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Lost Princess

Page 22

by Dani-Lyn Alexander

  “I said, what do you want? You allowed us to get this far, you obviously want something.”

  Chayce stood and pinned her with a look of pure hatred. “That’s not what I meant. I meant, what did you call me?”

  She frowned. Had she called him something? She couldn’t remember, but a few choice names ran through her mind.

  “Answer me, woman.” He strode toward her, Thaddeus keeping pace at his side.

  Ryleigh shifted her weight, angling more toward Chayce and Thaddeus. Bracing for the oncoming attack. “I don’t remember calling you anything, Chayce.”

  “What did I tell you last time we met, my dear?” He stopped, Thaddeus sticking to his hip like glue. “You know what? I’m going to forgive your lapse. Once. Since you’re clearly under an exorbitant amount of stress.” He smiled, the maniacal grin lighting his eyes with something euphoric. And evil. “From now on, my dear queen, you will address me as Your Majesty. Is that clear?”

  “What do you want from me?”

  Chayce took his time returning to the throne. He settled himself comfortably, sat back, rested his elbows on the molded armrests. Arrogance oozed from him as he crossed an ankle over his knee and steepled his fingers in front of him.

  Ryleigh tried to shake off the anger. It would only cause her to make mistakes. She had to think clearly. Block her feelings. Bury her emotions. But she was going to wipe that smirk off his face first chance she got.

  Trusting Dakota to cover her, she shifted her gaze from Chayce. Had to, if she was going to gain control.

  Two enormous golden lions stood sentinel on either side of the thrones. Gold teeth bared. Ruby red eyes staring back at her. Spiked leather collars ringing their necks. Creepy. And gaudy.

  “I want to offer you a choice.” Chayce grinned. “Are you willing to make a trade?”

  She bit back a smart retort. “What do you want?”

  “I want you in exchange for Mia, of course.” He gestured toward the younger girl. “She’s no queen, Ryleigh. But you…” He took his time as his gaze raked up and down over her. Lingered.

  Her skin crawled.

  “You, my dear, are a queen. Do you have the courage to trade your life for your sister’s?”

  “Forget it.” She lifted her chin in defiance. “I’m taking Mia and leaving.”

  He laughed, amusement dancing in his eyes. “You think so?” He slid his gaze to Dakota. “How about you, Dakota? I bet you’re willing to make a trade. What if I offer you a deal? All you have to do is walk out of here with your girlfriend. That’s it. Just take her hand and walk away.”

  Ryleigh’s gaze shot to Dakota. Say yes, Dakota. Agree to it, and get Mia out of here. Please. Please. Please.

  Anger colored his face. He planted his feet wide, hand resting on his sword. “Not a chance. We’re all walking out of here.”

  “Oh, please.” Chayce waved a dismissive hand and returned his attention to Ryleigh. “You’ve come here with a little boy at your side and expect to walk out of here with my substitute queen? I don’t think so, Ryleigh. Unless, of course, you’d like to take her place.”

  His laughter was beginning to annoy her, and his condescending attitude was scraping her last nerve raw.

  “You know what? I think maybe I’ll keep this one after all.” He ran a finger down Mia’s arm from her shoulder to her wrist. “She’ll grow into her role. You, on the other hand, are just plain stupid. I’m not sure you can grow smarter.”

  Thaddeus inched closer to the throne, stood at Chayce’s shoulder. What were the two of them up to?

  “I haven’t come with a little boy, Chayce. I’ve come with a man who leads an army.” She forced a grin as she sauntered toward him. “My army.”

  His mouth fell open.

  If she could only get within striking distance. “Didn’t you know? Hmm…Maybe I’m not the stupid one.”

  Chayce launched himself from the throne.

  Ryleigh stepped back, bent her knees, and lifted her sword. Heat flared in her chest.

  Thaddeus grabbed his arm, stopped him.

  She relaxed her stance and risked a quick glance over her shoulder. Tristan had already entered the chamber, his men following close behind. They lined the back wall of the throne room, stood at attention, and waited.

  She slid her sword into the scabbard at her side.

  “The Queen’s Army? I can’t believe you managed to call them.” Chayce remained standing but made no move to advance. “It seems I’ve underestimated you, my dear.” He paced the platform the thrones sat upon, tapping his finger against his chin. “Perhaps you will make a strong queen.” He stopped and faced her. “This is the last time I’ll offer. Take your sister’s place, and send her out of here with your…boys.”

  “Forget it, Chayce. Give me Mia, and we’ll all walk out of here.”

  Rage distorted his features.

  If she could just provoke him into coming closer. “That’s my counter offer. We’ll walk away, and as long as you stay out of Cymmera, I’ll let you have Argonas.”

  Laughter incapacitated him. Tears streamed from his eyes. He bent over and clutched his stomach, then fell back onto the throne.

  Ryleigh waited. She lifted a hand to keep her men in place. They wouldn’t expect the frail man at Chayce’s side could stop them before they took two steps, but she had no doubt he could.

  “Let. Me?” Chayce sucked in a deep breath. “You’ll let me have Argonas?” He wheezed and swiped the tears from his face. “Oh man…” He lowered his gaze to the floor, shook his head, and sighed. “That’s priceless.”

  Blackness invaded from the corners of her eyes, limiting her peripheral vision. She squeezed her eyes closed for the briefest instant, then opened them. The darkness receded, but not by much.

  “You know what? I’m not even going to be mad.” He waved a hand dismissively, his gaze never faltering from hers. “I’m impressed, Ryleigh. I truly am. You’ve shown strength, courage, initiative…” He shrugged. “Granted, you’re not the sharpest tool in the arsenal, but that’s okay. As long as you’re smart enough to do what you’re told, you really don’t need to think.”

  Prickles of heat exploded in her chest, surged down her arms and into her hands. “I’d be happy to ascend the throne, Chayce.” Her fingers tingled.

  Dakota gasped.

  Chayce grinned.

  “But it will be in your stead, not at your side.”

  Chayce gestured toward Thaddeus.

  Clamping his hands tightly to his head, Dakota fell to his knees.

  “Nooo. Stop.” Mia ran to him, threw herself down and knelt at his side, and covered his body with her own. Cradling him in her arms, she gently rocked him back and forth.

  Energy built in Ryleigh.

  Chayce started toward Mia.

  Power churned in her gut.

  Thaddeus stopped Chayce with a firm grip on his arm, his gaze riveted on Ryleigh.

  Two more men fell behind her.

  Thaddeus shook with the effort to sustain whatever he was doing to her men. Tremors wracked his feeble body. Still, he stood strong.

  Mia clutched her head. “No. Please. Stop.” She screamed.

  The sound tore through Ryleigh’s soul, unleashing power she had no hope of controlling. Violent spasms rocked her. She lifted her hands toward Chayce, extended her fingers, reached for him. She’d strangle that bastard with her bare hands. Energy rushed from her core, surged through her. An enormous ball of flames exploded from her fingers.

  The shock twisting Chayce’s features disappeared behind the wave of flames that slammed into him and Thaddeus, throwing them back.

  Ryleigh collapsed, the last of her energy drained as the flames fizzled and died. She lay frozen, curled in a ball, unable to move.

  Chayce and Thaddeus were both gone. She hadn’t seen them disappear, hadn’t seen anything after the flames enveloped them. They were simply gone once the flames dissipated. Relie
f tugged at her, but she couldn’t embrace it. No matter how badly she wanted to.

  Thaddeus was a powerful sorcerer as well as a prophet. He’d stuck to Chayce like glue from the time Ryleigh’d entered the chamber. Chances were, he’d anticipated an attack and disappeared with Chayce before the first flames scorched him.


  Her body jerked at the tentative touch on her shoulder.

  “Ryleigh. Are you hurt?”

  She rolled onto her back and stared up into Dakota’s concerned gaze. Was she okay? Yes. Exhausted. But okay.

  “Is everyone all right?”

  He glanced toward the other men and nodded. “Everyone seems to be all right. Some lingering headaches, but that’s about it.”


  He shot a quick look toward Mia, shook his head, and shrugged. “She hasn’t said a word.” Fear etched deeper lines in his scowl. “I don’t know.”

  Ryleigh sat up and stared at Mia, who sat hugging her knees, head lowered. Soft, silent cries shook her delicate shoulders.

  “Let’s get her out of here.” Dakota reached out a hand.

  Ryleigh accepted it, grateful for the strength he lent her. She stood, brushed herself off, and approached Mia. Squatting beside her, Ryleigh pulled her into a hug.

  Mia leaned into her, rested her head against Ryleigh’s shoulder.

  Ryleigh counted to ten, not ready for the answer, but knowing she had to ask the question. “Did he hurt you, Mia?” She smoothed her sister’s hair.

  Mia shook her head.

  “Don’t lie to me, Mia. I saw the bruises.”

  She lifted her head and stared Ryleigh directly in the eye. “The bruises are left over from the men who dragged me out of the castle and brought me here.” She brushed her hair back out of her face. “Chayce never touched me.”

  The air rushed from Dakota’s lungs with an audible whoosh. “I’m still going to kill him.” He turned and walked away, leaving the girls alone. He approached the throne where Chayce had been seated, crouched down, and ran his fingers over the seat and the floor surrounding the throne.

  “Anything?” Tristan stood beside him, sword held ready.

  “Nah. I’m pretty sure his sorcerer helped him escape. There’s no sign of anything else.”

  Rubbing a hand over his head, Tristan turned and stared at Ryleigh. “Let’s get them out of here. Then we can go after him if you can think of a way to find him.”

  Dakota nodded his agreement, stood, and brushed off his hands.

  Ryleigh turned back and found Mia staring at her.

  “Can we go home, now? Please?” Her hair tumbled into her eyes.

  Ryleigh tucked it behind her ear, knowing full well it was just going to pop out again. “Home, home? Or Cymmera, home?”

  A hint of a smile flickered. “Cymmera, home. For now, anyway.”

  She gripped Mia’s hand and stood. A chill raced through her at the thought of the fate that could have befallen her. She should probably take Mia back home to the human realm. Yet, she knew she couldn’t. Not yet, anyway.

  Strength shone in the young girl’s eyes, along with determination. Definitely not the vulnerable, fragile child she’d been not so long ago.

  “Let’s go home.”

  Her men gathered around them, constantly scanning every inch of the chamber.

  She shouldn’t be able to call the portal from within the castle, but strength filled her. She didn’t feel any restrictions. The heaviness weighing on her since entering Argonas had lifted. Perhaps she was stronger now, or maybe Thaddeus’ curse disappeared when he’d fled.

  Ryleigh brought an image of the throne room in Cymmera. She’d prefer to take Mia and go straight to the comfort and safety of their chambers, but all of them needed to transfer together. Of course, she had no clue if the castle was still under attack.

  She hesitated. Maybe she should bring them back to the stable. Surely, Elijah would be gone by now. All right. She couldn’t stand here all day. Just make a decision and go with it. Energy gathered. What if another ball of fire erupted before she could control it? What if she hurt someone? Fear at her newfound power mingled with the lingering exhilaration. “Stand behind me.”

  The men obeyed instantly.

  She harnessed the power, lifted her hands, and tore open a portal to Cymmera. Perhaps Chayce and Thaddeus had perished in the flames after all.

  She stepped through with her arm around Mia and her soldiers on her heels.

  A lone figure sat slumped on the throne, lost in the shadows.


  Hope flared.

  The figure shifted, casting off some of the darkness. Elijah stood. “My Queen.” He bowed and rushed to her side.

  “Is the castle still under siege?”

  “No, Your Majesty.” He studied Mia, searched for any sign of injury. “The attack ended almost immediately after our Guard invaded Argonas. Chayce must have called his soldiers back as soon as he realized what was happening.” He pressed his hands against the bruises on Mia’s face.

  “Is everyone…” Alive? “All right?” She prayed fervently none of her people had lost their lives in the skirmish.

  “The healers have been working tirelessly.” A small smile formed. “Everyone here is fine. Or, at least, will be. How about your men? Is anyone hurt?”

  She looked around her. “I don’t think so, but we’re exhausted. Could you please find a place for my men to wash up and sleep?”

  “Of course, Your Majesty. Their quarters have already been prepared. They will remain in the castle for now.” He held her gaze. “Just in case.”

  Ryleigh’s ears popped. Shoving Mia behind her, she ripped her sword from the sheath just as a portal opened.

  Noah stumbled through with a tiny, filthy woman right behind him.

  Ranger stepped through a second later, a man hanging limply over his shoulder. A man she’d recognize anywhere.

  “Jackson.” She ran to him.

  Ranger lowered him to the ground.

  Ryleigh fell to her knees and bent over him. Get him to his chambers. Find Kiara. Go. Now. Her mind issued the commands, but the words never left her lips. Unable to force the words past the stranglehold fear had on her throat, she gave up and kept her focus on Jackson.

  She lifted her head, for the first time noticing the severe damage to his body. It seemed some injury or another covered every inch of him. Was he even breathing? Intent on making sure his heart was still beating, she reached for him but couldn’t find a single unmarked spot on his bare chest. She allowed her hand to hover above him for a moment before settling on holding his hand. Gently.

  The instant her hand met his, sparks flew.

  * * * *

  Awareness stirred in Jackson’s mind. He tried to claw his way to the surface. Ryleigh. His eyes shot open, the thought of Ryleigh bringing him instantly awake.

  She jumped, gripping his hand tighter.

  Sparks ignited between them, flared within him. Heat rushed through every ounce of his being. She was too close. She could never get close enough. “Where?” The hoarse croak was all he could manage.

  “It’s okay, Jackson. You’re home now, in your bed. Safe. Nothing can hurt you now.” A tear dripped onto their clasped hands.

  Except you, Ryleigh. Only you hold the power to hurt me. He shifted, and pain slammed through him. Gritting his teeth, he tried to roll over and face her.

  She put out a hand and stopped him, then climbed over him and sat on the bed at his side. Sitting with her back against the headboard, she cradled his head in her lap.

  Her soft cries broke his heart. The feel of her fingers weaving through his hair, the soft scratch of her nails against his scalp, eased the fear. Brought comfort.

  Ryleigh. She was his. Feelings stirred. Feelings he was beginning to get a better grip on. Starting to understand a little more. Trust. Love. Desire. Need. They didn’t scare him as much no
w. He reached for them. Embraced them. He forced the word through his raw throat. “Sorry.”

  Ryleigh sobbed. Her tears fell warm against his chilled skin. “Oh, no.” She pressed his hand against her cheek.

  “Forgive. Me.”

  She pulled away from him, covered her face with her hands. “Jackson, there’s—”

  The door eased open with a screech. “You’re awake.” Ranger held the door open for Kiara and Elijah to precede him into the chamber. “How do you feel?”

  Jackson shot him a look.

  Ranger only laughed. “That good, huh?”

  Ryleigh wiped her face and stood as Kiara set a large basin on the table next to the bed.

  Elijah pushed a chair closer and held it for Kiara as she sat.

  The sense of betrayal that had ridden Jackson so brutally since he first found out about Kai softened. Lost some of its importance. These people cared for him. Whatever was bothering Ryleigh, she was still at his side. No matter they’d had a terrible fight. No matter he hadn’t trusted her. No matter he’d hurt her.

  He reached for her, and she placed her hand in his, squeezed. Offering reassurance. Was she going to tell him she was leaving him? A shudder shook him. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t have to, because he’d do whatever it took to keep her.

  “Are you feeling any better?” Kiara pressed a cool rag to his head, slid it down his face and along his neck. She dunked the rag into the basin again, wrung it out, and repeated the gesture on the other side. “I’m going to work on healing you some more, if that’s okay.”

  He nodded to the soft-spoken woman. Dark circles ringed her eyes. Exhaustion dulled her usually glowing complexion. Healing injuries like his would have taken everything out of her, drained her completely, and yet, here she was, ready to put herself further at risk to help him. He’d always viewed Kiara as delicate, fragile. He’d been wrong. The healer had a core of steel.

  Kiara pressed her hands against his chest. A soft blue glow emanated from her hands, enveloped him. Power. Strength. Love. Surprise shook him. Apparently, the females of his people were still capable of the emotion. Had only the men become so hardened? So hopeless?

  Ranger leaned over her shoulder. He remained silent, his expression hard, but it didn’t matter. The concern in his frown said everything. So did the fact that he’d risked his life to go after Jackson.


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