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Rodin's Lover: A Novel

Page 27

by Heather Webb

  Auguste slipped his hand under the table and squeezed Camille’s knee. She puckered her lips slightly in a mock kiss. They had been open about their affection since their reunion.

  “Lovebirds,” Jules Dalou said, blotting his mustache with his napkin. “You two are like children.”

  Jules had deigned to show his face despite their broken friendship, but he refused to make eye contact with Auguste. Since the appointment of the Hugo monument, he had not answered a single one of Auguste’s letters. Auguste didn’t know why he insisted on trying to maintain the friendship—it only brought him heartache.

  “You just wish I would kiss you instead, Monsieur Dalou,” Camille said in a biting tone, though she puckered her rouge lips once more. A chorus of laughter met her comment.

  Jules held up his hands. “I’ll admit it. I am jealous of Auguste.”

  Camille laughed, though her eyes seemed to hold an emotion Rodin could not decipher, as if she had a secret with Dalou. Auguste tensed, but forced a good-natured chuckle. “You have plenty to be happy about, my friend.”

  Jules’s smile faded into a scowl. “I suppose I do, though I should have been selected to design the monument to Victor Hugo.”

  The murmuring around the table stopped.

  Jules had said it at last. He thought himself above Auguste, clearly, and any other artist who had submitted designs. Auguste squirmed inside. If he weren’t in the company of so many of his colleagues he would give Jules the tongue-lashing he deserved. After many barbed comments over the years, Jules’s constant avoidance and badmouthing, Auguste had had enough. His former friend had destroyed anything good they had shared as young men.

  “The best man wins,” Camille said bluntly. “Monsieur Rodin will do a fine job with Hugo, and I, for one, am not sorry he was selected.”

  Though Auguste wanted to kiss her for coming to his defense, he shot her a warning look. He could fight his own battles.

  “He may do a fine job, but it is difficult to respect an artist who will accept a medal from a corrupt government,” Jules replied. “It’s unfortunate you did not have the conviction to stand up to the école, Auguste. Sadly, you lick their boots, instead. Now it is difficult to take you seriously.”

  Anger blistered over Auguste’s skin. “I do nothing of the kind!”

  “Christ, Jules, what has gotten into you?” Mathias’s usual good humor dissolved as he jumped to his friend’s aid.

  “Why won’t you stand up to them?” Jules pressed him.

  “I won’t apologize to you, or to anyone, that I accepted the award. I have worked like a madman for many years and defended myself in the journals when I felt it necessary.” Auguste felt his face flame. “I have earned the recognition. My battle is won by creating beautiful sculpture, not through spite for the administration.”

  “You’re a darling of the press is all,” Dalou said, balling his hands into fists. “And I don’t find it so well deserved.”

  Mathias’s eyes flashed. “That’s enough!” He arose, his portly middle bumping the table. “You will not talk to your colleague—nay, your friend—like that.”

  “I may be a darling of the press,” Auguste said, “but it does not belittle my hard work.” He stood and slammed his chair into the empty table behind them. “Apparently our friendship has meant nothing to you. I’m finished with your abuse. Steer clear of me or you will regret it, Dalou!”

  Jules crossed his arms and glared in response. Camille pulled on her pelisse and retrieved her handbag.

  “Gentlemen.” The barkeep rushed to their table. “Is there a problem here?”

  “I was just leaving.” Auguste put his hand under Camille’s elbow. “Good night.” They stormed to the exit.

  The gardens at Château de l’Islette flourished in the summer sun; rows of pruned hedges lined the paths, a trellis sagged under the weight of bursting rose vines, and the skirts of willow trees billowed over patches of verdant lawn. Camille adored spending time in such an idyllic setting. Today she would go for a walk and do some sketching in the shaded nook beside the pond. She glanced at her young model fidgeting in her chair. The walk would need to happen sooner than she had expected. Madeleine Boyer, the little girl before her, would not last much longer. The château’s owner had allowed Camille to sketch her five-year-old granddaughter for a bust—La Petite Châtelaine, she would call it. The old woman was honored to have young Madeleine preserved in time. Camille felt honored herself, to make the sweet, vivacious girl immortal.

  Madeleine picked at a long blond hair that tickled her nose. Camille wished she could portray the smattering of freckles across her nose, her long lashes and caramel-colored eyes. She trimmed a thin cord of clay from her maquette, highlighting a rope of hair that braided and buckled over itself as if blown by a brisk wind. She brushed the debris away with a delicate hand.

  A vision of Louise came to mind, her four-year-old giggle erupting from somewhere behind a bush. Camille had chased her little sister until she managed to escape and hide. But Louise had not remained hidden long; her infectious laugh gave her away, and the hem of her blue-and-white dress showed through her leafy cover.

  “I see you!” Camille launched at her little sister, wrestled her to the ground, and tickled her.

  Louise’s giggles became waves of laughter and then happy tears. “Stop!” she called through her laughter. “Stop!” After several minutes, Camille helped Louise to her feet and freed a snared leaf from her curly mop. She loved to play with her when their mother allowed.

  “Let’s play again,” Camille said. “This time, I’ll hide and you find me.”

  Rodin entered the room, wiping his hands with a towel. “Shall we break? I’d like to go for a stroll around the pond and through the wood.”

  Camille started at his voice. The memory had been so vivid she felt as if she were there, chasing Louise, the brisk wind of Villeneuve whipping across her face and through her hair. She shook her head to dispel the fog. She had loved children then and still did.

  “What do you say?” Rodin asked. “Care to walk with me, amour?”

  “We are finished for today,” Camille said to Madeleine, smiling.

  La petite slipped the top of her dress over her shoulders and Camille helped her button it closed. She had not requested the girl be naked—it would be indecent to ask such a thing from a child not raised to be an artist’s model.

  Camille touched the end of Madeleine’s nose. “I will see you again tomorrow. Please thank your mémé for the tart. It was delicious.”

  Madeleine jumped down from her perch in a flash, happy to be released. “Oui, madame.” She smiled, displaying a dimple in her right cheek, and skipped from the room.

  Camille was no madame. In fact, she couldn’t be further from being Rodin’s wife. C’est un collage—living together out of wedlock—was what they were doing, and not even full-time at that. Fury and self-disgust brewed in the pit of her stomach each time she was reminded of the truth of her situation . . . and of Rose.

  “I have a surprise for you.” Auguste tossed the soiled rag among a scattering of supplies.

  “What is it?” she asked, swallowing her less-than-pleasant emotions.

  He took her in his arms. “Your little Madeleine shall be in marble.”

  She gasped. “How did you manage that? Who wants it?”

  “I purchased the stone myself. Think what a mark it will make at the Salon—a woman’s work in marble.”

  Camille squeezed him with all her might. And this was precisely why she could not stay angry at him for long—his generosity, his obvious desire to help her succeed.

  He laughed. “I see you are pleased.”

  “Merci, mon amour.” With a happy heart, she pressed her lips to his.

  Rodin did not wish to attend another dinner where he must be engaging. He had neither the wits about him nor the
appetite—his stomach felt raw, chewed alive by the stress of so much work to complete. The Gates, the Burghers, Hugo—not to mention several of his personal projects—needed finishing. But to ensure his legacy and to pay his mounting bills, he could not turn the work away. As he grew older and his days numbered, he feared he would not leave enough of his works behind. Now he vied for a national commission of Honoré de Balzac, but another sculptor had been the favored contender—at least that is what a friend behind the scenes had told him.

  “Bonsoir, gentlemen,” Auguste said, sitting at a table of critics and friends. He turned to the man on his right—the reason he had agreed to attend the dinner in the first place—the newly appointed president of the Société des Gens de Lettres.

  Émile Zola smiled, softening his staid countenance. “Monsieur Rodin, it is a pleasure to see you again.”

  The writer had visited Auguste’s atelier nearly two years ago, but he had seen him only a handful of times since, and from a distance. “Thank you for the invitation,” he replied. “I am truly honored. Tell me, are you working on another book? I have purchased my own copy of L’Argent.”

  Zola frowned and pushed his oval spectacles up his nose. “That novel has not garnered the praise I had hoped.”

  Auguste spooned steaming cabbage soup into his mouth. “Don’t let it bother you. Many allow their religious prejudices to speak for them, rather than their sentiments about your style. I understand your frustration, but your novels are poignant and will be remembered as such for posterity.”

  “Jews and Christians have been at war for centuries,” Zola said. “And yet, writing about their struggle in modern times is as controversial as ever.” He soaked a hunk of bread in his soup until it grew heavy with savory liquid. “I have some business to discuss with you.”

  Bracing himself, Auguste set down his spoon. He already knew what Émile would say. To attain the commission of not one but two national heroes would be a coup. It did not surprise him that he had not been selected, yet he couldn’t help but feel the letdown. “Balzac has been granted to Monsieur Vasselot,” he said, voice matter-of-fact.

  “The opposite, in fact,” Zola said, smiling. “I have selected the sculptor myself and elicited the committee’s approval.”

  “Oh?” Auguste’s stomach churned with wine and cabbage broth.

  “You are the artist to capture Balzac’s naturalism, his greatness.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Auguste shook Zola’s hand vigorously. “Thank you.” Victor Hugo and now Honoré de Balzac! A wide smile crossed his face.

  “I have no doubt you will create a marvel of a piece,” Zola said.

  “I will do my best.”

  Zola ate another bite. “We can discuss stipends and delivery dates next week after I meet with the committee.”

  A shower of anxiety dampened Auguste’s excitement. Another due date. He forced a smile and downed another bite of soup.

  Auguste riffled through his bills and shoved the latest into a leather binder before hiding them in his desk. One day he would no longer be able to help Camille financially, and he did not look forward to that day. The only remedy would be to help her find work—and he would do his best to ensure it happened.

  “Auguste!” Rose called from the salon downstairs.

  He sighed. He had not seen her much in the past months, or even the past two years, with his constant travel with Camille, but he still did his best to keep her satisfied—and out of his hair.


  Muttering under his breath, he headed downstairs to the salon.

  Rose sat in a chaise mending a pair of her stockings. “There you are. Since you’ve been back from Touraine, you’ve either dashed out the front door or been locked in your office.”

  Auguste sat on the sofa opposite her and chose a newspaper from the stack in the wicker basket. “I’ve had bills and such to tend to.”

  Silence followed, broken only by the occasional rumple of newspaper pages. After some time, Auguste looked up. Rose watched him intently. A bonnet covered her graying hair and she wore her favorite faded apron.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I want you to stop seeing her.”

  “Stop seeing who?”

  “After all this time you are going to treat me as if I am blind?” Her voice rose an octave. “The artist. You made The Eternal Idol for her, didn’t you?”

  Auguste rubbed his tired eyes. The piece in which a woman leaned backward on her knees, her eyes closed in pleasure as a male figure kneeled at her altar—his love, his inspiration, his very being. He was that male figure. Yes, he had made the piece for Camille.

  “We wouldn’t live like paupers if you stopped supporting your whore. You parade all over the country buying her things,” she said. “You think I don’t read the receipts?” When he didn’t reply, she crossed her arms. “She doesn’t even make you happy. You’ve brooded and skulked ever since you met her.”

  “Perhaps you should find a lover of your own.” Fatigue throbbed in his bones. “Someone who makes you feel alive. Clearly that person is not me and it hasn’t been me for many years.”

  Rose stood and her mending tumbled from her lap to the floor. “You would toss me out? Cast me aside like a worn pair of shoes?” Her face turned a frightening shade of purple.

  Auguste grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him. “Calm yourself. Your heart—”

  She yanked her hand free of his grasp. “You make me sick!” She clutched her chest.

  “Sit down!” He guided her to the settee.

  Before she reached the cushion, she crumpled and fell to the floor, gasping for breath.

  Chapter 29

  “Rose!” Auguste bent over her limp body. “Take a deep breath.” He loosened the buttons of her collar and the front of her dress, then cradled her head in his lap.

  “My chest . . .” she squeaked through blue lips.

  “Jeanne!” he shouted. “Come at once! Jeanne!”

  The maid’s footsteps clamored in the corridor.

  “Send for Doctor Moreau! She’s had a crise cardiaque. Go now!”

  Jeanne gasped. “Right away. Oh, mademoiselle.” She threw a shawl about her shoulders. “I will return as soon as I can.”

  Rose gulped in several breaths and attempted to sit up.

  “Do not try to get up,” Auguste said.

  After several minutes more, the color seeped into her lips and her breathing regulated. “The pain,” she groaned, clutching her chest.

  Auguste pulled a blanket from the nearby armrest and wrapped her in it gingerly. “You frightened me.” He kissed her on the forehead.

  “I am sorry,” she whispered, her voice hoarse.

  “I regret how much I have hurt you.” He ran a thumb across her cheek. “You do not deserve it. I have failed you.” He gathered her hand in his. “But I can control my feelings no more easily than you can control yours.”

  She closed her eyes. “I know, Auguste. I know. I just wish things were different.”

  “So do I,” he whispered.

  The crumpled letter sailed across the room and bounced off the rim of the wastebasket to join other discarded missives on the floor. Camille poured a glass of wine and imbibed it in two gulps. The crimson liquid dribbled from the glass and streamed down her chin. She poured another. She should not have placed her hope in Monsieur Moreau-Nélaton. The town council of Aisne had rejected her republican monument—they did not see it fitting for a woman to create a portrait of national pride. They feared the town would be offended by her piece.

  “Idiots!” she shouted. She guzzled another glass, despite the early morning hour. It had been her second piece of bad news in a week. A critic had called her latest showings tasteless and outside the realm of a woman’s scope. Sensuality burst from her work and every ninny in the Ministr
y of Fine Arts shifted in their seats to see it come from the hands of a woman. It was the Third Republic, for Christ’s sake. A revolution of machines and progress! How could they yet be so prudish and prehistoric in their thinking?

  And now Camille had to restrain her disillusionment and face Mother and Paul. She wished with all her might she had said no to Paul’s plea to visit. She hadn’t set foot in the family apartment the length of her stay in Touraine, nearly two years. She would not go back to living under Mother’s roof, regardless of her hateful reproaches.

  Camille dressed in overcoat, gloves, and hat and set out for the family home. She would lift a few foodstuffs from the Claudel pantry to add to her own meager supplies. And she might ask Paul for money—she needed plenty of it, always. The sum she’d attained through her most recent commission had dwindled with the cost of plaster for The Waltz and other supplies. She climbed the stairs to the front door and knocked. She felt a stranger on her family’s doorstep, her residence for more than ten years. She brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes with impatience.

  When the door opened, Corinne’s mouth fell open. “Mademoiselle Claudel . . .”

  Camille rolled her eyes and pushed past her, removed her winter wear, and walked into the salon.

  The maid placed a tray on the table, stocked with a cup of warmed chocolate, milk, and sugar. “Thank you.” Camille prepared her cup and drank deeply, grateful for its rich sustenance and warmth.

  Mother descended the stairs and entered the salon, carrying her sewing. “You’ve come home, I see.” Her eyes reflected a faraway look, as if she were lost in a daydream. A smile played on her lips—something Camille had not seen in so long, she couldn’t remember the last time she had seen her teeth.


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