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Page 11

by D Gemcats Purcell

  His little lady opened her eyes and came snuggling up to him, rubbing her breasts on his chest, mounting him. She now lay with her thighs straddling his right thigh and the right side of her laying over his right arm and shoulder. Her pubic bristles brushed lightly against his upper thigh and then she shimmied that part of her up onto his prominent right front hip bone and plunked her obviously moistening mound on his bone there and moaning lightly she rode him back and forth teasingly. His manhood could smell the goods right next door and responded, so now as she gyrated against him, her hip was also moving his very erect member side to side. Simultaneously her sweet aromatic breath was hot on his right neck and her lips locked onto his. He started to reach down to use his fingers but she annoyingly motioned him ‘no’. Instead she placed his left hand on her right boob that was touching his chest as she now lay a bit crosswise on his right side somewhat lifted off him. He gently cupped her in his left hand and she moaned a little louder and gyrated more urgently. He very slightly let his knuckles pass lightly on her right nipple and she abruptly brought her whole pelvis over his and reached down, took him inside of her well lubricated pouch. Oh Lord Meneer, she was so hot and wet and then she was like a wild animal banging him. He could already feel her tightening and her hips went mostly still as she came with vigorous waves of internal contractions and her face grimaced as if she was in great pain. She moaned his name out in prolonged spurts through clenched teeth. She wasn’t joking about being horny after danger. He himself was literally bursting at his seams anyway and after she had caught her breath, she opened her eyes and said, “Oh Jessi, I needed that so bad!” She looked deeply into his eyes as if seeing him all over again and said, “God Jonah, I so love you and I so lust after you. Seeing you out there working, back muscles bulging under your T shirt and coming to work along side you is such a turn on. I just can’t help it you know. Thanks for loving me and putting up with all my raunchy desires. Sorry but it is your fault. I would never have thought myself capable of such sexual abandon before I met you! You bring out the sexual beast in me and you know what? I love you more for it! Thank you my provocative he-man.”

  He looked at her and said, “Jessi, if I had to imagine a better spouse, I wouldn’t have been able to come up with you since my brain would have been too limited. You are far more than I could have dreamt of. Thank you for your love.” She closed her eyes and started gently easing up and down his now achingly hard length and he knew ‘he was a gonna’. In under one minute he violently arched up into her as she pressed herself against him and he exploded, biting his own cheek so violently that somewhere in the back of what was left of his rational brain, he expected to taste some blood. He lay there with his eyes closed just feeling her now moist chest mashed against his, smelling all her delicious odors and his mixed together, feeling the gentle rasp of her pubic hairs on his with her ever so slight movements and the odd rounds of light pulsing contractions inside her and around his member. They were in bliss. In a week or less, they’d have these moments to savor when they’d be in unfamiliar environments surrounded by their workmates with usually no privacy. It’s hard to do anything like this on the spaceplane too in that low gravity environment. They have tried to sneak a quick kiss but its difficult to manage anything else really. Low to no gravity is not conducive to making out or even sexual intercourse really. Those hardy settlers who left earth and their solar system millennia ago have to be commended for finding a way somehow to keep producing new generations. They must have had to strap their partners down and devise some devious ways to not float away from each other!


  They ended up napping for a while, then went together into the shower this time. They then lazily laid on the bed again. Jonah’s vidcom rang with Charlie’s tone. Charlie came on saying, “I have decided to accompany you on this harebrained trip to Threeme Jonah, on condition that you make sure that you teach me the skills of survival so that I don’t make a fool of myself.” Jonah replied, “Of course I will Charlie,” Jonah was trying to hide any joy in his voice, “you will totally enjoy it.” He heard Charlie harrumph in a disbelieving way.

  Charlie said, “When spindly little Miss. Jongi called me and told me that I would regret it the rest of my life if I didn’t go with my best friend Jonah and said too, how many times she has been up, well. I just couldn’t make any more excuses and still keep my manhood! On top of that my own parents and my new girlfriend Janey started talking about what they planned for me after I got back from my trip to Threeme. What could a poor ‘noncom’ like me do in that circumstance?”

  Jonah said, “Not much I guess Charlie, not much. You were boxed in by those buggers weren’t you? You have my sympathy. I will tell them what a good job they all did when I meet them. Remember I’m a simple ‘noncom’ just like you. If I have to go up up there and forego the comforts down here, so should you my brother. We have to save the worlds around us too. They are a lot bigger than our little farms. So we need to get you some training and conditioning. You are already a very fit farm boy, but it takes a bit of orientation to cope with the the lack of gravity.” Charlie said, “Tomorrow morning I have to report to the Air Force base in Pommerose for three days of that training and orientation. And buddy you also have to come to give the final check out of those six brand new AI computers that will be taking the trip to Baclet and Threeme with us. I was amazed to learn that after you checked out the one at my house and I passed the information to the Council and the techies, they already have been able to rollout the changes into all six, both hardware and software. They sure are a very versatile organization. It really wasn’t much. Just an electronic switch on one board and some software changes to be sure. However it is impressive how light on the feet such a large powerful organization is. I’m proud to be on their team honestly.” I knew sweet Jessi was awake and listening.

  The next morning, Charlie drove his own auto, which is more like the auto driving and him monitoring since he had massaged the AI to the ‘beyond’ point in his transports and never really ever had to touch the controls. They were like man and wife, with Charlie offering suggestions and the odd admonition, like saying ‘look out around this corner for trucks entering and his AI controlling his auto would in return say something snooty like ‘of course his Lordship, of course I will be careful’. It was entertaining to be a passenger getting a ride with him to say the least. Jessi and I drove a bit behind. She wanted to spend the next two nights at her parents and so would I too. Although we were going to the same air base my visit there would only be for about an hour. After finding parking, we all walked in together but Charlie was pulling his roll-along with clothing and had his brief case hanging off his shoulder heading for the security checkpoint. There was a nice smartly dressed young lady at the foyer waiting to meet us and hand over the required name badge with appropriate codes after a verification procedure. Only then could we head for the checkpoint really.

  Once through, all three of us got escorted through multiple screening checkpoints to the more sensitive areas. Finally the six computers stood before us in this cavernous room and we by then had on the special head to toes coverings to minimize contamination of equipment that would be going to different planets and thus would have to pass certain tests on arrival there. We had to help to minimize the possibility of introducing dangerous bio agents to them. Jonah smirked because he was thinking how as humans they were a walking bio factory and there wasn’t much that they could do to sterilize the humans going along with those machines. Anyway Jonah accepted that ‘the powers that be’ had to make an effort. He did his examination of the six machines and only found one easily correctable flaw. The previous issues on the beta machine at Charlie’s house had been corrected. Jonah after that realized that his verdict further cemented the takeoff date to less than one week now. The machines were ready and all that was left was to finish the human preparation, for the technicians including Charlie. Those reprogramming computer stations as they were being
referred to were being readied for crating and packing into the very large transporter super powerful VLT that we learned would be taking us up to the Main Orbit Control Station MCOS where they and us will transfer to the Celeste. There were many boxes of critically important ancillary equipment that also needed to accompany the reprogramming computers, including the headpieces that would be clamped to the skulls with tiny needles, the earpieces and eyepieces to allow for the actual programming into the recipients brains. It was going to be a lot of cargo to get up into space. One exciting gossip we’d heard is that Captain Ronald might be rejoining the ship early just to be able to work with Team Six. Wow, I suppose he liked being around us. There was no shortage of excitement and we had after all built up a good rapport both up and down as space travelers like to say.

  After we were escorted from the clean room area, Charlie was reunited with his roll-along and he was put on a golf cart type transport to be taken to his room and thence to the training and orientation center. In three days he should supposedly get to graduate from that program and get to go home for a brief two day respite. Then we would all be together on top of forty large chemical burners to be blasted into space. This was now ‘old hat’ for us in Six and we were hoping it would be a thrill experience too for Charlie. We now were shown the way out headed to parking area ‘33 section C’ as the cadet escorting us reminded us before smartly saluting and doing her 360 degree pirouette like about turn back into the building. With the warm sunshine now on our faces moderated by the slight chill of a suddenly chill spring breeze, I grabbed Jessi’s hand and we marched the few hundred yards over to our auto. In no time at all less than forty minutes, we were turning into Jessi’s street and up her driveway. The house was quiet and welcomed us with it’s electronic voice. Professors Jace and Susan were in their respective offices linked online with their students. We were quiet like good little mice, stopping by the kitchen to make a little smoothie and grab a couple of shortbreads. We quietly snuck into the Professors offices and deposited a snack there for each, taking care to not get into the frame of their video links. We did not want to become a part of their lesson.

  Jessi and Jonah then went to their room upstairs, freshened up in the bathroom and she suggested a walk in the garden. Walking close to each other, they took in the butterflies flitting from bush to bush looking for nectar as it had warmed up enough to allow that. The rays of sunlight between the trees, casting slight shadows created an interesting play of moving light that could only happen in the midst of life down here with the aid of a blowing wind. Up there in the arboretums and space gardens kept for both food and natural solace for the crews on the spaceships, there generally is no wind and if there were to be any, it would be constant and without the complex interplay of insects and browsing animals. The lighting would be monochromatic full spectrum and designed clinically to provide just what was needed for the plants to be productive. So Jessi and Jonah just stood there mostly, absorbing the scent of recently upturned earth. Jace and Susan had already been at it this early spring; they were getting their garden going. Knowing that they would be soon missing this very transient but to them gripping moment with nature, they were taking the time to savor the moment. They walked slowly over to the tangle of black berry bushes now well leafed out and peered at the little ants scurrying about. They were engaged in their own battles among the bushes, feeding their families, looking for mates, having their version of sex, living and dying, not to mention fighting off their version of evil forces and their minions. After about an hour of wandering through the garden and it’s multiple different mini environments characterized by different plant groupings at different locations with varying soil moisture contents and sunlight exposure, they made their way over to the pool area and entered the covered section. There they plopped down on adjacent super comfortable lawn chairs with good solid sunshine and Jessi was down to her sports bra and shorts in short order. Jonah who still had his shirt and slacks on looked over at her intently. She reached over and lightly held his leathery hand, raised one eyebrow and said aloud, “Penny for them?” He smiled wanly, “Ah Jessi, just taking it all in, literally imbibing the very essence of being alive and with you. Truly being in the moment with you, knowing it can’t possibly last forever but wanting it to. Feeling the sunshine, the soft give under my shoes of the squishy soil, watching the live creatures going about their business, and knowing that in days we will be up there in the cold grasp of open interplanetary space protected by some thin sheets of material woven by giant man made 3D printers fashioned out of intense heat and pressure. All of what we are feeling, smelling, touching and experiencing will be but a memory, a longing. So Darling I am mentally rolling in it, like a dog gets the urge to roll in something that to us would be nasty but to it, irresistible. She shook her head in ascent and her eyes started to glaze over.

  He must have drifted off too, for when he next became aware, he felt chill and he realized that the shafts of sunshine were no longer hitting them directly. There was no alarm as would have occurred if there was danger. He slowly allowed himself to ooze awake therefore. Jessi had shifted onto her side and her eyes were slightly open. She too was partly awake and he could see the evidence of the chill all over her arms and thighs, little goosebumps all over with her hairs standing up. He urged his muscles into action and got up, flipped the wall switches on to turn on the overhead radiant heaters which almost immediately showed their glowing orangey red filaments and the relief on their skin was palpable. Jessi snuggled in deeper into her cushioned recliner and he grabbed a folded super warm looking throw rug from under the nearby rack, shook it out first then carefully laid it over every bit of her sparing only her head and neck. She mouthed a ‘thank you’ and closed her eyes. A while later, they heard the distinct rapid walk of Susan coming down the hall and a pause in the sound as she looked through the doorway into the sunroom from the house side. Then they could discern a low level light music coming through the surround speakers. Susan had realized that they were awake but resting and had put on her daughter’s favorite relaxing background chilling music. What wonderful thoughtful parents to have!

  The next few days passed by quickly but with daily meetings by Six and with planning sessions with Jongi as well as with Buenafe and Breecher. Jongi revealed that the Council of Scientists were so taken by Charlie and his miniaturization of AI first in the form of his own Fetch and then his tremendous contribution to transforming the huge banks of computing power for Immersion type brain programming, that they were thinking of many other ways to utilize his expertise. Even in the matter of AI for space applications, there was value in having immense computing power in a smaller packaging, with no loss of quality function. They had had their eyes opened, realizing that the top of the line quark based and quantum computing demanding large fixed equipment with fiberoptic cable architecture with boosting stations and with huge supporting infrastructure in even the spaceplane was not necessarily any better than smaller more mobile packages that could even be on wheels like Fetch was. There was just as much functionality and more affordability married to easy portability. It sure looked like Charlie was into the big leagues and for the long term. He may even have the opportunity to be more up above the planet than he ever could have envisaged too. Wow, how things can change and fast. “No way”, Jonah thought, “that I would have ever seen that twist coming in Charlie’s life.”

  Two days later, when Charlie was back home, Jonah and Jessie had popped by his house to ‘check on him’. They really wanted to see how he had responded to the training and to be there to make sure he had packed the backpack correctly that they all have been issued. That’s all you were able to take but for a small handheld pack containing a portable computer maybe. They realized that he had done a good job, including a neatly folded formal suit and an extra correctly sized combo top and bottom coverall with the insignia of ‘Council of Scientists Toigan’. He would have on one of those coveralls like a second skin almost constantly during
his travels and his stay on the surface of Threeme too. Six would likewise have one on, but it would be inscribed with the insignia of ‘Defnet Toigan’. He had induced his Mom and Dad to carry their own vidcoms too now and Fetch was now plugged into their security system full time and could call them with updates as appropriate to keep them appraised of the security on their farm or to route messages to them if important. He had established AI communication even with their farm vehicles, so that they could be autonomously drive to any part of the farm to pick up one or both of them at Fetch’s command. Although it was a bit perturbing to them at first, they had now become more at home with the technology as they saw the advantages. His Dad could now command a tractor to pick up a pile of debris and load it onto a motorized trailer and then voice command it be brought to such and such a barn. Fetch would make sure that happened with no one ever leaving the farmhouse. Talk about farm help wow! Charlie sure was taking care of business so that when he had to travel, he would not put his parents in a bind for lack of his labor.


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