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Protecting Her Heart

Page 65

by Carter, Chance

  “Oh, fudge! It’s the damn landlord again.”

  The knock snaps her out of her fantasy. Her body freezes and she breathes lightly again.

  Darn it. Can’t a girl get a little bit of time to herself? If I were desperate enough, I could ask him if I can work off the rent for sex, she thinks to herself, jokingly.

  I wouldn’t have the guts, and I wouldn’t know what I was doing anyway.

  “Jane! Jane, I know you’re in there! I see you got that piece of paper. I really mean it, Jane. I don’t have a soft spot for young pretty ladies, you know, so don’t think you can get away with not paying me,” the landlord bellows through the door.

  She pulls the covers over her partly naked body, feeling a chill. Dozing off, she wishes her dreams will be better than her reality right now. Life is sucking in a really big way.

  In a matter of minutes, Jane falls into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 2

  The alarm goes off.

  “It’s three already? Where did the time go?”

  Jane gets dressed and packs her bag with ballet shoes, a new pair of tights, a tank top, and her toiletries. She pats powder on her face and puts on a peach tone of lipstick. Pulling her hair up into a pony tail, she takes one last look in the mirror to make sure everything looks put together. Pushing down a few stray hairs, she sighs, satisfied.

  “Ah, perfect!”

  She grabs her coat and keys, then opens the door. Looking both ways to make sure the landlord isn’t out in the hallway waiting for her, she makes a quick dash to the stairwell and runs out the back door whistling for a taxi to take her to the ballet studio.

  She arrives late. All the other ladies have started warming up by stretching their legs on the railing. When Jane walks in, they all turn to look at her with surprise and disgust.

  The teacher looks to her and says smugly, “Well, Miss Jane, it looks like you decided to join us after all. You’ve got five minutes to get changed, otherwise I’ll send you home.”

  The teacher goes back to giving orders to the other dancers for their warm-up.

  Jane feels embarrassed and wishes she could just crawl back out the door. Yet another bad experience. When will it end?

  She changes quickly and joins the rest of the group, taking the end position on the railing.

  An hour later, they take a break, and everyone goes to the changing room to get their water and veggie snacks.

  Valerie, the oldest and most experienced ballerina in the crowd, starts asking all the girls who got laid over the weekend.

  She goads Britney on.

  “Come on, you must have. I saw how George was looking at your ass! Seriously, something must have happened when the two of you left the gig that night.”

  Britney smiles and says, “Wouldn’t you like to know? Let’s just say I’m feeling a bit perkier than usual today.” Then she points at her tits.

  All the other girls laugh in unison, except for Jane, who drops her eyes while eating her carrots. She has no idea what to say, and doesn’t want them to find out she’s a virgin. She doesn’t like how they talk because she doesn’t have any stories to tell them. Valerie notices Jane isn’t laughing.

  “What’s wrong, Jane? Are you just embarrassed, or maybe you have a secret to tell us about your weekend?”

  Valerie goes up to Jane and puts her arm around her.

  “Come on, Jane, what were you up to on Saturday night?”

  She nudges Jane, trying to get her to spill some kind of beans.

  Jane is trying hard not to reveal to Valerie anything that will show she is completely inexperienced when it comes to sex.

  “Leave me alone, Valerie, I’m not in the mood for this,” she mutters.

  “Whoa, that’s not the Jane we know! Someone’s a Miss Grumpy Pants,” Valerie exclaims. “Come on, Jane. Tell us about your most exciting, sexual adventure. That’ll cheer you up. A wild ride in the car, sleeping with your best friend’s boyfriend, or sucking the football star’s cock? Come on, Jane, tell us!”

  “Just stop, Valerie, I don’t want to play this game,” Jane says, wishing she could come up with a witty line to divert the attention away from herself.

  “Oh, you’re so silly, Jane. Next thing you’re gonna do is tell us you’re a virgin or something,” Valerie chides.

  Jane is horrified. She goes totally pale and is stunned, not knowing what to say.

  “Why would you say that?” Jane asks nervously.

  Valerie looks at Jane and widens her eyes.

  “Oh my God! It’s true! Jane is a virgin! Hey, everyone, Jane is a virgin!”

  All the others laugh in disbelief.

  “Oh, sweetheart, we are going to fix you right up! You are the prize possession of all male fantasy! How the hell have you gotten away with not getting fucked with that tight ass of yours?”

  Valerie slaps Jane’s butt.

  Jane despises Valerie’s crassness and wonders how she was able to get into ballet school with the way she talks. She is so harsh and humiliating, always needing to be the center of attention.

  Jane blushes but also flushes with anger.

  Why won’t she just leave me alone?

  Jane bites her bottom lip. She gets up and walks over to the bathroom, tears welling up in her eyes. She goes into one of the stalls and bursts into tears.

  Why won’t people just leave me alone? Why do they always have to pick on me?

  She hears the girls leave the room to go back to the studio, the room now echoing in silence. She opens the bathroom door and looks at herself in the mirror, her eyes still dewy and puffy.

  Splashing cold water on her face, she is refreshed by the coolness. She stands up straight and looks at herself in the mirror. She turns around to look at her ass.

  Hmmm… I have a tight ass? Someone might want this ass?

  She looks at her face and sees a part of her that wishes she wasn’t so innocent, that wishes she had stories to tell about hot and sexy nights where guys were desiring her body, making all the women envy her.

  Instead, she is stuck in a stupid, pink, ballerina tutu that makes her look like a 12-year-old, just like her mother liked her to look. Innocent, pure, untouched.

  Jane decides to hold her head up high and join the troupe in the studio. She is not going to let them get the best of her. The teacher glares at her, shaking her head and clearly wondering what has gotten into Jane today.

  “One-two-spin-spin, one-two-spin-spin, one-two-spin-spin,” instructs the teacher. “Posture straight, head high, on your toes.”

  Jane tunes out the other girls and focuses on doing a good job.

  No one is going to get the best of her.

  Chapter 3

  It’s Saturday night at the Orion Ballet Hall , and time for the big performance they have been rehearsing for. Jane has been very nervous about this event, mostly because she knows she is the least experienced of the dancers. She hardly slept the night before—tossing, turning and reliving all the things that could go wrong at the performance.

  When she walks into the hall, her body shrinks with a feeling of inadequacy. The place is spacious, and the chandeliers are dripping with money. The crowd hasn’t arrived yet, and the whole place is quiet. She wonders if she should have gone through a different door.

  “Jane! Jane! Over here, dear,” motions her dance instructor. “Clearly, you are awestruck by this place. Come now, you’ll get used to it.”

  For the first time, Jane feels warmth from her instructor, genuine interest in her feelings, something she hasn’t felt since moving to New York.

  They walk together to the back stage area where they will all be getting their makeup on and dressing in their ballerina outfits.

  Jane sees Valerie standing at the mirror, perking her lips and shoving her large breasts into her bra, showing off her cleavage. One thing Jane has to admit is that she is jealous of Valerie’s body—it is sexy with all the right curves, and her dark hair is thick and wavy. She looks like she knows ever
ything when it comes to guys and sex, and she has probably done every possible position.

  She’s such a bitch, thinks Jane, and then she feels guilty for using that word.

  Jane looks in the mirror at her own, mousy, brown hair, boobs that seem flat and unappealing in comparison, and skinny legs that look like toothpicks. Jane has been invisible to guys all her life, and she understands why.

  Jane goes over to her locker and opens it up. Inside is a purple plastic bag with a card tied to it and her name on the front.

  “Weird. Who would be giving me a gift?” Jane says quietly to herself and pulls the bag off the hook.

  Opening it up she pulls out the box. By this time, three of the other dancers, including Valerie, are behind her. Jane is feeling very uncomfortable, knowing something is off.

  She looks at the box and it has a picture of a penis with the words ‘Thunder Cock’ on the outside.

  Valerie starts the gang of them laughing, while Jane turns beet red and can’t even move.

  “We thought we’d get you started, Jane. Now you can spread those legs and start feeling some cock in you,” mocks Valerie. “Nothing like a little thunder to get that pussy wet.”

  They all laugh, and Brenda, Valerie’s sidekick, smacks Jane on her ass.

  “Well, at least you have a tight ass. Guys will like that, sweet Jane,” Brenda teases.

  Jane tries to hold her composure. Tears well up again in her eyes, but she doesn’t want to run away like she did the last time. She tries so hard to find the words for a good comeback, but she’s just not that witty. She continues to face her locker and waits for them to walk away.

  She puts the box back into the bag and stuffs it into her backpack, making sure no one sees her. She goes into the bathroom stall to get changed, because she doesn’t want anyone else to make fun of her. She is very aware that she looks like a 15-year-old girl, even though she is 19. She doesn’t need anyone to rub it in.

  Jane pulls out her leggings and tutu and at the same time quietly opens the box with the dildo in it. She pulls it out of the bag and feels how rubbery and kind of floppy it is. Weird, thinks Jane, feeling mildly terrified because it seems so big and thick. How will something this big go inside of me? She wonders if this is how big real cocks are. It grosses her out, yet fascinates her at the same time.

  Jane notices she is feeling a bit wet and somewhat turned on.

  She hears the other girls come into the washroom, turning on the taps to wash their faces. Jane quickly puts the dildo back in the box and hides it with her sweater in her bag. Quickly, she gets changed, stretching the leggings over her legs, pulling the tutu up to her waist, and pulling the tank top over her waist-less body.

  She fusses about in the stall, waiting for the girls to leave. Walking out of the stall, she looks at herself in the mirror and sees her straggly, mouse-brown hair.

  “God, I feel so plain,” she says to herself.

  The dance instructor, Martha, marches into the bathroom with a clipboard in hand.

  “Come, Jane, we don’t have much time. Get over there to get your hair and makeup done, pronto,” she orders, pulling at Jane’s arm.

  Jane follows orders and goes over to Cindy, the makeup lady, brushing by Valerie.

  Valerie whispers in Jane’s ear, “Did you have fun with the cock in the bathroom?”

  Horrified, she pretends she doesn’t hear.

  “Come on, Jane. Sit here. Boy, we have quite a mop to work with, don’t we?”

  Cindy’s comments sting, especially since Jane is already feeling hurt from being picked on.

  In 20 minutes, Cindy has Jane’s hair pulled up and curled in ringlets, and bright colors applied on her eyes and lips. She dusts sparkles around her cheeks and eyes, making Jane look like Kate Winslet from the Titanic. When Cindy spins Jane around on the chair to see herself, Jane is shocked that the beautiful person in the mirror is her.

  Cindy whispers into Jane’s ear, “They won’t be expecting this, will they. Go show ‘em what you’ve got, sister.”

  Jane is floored, and feels pretty for the first time in her life. She can’t believe what a bit of hair and makeup help can do. No one will recognize her at all and she loves that. She could get used to this new version of Jane.

  “Come on, girls! Line up! It’s show time!” announces Martha, the dance instructor.

  Jane stands third in line, just in front of Valerie, holding her head up high and facing forward. They all bounce out onto the stage, getting into their positions for the opening act.

  Chapter 4

  The theatre’s lights flicker on and off, signaling that it is five minutes before show time.

  Brad is texting quickly, trying to close a business deal only a few minutes before the ballet starts. There doesn’t seem to be enough time to enjoy life when you manage a multi-national company, it seems. The only reason he funded this ballet production was so he could get front row, center seats. He loves the arts.

  He has always had a thing for dancers—ever since his first love, Kelly. When he was 16 years old, they got together, both virgins, and she taught him how to be a gentleman. They spent two years together before they both went to separate schools.

  They made love and explored each other’s bodies in so many different places—in the janitor’s room, in the bleachers of the football stadium, on Mr. Spencer’s desk after class. He remembers her having the craziest orgasm in the basement of his parents’ house, where they had to be totally quiet. She had to bite the pillow so hard she ripped it open.

  She was insatiable and couldn’t get enough of his cock inside of her. They almost got caught when his dad started walking down the stairs. Brad jumped off Kelly and ran to the other room, while Kelly pulled the blanket up over her entirely naked body. His dad opened the door looked inside, not realizing Kelly was there, pretending she was sleeping. His dad asked where Brad was and Kelly feigned she was in a haze and had no idea.

  Thankfully, he closed the door and left, then Brad went back for more of her deliciously sweet pussy.

  They brought out each other’s wild side, and nobody had ever been able to make him feel that way again.

  Kelly was a beautiful ballet dancer and was headhunted by the National School in New York. They vowed to stay together, and he gave her a small promise ring to prove it, but after her first semester, she got a rare form of bone cancer and died within six months’ time.

  Brad was devastated, and hadn’t married or even had a long term commitment since. That was 15 years ago now, and though he went to counseling and feels at peace with Kelly’s passing, he is still attracted to ballerinas who are virgins, and hopes perhaps he will one day find ‘the one’.

  “Sir, we have to go in. The show is starting,” Trish, Brad’s personal assistant, says, motioning frantically.

  “Nailed it!” Brad says, referring to the twenty million dollar business deal he has been negotiating. “Okay, thanks, Trish.”

  He turns off his phone and goes into the theatre. He is the last person to be seated. The usher motions to the Manager for the show to begin, and the lights go down.

  The curtains open and the ballerinas are standing tall and still while the lighting slowly turns from black to bright. Jane is at the front in the middle, leading the crowd, the spotlight following her. Brad notices immediately, her tall, thin legs, her body that looks young and innocent, and the natural color of her hair. She is so tender. When she twirls, it is with a grace he remembers seeing in Kelly—delicate and light, but also spunky.

  When the scene comes where her back is facing the audience and she is bending over, he sees a bit of the crease of her leggings going up her ass. Brad immediately starts daydreaming of what it would be like to put his hand on it and push his fingers inside her. He starts to get a hard-on but knows it would be more than embarrassing if anyone saw, since everyone in the theatre knows who he is. He looks in the other direction, and checks out Valerie, but immediately he is turned off.

looks like such a hardened bitch, he thinks, so he goes back to watching Jane.

  Brad leans over to Trish, his personal assistant, and quietly says to her, “At intermission, I need you to find out who that girl is and if she is a virgin.”

  Trish nods, knowing what to do as she has done it all before. Trish suspects he’s interested in this girl in the middle because she looks remarkably like his first love, Kelly.

  They watch the rest of the show, Brad fixating on Jane, his cock growing increasingly bigger. He feels he could explode with come all over the seat. He shifts around, trying to hide his excitement, but can’t stop fantasizing about taking this young lady to his hot tub and rubbing his body against hers, feeling those precious, little tits, grabbing her body and moving her up and down on his hard dick.

  He’s dying to fuck that beautiful ass of hers and suck on those tiny, perky nipples. He can’t wait to rub his hands all over her, stroking her back and getting her all hot and sweaty. He wants to treat her like the gorgeous princess she is and make her dreams come true. He wants to know her inside and out, as he gives her the best time of her life.

  He wonders who she is underneath that tutu, where is she from, and if she has ever even kissed a guy? He hopes he can be her first, and who knows what next. She looks so delicate and easily broken. He knows he has to be tender with her and he doesn’t want to scare her away.

  All of a sudden, the lights go out and everyone starts to clap. Brad snaps out of it and tries to pull himself together, trying to think of something that will make his hard-on go away. Business. Yes, the business deal he just landed. That will do the trick.

  Trish leans over to Brad and says, “Well, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were smitten with that little number.”

  A smile forms on Trish’s face. She knows full well when Brad gets turned on by a pretty young thing.

  “Well, you know me too well, Trish,” he says and smiles back. “Looks kinda like Kelly, doesn’t she?”

  “Yes. It’s remarkable,” Trish replies.

  They get up and go to the private bar for intermission.


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