Santiago, Lara - Range War Bride [Tasty Treats 11] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

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Santiago, Lara - Range War Bride [Tasty Treats 11] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) Page 7

by Неизвестный

  “True. The sheriff certainly knows. But the name hasn’t been released pending the investigation. They have questions for the land owners of the location where the body was discovered, or in other words, you and Rafe. Which will also complicate things for you once they serve the nuisance complaint.”

  “Where is the location that the dead body was found?”

  “I don’t know.” Alex heard Matt ruffle some papers in the background. “Says here, somewhere on the northwestern border of your land.”

  Alex suspected the body was found exactly in the same spot where Brianna had crossed over into their land. Poetic justice where his bastard neighbor was concerned. Cody and Simon were more conniving than he realized.

  “I know it’s the least of my worries probably, but I still want to ensure Brianna doesn’t have to concern herself about the old bride contract she has with Cody. Any good news in that arena?”

  “There’s no news, actually, but that doesn’t translate to good news just yet.”

  “Do I need to head for my northern property line and hide out?”

  “I don’t advise it. Running makes everyone look guilty.”

  “Should I send Brianna with a group of my stable hands as bodyguards to hide out?”

  “No. The warrant is open ended. It can be served whenever she pops up. If Cody was smart he cloaked that deal in a shroud of privacy, but if, as you say, he inherited the negotiated bride contract from long ago, perhaps there is a loophole to give her a final opportunity to decline it. If by any remote chance she can be free from him and put into your custody, I’ll bring the necessary papers for her to sign.”

  “All right.” Alex glanced out his large office window at the dusty road to the east. He couldn’t see the end of it, but it was the only road leading from the ranch house to the edge of their property and on to the public access road. It would be a busy place once the sheriff came calling.

  “Do what you can, and call me if you get any useful information before tomorrow. I’ll see if I can stall for as long as possible once the sheriff shows up.” Alex mashed his eyes shut for a moment.

  “What about the other matter from yesterday? I assume it takes second priority to all this new scandalous information we’re juggling.”

  Alex popped his eyes open and shook his head even though Matt couldn’t see him. “No. I still want details. Is there anyone else in your practice that can handle it?” He always wanted Matt for any and every task, but this was an emergency.

  Brianna was the only bride he’d ever wanted. Although he hadn’t known her long, he knew to the marrow of his bones that she was the one for them. The only one he’d consider permanently. He’d move heaven and earth to ensure she stayed here on his ranch because she was already in his heart. But he also wanted to know what she was so afraid of that she had to run. Or attempt to run. What did she have to take care of so desperately back home?

  “I’ll see what I can do. You sure do make me work hard. Good thing I charge you so much for my services.”

  He laughed for the first time since calling Matt yesterday. He hoped the sincerity came through in his next comment. “Thanks, Matt. I truly owe you big.”

  “Yes, you do. I’ll be expecting a big Christmas bonus this year.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” He knew Matt liked a particularly expensive brandy and made a mental note to procure a case.

  “Don’t do anything stupid until I can get there to put a good spin on it once they show up. No talking to the police or arguing with Cody until I get there.”

  “No promises. Above all else, I want Brianna kept safe and out of Cody’s hands.”

  “Christ, Alex, I’ve never heard you so much as mention any woman, and we’ve known each other since before we could talk. I can’t wait to meet Brianna.”

  Alex smiled. “She’s a spitfire, but I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather spend my life with. And Rafe is totally in love with her already.”

  “I’m happy for you, Alex. Both you and Rafe. I’ll do what I can so this all works out. See you soon.” The line went dead, and Alex replaced the phone in the cradle on his desk. He ran his hands over his head, ruffling his unruly hair, and tried to think of what productive thing he could do to ensure Brianna stayed right here on his property forever.

  Perhaps it was time for a heart to heart. A brilliant idea occurred in his mind as if conjured by magic. If Brianna had access to a copy of her bride contract, half of his battle would be won. At least he’d know what he faced and so would his lawyer.

  And with another day at his disposal, perhaps Brianna could be well and repeatedly satisfied before they had to face the law and Cody’s stupidity.

  Alex strode out of his office with a sense of purpose for the first time since waking this morning.

  * * * *

  Brianna fell back against the silk sheets of her bed. Rafe kissed a path from just above her belly heading south in a leisurely fashion. The sensation of his whiskers abrading her skin as he moved made her pussy clench. She felt her own arousal in the form of a gush between her lower lips. She couldn’t wait until his whiskered face was buried between her thighs.

  She wanted to squirm and beg for him to move faster, but knew the anticipation was worth the wait. Rafe had a very talented mouth. And while it was amazing to let him pleasure her, she suddenly wanted something else. She wanted to grab her own pleasure. Would it be bad form to ask for a position change so she could feel better about her situation?

  “You make me absolutely crazy with desire. You know that, right?”

  She felt his laugh against her pubic bone. “Ditto, my darling.” His tongue stroked long and hard along the opening to her wet pussy.

  “You know what I really want, though?”


  “I’d like to get on top and ride you until you howl.”

  “Hmm. That sounds great.” He sucked her clit between his lips for a few seconds. “Sure you don’t want me to finish this first?”

  “Well, it feels amazing, but I really want a sense of control. Is that crazy?”

  “Nope. I understand completely.” He shifted again and pressed his body onto hers. Then he hugged her tight and rolled the two of them over until she was on top.

  “Take me, I’m yours.” He put his hands behind his head and relaxed against the pillows, but never took his eyes off of her.

  Brianna kissed his chest and got up on all fours over his body. Rafe’s gaze trailed from her breasts, swinging slightly, all the way up to her face. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She grinned and straddled his hips. His wide cock awaited her pleasure. She reached a hand down to stroke him before positioning her pussy directly over him. His gaze remained on her face, but his jaw clenched a time or two as if he were doing his best not to lose control.

  “Does that feel good?” she asked and squeezed his cock one- handed.

  He nodded and smiled up at her, but didn’t speak. The amusement in his expression encouraged her to do whatever she wanted. Without warning, she impaled herself on his rigid cock, burying him in her body to the hilt. His balls rested against the skin of her ass. His eyes nearly rolled back in his head once she had taken him fully.

  “Jesus, you really make me crazy.” His hands came from behind his head to lightly grip her arms. “Are you okay? Don’t hurt yourself.”

  “I’m great.” She pushed out a long, blissful sigh, but didn’t move. She wanted to get used to the invasion. He was big. Very big. Huge. The first plunge felt like his cock went all the way into her ribcage.

  Brianna remained that way for a full minute before she started moving up and down. For as big as Rafe was, Alex was slightly bigger in girth. If she were allowed to stay, she’d be well satisfied for the remainder of her life.

  Rafe played with her breasts as she stroked up and down on his cock. He reached down between them, slid his fingers between her thighs and fingered her clit as she set the pace.

  He filled her to c
apacity. She threw her head back and rode him faster and faster until the friction brought her to the edge of a vibrant release. Rafe leaned up and sucked the tip of her breast into his warm mouth, and she came in a rush of pleasure so acute, she felt immediately light headed. She continued to ride him harder as her pussy pulsed and tightened on his cock. His hands went to her hips as if to help keep up the fast thrusts.

  Waves of pleasure radiated from her pussy to everywhere in her body. The harder she rode him, the more electric the satisfaction as if she couldn’t come hard enough, fast enough, or enough times.

  Rafe suddenly sucked in a big breath and groaned. His hips pushed upwards as she came down on him in the deepest penetration thus far. He practically growled and promptly hugged her to him tight. He stopped her movement, slid his hands to her face and kissed her so tenderly, she thought she might cry. His lips pressed soft kiss after kiss to her mouth in between bouts of both of them panting.

  Rafe was so perfect. She adored him.

  The door to her room opened suddenly. Brianna sucked in a deep breath and covered her breasts. Trapped beneath her, Rafe didn’t even flinch as Alex strode into her room like he owned the place. It took Brianna a second to realize that he did own the place, and now she was a part of it. At least until she could escape.

  Given what Rafe had just done, getting away was truly the last thing on her mind. Now that Alex was here as well, it would be doubly difficult to think of anything but satisfaction.

  Alex approached the bed as he peeled his shirt off. “Mind if I join the two of you?”

  Rafe turned his head to look at Alex. “Not at all. We were just occupying our time until you returned, anyway. What took you so long?”

  “Just ironing out the details of our agreement with Matt.” Alex turned his attention on her, and Brianna was captivated by his lusty stare. “I have a question for you.”

  Brianna simply stared at his chest before eventually gazing up into his eyes. “A question? For me?” His amused smile greeted her when she was finally able to focus on his face. She was straddling Rafe’s body, his cock still semi-stiff within the slick walls of her pussy, and she had just experienced an ecstasy she wouldn’t soon forget. And yet, the moment Alex came in to the room, it was as if she hadn’t climaxed in a month. She wanted him, too. Couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. Rafe leaned in and kissed her throat and neck.

  “Do you have a copy of your original bride agreement?”

  “Bride agreement?” Was he talking about the one Cody and Simon claimed they held? Rafe stopped kissing the space below her collarbone, lifted his head, and turned to Alex. “This is not the way to get her in the mood.”

  Alex rolled his eyes. “While I also want her satisfied each and every moment she spends with us, right now I need to ensure she gets to stay here permanently. Do you mind?”

  Brianna stilled as his words made it through the sensual haze of Rafe’s ardent attentions. She shook off her lust to contemplate why Alex needed a copy of her bride agreement. This being an integral part of why she needed to escape. She had to get to her copy of the bride agreement so she could get out of the binding document and save her brother from the clutches of her step-father.

  If Alex and Rafe could help her, she wouldn’t need to escape. She lifted off of Rafe and sat up on the side of bed. “I don’t have it with me, but someone is holding a copy for me. I shimmied out your window to go get it.”

  Alex’s expression softened. “We would have helped you.”

  “I believe you.” She paused and gave him a smile. “Well, now I do.” She did trust them to a certain degree. Which made it all the more difficult to lie to them about her fertility. She tucked that information into the back of her mind to deal with later on. If they could help her expedite her plan to get her brother Kyle into her custody, she’d do anything.

  Alex continued, “Have you read the document? Do you know what the agreement dictates?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve read through it, but it was a long time ago. There’s lots of legalese in it that I didn’t understand, but I know I have the final right to choose my husbands. And I believe there is a codicil that states if one of the participants of the agreement dies before the permanent marriage is filed, a new contract must be created and signed. Cody and Simon only had rights on the initial bride if I’d offered them what I offered you and they’d consummated the marriage.”

  “Won’t happen.” Alex and Rafe spoke the same words at the same time with the same level of stern insistence.

  Brianna smiled and, not for the first time, gloried in the fact she’d met these two amazing men. If things were different, she’d love to stay and be a part of this life. If they didn’t find out about what she’d done, she might still have a chance.

  “When I ran, I eliminated that possibility. Now that I’ve been with the two of you, that should negate the original contract, but I don’t have my personal copy. I don’t trust Cody and Simon not to have altered the original document.” The other problem being that once she couldn’t have children with Alex and Rafe, that contract would also be negated.

  And worse, she’d be up for grabs again, and Cody and Simon got first crack at her. Her only chance now was to retrieve her brother, Kyle, and the copy of the bride agreement and allow the birth control shot to dissipate from her body in time to get pregnant before Alex and Rafe were tired of waiting.

  She sucked in a deep breath and released it slowly. Why did she ever agree to that stupid birth control shot? If only she’d waited, she wouldn’t be in this mess.

  The doctor had been persuasive, but she should have gone with her instincts. He’d wanted to give her options against her vehement dislike of Cody. There was a stipulation in the original contract that if she couldn’t become pregnant quickly, they could replace her with another. At the time it seemed a good idea to possibly get out of a permanent arrangement with Cody.

  “Trust me, honey, even if you’d already been with two other men, it wouldn’t keep me from wanting you,” Rafe whispered against the sensitive place beneath her ear. “I can’t imagine Cody will just let you go so easily. I suspect we’ll have a big fight on our hands over you.”

  “I don’t want anyone to fight over me.”

  “But you’re worth it.” Rafe stroked her thigh. His earnest expression and willingness to fight for her touched her deeply. No one in her memory had ever gone to any trouble to keep her safe or worry over her personally.

  Alex sat down on the bed next to them and took her hand between his large, warm fingers. “He’s right. You’re worth a full-blown battle. In fact, I’ll personally instigate a range war to keep you as my bride. Nothing will stop me from wanting you.

  Rafe brushed his fingertips across her cheek. “For Cody it will be his pride. He doesn’t want you because he loves you, he simply wants to win. This may not be easy, but rest assured, we don’t intend to let you leave our property in his custody. I’ll help you run away before that happens.”

  If she hadn’t already fallen in love with these two men, Alex and Rafe’s passionately uttered statements would have pushed her over the edge. It felt so right to be here with them. She’d never been so at home any place in her life. Certainly not with her step-father after her mother died. The thought of her brother being in his odious custody made her heart clench. She worried about him.

  She squeezed Alex’s fingers. “I truly want to stay here with you. I hope it’s possible.”

  “It is possible. If you want to be here, then we’ll move heaven and earth to make it happen, won’t we Rafe?”

  Rafe nodded then dipped his head to kiss her collarbone again.

  Brianna pulled her hand from Alex’s protective grasp. “Join us, why don’t you?”

  Alex nodded and quickly pulled the rest of his clothes off. He was beside her in the large bed before she knew it and pressed naked on top of her seconds later.

  Rafe brushed his fingers along her jaw and kissed her lips as Alex kissed her brea
sts and touched her everywhere. Alex took her in his arms and buried his face between her breasts as she parted her thighs to allow his cock entrance. She wanted to feel him penetrate her. Rafe pushed his mouth over her lips and kissed her hard as Alex’s cock pushed deeply and quickly inside her pussy.

  The sensation took her by surprise. His fingers brushed over her clit as he withdrew and thrust deeply into her body. Brianna’s back arched, and a long, low moan escaped. Alex wrapped his lips around the tip of one breast and sucked as Rafe drove her crazy licking inside of her mouth in a demanding kiss.

  Alex found a steady rhythm. His huge cock lunged forward again and again. Brianna pushed back so that the pleasure was explosive. Each thrust of his cock filled her to the brink and sent a pulsating blast of pleasure from her core to her limbs. Rafe kissed a path from her mouth to one breast and captured a nipple in his warm mouth. Alex stroked her clit to new heights of bliss as he thrust his cock deeper and deeper.

  Brianna writhed and screamed as she fell over an abyss in to the yawning depths of gratification. Her nipples tingled, her pussy tightened around Alex’s cock as ripples of orgasmic delight pounded through her body. Alex then pushed his cock deeply into her pussy, stiffened, and groaned in what surely was a grand release of his own.

  Panting and unable to catch her breath, Brianna reached out and put a hand on each of them, the connection was her silent vow to do everything possible to make things right with them.

  Chapter Seven

  Alex woke suddenly, wondering where he was. A glance at the ceiling told him immediately he was in Brianna’s room. They’d spent another very gratifying night together and the day before had been pretty amazing, too. With the blush of dawn’s light coming through the windows, he knew he’d have to get up and face his day very soon. But not quite yet. He relaxed for a couple of hours more until an annoying noise disrupted his calm.


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