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Montana Heat: Escape to You

Page 28

by Jennifer Ryan

  “You don’t mean that.” Brice didn’t want to hear the truth.

  The officer opened the door for her.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home. With Beck. The man I love. The man I will spend the rest of my life with. The man who knows how to make me happy. The man who will raise Adam and our children with me. The man who gets what I never gave to you. All my love.”

  Beck stood in the doorway and glared at Brice, but said to her, “Let’s go home, sweetheart.”

  Ashley dipped her hand down the front of her blouse and pulled out the wire the sheriff asked her to wear. “Be careful who you tell your secrets to.”

  She took Beck’s hand and walked away from Brice.

  “I’ll kill you for touching her. She’s mine. Aurora! Come back! I love you!”

  The rest of his screamed threats faded as she stepped into the elevator and her future with Beck. She left her past behind.

  Almost. She had a couple more things she needed to do before she truly moved on with her life.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Beck woke up with his ribs aching thanks to the beautiful, naked woman draped over him, her head on his opposite shoulder from where she lay down his side, one leg over his, her knee nudged up in his balls and her dark hair spilling over his stomach and arm. They arrived home last night after fighting their way past the horde of fans and reporters outside the hospital only to find the usual crowd camped out at the gate. He’d driven past them, despite his urge to drive right through them.

  When they settled in last night with the chili and corn bread dinner he whipped together and turned on the TV, they found every station still reporting about Brice’s arrest, Ashley’s visit to the hospital, and their kidnapping by Guzman’s men on the road after the paparazzi followed them.

  That clip sent chills up his spine and he’d lived through it.

  Ashley shut off the TV. They ate dinner together in the quiet, a fire burning and a light snow falling outside the windows. She stared at it for a long time, scaring him with how quiet and lost she looked. He could only guess her thoughts, but knew with Brice under arrest and facing life in prison, she could finally breathe and think about all that happened to her. He let her have the time and space she needed, held her close, and let his thoughts roam to that terrifying hour he thought Guzman might kill him, leaving Ashley at Brice’s mercy. The man didn’t have any. With Guzman gone, the threat against him eliminated, he gave himself time to think about what came next. After their visit to a certain judge and the state prison today, he’d be free to go back to work. They’d offered to put him in charge of his own team, or become a training instructor. He wasn’t quite ready to give up the action, so decided running his own team might be the best fit. Though he’d worked alone a long time, it might be nice to be a part of a group.

  He’d be a part of a family at home, too, with Ashley and Adam moving in here with him. They had a few more details to work out there, but in a few hours, he hoped to put Ashley’s fears that she’d lose Adam to rest.

  If this plan worked, they’d live their lives worry free.

  Ashley didn’t open her eyes, but mumbled, “Stop worrying.”

  He smiled and stared down at her pretty face. “I’m not.”

  “Are too. It’s a prison. What could go wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never walked into a prison filled with men who haven’t seen a woman in God knows how long with a super mega movie star. I think you might cause a riot.”

  She chuckled and hugged him tight. Still without opening her eyes. “Which is why we have an appointment with the warden.”

  “Which you got way too easily.”

  “Celebrity gets you in the door. It’s what you do once you’re in that makes the difference. How you treat people, the things you say, or don’t, the things you do, or don’t, those are the things that matter.”

  “I know you’re uncomfortable with riding the line of right and wrong. I wish there was an easier way to get what we want without crossing over it.”

  “I’m finding that gray area that makes up that line is wider than I thought. That’s all.”

  “If you want to back out, I’ll go and meet with Adam’s father alone. King and I can handle him.”

  “I know you can, but this is something I need to do. I owe it to Jackie to do the best I can for Adam. I need to convince his father, Scott, that I am the best choice for Adam.”

  “There’s no doubt about it, sweetheart.”

  He just hoped her association with him didn’t cost her the one thing she wanted. He’d do anything to make her happy, but he couldn’t change who and what he was. He could do his best to prove to her and Adam’s father that he’d be the best dad he could possibly be for Adam.

  He didn’t think about how fast he went from a broken man who’d escaped to his isolation as a means to cope with the things he’d seen and done to falling in love with a woman way out of his league, beautiful in body, mind, heart, and soul, and though broken in spirit like him, tougher than he’d ever thought possible.

  She amazed him more each day. He’d been especially proud of the way she’d walked into Brice’s room, faced her real-life demon, and played the part she needed to play. She got the information they needed to identify the women buried in Brice’s yard and give their families the peace they deserved. He didn’t know what it cost her to play pretend with Brice once again, but she’d done it because she had a kind and just heart.

  She’d set the rest of this mess straight and finally have the time and space she needed for herself and Adam to heal.

  Until then, he planned to do everything in his power to show her that love didn’t always hurt. That kindness didn’t have to come with strings attached. That when he wanted her, it came with all his desire to please her and no expectation of wanting anything she didn’t want to give.

  He slid his hand over her soft back, tracing the sunlight highlighting the slope of her hip. She snuggled closer and pressed a soft kiss to his chest. He slipped his fingers over the curve of her bottom and dipped deep between her legs, finding that sweet spot that made her sigh, then moan when he sent one finger deep into her soft center.

  “How are you, sweetheart?”

  “Warm. And floating toward heaven.” Her soft husky voice amplified his desire.

  He wanted to give her heaven. He wanted to give her everything. Anything she desired. And right now, that was him, judging by the hand that smoothed down his side, over his hip, and down his growing length. She stroked his hard shaft, her fingers curling over his balls and squeezing gently before her hand moved back up his cock and her thumb circled the head, driving him crazy.

  She shifted on top of him, sliding the leg between his thighs over him, and settling on his lap. Her wet center rubbed against his hard dick from the bottom up to the top. She took him in and slid down his length and settled back with him buried to the hilt. She rose above him and sighed, her eyes closed, face soft, body warm over his. The bruises had mostly faded. She could breathe without her ribs hurting anymore, though they’d take more time to heal. All the good food he fed her filled out the hollows in her face and body and rounded her hips and breasts. Her hair hung over her shoulders in silky dark waves.

  “God, you’re beautiful.”

  Her eyes opened and she stared down at him. The hand she had braced on his shoulder traced over his skin and settled over the scar on his chest.

  “You are so strong.” Her other hand moved, her fingers tracing the scar on his side, then over his tight abs.

  He reached up and lightly ran his fingers down her chest, over her soft breasts and peaked nipples, down her slender belly to her sloping hips. He grabbed hold and moved her over him.

  “You helped me find the strength to be me again.” He didn’t know how to tell her how much it meant to him, but finding his way back, connecting with her, and reconnecting with his family had healed him in a way he never thought possible.

bsp; She planted her hands on both sides of his head and leaned over him, rocking her hips against his. “We did that for each other. And after we found ourselves again, we discovered we could love like this.” She leaned down and kissed him, pouring everything into the sweet touch of lips as her body moved over his. The kiss remained slow but deepened as they moved together. They’d made love every night since that first time, sometimes more than once in a day, but this was altogether different as both of them had a need to show the other their deep and lasting love. It wasn’t about reaching that ecstasy high, but when they did it felt more powerful than anything he’d ever experienced.

  She collapsed on his chest, her head on his shoulder once again, her face tucked against his neck. Her soft breath fanned over his skin. Her fingertips tickled his shoulders and her warm body lay over his. He’d like to stay just like this forever. He’d die a happy man with the woman he loved in his arms.

  But they had things to do, a few more tasks to finish before they could get on with living their lives.

  He rolled her to his side and stared down at her pretty face and bright, happy eyes. “If we’re starting our family today, I need to know one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Where do you want to go on our honeymoon?” He hadn’t actually asked her to marry him, but he would. Soon. When the time was right and they didn’t have all this other stuff cluttering up their lives.

  Her eyes widened with surprise and filled with hope and joy. She didn’t ask him if he was asking her to marry him. She simply answered the question he did ask. “Bora Bora?”

  “I’ve never been there. Sounds good.”

  “I’ve never been there either, but I’ve always wanted to go on a tropical beach vacation and have a steamy love affair.”

  Beck smiled down at her. “I’m happy to oblige that sweet fantasy.” He smacked her on the bottom, sliding his hand over her hip and back down. “Let’s get going or we’ll never get out of this bed.”

  “I’m okay with that,” she purred.

  He gave her another of those soft, lingering kisses they’d just shared, then rubbed his nose against hers and looked her in the eyes. “You’re a temptation I’d like to indulge every second of the day, but we have work to do.”

  “I’d like a small wedding. Here. Elegant but simple. The only thing I really need is you. And Adam.”

  He nodded. “Okay. Then let’s go get him.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Before they could pick up Adam and make a life together—the three of them—Ashley needed to right a few things and get what was owed to him. She stood in front of Judge Henry’s desk, several of Brice’s navy blue files in her hands in front of her, and stared down at the man who’d broken the law and had given Brice guardianship of a boy he abused.

  “You want me to do what?”

  “Retract Brice’s guardianship and give it to me.”

  “He’s in jail, facing serious charges. Adam is in protective custody. The courts will decide what happens to him next. Have your lawyer make your case and I’m sure you’ll get what you want.”

  “I need it now. And you will give it to me for the same reasons you gave it to Brice.” She held up the folder. “Would you like to see the photos? They’re not pretty, but they are powerful.”

  “You don’t want to play this game,” he warned. “I’m not an enemy you want.”

  Beck stepped forward and folded his arms in front of his chest. “The last thing you want to do is threaten her.”

  “You’re DEA. How can you stand by and let her do this?”

  “Because the one thing I hate more than drug dealers is corrupt law enforcement. You’re supposed to uphold the law. Instead, you let Brice get away with all his twisted games.”

  “He had me by the balls.”

  “Now I do,” Ashley snapped. “You will do as I say, or I will publicly take you down. I won’t stop until everyone knows the kind of sick man you are and everything that you’ve done.”

  “That’s not fair. I never hurt anyone.”

  Ashley pulled out one of the photos. “This girl can’t be more than sixteen. Do you think she grew up wanting to be a prostitute?”

  “She never objected to being with me.”

  Ashley leaned over the desk and got right in the judge’s face. “Doing what you’re told for your survival isn’t the same as giving consent.”

  “Yet, you’re doing the same thing to me right now.”

  “Turnabout is fair play. And you’re only getting fucked figuratively. If you end up in prison for your many crimes . . . Well, we know what will happen to you, a judge, in there.”

  “You’re a real bitch, you know that?”

  “I want what’s owed. A safe and happy life for Adam. Compensation for the loss of his mother. And you off the bench and unable to twist the law to your liking.”

  “And you’ll hold a gun to my head to get it. Figuratively,” he added, using her term to get her attention, hoping it would make her back down.

  She was doing exactly what he’d done. The thing is, it might be the same, but she had an altruistic reason for doing it and would take down those who had little or no care for the people they hurt.

  She’d take the hit to her conscience for going about it this way.

  The judge stared up at her for a good thirty seconds, then made up his mind and pulled up the files on his computer. He worked for nearly a half hour on the documents she needed, aligning everything with the signatures he already had on file from Brice. Once printed out, it all looked legit, even if the originals weren’t so legit themselves.

  The judge set the papers in front of her and Beck in stacks. “The order terminating Brice’s guardianship. The order giving you both guardianship. And a revised will, backdated to the last time Brice updated it with his actual signature, naming Adam his sole heir.” The judge signed off on all of them. “Anything else I can do for you,” he bit out.

  “Yes,” she said cheerfully. “You can retire.”


  “You have two weeks to get your affairs here in order, then leave the bench for good.”

  “I gave you what you wanted. You can’t ask me to do that.”

  She picked up the papers in front of him. “I thank you for righting the wrongs you helped Brice perpetrate and ensuring Adam’s future. But I won’t allow you to use your position to help others commit crimes against anyone else. Retire with your reputation intact, or these photos and the recordings of you drunk, rambling, and spouting a whole bunch of bigotry and hate will go public.”

  “I think you might be worse than Brice.”

  “If you think that, then your compass is so far from north you need to leave this court and find the part of your soul that hasn’t been corrupted by power.”

  “Get out!”

  Ashley held the folders and papers he’d given her to her heart. The yucky feeling building inside her soured her gut, but she powered through knowing she’d done the right thing even if she’d done it the wrong way.

  She and Beck walked to the door. Beck held it open for her, the judge’s assistant’s and office staff’s attention on her, the movie star. She used that to her advantage. “Thank you so much for all your help, Judge Henry. And good luck on your retirement next month.” She spotted the mounted fish over his head. “You’ll finally have all the time you want to go fishing.”

  The judge glared so hard at her, she half expected the hate coming at her to hurt. It didn’t. He deserved everything he got.

  She spun on her heel, smiled brightly for everyone in the office, even signed a couple of autographs on her way out, and finally breathed easy when Beck helped her into his truck and they drove away, off to their next appointment and one step closer to being a family with Adam.

  Chapter Forty

  Beck stood outside the jail cell of a man he’d helped put behind bars several years ago. A man Beck needed to do something for him now. A man who’d thought him
a friend until Beck turned on him and took him down.

  Two guards stood beside him. King lounged on the top bunk, looking relaxed and indifferent, despite the black-and-blue shiner, cut lip, and swollen knuckles, keeping up appearances as just another inmate. He was anything but. King’s eyes darted to the wall beside Scott Lewis. Beck stepped to the side so he could see what King wanted him to see. Beck’s heart beat faster when his gaze landed on the colorful drawings taped to the wall. Ones he recognized as Adam’s art.

  “Trigger? Is that you?”

  Beck purposefully left his jacket in the warden’s office with Ashley and pulled up his sleeves so Scott would see his tattoos and recognize him.

  “Hey, man.”

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Scott’s angry gaze narrowed with rage.

  “We need to talk.”

  Scott spoke over him. “I don’t have anything to say to you.”

  “About Adam,” Beck finished.

  Scott moved to the bars, clamped his hands on them, and leaned his face between them. “What about my son?”

  Beck nodded toward the officers to let him out.

  “Step back,” one of the officers ordered.

  Scott did as he was told, but his sharp gaze never left Beck’s.

  “Open ten,” the guard spoke into his radio. The bars slid open a moment later.

  Scott held his fists at his sides, but didn’t move to leave his cell.

  “The warden wants to see you.” Beck waited.

  “I want to know about my boy.”

  “Come with me, and I’ll tell you everything.”

  Scott glanced at the wall beside him. “I haven’t heard from his mother in almost a year.”

  “I will tell you why.”

  “Is he dead?”

  “No. But he is in protective custody.”

  Scott hung his head, understanding what Beck didn’t say. “Jackie.” Scott understood she was dead. He finally walked out of his cell and stood on the white line in the alleyway between the two officers.


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