the pussies. He just wasn’t sure they wouldn’t try and lure her into bed. She had better make an effort to keep herself pure for her rightful future husbands. He’d waited very patiently to make Brianna his in the flesh.

  Cody had wanted Brianna since the day he’d met her. She was feisty and independent, beautiful and smart, and he couldn’t wait to break her spirit in the bedroom. Simon was a great asset in the breaking of feisty women department. Brianna would learn obedience or bleed until their demands were clearly understood.

  A call to the sheriff confirmed that three days hence was the soonest he could issue any type of warrant to get Brianna back. Cody hoped the Drakestone brothers enjoyed the next few days because very soon there would be hell to pay.

  After the call to the sheriff, Cody made one additional call to Texas. There was more than one way to bend Brianna to his will. Wouldn’t she be surprised to learn he knew quite a few of her closely- held secrets?

  “Hello, Laredo? This is Welter. I have a job for you. I need you to find Kyle Lancaster and bring him to me. Whatever it takes. Whatever it costs. Got it?”

  * * * *

  Brianna woke tangled up in the satiny bed sheets and panicked for only a second until she remembered she was at the Drakestone ranch and not in Cody Welter’s house of horrors or bedroom lair of torture. She’d slept well last night after several rounds of sexual congress with Alex and Rafe.

  It felt damn good for a change to be free of Cody’s pervasive control. At least until he came after her. She expected him to show up full of bluster and fury any time now. If he guessed she’d slept with his “arch rivals”, as he’d called the Drakestone brothers more than once, perhaps he wouldn’t want her anymore. Fat chance.

  Cody would fight tooth and nail to get her back and ensure she was punished for straying off of his land. Brianna pushed out a long sigh and wished for a miracle.

  The rumble of her stomach signaled it had been too long since her last meal. Searching the room with half-open eyes, she deduced she was alone for the time being. It would be the perfect time to slip out the window again, unless Alex had posted a guard there. The morning sun cast a long stream of light into her room from a skylight centered in her room.

  Truthfully, she was tired of running. And very tired of worrying about the important things in her life she had little control over. Brianna buried her face in the pillow and inhaled the sweet scent of lavender. She stroked her palm along the silky stitched flower design on her pillowcase and let a long sigh escape. Life was unfair.

  Until meeting Alex and Rafe, Brianna hadn’t ever wanted to settle down or get married or have a family. As a member of the narrow population of females still likely able to bear children, she had known long ago that her dreams and wishes wouldn’t be ta
ken into consideration regarding her future. Her job became trading any dreams like “falling in love” or a “happily ever after” with the perfect man for an arranged marriage so she could help repopulate the earth with the progeny of rich ranchers in the West.

  If she had her way, and she knew in her heart that she wouldn’t, she’d take care of the one large task looming on her horizon and then high tail it back to this ranch. Alex and Rafe were a dream she didn’t dare allow herself to ponder. She’d only be disappointed.

  Right now she needed to find a way to leave. While she wanted to stay with Alex and Rafe more than anything, duty called. She had an obligation to fulfill. A big, huge commitment that she couldn’t dismiss or ignore, no matter how much she was falling for these two amazing men. She wasn’t even sure how much time she had left. Kyle needed her. She needed to get to him. Likely it wouldn’t be today that she could try again to leave. She’d keep an eye out for another opportunity.

  There was a quick knock at the door before it opened. Rafe stepped inside, balancing a tray one handed as he closed the door behind him.

  “Want something to eat?”

  She nodded and stretched like a cat napping in an afternoon ray of sunshine. “Thank you. I was starting to get hungry.” She had no idea what time it was by now. Ten in the morning, maybe? She hadn’t known what time it was during any part of yesterday. She’d lost track easily in the rambunctious arms of Rafe and Alex Drakestone.

  “Lucky for you we have a chef at our ranch, so you won’t have to suffer through any of my cooking. I’d likely burn water, given the opportunity.”

  She smiled and sat up in bed. “So is this the part where you convince me to stay by bringing me breakfast in bed?”

  Rafe shook his head. “Nope. This is an early afternoon lunch in bed. It’s an hour past noon. For breakfast you’d have to go to the kitchen and get nourishment like everyone else.”

  “It’s after twelve o’clock noon?” Holy crap. Sex was not only addictive, apparently it also lulled you into unconsciousness once you finally took the opportunity and slept.


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