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by Laxmi Hariharan

  "If I was in your position, I know what I would do." He held Leana's gaze.

  "How do I know the volunteers will not be harmed? That there will not be another attack on my people?" Leana thrust her chin forward.

  Shock coursed through Aaron. Was she considering his proposal?



  He sensed Logan and Cain snap their gazes on Leana. The tension radiating from their bodies filled the space.

  Only Mikhail stayed motionless, his eyes never moving from the intruder's face.

  The mayor was a fiery wolf shifter in a fight. Yet here in this room, she was a cool strategist. Aaron had seen Leana in enough negotiations to trust she knew what she was doing.

  She was buying time and ensuring there were no other attacks by the Elysians in the meanwhile.

  "You have my word. Alpha to Alpha." He raised his chin.

  Leana stiffened, but her expression didn’t change.

  The Elysian tilted his head. "Forgive me for those who were hurt." His eyes held Leana's in a direct gaze. "It was never my intention to cause such destruction."

  "Give me something more." Her voice was firm, her features placid. The only outward sign of stress was the skin across her knuckles that stretched white. "At least a name so I know who I am dealing with."

  "Zachary Quant." The air around him shifted, turning transparent.

  The hair on Aaron's forearms rose. The stranger was getting ready to teleport, he realized.

  "How will I find you, to give you an answer?" Leana leaned forward in her chair.

  "I'll reach you." His figure began to fade. "Choose wisely, Leana. Next time, I will have no choice but to forcibly take what I need." A whisper of air and then he was gone.

  The teleporter was gone but Aaron could not let his muscles relax. "He's a teleporter who can come and go as he pleases. None of us are safe, until we find a way to stop him." His eyes swiveled around the room to make sure there were no other intrusions.

  Leana sank back into her chair, the breath whistling out of her. "We need a solution." She gripped Mikhail's hand, lacing her fingers with his.

  Logan and Cain positioned themselves on either side of the table, their stance alert.

  Aaron stayed where he was, next to Leana. "When the Elysian male attacked the bar, the dragon shifter was resistant to his psychic force. The dragons cannot be controlled by the Elysians."

  "Well then, we must align with the dragons." Leana's chin thrust forward. "You know where to find them?"

  "The dragoness, Hope. She told me she's from Mauritania." Aaron felt awareness pull at his nerve endings as he spoke about her.

  "The island that's a couple days travel from here, in the Indian Ocean?" Leana’s eyebrows furrowed. "Well, then, you must journey and ask them to help us in defeating this telekinetic, teleporting race."

  Aaron raised his hands, palms face up. "I'll do my best."

  Leana rose to her feet, allowing Mikhail to lead her to the door.

  Pausing at the door, Leana turned. A smile softened her features. "Aaron, take care of yourself."

  In that moment, Aaron knew that he'd do anything to protect her and this adopted city of his. He placed his hand against his heart. "Rest assured, Mayor. As long as I'm alive, I'll never let any harm come to anyone in this city."

  Part II



  On her return from Bombay, Hope told Eve what had taken place. She'd revealed their identity as dragon shifters to the world. There was no turning back from that.

  Eve was disappointed in Hope but seemed resigned that something like this would’ve happened at some point.

  Her calm acceptance only made it worse.

  Hope would’ve preferred to have Eve rage at her. But sometimes her sister was wise beyond her years. She knew being reasonable about it would only make Hope feel terrible about her mistake.

  A couple days later, when Eve sent Caleb to get her, Hope assumed it was important.

  As she entered the large hall used for official visits, that fiery heart of hers throbbed. A pulse of such hopeful energy raced through her that Hope stumbled.


  "You okay?" Caleb put an arm around her.

  The scar on Caleb's cheek lent the man an air of danger. It made him irresistible to women. But he only had eyes for Indira—Hope's youngest sister who stood at the far side of the room, near Eve.

  “Yes. I’m… fine.” As Hope walked forward, a pine and eucalyptus scent rubbed up against her skin. Inside, her animal unfurled, another pulse of fire throbbing through her.

  And her heart… that stupid, hopeful thing bloomed with hope.

  Her dragon didn't care that soon she'd have to choose one from among the male dragons in this land. No, all the dragon knew was that this male was enticing, that he was hers.

  Being with Aaron meant freedom in a way she had never known before. A freedom to be herself.

  The realization stopped her in her tracks once more.

  All eyes swiveled to her, but she didn't notice.

  All she could see was Aaron. The man she'd met in the bar and who'd kissed her like he was sinking and she was the only thing that could save him.

  The man who was looking at her as if he wanted to consume her whole. The man looking at her with such intense desire that a curl of heat licked her lower belly. Heat from his body reached out to her, and her throat went dry. She couldn't have moved even if she wanted to. Everything else in the room faded out of focus. Hope forgot where she was, that there were other people in the room. All she knew was that she wanted this man. That it was more than just lust… it was a primal need to be with him.

  There was not going to be any walking away without being unscathed.

  Then, Aaron's eyes swiveled to where Caleb's hand was still slung over her shoulders, and those blue eyes froze into chips of ice. His jaw hardened, and his hands curled into fists at his side.

  Her dragon realized he was jealous and reveled in the sheer insanity of his reaction.

  The human part of her cautioned that there was no future for them together.

  Perhaps Caleb felt it, because he moved away, dropping his hand, his eyes sliding between her and Aaron.

  Only Eve seemed unaware of the simmering tension. She stood on a raised platform at one end of the room. Behind her, at the far end of the large room, a large dragon skull covered the length of the wall.

  Hope very much wanted to ask Eve what Aaron was doing there. But she kept her eyes averted from him, keeping her emotions in check.

  It didn't take much deduction to figure out that Aaron had tracked them down, thanks to her having told him they were from Mauritania. Likely, he wanted to cut some kind of deal with Eve. It could be the only reason why he was here.

  Unless he came looking for her.

  Hope pushed the thought out of her head, not even wanting to contemplate what that meant.

  "Why are we here, Eve?" Indira's voice rang around the room. Hands on her tiny waist, the youngest of the dragon shifters shuffled her feet clad in open-toed sandals. Her silk cotton skirt flowed over legs that seemed too long for her petite figure. Her short blonde hair was cropped close so it was a glossy cap around her exquisite face. She was the most ethereal-looking of her siblings.

  Hope could see why Caleb was fixated with her.

  Indira's delicate beauty brought out the protective instincts of any male she met.

  Eve raised her chin, her glossy dark hair swirling around her shoulders. She stalked over to the center of the raised platform. "I just got word that a female dragon shifter has been kidnapped by an Elysian telekinetic.”

  Hope's nerves twanged with tension. Apprehension twisted her gut. The Elysians had reached her city?

  “This, after an Elysian teleporter attacked Bombay and Hope just happened to be there to fight him."

  Hope took a step forward, chest thrust out. "Hang on just a second—"

  Eve raised an eyebrow.

>   Hope fell silent, forcing herself to swallow her words. Eve was very much in alpha mode. Hope had no choice but to hear her out.

  Eve gestured to Aaron. "Then, Hope's boyfriend, who is also the representative of the Council of Bombay, turns up, offering an alliance."

  "He's not my boyfriend," Hope growled, finally lifting her eyes to meet Aaron.

  She was braced for it, yet the force of his gaze punched into her like the monsoon winds.

  Hope was a dragon shifter.

  On a psychic level, she was the strongest of the species. Yet, the force of Aaron's gaze threatened to overpower her.

  Something hot flared in his eyes, tugging a curl of desire in her womb.

  "Well," Aaron drawled, his voice scraping over her sensitized nerve endings, "our brief encounter did have us parting more than just friends. I'd say we are partners."

  Eve held up a hand. "I haven't yet agreed to a partnership."

  To Hope's relief, Aaron turned that brilliant blue gaze away from her and onto Eve.

  "The Elysians are as strong as dragon shifters. You can't defeat them on your own. A partnership with the Council of Bombay means you have the Ascendants and some very powerful shifters on your side." Aaron's voice was respectful but firm. "You need us."

  "But can I trust you and the Council, immortal?" Eve placed an arm on a thrust-out hip. "I suggest a test to decide if our two races can work together." Her eyes darted from Aaron to Hope.

  "Eve!" Hope ground her teeth, her fingers curling into fists at her side. Her sister had a wicked sense of what constituted fun.

  Eve's eyes widened.

  Hope did not trust that innocent look in her eyes. When Eve got that way, it only meant trouble.

  "You know where the Elysian live, don't you?" One foot clad in thigh-high boots tapped the floor.

  "Me?" Hope felt her cheeks flush. "Of course not."

  Her sister's eyes narrowed.

  Hope huffed out a breath. "Yeah, yeah. Okay. I've been there. What do you want from me, a full confession?" Her voice quivered with hidden rage.

  Seychelles, the island nation of the Elysians, had been as much out of bounds as Bombay. But for Hope, that had only represented a challenge. She hadn't rested until she'd found a way to slip in and out of both undetected.

  But Eve knew that already.

  Sisters! Sometimes Hope despaired that there was no secret hidden from them.

  Eve smirked. "You must go with the Ascendant to Seychelles. Find Mira; bring her back."

  Go with Aaron? Her alpha had found a way to get back at Hope for all the times she’d broken the rules, it seemed. "I don't think that's such a good idea—"

  Eve held up a hand.

  Hope bit her lips, feeling a sudden need to massage her temples where the beginnings of a headache was knocking about.

  This was not a request from a sister but a command from her alpha. One Hope knew she'd have to obey.

  Turning to Aaron, Eve gestured. "Join forces with Hope. Bring Mira back safely, and I'll lend the support of the dragon shifters to your mayor."

  "I don't need his help to infiltrate Seychelles and rescue Mira." Hope folded her arms behind her back and thrust out her chin. "We are dragon shifters, the fastest and most lethal of species."

  "Our species must collaborate with his Council to defeat threats bigger than us," Eve shot back, voice smooth.

  "I'd be much faster if I could fly out there on my own." Hope felt herself losing this argument.

  "You could fly with me on your back." Aaron's voice lapped at her senses, hinting at the sensuality that he kept leashed just under the surface.

  The thought of flying with Aaron sent a dense wave of heat pulsing through her. Her dragon leaped at the thought of being close to this man.

  Her thighs clenched, moisture blooming in that secret space between them.

  Anger and a thrill of excitement zinged down her spine. She didn't want to spend any time alone with Aaron. She didn't. Nope, not her! But her damn dragon wasn't listening.

  Awareness rippled across her skin, setting off little pinpricks of desire. Clamping down on her thoughts, she crossed her arms over her chest, hoping they hid her nipples, which had decided right then to peak to attention.

  "On one condition." She dug her nails into her forearms. "We fight. If you prove yourself stronger, you can mount me."

  The words were out before the full implication of what she said sunk in.

  A chuckle from Caleb hastily turned into a cough.

  Then, Indira, her ally, the sister who she could always count on, said, "Uh, not sure if you meant it that way. Or did you?" Her eyes flicked between the two of them.

  Hope felt her cheeks grow warm, "Shut up, Indira." The sound came out strangled. Hope cleared her throat, trying to gain some semblance of composure.

  Was that her subconscious mind revealing what she'd been thinking all along?

  About taking this man to her bed?

  Except it would never be simple between them. It would be more than just sexual, and once her dragon had tasted him, it would not let him go. Her dragon was sure it had found her mate.

  But Hope knew that could never be. The thought sent a frisson of unease down her spine. As her emotions jangled, blowing about as if caught in a hurricane, it was Aaron himself who came to her rescue.

  "Agreed." He canted his head, a smile tugging at those full lips. "Let's fight."



  So, Hope wanted to fight? She wanted to test him, to find out if he was stronger than her? Hope was entitled to it. After all, she was a dragon shifter.

  But he was an immortal, his strength honed by years of fighting with various species.

  He hadn't fought a dragon yet, and he was even looking forward to pitting his strength against one of her kind. He just wished it wasn't the woman who smelled so familiar, like she was a missing piece of him.

  He pushed the thought away, reminding himself that he was here for just one reason, to forge an alliance with the dragon shifters. To save his species.

  If that meant he must take on a female dragon shifter in a fight, then so be it. Yet a part of him knew Hope was more than just another dragon shifter. She was just… more than that to him.

  She was also a warrior. He'd seen her in action. And when a warrior challenged you to a duel, well, to not accept would be disrespectful.

  He also needed to put up a fair fight, for if he held back, that too would be an insult. It could even lead to a fight between their cities. He had to see this fight through.

  Aaron followed Eve, with Caleb between them.

  Hope and Indira brought up the rear.

  These dragon shifters didn't trust him. They made sure he was surrounded. That didn't worry him. He'd have done the same if they’d arrived in his city unannounced.

  He followed them across the courtyard, toward a grass knoll that sloped down to the beach.

  They left him to warm up.

  Hope crossed the beach. Breaking into a jog, she reached the edge where the waves crept up onto the beach. There, she turned toward him.

  Raising her arms, she stretched. The sun kissed those golden limbs, reflecting off sparks of gold and violet, and for a second, it was as if the shape of wings shimmered behind the woman who stood in front of him.

  He blinked, and the mirage cleared. She was once more a dragon in female form.

  Aaron knew he'd never forget the sight of the dragon and the woman, so part of the same yet separate.

  "Shall we set the rules then, dragon shifter?" he called out.

  "I'll let you do so, immortal," Hope's voice carried over the gust of wind that blew between them. "I have the advantage of the home crowd, after all." She gestured to where a small crowd had gathered.

  Men and women, some with children in tow, walked across to take their seats on the narrow wall at the edge of the beach.

  One of the younger women bounded onto the wall with the lithe confidence of a female who kn
ew she was attractive. She blew Aaron a kiss. "Take off your shirt, immortal," she yelled across. "Let's see what our dragon warrior must fight."

  Aaron chuckled, giving a good-natured wave. He wouldn't have reacted to the teasing, except right then a low rumbling noise drew his attention.

  He looked across to find Hope frozen in her tracks. Hands on hips, she was looking at the girl who was still grinning at him. The girl’s friends joined in, blowing him kisses.

  Ah! His dragoness was jealous, he realized with delight. That spurred him on.

  Reaching for the hem of his shirt, Aaron drew it off and flung it aside.



  Aaron whipped off his T-shirt, and the sight of his lean abs winging down toward a waist that was flat enough to be concave had her curling her fingers in anticipation.

  She wanted to run her fingers over that smattering of dark hair that teased just above his waistband.

  It would be rough to the touch, and if she were to lick the sweat that glistened there, how would it taste? Desire pooled between her thighs, and Hope pushed the thoughts from her head.

  But then Aaron moved, the muscles of his upper arms flexing as he flung his T-shirt aside, and Hope stopped pretending.

  She just looked at the prime specimen of warrior male who preened for her.

  He swaggered toward her, the movement calling attention to the chorded strength of his legs. Those cool-blue eyes focused on her and held her gaze.

  Despite the sea breeze that fluttered the hair at her temples, Hope felt as if she was running a temperature.

  The dragon inside of her clawed against her skin, pushing her to reach out to this man on the psychic plane.

  Bracing her feet in the wet sand, she sought purchase, sought to calm the dragon, telling it how wrong it was. There was no way she could meet him on the psychic plane. To do so would only end in certain tragedy.

  The girls who'd called out to him earlier had fallen silent.


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