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Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2)

Page 5

by Tricia Andersen

  Rico understood what she signed. “No need to apologize. It was a long ride. Plus, I liked watching you sleep.”

  She smiled shyly as he walked her to the door. It was a clear, warm summer night. The moon softly lit their path as they reached the porch. It was the perfect moment for a first kiss.

  Rico looked up to see Lindsay at the door watching them. He gently kissed her on the cheek. “Good night.”

  Good night.

  He waited as she opened the door and stepped inside, casting a final glance toward him. He stifled a chuckle as he noticed her punch Lindsay in the arm as she stormed past him.


  Avery stood at the corner, waiting patiently for the bus to arrive after her shift at work. She let go a huge yawn. Getting up at five in the morning to open the coffee shop was miserable. It was even more miserable for Lindsay, who had to get up to drive her to work. But it was Monday, and her classes started at one in the afternoon. It was the only way to get decent hours. Not that she needed the job. Since she was medically retired, her military retirement certainly paid all her bills, but her job made her independent.

  Avery sighed as a small smile graced her lips. All right. Maybe I’m a bit too stubborn.

  She looked to the trees above her and watched the birds flying from branch to branch. She did miss listening to them sing. She closed her eyes and felt the sun on her face. Her thoughts drifted to her date on Saturday. Her heart ached. It had been two days since she had seen Rico, and she missed him. They had texted all day Sunday, but texting was nothing like being with him.

  With a sigh, Avery opened her eyes to look for the bus. It should be there by now. Then, she startled, her eyes growing wide. Instead of the bus, Rico sat at the corner in his Jeep with a wide grin on his face.

  Can I take you to class? he signed.

  She glanced from him to the bus waiting impatiently behind him. She nodded excitedly as she hopped into the passenger seat and kissed him on the cheek. He reached across and took her hand in his. This surprise was better than she could have hoped for.

  At the first stop light, he turned to her. He brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. You look tired.

  I have been up since five. Lindsay probably looks worse. He had to get up to take me.

  Rico frowned. I have to be at work at six. I could drive you.

  You would drive out of your way to take me to work?


  She smiled at him as the light changed. How could she say no?

  Rico held her hand the entire trip to the college, letting go only to sign something quick whenever they stopped. Before she hopped out to jog off to class, she promised to text him her work hours and class schedules. He kissed her forehead before she scampered off.

  Avery sank into her seat in the front row so she could see the interpreter. Her mind raced. Rico had managed to kiss nearly every part of her face but her lips. What would it be like to kiss him? She closed her eyes for a moment as her imagination ran wild. Her heart raced at the thought of his lips on hers, his hands pulling her closer. She popped her eyes open as her breath quickened.

  Then, she frowned. Crap. Just missed a huge part of the lecture. It sucks being deaf. I hope someone will let me copy their notes.

  She managed to miss the entire class daydreaming of Rico. She sighed. Why on earth was she getting so hung up on this guy? She didn’t even have to think about the answer. He was simply incredible. He was unbelievably sexy. He learned sign language to talk to her. He went out of his way to take care of her. How could she not fall in love with him?

  The rest of the week went better than she could have imagined. Whether it was class or work, Rico was there to take her and after to pick her up. She only had to take the bus a couple times. She certainly couldn’t ask him to take off work to chauffeur her around. He would if she asked, but she could never do that. But nothing changed. She was still independent. She could take care of herself, deaf or not. Avery had to admit, though, it was nice to have a knight in shining armor.

  Lindsay, however, wasn’t happy about the new situation. His face was a full out thunderstorm when she left in the morning, and he stalked the front door when she came home. Any chance of getting a goodbye kiss from Rico was long gone with her hulking, intimidating brother standing sentry on the front porch waiting for her. She huffed a big sigh. Lindsay would just need to get over it. As far as she was concerned, Rico was here to stay.

  Chapter Four

  The weekend finally arrived, but it was no break for Avery. She still had her early Saturday morning class to attend. She trudged down the steps wearily. Of all the times for the air conditioning to go out, this was the worst by far. The ninety-degree day seeped into the building, making the rooms hot and stagnant. Every last person in the classroom was drenched in sweat. Even for one class, it was unbearable.

  Her face brightened as she stepped out the door and found Rico in his Jeep waiting for her. She nearly ran for the vehicle. Dropping her backpack on the floor, she climbed in beside him.

  He looked at her concerned. “Are you all right?”

  She texted him. No air. I baked for the last hour.

  “Do you still want to do something?”

  Yes. You are the highlight of my day.

  “Where do you want to go?”

  Someplace cool.

  Rico thought for a moment then grinned. “I know the perfect place. But you are going to want to bundle up.”

  It is the middle of summer. Where are you taking me?

  “You’ll see.”

  Rico drove her home then waited in the Jeep for her to get clothes. Apparently, he wasn’t about to push his luck with Lindsay.

  He then stopped at his place. Instead of having her wait in the car, he escorted her inside. His apartment was a loft in an old, renovated warehouse, complete with the freight elevators. It was sparsely decorated with a leather sofa and chair. It was the typical guy’s apartment.

  There were several MMA magazines scattered on the end tables. He must really be into mixed martial arts.

  It only took a moment for Rico to come out of his bedroom changed. Instead of the shorts and T-shirt he had worn before, he now had on a pair of jeans and a snug fitting Henley that accented his muscles. She swallowed back a moan. She hadn’t thought he could get any hotter.

  He smiled. “Ready?”

  Yes. Avery took his outstretched hand in hers. She waited as he locked the door then walked with him to the elevator.

  Rico weaved from one interstate to the other until they were in Saint Paul. The entire time, he held her hand in his. He parked the car in front of a large, concrete building lined with windows.

  Ice skating? She signed.

  He laughed. “You wanted to be cool.”

  That is true. But I can’t do this.

  He frowned. “Why not?”

  “I can’t ice skate.”

  “You don’t know how?”

  I do. When I was young, I was very good at it. But I haven’t since I lost my hearing.

  “What does ice skating and being deaf have anything to do with each other. Do you skate with your ears?

  Of course not.

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of you. I have pride.

  “Come on, Avery. We’ll have fun. I promise I won’t let you fall.”

  She gazed at him as he grinned at her. Her eyes wandered over his chiseled physique. He certainly could keep his word. She sighed as she hopped out of the passenger seat and turned back to him. All right. Let’s go.

  “Absolutely!” Rico jumped out with her and raced around the vehicle to take her hand. He pulled her close and wrapped his arm around her waist as they strolled in.

  Rico paid their admission as Avery slipped into the restroom to change into her lightweight sweater and jeans. She watched his gaze wander over her head to toe as a smile spread across his face. He certainly seemed pleased. He took both pairs
of skates the attendant offered before following her to a bench. They tugged on their skates and, carefully stepping on the thick, black mat on the floor, they made their way out to the ice.

  They skated around the rink laughing, sometimes hand in hand, sometimes trying awkwardly to race each other. Avery hadn’t been ice skating in years, not since she’d lost her hearing. She had let go of so many things after she lost her hearing. She believed she could live without them. Rico had proved to her she was so wrong.

  She gazed up at him as he smiled at her. He certainly was turning out to be her hero. Not that she needed one. She didn’t. But it was definitely nice to have one, just in case.

  They were so wrapped up in each other, neither of them noticed the little boys that flew between them until it was too late. The last one hooked his skate with Avery’s. She was off her feet in a split second. She clenched her eyes in anticipation of the cold impact on her butt. Instead, two strong arms kept her from falling. Her eyes fluttered open, and she glanced around.

  Rico caught her just as he’d promised. Her gaze locked with his sapphire blue one. She wanted to protest, to joke just how cliché this was. Here he was, cradling her in his arms after saving her from falling, his lips dangerously close to hers. They must have looked like they belonged on the front of a romance novel. But her breath caught in her throat as she clung to him, her gaze drifting to his mouth.

  She gasped as he gathered her closer and softly kissed her. Her fingers buried into his hair as he deepened it, his lips parting hers as his tongue slowly grazed across her teeth then tangled with hers. Their eyes met for a moment as the kiss broke. Avery fought against her breath coming out in ragged gasps, but it was no use. So, that’s what kissing Rico Choate is like. It was light years better than she had imagined.

  With a grin, Rico gently set her on her feet. As soon as her weight hit her left foot, she winced. His smile faded as his face filled with concern. “Are you all right?”

  Avery shook her head. I can’t put weight on my foot. I must have done something to it when I almost fell.

  Rico wrapped a protective arm around her waist as he helped her from the ice. He guided her to a bench and motioned for her to sit. Before Avery could reach for her own skate, he was kneeling before her, unlacing it.

  I can take off my own skate, Rico.

  “I am sure you can.”

  Then let me.

  “No.” He tugged it off carefully, so as not to cause more pain, and then started on the other one.

  I am not a child.

  His deep blue gaze shot up to hers. The message in his glare was unmistakable. It was time to drop it and let him take care of her. Once her feet were free of the skates, he shed his quickly and returned both pairs.

  Avery gingerly stood on her good leg. She concentrated on her bag a couple feet away with her shoes inside. It wasn’t too far. She could hop there.

  A gasp escaped her lips as she was scooped off her feet. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around Rico’s neck as he scooped up both their bags and strode from the building with her still cradled in his arms.

  The stubborn woman in Avery was nearly offended at Rico taking control of the situation. She was the one hurt, not him. But then, she studied his face. She could see the determination in his features. She saw the worry. Does he really care that much about me?

  He sat her down in the Jeep and signed. I’ll be right back.

  Avery watched Rico storm off a distance and whip out his cell phone from his jeans pocket. He pressed a couple buttons and held it to his ear. She couldn’t read his lips at the moment but by his pacing and the urgency in his motions, he seemed anxious.

  As he talked, she pondered the past week with him. They had butted heads more than once, especially about her independence. He was just as stubborn as she was. He held himself with a confidence she hadn’t seen many men have. She smiled to herself. They were more alike than she had ever imagined. She liked it.

  She shifted her foot slightly. The searing pain that shot through her body brought her back to the problem at hand. She glanced up as Rico slid into the driver’s seat.

  I am probably all right. But I should go home.

  Rico shook his head. “I have a friend who will look at it. I just called him.”

  I am not sure your friend—

  Rico stopped her hands with his. After a moment, he smiled. “My friend is an ER physician. This is right up his alley. We’re headed over to his place.”


  Rico stopped alongside the curb in front of the brick townhouse. He glared at the building. He needed Mark right now. He hated seeing Avery hurt. The thought stunned him. Knowing someone he cared about was in pain had never torn him up like this before.

  He had also pleaded, demanded, that Mark get rid of anything that might associate Rico with his MMA career. The two men had been on posters and programs together. The big man had told Rico that he would. However, Mark had a bad habit of not taking things seriously. If Avery sees one hint of my life in mixed martial arts… He clenched his eyes shut. He didn’t want to think about it.

  His eyes shifted to Avery’s, and he smiled. He hopped out of the Jeep then met her at her door before she could get out. She didn’t have to sign to him. Her exasperated look told him she wanted to walk. Without a word, he scooped her into his arms and strode to the front door, knocking on it with his knee. Barking was the response.

  As the door opened, they were greeted by an excited, wagging, chocolate brown pit bull.

  Rico frowned. “Kinnick, move.”

  Mark popped around the corner, an impish grin plastered to his face. “Hey.”

  “Could you please move Kinnick?”

  “I could.” After waiting a moment just to irritate him, Mark nudged the dog away. Rico stepped inside the living room to find Dan sprawled across the loveseat, a video game controller in his hand and his long, thin legs draped over the arm. Rico took a sweep of the area. There were MMA magazines on the end tables and his gear bag sat on the floor by the television. With a relieved sigh, he gently set Avery on the couch.

  Kinnick wiggled to Avery’s side for attention. She petted the dog as Mark kneeled before her.

  “Hi, Avery. My name is Mark. I am going to check your ankle. All right?”

  Avery nodded then typed something on her phone. She showed Mark.

  Mark grinned as he gently massaged her ankle. “This is Kinnick. She is named after the stadium in Iowa City.”

  Avery winced then typed again.

  Mark read it and nodded. “It is an interesting name. I’m from Iowa. I’m a Hawkeye fan.”

  Avery’s face lit up as she went back to tapping on her phone.

  Mark read her message again. “Nope. East side of the state. Cedar Rapids. I used to travel to Des Moines all the time though.”

  Rico huffed as he rolled his eyes. He crossed his muscular arms over his chest. “Seriously? You feel the need to share your life story?”

  Mark shot him a look as Avery scowled at him. “Criticizing my bed side manner?”

  Rico didn’t answer. Mark turned back to Avery. “Your ankle is badly sprained. Nothing more. I will get you a wrap for it and some ice. Stay off it as much as possible so it can heal.” He thumbed over his shoulder at Rico. “This one can wait on you.”

  He stood and disappeared into the kitchen. Rico followed him. He leaned against the counter as Mark pulled a plastic bag from the drawer then opened the freezer. Mark cocked a grin at him. “I take it you didn’t tell her that you’re from Chicago.”

  “Not yet,” Rico huffed. “Are you sure all the stuff with me on it is gone.”.


  “Did you check those magazines to see if I’m in them?”

  “Didn’t have to.” Mark tossed a handful of ice cubes into the bag.

  “Why not?”

  Mark chuckled as he gathered one last handful of ice and sealed the makeshift ice pack closed. “I use your covers to line K
innick’s kennel.”

  “You what?” Rico screeched.

  Mark smirked at him as he slipped back into the living room. Rico stormed after him, catching Mark as he laid the ice pack on Avery’s ankle. Avery wrapped her hand around Rico’s to stop him from stalking after Mark as the big man disappeared down the hallway. She tugged his hand toward the cushion then let go of it long enough to sign. Sit. Please.

  Rico stared down the hall for a moment then sank down next to her. Avery laid her head on his shoulder as she held his hand again. It was only a few moments before Mark reappeared with an elastic wrap bandage. He dropped to his knee and carefully wrapped Avery’s injured ankle. As he secured it, he looked up at Rico with a wicked twinkle in his eye.

  Rico bit back a snarl. He didn’t even want to know what smart ass thought was going through the big man’s mind.

  They visited with Mark and Dan for about an hour. Rico cringed as they told Avery some of their misadventures, spending extra time and details on his part in them. She laughed at their stories, cuddling closer to him as Dan and Mark bantered back and forth. He wrapped his arms around her. He didn’t know if it was the sound of her laughter or having her snuggled against him that made him relax and join in on the conversation.

  As long as they kept his secret, they could tell Avery anything they wanted. Besides, with all the things they had on him, it was about time he defended himself.

  Avery looked at Rico. I promised to go to dinner with Lindsay.

  He nodded at her then slowly unwrapped his arms from around her so he could stand. We should go. He stooped over her to pick her up, but was met with light slaps.

  Enough. Let me walk. You can help me, but let me do it myself.

  Rico pulled his hands back in mock surrender then offered to help her stand. Tugging her to her feet, he braced her against him for support. They said their goodbyes to Mark and Dan. Together they made their way to the vehicle. Rico helped her climb inside then turned to find Mark behind him.

  “Thanks for helping her,” Rico told him.

  The evil grin was back. “Happy to help.”


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