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Protecting Her Heart

Page 91

by Carter, Chance

  I looked at the photo that had dragged Tracy all the way across town. It had been taken at least four months before, in the brief period when she and I were actually spending time together. I was really only hanging out with her because of her connections, and sure, we had a little fun, but I was sure it was all behind me.

  This photo wouldn’t exactly help my cause, and I didn’t want anyone I would be working with in the near future to come across it. I would call later. It wasn’t like they could un-print the magazine, anyway.

  I tried to determine which night it had been taken. I sighed and turned the magazine over, not wanting to be reminded of my evenings with Tracy. She hadn’t been a good partner for me.

  As for Kyra, the chemistry just wasn’t there. She was smart, beautiful, successful and charming, but we both came to the conclusion fairly early on that things weren’t going to progress between us. We had been on a handful of dates, and I had been avoiding actually putting an end to things. I was so bad at ending relationships. Such a coward.

  I glanced over at the office door, the one that separated Mona from me. Was she the reason I felt the need to sever these two relationships for good? Because that would be crazy. Nothing could happen between us, and if it did, I knew the entire office, especially Neil, would come down on me.

  It would be a pattern, the kind of behavior that could ruin my reputation in this business and I had worked too hard for too long to get to this point.

  Still, a man could dream. I tipped my head back in my seat and looked at the ceiling. Images of Mona danced in my memory. Her smile, her laugh, her beautiful eyes, her quiet confidence. And of course those delicious round tits that hid just beneath her tasteful silk blouses. I wanted to rip those blouses right off her chest, tearing all the buttons loose, and then planting my lips on her pert little nipples. I’d suck so hard she’d cry out!

  If I called her into the office right then, what would she do? She’d stand there obediently in the door, waiting for me to direct her one way or another. I’d look up at her, meet her gaze steadily, and she’d know at once what I was getting at and what I wanted from her.

  She’d make her way over to me slowly, and I’d get to my feet and close the distance between us, snaking my arms around her waist and pulling her close against my body. She’d look up at me, her eyes suddenly widening as she realized that it was finally happening. Then, our lips would touch and nothing in the world would matter but the feeling of her body against mine, her skin next to my own.

  I wouldn’t want to wait, sliding my hands down and lifting her off the ground before placing her carefully onto my desk. She’d wrap her legs around my waist, as if by instinct, and moan softly as I leaned in to kiss her once more. She’d just remember there were people in the offices around us, people who we didn’t want to know about our little encounter…

  I’d grind against her, already growing hard, and slide my hands up her body to cup her tits. She’d pull open her shirt, grabbing my hand and placing it against her bare breast, and I’d pinch the nipple between my fingers, making her squeal with pleasure. I’d run my lips up her neck, biting lightly on her ear to hear that noise again, to coax it out of her.

  “Fuck me,” she’d gasp, and as much as I’d want to take my time and ease into this as slowly as I could, I wouldn’t be able to turn her down now that she’d brought it up.

  She’d be in that skirt of hers, the one that was just an inch or two too tight, and I’d push it up easily over her hips and yank down her panties in one swift motion. She’d already be soaking, her pussy glistening and tempting. In a flash, I’d be on my knees, inhaling the sweet fragrance of her juices. I’d put my lips on her glistening pussy and start making out with it as if I was kissing her mouth. I’d slide my tongue in and out of her pussy mouth, kissing her and stretching my tongue inside her as deep as it could go.

  I’d move my lips up to her clit and suck on the tender folds of her skin, licking and making out with her clit until I heard her moaning in pleasure.

  She’d tighten her thighs around my head and reach down and pull my face harder and tighter against her pussy.

  I’d drink up every drop of her juices

  Before letting her cum, I’d stop sucking and stand up to face her. I’d kiss her mouth, making sure she tasted herself on my lips.

  The thought made my cock throb and almost explode inside my pants!

  Then, I’d unbuckle my pants, taking my cock in my hand, and she’d moan softly as she parted her legs, throwing one leg up on my shoulder and shifting her hips up so I could push myself into her. I’d place myself against her slit and look her deep in the eyes as I thrust inside her in one swift motion, losing myself to the feeling of her warm, tight cunt around my cock.

  “Oh my God,” she cry.

  I’d thrust into her deeply, pushing myself as far into her pussy as I possibly could. The pleasure would almost overwhelm me.

  As I push in, deeper and deeper, I feel the pleasure build up to the point of no return. My cock would grow and swell, stretching to fill her, and just then, right as I’m so deep inside her that nothing will ever be able to pull me out …

  Knock, knock!

  Suddenly, the door opened, and I was yanked straight from my horny fantasy back into real life. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Mona looking back at me, a curious expression on her face.

  “Hey,” she greeted me, and she must have been able to tell there was something off about me. “Everything okay?”

  I looked at her and then shut my eyes. I was cumming! I couldn’t stop it. The orgasm had started just as the fantasy reached it’s climax and now my cock was throbbing in my pants, spilling cum all over my boxer shorts.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” I said feebly, trying to force the image of fucking her on my desk out of my head.

  I was rock hard beneath my slacks, and my cum would be causing a stain very shortly. I shifted forward in my seat to hide the mess of my erection and cum from her.

  “I was just going to head home,” she explained, gesturing to the door.

  I have to admit she looked a little flushed herself, a few strands of hair falling loosely from the tight bun that sat atop her head. Had she been thinking of me next door? The thought didn’t do much to get rid of my erection, and I did my best to force it out of my head.

  “Sure, sure,” I nodded. “See you tomorrow.”

  She was so goddamned gorgeous. I could so vividly imagine those long legs wrapped around me, the way her thighs would cling to mine as I fucked her with every ounce of my desire.

  I could feel my heart beating a little faster and my mouth growing dry as she lingered next to my desk, as though she didn’t want to go quite yet.

  “Are you sure there’s nothing else I can do today?” she asked, cocking her head in the most absurdly appealing way. I shook my head.

  “Really, you should go home,” I replied firmly, glancing down beneath the desk to see if my erection was visible through my pants. It totally was. Shit.

  “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  She gave me one last, suspicious look, and then went for the door.

  I let out a long breath I didn’t even know I’d been holding as soon as the door closed behind her, and finally my cock began to deflate below the desk. I needed to get home, get some sleep, and get that woman out of my head, once and for all.

  It was proving to be very difficult. I just couldn’t shake my attraction to her, and every day, it seemed to grow more intense.

  I did my best to cast my mind back to how things had started with Jeannie. I could only remember vaguely the details of that night, because it had been at the office Christmas party, and I had a few drinks in me.

  I thought she was cute, and I knew I would never have turned her down if she came on to me, but I didn’t recall feeling anything remotely close to the intense desire I felt for Mona. It didn’t feel heavy on my chest then, I didn’t feel pressing. It felt like if I didn’t take care of it
I might come apart at the seams.

  This was something I felt for Mona alone, and I couldn't get out from under the weight of it.

  I turned back to my computer. Even thinking about Jeannie made me feel as though I were violating some kind of contract I had with myself, one that I’d put in place to ensure nothing like that would ever happen again.

  I slammed my laptop shut, and the cracking sound as plastic met plastic sent a satisfying burr through the room. I knew I was acting like an asshole, like an angry teenager, but I couldn’t help myself.

  I wanted to scream, to hear it echo around me. This was as frustrated as I had ever been because I couldn’t have her. And I wasn’t used to giving up on something I wanted.

  I stayed at the office late that evening, and I walked home with the streetlights glowing dimly above me. It was quiet in the business district at ten. Everyone had either already gone home or settled in to their offices with no intention of leaving before morning.

  It was a cool night, a pleasant change from the overheated atmosphere of the office, and I found myself wondering what Mona was doing. Was she out somewhere enjoying the cool evening air like I was? Or was she curled up inside, maybe in front of the TV or her laptop, a glass of wine in hand?

  It felt odd to spend so much time with someone and know so little about them. Maybe she was thinking about me. She was a young woman, the kind who probably had dozens of guys chasing after her. Why would she be interested in her decades-older boss.

  I decided to go the long way home. I needed time to think, clear my head, and a walk could usually do the trick. I passed a small group of teenagers who couldn't have been older than fifteen, and they glanced up as I went by, shooting looks at each other in a panic. They didn’t have to worry about me selling them out, though. I didn’t have the energy for it tonight.

  A dim, orange glow blanketed the city. Each building that lined the street cast its own unique light. Something about it was soothing to me, and I found myself matching the pace of my breath to the speed of my footsteps.

  Each step spelled out her name. Mo-na, Mo-na, Mo-na. Jesus Christ, I had it bad for this girl. I couldn’t shake her.

  What was it about her? What was it about her that had me so enchanted? Was it the way she looked? She was definitely hot, but it was something else. There were so many beautiful women in this city. I’d have to be crazy to think that I had fallen for Mona strictly because she looked good.

  It wasn’t anything she did as part of her job. Maybe it was those flashes of deviancy, of playfulness she shot in my direction every so often. Like when she took the piss out of me for having Tracy and Kyra turn up at once, or when she teased me for working there for so long. That was what I liked. That was where my attraction sprang from.

  Eventually, I reached my apartment building. I considered looping around and going again, but a tiredness had settled in and I needed to get some sleep if I was going to be on my game tomorrow.

  I nodded to my doorman, who opened the gleaming, glass doors for me dutifully, apparently sensing that the last thing I needed was chit chat.

  When I arrived in my apartment I walked straight to my bedroom. Peeling off my shoes, shirt, and tie, I dove into a quick shower and then fell into bed thoughts of Mona still taunting me.

  Chapter 9


  I yawned and pushed myself back from my desk, stretching broadly and releasing a tired groan. I had been getting up extra early since I started my job. I wanted to make a good impression by being first to arrive and preparing for each day before the others wandered in around nine, but I wasn’t used to it yet at all. I felt as though someone had peeled me straight from the sheets and deposited me at the desk before I’d even had time to fully open my eyes.

  I was exhausted, but it was what Oliver needed from me right now. He was obsessed with landing this account he’d apparently been working on for ages.

  I respected his hustle and I had to keep up. Even if I was wiping the sleep from my eyes three hours into the work day.

  I could hear him talking on the phone to someone next door, and he was making a concentrated effort not to sound overly excited. He was closing in on the deal. I had picked up that much, but I had no idea how it would play out.

  I felt like a voyeur, watching from the outside, and it was frustrating not having a good grasp of what was actually going down. I hated being out of the loop. I was used to being part of the action.

  Still, the peace and quiet gave me a little time to get things organized and catch up on some much needed rest. As I went through a handful of new emails, my eyelids felt heavy and I caught myself zoning out a couple of times I had to stop myself from falling asleep at my desk.

  I was typing away, sending out form responses to the few people I knew Oliver wouldn’t be interested in speaking to, when the phone rang.

  “Hello, Oliver Paulson’s office.”


  A woman’s voice came through the line, and she sounded distressed.

  “Can I help you?” I kept my tone as neutral as I could, but I shuffled in my seat a little, settling in. No doubt, this was one of Oliver’s women, ready to drop some drama straight into my lap.

  “Is that Oliver’s assistant?” the woman asked, and I cocked my head to the side, intrigued.

  “Yes, it is,” I confirmed. “Can I help you with something?”

  “What’s your name?” she asked, and I furrowed my brow.

  “Mona,” I responded. “My name is Mona.”

  “Mona,” the woman repeated, as though she was affixing the name to her memory. “And you work for him? For Oliver?”

  “Yes, I do,” I confirmed, I was beginning to doubt that this phone call had anything to do with business. Leaning back in my seat, I waited for the woman to continue.

  “Don’t let him fool you,” she warned, her voice dropping slightly, and I felt a jolt run through me.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, sitting up in my chair.

  “I know he’s charming, but you can’t let him fool you into thinking there’s actually something between you,” she went on, and it sounded as though she’d rehearsed what she was going to say to me.

  “Who are you?” I demanded, but I already had a good idea.

  “I’m his last assistant,” she snapped without a hint of amusement. “Jeannie. Haven’t you heard about me?”

  My stomach dropped. I closed my eyes and swallowed, bracing myself for the rest of this unpleasant exchange.

  “How did you get this number?” I asked, stupidly, then quickly corrected my question. “Why are you calling?”

  “I wanted to warn you,” she replied, as though it should have been obvious. “I know what he’s like. I was there too, and when I found out he had hired a pretty, young girl to be his assistant.”

  “How do you know he hired me?” I demanded.

  “I still have friends there, Mona,” she reminded me, and I shivered, wondering if she had been keeping tabs on me the entire time.

  I looked around, as though someone might be watching me at that very moment.

  “And they told me that you’re exactly his type,” she went on. “I was, too, and after we hooked up-”

  “You guys were sleeping together?” I interrupted. I guessed I had suspected that was what had happened between them, but that didn’t make it any easier to stomach.

  “Of course we were,” she scoffed, and I was beginning to get irritated at the way she was speaking to me. “He was pretty much the best I’ve ever had. I got hooked on him.”

  “Right.” I allowed her to my stomach turning somersaults inside me.

  “After we had sex, everything changed,” she sighed sadly. “I knew it would, but I thought we could overcome it. God help me, I thought he actually wanted to be with me.”

  “And he didn’t?”

  “Well, I think you’d know about me if he did,” she shot back, sarcastically.

  Why was I still on the phone
with this woman? I could have hung up ages ago, but I didn’t want to. I had to hear what she had to say.

  “And what happened?” I pressed.

  I had no idea how long it would be until I’d get called away by something or someone else, and I felt like I had a right to know.

  “They got rid of me, of course,” she went on, as though it should have been obvious. “Or else, you wouldn’t have my job, right?”

  “Right, right,” I spoke carefully, suddenly aware that Jeannie might just be pissed that she had been fired and was hoping to sabotage my job here, as well.

  “Don’t let him near you,” she warned. “Don’t let him seduce you. Don’t let yourself fall for him because all you’re going to end up with is an unemployment check and…”

  She trailed off, falling quiet for a moment and then continued, “Memories,” she said at last. “No job, just memories. It’s not worth it. Trust me.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement,” I replied, trying my best to appear neutral.

  “Promise me,” she begged. “Please.”

  I could have promised her nothing would happen between Oliver and I. They were just words, after all, and the chances of her ever finding out one way or another were slim, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t promise her. I wouldn’t.

  I hung the phone up, my mind swirling and my heart pounding in my chest.

  What did it say about me that I couldn’t just tell her nothing would happen? I knew why. It was because somewhere at the back of my brain, I knew I hoped it would.

  Was I so desperate for a man that I would go against the advice of someone who knew from recent experience that it would be in my best interest to stay the hell away from him?

  There was just something about Oliver. From the second I’d laid eyes on him I wanted him. I wanted him badly, and not just physically because if it were only that, I would have had no trouble getting him into my bed. I was not without my charms as they say. No, it was a hell of a lot more than that, and there was no denying it any longer.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, forcing myself to slow down. My thoughts were humming at record speed, so fast I was sure I might start levitating if I let them go on any longer.


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