Santiago, Lara - Range War Bride [Tasty Treats 11] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

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Santiago, Lara - Range War Bride [Tasty Treats 11] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) Page 6

by Неизвестный

  He grinned and nodded. “You’ve already slept the morning away, honey. Not that you missed much. Just me and Alex trying to stay awake as we looked at female breeder stock for our cattle. I sincerely hope we made good selections since neither of us got much sleep last night.”

  “Glad to know I’m not the only one suffering.”

  “Oh, now I didn’t say I was suffering. Not at all.” He sat down on the edge of the bed and placed the tray between them. “My singular goal is to make you happy.”

  “And are you going to convince me to stay?”

  “I’d say the convincing will be if you provide an heir, but yes. We’d both like for you to stay. My brother is already smitten.”

  She shook her head. “He is not.”

  “Is too! I’ve never seen him look at a woman the way he studies you intensely. And it’s been that way since you crossed over onto our property.”

  Brianna looked over Rafe’s shoulder at the door to the bedroom. “Where is your brother, anyway?”

  “He had to take care of some ranch business.”

  “Is that a code for something else?”

  Rafe laughed. “No. He had a phone call and took it in his office. He may be smitten, but he’ll still do what needs to be done on the ranch. Our new duties call for us to manage cattle by day, and ensure our future with you by night.”

  Until I get a chance to leave.

  Time to change the subject. “And what about you? Are you smitten with me?”

  He grinned. “Maybe. Mostly I just want a wife and kids. You’re the first candidate I’ve been able to interest Alex in. And now that we seem so compatible in bed, I figure the rest will all work itself out as time goes along.”

  “Very practical.”

  “Yes. But the truth is, you are very pretty.” His steady gaze traveled along her body from eyes to chest to knees and back again. “Okay. Maybe I am a little smitten with you.”

  Brianna decided to broach what would likely be an uncomfortable subject. “Now that I’ve held up my end of the bargain regarding our future together, how long before I can go?”

  “Go? Where do you want to go?”

  “I was summoned to fulfill an obligation to Cody Welter and his cousin Simon regarding the bride contract. I need to go back home. There were things I left unfinished in New York.”

  He sent his gaze to the ceiling, and the expression on his face signaled he was likely trying to find a way to tell her bad news. “Your end of the bargain, as far as we are concerned, is fulfilled when your pregnancy is confirmed. And we need to establish the child is one of ours.”

  “Of course it will be one of yours. I was a virgin before I came here.”

  “What! A virgin?” His brows slanted inward. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

  She shrugged and looked away, suddenly embarrassed to reveal a previously unknown and very intimate fact. Alex had taken her virginity, but if he noticed, he hadn’t commented on it. Rafe wouldn’t have known since the deed was done by the time his cock filled her slick pussy during their lovely time in the shower.

  Rafe reached out and stroked his hand across her shoulder tenderly. “Once it is established that you are carrying our child, one of us, if not both, will escort you back home to take care of any unfinished business.”

  Brianna released a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “Thank you.” Although, given her circumstances, she would have to find her own way home. She wasn’t going to be able to get pregnant quickly. Not in a few days. And God help her if anyone found out what she’d done. She needed to find a way to get home sooner rather than later.

  “The only concern at this stage is how fast you get pregnant or not.”

  Not was the accurate answer. So she’d have to find a way to leave on her own. Their arrangement was only for three months, and that’s about how long her temporary infertility would last.

  “So Cody didn’t touch you inappropriately or against your will?”

  “No. But only because he also had some sort of business he had to attend to the day after I arrived. I’m not sure what it was. I was very surprised they didn’t stick around. While they were gone I found a very graphic video of what they’d labeled an amazing sexual experience.”

  Rafe crossed his arms and stared into her eyes. “I gather the material was unacceptable.”

  “The fact that they filmed their sexcapades turned me off completely, and I knew my initial decision not to marry them was the right one. The way they whipped the poor woman in the video ensured I needed to be safely gone before they returned.”

  “So you ran.”

  She nodded. “When I learned what they had in store for me, I was out of there like my hair was on fire. There’s a clause in the original bridal contract that details my rights. I get to have the final say in any marriage agreement if one or both of male parties change due to unplanned for circumstances or death. Cody can’t hold me to that bargain made by my family all those years ago. But I suspect he’ll try anyway.”

  “You understand that you revoked any final say when you agreed to be with us though, right?” Rafe and his beautiful eyes gave her a gaze that normally would have set her passion afire, but she was suddenly feeling too guilty about her deception.

  “Yes. I get it. But in this arrangement, I have to be able to get pregnant. Let’s hope I can.” But not for three or four more months.

  “For our part, Alex and I will do our level best to accomplish this task.” His grin, while predatory and very highly sexual, was also pretty cute.

  “I have no doubt about that.” Too bad their robust sexual prowess wouldn’t overcome the illegal birth control injection she’d received before leaving New York.

  With that drug coursing through her system, she wouldn’t be able to bear a child. If it was discovered, she’d be arrested. These days being caught with a kilo of cocaine yielded less time in prison than reproductive crimes. Especially the prevention of conception.

  Chapter Six

  Alex had called his lawyer more times in the past twenty-four hours than he had all year. He wished Matt had better news.

  “Just because you’ve entered into a private oral negotiation with this woman, doesn’t mean you get to keep her. You may still have to give her up.”

  Alex felt his eyes go wider and wider with each word spoken. Matt had already told him a plethora of information over the phone and not a single syllable of what he shared had been expected.

  “I won’t give her up. And how do you know anything about this beyond the little I told you?”

  “I got a call from a friend of mine over at the justice center in town. Cody Welter was there stirring up trouble earlier this morning and trying to get a warrant issued. The complaint is rumored to have your name on it somewhere.”

  “He’s bluffing.”

  “Regardless, they won’t be able to serve it for a few days, but you should still be prepared. Do you want to explain to me, your lawyer, why any warrant is possibly pending with your name on it?”

  “Not really.”

  “If Cody Welter has a binding bride contract including her name, then he’s probably got the law on his side. Are you willing to go to jail?”

  “For her? Yes, I am.”

  Matt’s long-suffering sigh over the static-filled line was the only thing familiar and expected about the current conversation. “No, you aren’t. Don’t be stupid. Let me see what I can do first before you go and do anything crazy.”

  “She makes me crazy. In a good way.”

  “That’s fairly obvious. Keep in mind I likely won’t be able to get a copy of the contract Cody Welter has with her family, but even a standard contract wouldn’t help you.”

  “I’m sure it wasn’t a standard agreement. And besides, it changed two weeks ago when Dylan died. Any woman in any bride covenant has the final say over the marriage, right? We aren’t animals or fucking cavemen, after all.”

  Matt chuckled mirthlessly. “I’m not so sure
about that. I’ve heard a few rumors about Cody Welter and his sexual perversions.”

  “Which is why I’m so adamant that Brianna not have to suffer their inappropriate attentions or worry over a long-ago contract she never had any real say in.”

  “The thing is, I’m operating blind here until I see either the warrant Cody’s trying to obtain or a copy of the private contract he’s trying to enforce. Unfortunately, Cody has more than a few powerful friends lining his pockets. You need to be prepared for possible unfairness on your horizon.”

  “What are my options at this point?”

  “You don’t have any. If Cody comes with law enforcement and a warrant for her apprehension, you’ll have to hand her over, at least temporarily.”

  “Not going to fucking happen. Not even for a minute. “

  “Well, then I can be there when they arrest you for failure to comply with a court-ordered warrant on a runaway bride.”

  “Not helpful, Matt. The warrant is bogus.”

  “I wish you had a copy of the agreement to prove it. Seriously, I don’t know what else I can do, Alex. If she’s legally his bride as stated in the phantom contract I haven’t read yet, you’ll have to turn her over or face a possible jail sentence for obstruction.”

  “We’ve…had sex with her, Matt. More than once. If she’s pregnant, Cody won’t be able to intervene, will he? Isn’t there a statute on possession being nine-tenths of the law or something?”

  “That’s an old wives’ tale. Her being pregnant might actually be the only thing that will help your cause, but it all depends on Cody and the contract they have in hand.”

  “How so?” Alex was desperate to ensure her safety. Whatever it took.

  “If he wants her badly enough, he can still bring her into his custody and keep her at his private residence until any child is born, test for DNA, and simply turn the child over to you if the test is in your favor, or Rafe’s, for fatherhood. He and Simon would still be her legal husbands. And they don’t ever have to turn her over to you once she’s in their custody. Not for any reason.”

  “Not the answer I wanted.”

  “I can start lying to you if you want, but it won’t change anything. If he shuns her for having sex with you and releases her from the contract, that would be the only way for you to prevail. Knowing Cody as I do, I wouldn’t hold your breath for that eventuality. I’m only guessing at this point. By not having firsthand knowledge of the contract, I’m operating on blind assumption. I wish I had better news for you.”

  “Me too. Any way to get a copy of the contract so we know what we’re up against?”

  “Not legally.”

  “What illegal methods do you recommend?”

  “None. I don’t want to get disbarred.” There was silence on the line for several seconds before Matt released a long sigh. “Let me check a few places. No promises. But if I find anything, I’ll contact you.”

  “Actually, Matt, I’d like for you to be here when Cody arrives. How fast can you get out to the ranch once the warrant is served?” Alex stood from his desk with a sudden need to find Brianna and hide her away from the likes of Cody Welter and his equally perverted cousin Simon. If they sent her away with a trusted friend or ranch hand and didn’t know exactly where she was, they couldn’t be compelled to hand her over or reveal her whereabouts. Since they wouldn’t truly know.

  “I can leave at the same time as the sheriff once the warrant is served, whenever that is. I’ll free up my schedule as much as possible for the next several days in anticipation.”

  “Thanks, Matt.”

  “Sure. That’s what you pay me the big bucks for,” he said with a chuckle. “And try not to get too attached.”

  Alex shook his head at the folly of that statement. “Too late,” Alex whispered to the empty line after Matt hung up.

  I already love her.

  * * * *

  “Are you going to kill him or are you just making a point regarding your displeasure?” Simon’s amused voice cut through Cody’s rage enough to distract him. Cody eased his grip on the throat of the man who, in his mind, had allowed Brianna to escape.

  The man’s coughing and gurgling hadn’t swayed him to stop until he took out his frustration completely. But he didn’t truly want to kill Dusty. He just wanted him to understand that failure wouldn’t be tolerated.

  It was a good thing Simon was here to temper his bad mood or he might have choked his best ranch hand to death. He pulled his hand away and allowed Dusty a chance to get some air in his lungs.

  He turned to Simon. “I’m just making a point. Now Dusty knows the wrath he faces if he ever disappointments me again.”

  Dusty, still red-faced and bent over gasping, didn’t respond.

  “Get out of here,” Cody said. “I don’t want to see your ugly face for awhile.” The ranch hand ambled out of the barn on unsteady feet and disappeared from sight.

  “Wasted effort. Dusty didn’t know why she ran. Useless. Everyone here is useless.”

  Simon smiled serenely. He never let his emotions get the better of him. He reserved his passionate expression for the bedroom. “With a little bit of persuasion on my part, I got a tip from one of the house maids about someone Brianna spent extra time with while we were out of town these past few days.”


  “Our own Dr. Nicholson. Seems they were seen together more than once. And I know he spoke to her before Dylan’s funeral two weeks ago. I wonder what they had so much to talk about?”

  “Maybe he was working for us and carrying out the job we gave him. He did do us a big favor.”

  “Or maybe he has switched sides and is now working for her. We should find out one way or another, don’t you think?”

  Cody saw red. “Let’s go have a friendly talk with the good doctor, then. Perhaps he has information to share on Brianna’s thoughts and why she’d run from us.”

  “You aren’t going to choke him to death, are you?” Simon asked.

  “Of course not. I can be reasonable.” Cody clenched his fists. “To a point.”

  Damn Brianna for running before he could get her to sign the new bridal contract. In order for him to continue in the lifestyle he’d become accustomed to, Cody he needed two things to happen.

  First, he needed to talk to Brianna in person and all alone without the Drakestone brothers butting into his affairs. Second, he needed for her to sign the new bridal contract.

  The existing one could be enforced under certain circumstances, but there was a small provision in Dylan’s will that was also mentioned in the old bridal contract. And that small paragraph needed to be excised from the bridal contract or Cody might lose everything.

  If she didn’t sign the new contract, Dylan’s will would change Cody’s current lifestyle into one he didn’t want to contemplate. He wouldn’t let that happen. Not for any reason.

  “Nicholson is over in his room.”

  “Let’s go.”

  Cody would have to wait for the sheriff to speak to Brianna. Each minute that ticked away made him nervous.

  He wasn’t without a plan though, and if she wouldn’t come to them willingly, he’d have no problem using her brother, Kyle, to help her see reason.

  * * * *

  Alex answered his ringing personal phone and hoped for good news. Matt didn’t even say hello, instead he started with, “I’ve got bad news, really bad news and worse news. Which would you like to have first?”

  Shit. “Can my answer be none of the above?”

  “Sorry, but no. The bad news is that Cody and Simon have just had warrants initiated and could on the way to your property with the sheriff as early as tomorrow morning.”

  “Already? I thought we had a couple more days.” Now there was no chance to get her off the property and hidden away out of their reach. At least not easily.

  “Cody has more influence in certain circles than I realized. Word is that he’s calling in lots of favors.”

  “Is that
the really bad news?”

  “No. The really bad news is that you’re named in a second warrant he was able to obtain. He’s trying to have you and Rafe arrested and put in jail for luring Brianna across your property line. “


  “Yes, he is. It’s usually a nuisance complaint and isn’t often enforced. We’ll see what happens when the sheriff gets to your place.”

  “Anything you can do to stop it in advance?”

  “I’m not making any promises. I didn’t think they'd be able to have a nuisance warrant sworn out against you, let alone expect to enforce it, but it seems Cody is making up the rules and others in law enforcement are following along. I’m working on a speedy false-arrest form to issue for our own ammunition, but I don’t have the specifics of the warrant just yet. I’ll make a stop by the hall of records and see what I can find out before tomorrow.”

  “Wait a minute. What was the worse news?”

  “Oh right, the worst news. There was a body discovered on your side of the Drakestone-Welter property line thirty minutes ago by Cody’s border patrol. Apparently, the poor guy was beaten almost past recognition. They called it in while the sheriff was conveniently at Cody’s place bringing him the warrant he’d set up for Brianna and you. So now the sheriff has questions for you regarding a dead guy along with a nuisance complaint.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “Of course, it is. They are trying to rile you up. Don’t let them.”

  “The border patrol probably catapulted the guy over my fence right after they beat on him.”

  Matt huffed. “Please. There are certainly illegal ways to alter an electrical fence line current. You just have to be willing to pay the elevated price. I suspect Cody is working overtime to fuck you over.”

  “You’re right.” Alex stood and paced in front of his desk.

  Things were spiraling into the “what the fuck” realm. “Who is it? Anyone we know?”

  “They haven’t identified him as of yet.”

  “Which is also bullshit. They can run anyone’s identity on the slick and expensive palm devices every law enforcement officer carries attached to their service belt as standard issue.”


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