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Montana Heat: Escape to You

Page 31

by Jennifer Ryan

  “It got lost in the laundry.”

  Because the walls had ears, Flash didn’t voice his suspicions. Because that’s all Flash had on him. He couldn’t prove anything. And if he opened his mouth, Scott would yell to the rafters that he was an undercover DEA agent. He wouldn’t get off the block alive.

  Flash wanted his big bust. To make a name for himself in the DEA. Scott would give him that chance because taking down Iceman would ensure his family’s safety. And yeah, that family included the DEA agent raising his boy.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Ashley pulled her little 4x4 Jeep into the driveway. She loved it and the home she’d made here on Hope Ranch with Beck and Adam. She’d found exactly what she needed here with them. Peace. Quiet. Love. Family. Time to find her way out of the darkness Brice brought into her life and find her place in the light again and be happy and healthy in body, mind, heart, and soul. She didn’t want what happened to her to ruin the rest of her life with her inability to trust others, but she found the longer she spent with Beck and Adam, the more good she saw in them and their open hearts, the easier it was to trust. That trust extended to Beck’s family and her mother. She slowly let the people she used to work with and old friends back into her life.

  Four months of weekly sessions with Dr. Lanning helped her talk about what she’d been through, put her feelings and anger into perspective, and believe that what happened wasn’t her fault and didn’t have to become the whole of her life. She could let it go. She could move on, stronger as a survivor, knowing she’d done everything possible to take Brice down and make amends to others he’d hurt.

  Like Adam. He was the light of her life. When the past encroached on her happiness, Adam pulled her into the present with his sweet smiles, enthusiasm for life, and absolute joy in school and ranch life. He loved the horses and had become quite the rider. But nothing made him happier than spending time with his real-life hero, Beck.

  What a fantastic father. Seeing him with Adam always made her heart melt. She loved him so much for taking this journey with her. From the moment he’d found them, he’d been her partner in everything. He made it clear every day how much he loved them and wanted them here with him.

  Just like after every session with Dr. Lanning, she couldn’t wait to see him and share how well it went, how much better she felt about her life and future, and how grateful she was for his unwavering support. She exited the car and walked up the porch steps, expecting Beck to open the door, anxious to see her as always. Instead, she found a note taped to it.

  Meet me at the river.

  I Love You, Beck

  Ashley went back down the stairs and around the side of the house to the snowplowed path Beck cleared to the river for her because he knew how much she loved it down there. It had become her place to think and enjoy the quiet. Beck sometimes came looking for her when she was away too long lost in her head. He never made her talk when she didn’t want to, but held her in his arms and stared at the water, letting the solitude and their connection surround them. They didn’t need to say anything; they read each other so well.

  Their love may have blossomed out of dire circumstances, but it had taken root and grown strong these last four months. They’d had some tough days when everything settled down and reality hit her hard about all that happened to her. Through it all, Beck’s patience and understanding never wavered. He loved her through the hard times.

  She encouraged him as he settled into his new role with the DEA. He loved his job, but the slower pace and bureaucracy frustrated him. He was used to working mostly alone, but he’d settled in with his team and with her and Adam.

  She approached the river and saw Beck walk out of the trees to meet her. Her heart skipped a beat, then sped up in her chest as the thrill of seeing him rushed through her. God, he was so handsome. And hers. And that bright smile that came so easily to him now melted her heart.

  He didn’t say anything, just came to her, slipped his hand beneath her hair, and drew her in for a soft kiss. “I missed you today.”

  He’d left for work early this morning before she woke up and returned while she was at her session.

  “I missed you, too. Where’s Adam? Still with the sitter?”

  “He’s spending the night with Caden and Mia.”

  She gave him a seductive smile. “Really. You and me and the house to ourselves. I love it.” She rubbed her hands up and down his chest.

  “You and me in front of a blazing fire just like the first time we were together.”

  “I can’t wait.” She pulled back to walk to the house with him, but he held her still.

  “I love you.”

  She smiled up at him wondering why he looked so nervous. “I love you, too.”

  His fingers brushed softly against her neck. “You’ve come so far. All I want is for you to be happy.”

  “I am. Here with you. What we have is more than I could have ever hoped for or dreamed possible.”

  “It’s real, Ashley. For both of us. You make me so happy. You’re smart and beautiful and kind and generous and sexy and you love me in a way that fills me up so much I don’t know what to do with all you make me feel.”

  “I feel the same way, Beck.”

  He dropped to his knee, took her hand, and held up a diamond engagement ring.

  She gasped, completely taken by surprise.

  “I will spend the rest of my life making you happy, sweetheart. If you promise to spend the rest of your life with me, I will love you the best I can every day. Will you marry me?”

  Her heart overflowed with so much love she had a hard time getting the single word out. “Yes.”

  Beck came up and kissed her, wrapping her in his arms and holding her crushed to his chest. He kissed her again and again, then leaned back and swiped the happy tears from her cheeks. He laid his forehead to hers. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too. I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  He leaned back, took her hand, and slipped the ring on her finger.

  “It’s beautiful, Beck. I love it.” She held her hand up and admired the sparkling diamonds and antique setting. Gorgeous. Classic. He knew her so well he’d picked the perfect ring to suit her.

  She went into his arms again as they held each other close and stared at the rippling river and the beautiful white winter landscape spread out before them, happy and content and wrapped in their love.

  “This is so much like the river I used to go to in my mind.”

  Beck stared down into her eyes. “I’m glad you’ve found your peace here.”

  “In that dream, there was a dark-haired man who stepped out of the trees. I tried so hard to get to him. When I escaped, I found you, here by the river.”

  “I was waiting for you.”


  Tonight at eight on Celebrity Centerfold with Sharon Waters, as the one-year anniversary of Ashley Swan’s courageous escape from Brice Mooney’s house of horrors approaches, we’ll look back at the crimes and victims. What is life like for Ashley Swan now?

  Pretty damn good, in Ashley’s opinion.

  She shut off the TV in the suite, not wanting anything from the past, not even a promo for a show she wanted nothing to do with, to touch her today. Her wedding day.

  The diamond engagement ring Beck gave her by the river winked on her finger now as she stared at her reflection in the mirror and admired the beautiful and simply elegant white gown with the deep V in front, beaded belted waist, and flared skirt that softly draped to the floor. Beautiful beads and crystals created a vine and flower pattern that went from her shoulders, down the bodice, and wove out over her hips in different lengths down to her thighs, leaving the bottom of the skirt in pristine white. So feminine and pretty. She felt like a princess.

  “Oh my, you’re gorgeous,” Mia said, coming into the room with Beck’s sister, Alina, and Adam.

  Ashley sent her mother, hairdresser, and makeup artist out so she could have a few minutes al
one with Mia and Alina before the ceremony started.

  She admired Mia in her pretty navy blue matron of honor gown. “You’re beautiful, Mrs. Cooke.”

  Mia beamed a wide grin, pleased to hear her new name. She and Caden were married yesterday. All of them had rented out the rustic chic lodge for the weekend for the double wedding. Mia and Caden tied the knot yesterday afternoon with Ashley and Alina serving as Mia’s maids of honor. Mia and Caden spent the night in the honeymoon suite and planned to leave tomorrow on their honeymoon to Hawaii after their family breakfast. She and Beck couldn’t wait to spend some time alone in Bora Bora. But not before they got married in the garden under the trees in just a few minutes.

  Mia and Caden would stand beside them as she and Beck did for them yesterday. They’d become a very close family these last months. Ashley adored her new brother and sisters, though they didn’t often see Alina, who agreed to babysit Adam while they escaped to their honeymoon hideaway.

  “Mommy, you’re so pretty.” Adam hugged her legs.

  She brushed her hands over his golden hair. “You’re so handsome.” Adorable in his tiny black tux, he smiled up at her.

  “Daddy can’t wait any longer. He said ‘Hurry it up.’”

  Adam so easily let the past go and settled in to being with her and Beck and accepting them as his new mother and father. He spoke to Scott once a month. Ashley kept her promise and sent Scott pictures from Adam and a letter filled with all the little details he missed in his son’s life.

  They never spoke about Brice’s suspicious death. No one had ever been found responsible. Scott promised his son would never have to fear that man again. If Scott made sure that never happened, he’d done her a favor, too. She slept easier knowing Brice no longer walked this earth. But she hated that Scott had to carry that burden, though it didn’t seem to be weighing him down. He smiled and laughed with Adam and thanked her and Beck all the time for taking such good care of their son. Because Adam belonged to all of them and deserved to have all the love they showered on him.

  “Beck is impatient to get this done.” Alina shook her head. “Once those guys set their minds to something, they want to get it over with immediately.”

  “Caden sure did look relieved when you said ‘I do’ yesterday,” Ashley pointed out to Mia.

  “Like I’d say no to that man.” Mia’s bright smile matched the happiness in her eyes.

  “Let’s not keep Beck waiting.” She bent and looked at Adam. “Do you have the rings?”

  Adam pulled them out of his coat pocket. “I got this, Mom.”

  So confident. He got that from Beck.

  “I know you do.” She kissed him on the cheek, stood tall, not an ounce of nerves fluttering in her belly, and walked with them to the door, ready to go downstairs and marry the man she loved more and more each day.

  Beck stood at the front of the aisle, the justice of the peace behind him, and his brother, Caden, beside him. He breathed a sigh of relief that he didn’t spot a single helicopter overhead. Not one reporter or fan had discovered them at the lodge. They’d somehow managed to keep this wedding a secret from the press. Thank God.

  This was their day to celebrate with family and friends.

  Ashley’s mother smiled at him from the front row, probably thanking God he’d covered up his tattoos today. Except the new ones on his hand. Like the scrolled A on his ring finger where he’d wear the wedding band he couldn’t wait for Ashley to put there. If she’d hurry up. And Alex’s name on the side of his index finger. He couldn’t wait to add the names of the children he couldn’t wait to have with Ashley. When she was ready.

  She loved being Adam’s mother and needed these past months to let go of the past and find herself again. She’d rebuilt her confidence and discovered what was really important to her and what she wanted for her future.

  Which led him to the two guys sitting together in the second row. Danny Radford and Ashley’s manager, Stuart, sat together, looking like good friends in front of the other guests, but Beck knew the two had a close, loving relationship that for Danny’s own reasons they kept private. With so little about Danny and Ashley private in their very public lives, Beck understood why the movie star wanted something special for himself.

  He and Ashley were doing their best to keep their relationship theirs, and not everyone else’s.

  At least he didn’t have to worry about the leading man in her next movie hitting on her. He couldn’t be more proud of her for accepting the movie deal to work with Danny. A dream come true for her to work with him, but also a way to get back to doing what she loved with a friend who’d look out for her. It couldn’t be easy for her to play another role, but she looked forward to the challenge and overcoming the anxiety of pretending to be someone she wasn’t again.

  He had complete faith in her.

  And more than anything, he wanted her to be happy doing what she loved.

  He’d settled into his new place in the DEA, running his own team and training others going undercover, including overseeing King’s op. He even consulted on cases with Sheriff Willis.

  Adam ran down the rose-petal-strewn, white-draped aisle and smiled at his grandparents. Beck’s mom and dad and Ashley’s mom spoiled him rotten. Adam launched himself into Beck’s outstretched hands. “She’s coming! She’s finally coming!”

  Beck smiled and laughed. He did that a lot these days.

  Adam gave him so much joy.

  Ashley had taken control of Adam’s massive inheritance from Brice and had done some good things. Like demolishing the burned-down ranch and the house in L.A., taking away the opportunity for people to indulge the gruesome curiosity that drew them to these places for strange reasons. She’d help Adam rebuild his own place when he was old enough, or sell the properties outright.

  She compensated each family of the deceased women found in Brice’s gardens, as well as Sergeant Foster after Brice brutally attacked him.

  She had such a good heart, and it belonged to him.

  Music started playing, letting the guests know the ceremony was about to begin. The photographer took several shots of him holding Adam.

  Beck shook off his dark thoughts and concentrated on the five-year-old in his arms. “Are you ready?”


  Beck set Adam down. “Go get her and bring her to me.”

  Adam ran off to do his very important job and walk Ashley down the aisle.

  “Are you ready?” Caden asked him.

  “At this point, I consider her my wife already.”

  Caden slapped him on the shoulder. “Well, let’s get the formality out of the way.”

  Beck backhanded his brother’s chest. “Check out your wife.” Beck stared at Mia walking down the aisle, beautiful and glowing like any newlywed woman should in her dark blue gown, holding a bouquet of white roses.

  “Damn. I love that woman.” Caden winked at his wife.

  They both smiled as Alina walked down the aisle and winked at them. He hoped someday soon their little sister found the kind of love he and Caden had found.

  Alina darted a glance at his buddy, Special Agent Bennett, who stared hard at her, then she faced front again avoiding Beck’s and Caden’s gazes. They exchanged a look wondering what the hell that was all about.

  Beck’s gut tightened with anticipation. He didn’t have long to wait for his beautiful bride to appear at the end of the aisle. A soft gasp went up from the crowd of their friends and family. He knew exactly how they felt. She took his breath away.

  Lovely with her dark hair swept up, her makeup subtly highlighting her beautiful green eyes so filled with love and anticipation as her gaze locked with his. Her pretty smile undid him. It came so easily these days, especially for him and Adam.

  Adam held her hand and walked her down the aisle. She took her time, smiling to their guests, but always looking back at him, making sure he was there and getting closer. The photographer snapped several photos of her in that dress. He loved it.
For the longest time, and partly due to the cold winter, she’d kept herself completely covered, cocooned in layers of clothes. But slowly as she healed, she’d found confidence in her appearance and the anxiety that someone’s appreciation of all that beauty would turn ugly had faded. Today, her confidence was on display. She knew she looked good in that gown. To him, she always looked stunning.

  She finally stood beside him. He stared into her bright green eyes, took her hand in one of his, and held Adam’s in the other. They stood before the justice of the peace, hands joined in a circle. The three of them connected. He and Ashley more than ready to make their promises and seal their bond with this ceremony.

  “We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of two lives in matrimony. Beck and Ashley arrived here today having shed their roles of the past, ready to stand together as their true selves to create a bright and happy future together with Adam. Though they have both traveled rocky roads to get here, their love has set a clear path ahead they will walk together, meeting any challenges or obstacles as one.”

  Beck squeezed Ashley’s hand, letting her know she’d never be alone again. She had him. They had each other, because with her beside him, he could face anything.

  They recited the standard vows, but took a moment to speak from their hearts and make their promises as they exchanged rings.

  “I have them.” Adam took out the thick gold band Ashley got for him and handed it to Ashley.

  She took his left hand and slid the ring into place over the scrolled A tattoo on his finger. “With this ring, I promise to be your unwavering partner and to love you wholly and unconditionally, now and forever.”

  Working undercover meant being left to work the case mostly alone. Now he’d always have her by his side. His partner in life.

  Beck took the three-stone diamond ring that complemented the engagement ring he’d already given her from Adam’s hand.

  He slid it on Ashley’s left hand over the scrolled B she’d had tattooed there when he got his new ink. He just wanted her to come with him. He never expected her to get one, too. But she did and added one to the inside of her wrist. An infinity symbol with Beck written in one loop and Adam in the other. He brushed his thumb over it now.


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