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Page 27

by Wilton, Patrice

  “So, he’s going to be all right?” Ally put a hand to her throat, and was surprised when tears sprang to her eyes. Relief ran through her and she let out a sigh.

  Nick stopped doing what he was doing and stood there, arms folded, watching her with a frown on his face.

  She nodded at Nick, and spoke to Finn. “What hospital? Chester County?” It was the nearest mid-sized town to Heaven, and had a decent medical facility, police force, and everything Heaven lacked.

  “Yeah. Can’t believe he didn’t call me before busting into the place—all macho like. Don’t think Chief trusts me. Thinks I’m a rookie, barely good enough to spit-polish his boots.”

  “I don’t think he believes that at all. He’s always spoken well of you,” Ally replied, rolling her eyes at Nick. “Anyway, what about this intruder? You’re not letting him escape, are you?”

  “Heaven’s no,” he said, and laughed at his little joke. “We’ve got the entire West Chester police working with us. Road blocks, the whole thing. Like in the movies.”

  “That’s good. I’d never have any peace of mind if he got away. Catch him, won’t you?”

  “Yes. We intend to try.”

  “Do better!” she snapped. “If Jimmy escapes this, well, I don’t know what I’ll do.” A shiver ran up her spine.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s another thing. Ian told me to tell you to spend the night with Nick and Jennie. He meant it too.”

  “I’m sure he did. We’ve discussed it before, and I guess he’s right. Wait a sec and I’ll check.” She put a hand on the receiver of the old fashioned wall phone, and did an aside to Nick. “Chief was hit over the head by an assailant hiding in the cabin next to mine. He’s on his way to the hospital and wants me to stay with you and Jen. Just for a day or two. That all right?”

  Nick put his hands on her shoulders and drew her in for a brief hug. “Course it is. We’ve wanted you to. Go see Chief Brown, and take the night off. We can handle things around here.”

  Ally batted back tears, sniffed and spoke to Finn. “Yes, I’m good. I’ll be at Nick’s until I hear some good news. Call me on my cell the moment you get him, please?” She rattled off her cell phone number and then said a quick good-bye.

  She kissed Nick’s cheek. “Thanks! I’ll call you later and give you an update. You’re a lifesaver.”

  “You know you always have a place with us. You’re family,” he said, already dialing his wife’s number at work. “Don’t worry about clothes or toiletries. Jennie has everything you’d need.”

  She nodded, too choked to answer. She grabbed her coat, and ran out the back door where her dark blue Honda CVR sat in the lot next to Nick’s and Byron’s cars. Pulling her coat around her, she shivered as she got in, turned on the ignition and backed out of the parking space. She knew the County hospital having visited it once before, and figured the drive would take twenty minutes. She needed that time to get her emotions under control.

  A half hour later, she was led into a cubicle where Ian was lying on a gurney, waiting for a doctor to arrive and give him stitches.

  “So you’re my wife now?” he said quietly, grabbing her hand. “Just like a woman to assume that after one night of pleasure…”

  He stopped talking when she kissed him. “Shut up. How could you be such an idiot? You could have been killed.”

  “Or I could have stopped someone from killing you.”

  She blinked back tears and stepped back, just looking at him. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you either. And I don’t need to be a wife to care.”

  He reached for her hand and laced his fingers with hers. “I know that, and I was just teasing. It was a nice surprise seeing you enter.”

  “Does it hurt?” She gestured to his head.

  “Yeah. Like the dickens. But I’m tough. I can take it.”

  She laughed softly and stroked his cheek. “You are one big, tough man, and I don’t know what the weasel was thinking to try and mess with you.”

  “Speaking of weasel, what’s Finn up to? You know he offered to baby-sit you tonight?” His eyes searched hers. “You are going to Nick’s, aren’t you? Or better yet, you could stay with me—if they let me out.”

  “What? In town? What would all the good people say? Your reputation would be in ruins.”

  “Uh, maybe they wouldn’t know. I mean, it’s only temporary, not a full-time solution.”

  “I’m going to Nick’s,” she told him. “The girls will enjoy me sleeping over. It’ll be like a party or something. Maybe I can bring balloons and a cake. Have an unbirthday.”

  “You’re crazy, you know that.” He kissed the back of her hand. “I’d like to unbirthday you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Unwrap you like a present.”

  Behind Ally, she heard someone cough. She turned her head to see a middle-aged man in a blue coat.

  “I’m Doctor Neilson, and I’ll be stitching up your head wound.”

  Ally stepped aside. “Will Chief Brown be leaving the hospital anytime soon?”

  “We’d like to keep him overnight for observation,” the doctor said. “He had a concussion.”

  Ian nodded and smiled at her. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Sure.” She touched his arm. “You take care, okay?”

  “You too. Have a fun unbirthday.”

  “Visiting hours are until six, but your wife can stay later.”

  “Thank you, Doctor, but I’ve got to go.” She backed out and tossed Ian a bright smile. “I’ll save you a piece of that cake.”

  “Can’t wait to eat it,” he said with a wink.

  She turned and fled. When she hopped in her car, she weighed her options. She could go home, get Speed, and gather up some clothes. But she knew it wasn’t safe. She would have Finn or someone pick up her dog, and she’d take the hours Nick had given her and go shopping.

  After all, she was in a decent-size city, and hadn’t treated herself to anything new in a long time. Seemed like a better plan than returning to the cabin and putting herself in danger. Jimmy had been watching her. Waiting for her—and Ian had saved her by risking his own life. She couldn’t go back.

  She Googled shopping centers and found the Exton Square Mall within a ten minute drive. She put the address in her GPS and headed down the road, feeling strangely upbeat for someone who had a madman stalking her.

  It might have something to do with the sexy guy she’d left back at the hospital, or the fact that for the first time in years she knew she had friends she could count on, and who really cared.

  Ally saw the Macy’s sign and headed right for it. She could pick up underwear, a few changes of clothes, cosmetics. An hour later she left the mall with a new pair of designer jeans, a pink cashmere sweater, a striped long sleeve tee, and pink Sketchers, to replace the pair that had started this whole nightmare.

  She carried another bag with something so ridiculous she didn’t even have a name for it. An impulsive purchase she already regretted. A black dress that would be suitable for parties and Christmas festivities, a pair of sheer black hose, and high heels. Never in her life had she felt so foolish. Where in Heaven would she wear such a thing?

  When she got to the car, she flung her bags in the back and laughed. Maybe she’d go to Nick’s Christmas party after all. He was having plenty of people and the invitation waited her reply. She had not wanted to go, knowing it would be a dashing, dressy affair, with Jennie’s family from Philadelphia, and all their friends in town. Everyone would be a couple but for her. Now, she felt almost giddy with excitement. Perhaps she would go, maybe even bring Ian as her date.

  Why not? She hadn’t had a date in years. Sex, yes, she could cross that off her list, but asking Ian to accompany her to a party? He probably would refuse anyway, being the police chief and all.

  Her smile slipped. Who was she kidding? Her life would never be normal—not unless Jimmy was caught. She checked her phone and didn’t see a message from Finn. She le
ft one for him, asking if he’d pick up her dog.

  With any luck Jimmy was probably on the run right now. She and Speed were probably safe—but as long as Jimmy roamed the world free, there would be no date. No party. No chance to wear her new dress. Bringing friends and loved ones into her life would endanger them all, and she couldn’t have that. He would win—controlling her as he always had.


  Ian’s smile faded when Ally walked out of the hospital room. Not because he was getting stitches in his head either. Hell, he’d taken a lot worse than that. He wanted to be back on the streets along with his fellow officers, hunting the animal who’d terrorized Ally.

  It also occurred to him that this guy had probably been keeping his eyes on her for some time. Since he knew where she lived, he likely knew where she worked and who her friends were. What if he had followed her here to the hospital? Or worse—he might be staking out Nick and Jennie’s house in case she showed up. The thought of putting their two sweet daughters in danger had his stomach churning.

  It wasn’t safe for Ally, for any of them. He had to call her and get the hell out of here. Kicking the sheet from his legs, he slid off the narrow bed. He swayed, feeling unsteady on his feet.

  Doctor Neilson took that moment to arrive. “Chief Brown. You need to lie back down.”

  “I have things to do. It’s important.”

  “So is your head injury. Now sit, and let us take care of it. It won’t take more than a few minutes.”

  “It’s only a scratch.”

  “We’ll get it stitched, and then you can rest comfortably.”

  “I’ll be leaving here as soon as you’re done.”

  The doctor put his hands in Ian’s hair, inspecting the wound up close. “I’ll have to advise against that.”

  “I understand. I’ve listened to your advice and have rejected it—for a very good reason. Lives could be endangered.”

  The doctor sighed. “I will see that the discharge papers are available to you.”

  “Thanks, Doc. But before we proceed I need to make a call. It could be a matter of life or death.”

  “Fine. Do you have your phone?”

  “In the side drawer. I made the nurse leave it.”

  “I’ll step out of the room. Then we’ll get you stitched up and out of here.”

  He nodded and called Ally, but she didn’t pick up. He left a message, telling her not to go to Nick’s and to call him back a.s.a.p.

  The doctor poked his head in. “Ready?”

  “Yeah. Guess I am.” There was a knot of worry in his stomach, and until he had Ally safe with him, he knew it wouldn’t go away.

  He kept his phone handy, but Ally didn’t return the call. As soon as the stitches were done, he called again, leaving another urgent message. It took some time to complete the paperwork for the discharge, but still no word. His head throbbed, his gut churned, and he was not a happy camper when he stormed out the front doors.

  He’d called Finn to pick him up, and the young officer was there waiting.

  “What’s up?” he asked. “Why aren’t you resting? We’ve got this covered. He’s not going anywhere.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m worried about. He probably isn’t going anywhere until he gets what he came for. Ally. She’s not picking up her damn phone.”

  “Have you tried Nick’s?”

  “The restaurant? No. She’s supposed to be going to his home to spend the night. I don’t have their number, even if I did, I wouldn’t call and scare Jennie, but I know where they live.”

  “You think this guy might show up there?”

  “It occurred to me.”

  “I’ll call the other squad cars, have someone do a drive-by.” Finn shook his head. “We have another problem now. Ally left a message for me a few hours back. Asked me to pick up the dog. I went back to the cabin, but it was empty. Took a quick look around, but he’s gone.”

  Right then Ian’s cell phone rang. He glanced at the number, recognizing it as Ally’s. “Where have you been? Why didn’t you answer?”

  “Ian? What’s going on? Why all the urgent messages? I was in the mall shopping.”

  He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, trying to control his emotions. She was safe. Jimmy Wharton didn’t have her. He noticed his hands were shaking. Probably a side-effect of the concussion.

  “Ally, don’t go to Jennie’s. Call and cancel. I’m sorry. I should have thought of this earlier. But Jimmy might very well know where you work and who your friends are. I’m with Finn right now, and we’ve got a unit on the way to their house now.”

  He heard her sharp intake of breath. “Oh, my God. The girls!”

  “I know. I highly doubt he would hurt anybody else, but he might be outside watching and waiting. That’s his M.O. He’s not a killer. He could’ve killed me today, but didn’t. He’s a stalker, and it’s you he wants.”

  He meant to frighten her. He needed her to be extra careful and keep alert. “Don’t go home. Don’t go anywhere you normally do.”

  “Where can I go?” she asked with a quiver in her voice.

  “I’ll have Finn drop me home. Meet me there in fifteen minutes.” He gave her his address, and didn’t give a shit that Finn gave him a knowing smile.

  He had to keep Ally safe, and the best place for her to be was with him.

  Finn pulled up in front of Ian’s apartment building, and they waited inside his car, watching for Ally’s Honda to appear.

  “So what’s your plan?” Finn asked. “You going to tell her about the dog?”

  “I will, if she asks. Right now I’m thinking about our next step,” he answered. “You go stay with Jennie and the girls, and keep them safe. I’m going to contact a buddy of mine—he worked with me at my old precinct. This guy can find just about anything and anyone.” He glanced at Finn, his eyes narrowed with determination. “Given a little information and his own brand of luck.”

  “What are you hoping to find?” Finn asked.

  “Perhaps the make and model of the vehicle Jimmy’s driving. A recent photo. Any priors that we don’t know about.”

  They watched as Ally’s car rounded the corner and pulled up next to the patrol car. Ian hopped out and into Ally’s Honda. “Finn needs Nick’s address,” he told her. “He’s going to spend the evening there until Nick can get home.”

  She rattled it off, giving him directions, and then Finn headed off. She turned in her seat to face Ian and put her hands on his face. “Why aren’t you in the hospital? You aren’t well.”

  He captured her hand and kissed the soft fingers. “I’m better now. Knowing that you’re safe.” He gave her a long look that spoke volumes. “You can’t imagine what I was thinking when you didn’t answer your damn cell.”

  She bit her lip and her eyes grew moist. “I’m sorry. I haven’t shopped in years and I got carried away. Didn’t hear my phone, or think of it either.”

  “It’s okay. You’re okay. I’m going to keep you that way.”

  They stared at each other. “Have you spoken to Jennie? Are they all right?”

  “We heard back from the squad car and the officer with them now. Everything’s fine. They’ll remain until Finn arrives.”

  “It’s a big property. An old farmhouse that Nick remodeled. It has acres of fields. It’s beautiful, but there are plenty of places for someone to hide.”

  Ian got on his phone and related this information to Finn, and then directed Ally to the underground parking area. Before they got out of the car, Ian pulled her toward him, and buried his mouth in her hair. She smelled so good, and he held on tight.

  She shifted in her seat, then found his lips and kissed him deeply. “Thank you for worrying about me.”

  “I don’t want to worry about you. I don’t want any harm to come to you. Ever.”

  “It won’t. I promise.” Her eyes were wet when she glanced up at him. “I will be very careful from here on in. Until you catch Jimmy and he’s locked up f
or good.”

  “You can stay with me until we do. I can’t have you alone.”

  “What about Speed? Who has him?” she asked quietly.

  He swallowed hard, wishing he didn’t have to tell her. “Finn drove over to pick him up. He wasn’t there. Not sure how it could have happened, but it’s possible that Jimmy, or whoever this jerk is, has taken him, hoping that it will bring you to him.”

  “Oh, my God. What if he hurts Speed, to hurt me?”

  “He won’t. He probably doesn’t want to hurt you either. You’re his prize. His possession, at least in his sick mind. And you got away. He’s angry, but I don’t think he’d hurt Speed. He might still be hoping to win your love back.”

  “I never loved him.”

  “I know that, but if it is Jimmy, and we don’t know that it is, he might think otherwise. Anyway, the officers know about the missing dog, they know about your stalker, and I’m going to keep you safe with me. I doubt if the unsub knows where I live and I hope to keep it that way.”

  Her eyes misted up, but she nodded. “Whatever you say.”

  The words were a pleasant surprise. For once, Ally wasn’t going to be disagreeable, and headstrong. She must be more frightened than she let on.

  She tilted her head and screwed up her nose. “What is a “unsub” anyway? I hear that word used all the time on cop shows.”

  “It refers to a suspect as an “unknown subject”, which he still is until we capture him.”

  “I see.”

  He stroked her cheek. “Buy anything interesting at the mall?”

  “Some new underwear.” She smiled. “You want to see?”

  “I sure do.” He opened his car door. “Let’s get out of here.”

  She leaned over the seat and grabbed the bags from the back. “Fine by me. I can model for you, since you won’t model for me.”

  “I like that idea a whole lot better.”

  Once they were upstairs, Ally used his bathroom and he booted up his computer. He placed a call to Jerry Fletcher, his buddy in Brooklyn P.D. and gave him a brief explanation for the call. “I think he’s still here, and intends to stay until he gets what he wants.”


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