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Lost Princess

Page 25

by Dani-Lyn Alexander

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.” Dakota bowed in the traditional acknowledgement to the king.

  Mia did the same.

  “Now, come on. If we don’t get there soon, Ryleigh’s going to have a fit.”

  “Can I bring my puppy?” Mia snuggled her pup against her cheek.

  “Not yet. They have to get a little stronger first.”


  He laughed. “Don’t worry. Pretty soon you’ll have her at your side everywhere you go.” He ushered them from the chamber, and they quickly descended the stairs and crossed the rotunda.

  “Sir.” Caleb strode toward them.

  “Go ahead. Take your places, and tell Ryleigh I’ll be out in a minute.” He turned to Caleb.

  “Your Majesty.” He bowed. “Argonas is ours, sir. We’ve assumed control. The people seem to have accepted our ascension to the throne…” He relaxed his stance. “Hell, Jackson, to be honest a lot of them seemed relieved. And the savages, well, they’ve stopped resisting. They’ve retreated to the mountains. Once we’ve established a firmer hold, we’ll go after them.”

  “Chayce?” Jackson held the other man’s gaze, though he already knew the answer.

  “No, sir. As you expected. I’m sorry.”

  He nodded. “Very well. Thank you, Caleb.”

  Caleb bowed again before heading out to the courtyard where most of the kingdom had gathered.

  Jackson shook off his lingering anger toward Chayce. It had no place in his heart today. But, one day…

  Jackson pushed through the heavy doors into the courtyard.

  The Tree of Hope stood proud in the center of the festivities. Twelve new buds clung to her branches. The Kingdom of Cymmera would rise again. United. Strong.

  Ryleigh stood beneath the tree waiting for him. Her smile luminous. The deep purple gown hugged every curve before falling in a train around her feet. The thin straps left her arms bare, the mark of the Queen of Cymmera glowing brilliantly around her bicep. The crown his mother had once worn caught the sunlight, casting a rainbow of color.

  He approached her, gripped her hand in his, and turned to face their kingdom. With the Queen’s Army standing behind Ryleigh, and Mia at her side, and the Death Dealers completing the semi-circle behind Jackson and Dakota, they waited for the cheers to die down.

  Together, Jackson and Ryleigh stepped forward. At Jackson’s urging, she started to speak. Hesitant at first, her voice growing stronger as she continued. She introduced her army, inducted Mia and Dakota, and reassured the people they would be safe.

  “Together, we will make Cymmera stronger than she’s ever been. The people of Argonas will become our allies. Our kingdoms will prosper and live in peace.”

  The audience thundered with applause.

  Ryleigh blushed as she stepped back, and Jackson squeezed her hand. Pride overwhelmed him.

  As he took his turn reassuring his people, he couldn’t drag his mind from Chayce. Where would he go? They had to hunt him down and find that book. Chayce might be weakened now, but he’d thrive again. He’d find another realm to conquer, another army to lead. And then he’d be back.

  Once the speeches ended and the festivities began, Jackson pulled Ryleigh aside. “You look beautiful.”

  She blushed and caught her lower lip between her teeth.

  He groaned.

  “Oh, stop.” She shoved him away.

  “Fine.” He looked into the deep blue of her eyes. “I love you, Ryleigh.”

  “I love you too.”

  He pulled her into an embrace, inhaled deeply, the scent of strawberries invading his senses. He reveled in it for a moment before setting her back. “Can you handle things here for a bit?”

  She frowned. “Sure. Why? Is something wrong?”

  He shook his head and cupped her cheek in his hand. “No. Everything is perfect.” He pulled her into his arms, lowered his lips to hers. Heat flared within him, surged through him. His mind settled. Knowing she was his, that they’d stand together, brought him a sense of peace he’d never thought possible.

  He shifted her away from him. If he didn’t go now, he wouldn’t go at all. And this was a trip he had to make. Alone. “I’ll be back soon.”

  She shot him a grin. “I’ll be here.” Her laughter followed him from the courtyard.

  He entered the throne room, pulling the heavy doors closed behind him. He only studied the flail for a moment before dismissing it and gripping the sword at his side. With no hesitation, he brought an image from his childhood to the front of his mind.

  The rainforest. The first place he’d ever opened a doorway to. The place he and Chayce had run and played in when they were children. The one place they could always lose themselves indefinitely.

  He called on the well of energy in his core. The power surged through him. No longer able to contain it, he lifted his hands and ripped open the portal to the human realm.

  The small shack stood abandoned, as it always had. The boards of the decking had long ago rotted. It leaned hopelessly where one of the stilts had cracked and tipped. A castle for two children seeking adventure.

  He unsheathed his sword and approached cautiously. Hoisting himself onto the deck, he ducked and peered into the grimy windows. Nothing. And yet…

  He pushed the door open, the screech of rusty hinges crying out through the jungle.

  Chayce stood across the small room, cocky grin firmly in place, Thaddeus at his side.

  He shook his head. “Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. Have you learned nothing about the element of surprise? By the way, how’s the chest feeling?” His laughter echoed in the empty room.

  Jackson started to circle. He hadn’t come to talk. Had nothing to say to his dear brother. The man who’d murdered their father. His grip on the sword tightened.

  “Ah well. I didn’t plan on hanging around anyway. Just figured I’d stop in and say hello, but if you have nothing to say—”

  Jackson lunged, aiming directly for Chayce’s heart, and stumbled when Chayce disappeared into thin air, the sword running through the exact spot his heart had been only a second ago.

  No doorway opened. He was simply there one minute and gone the next. Magic.

  Chayce’s laughter lingered. “Did you forget Thaddeus is one of the most powerful sorcerers in existence?”

  Jackson slammed his fist into the wall.

  “Temper, temper. I would take you now, brother, but that would spoil all the fun of destroying you before I kill you.”

  Ryleigh’s voice in his head soothed some of the anger raging through him.

  “It’s time to come home.”

  “Wherever you are, Chayce, be assured, I will hunt you down. I will find you. And I will kill you.”

  Ryleigh’s warmth surrounded him, enveloped him, as he turned and left his childhood behind.

  Meet the Author

  Dani-Lyn lives on Long Island with her husband, three kids and three dogs. She loves spending time with her family, at the beach, the playground, or just about anywhere. In her spare time, which is rare, she enjoys reading and shopping—especially in book stores. Some of her favorite things include; Bernese Mountain Dogs, musicals, bubble baths and soft blankets. She’s an incurable insomniac, and she has an addiction to chocolate.

  Don’t miss book one in Dani-Lyn Alexander’s Kingdom of Cymmera series!


  Betrayal lies cloaked in shadow.

  Seventeen year old Ryleigh Donnovan is certain her life is cursed. Nothing ever goes smoothly, and her first job interview is no exception. An earthquake rocks the building, sending Ryleigh on a frantic search for her younger sister, a search which lands her in the hospital. Terrified they’ll push her for answers she can’t afford to give, Ryleigh flees with a mysterious stranger.

  Jackson Maynard is about to be ordained as a Death Dealer, a warrior for the Kingdom of Cymmera, but first he must pass one more test. When he fails to ac
quire the human girl the prophet has chosen, he’s forced to stand trial for treason. Banished from his realm, he seeks out the girl from the vision, Ryleigh Donnovan, and together they embark on a journey to save his dying kingdom.

  A Lyrical Press Novel on sale now!

  Learn more about Dani-Lyn at

  Chapter 1

  “Come on, Mia. I can’t be late.” Ryleigh engaged the lock and dropped the keys into her bag. She resisted the urge to check her watch again as she started across the parking lot. What good would it do?

  “I’m coming.” Mia rounded the back of the car and ran to catch up. “Sorry, I had to tie my shoe.” She tried to shove the mass of curly, brown hair behind her ears, but it kept tumbling back into her face, covering big, blue eyes that were still red rimmed and puffy.

  A bolt of sympathy shot through Ryleigh, and she hugged her sister. “It’s okay, honey, not a big deal. I’m just a little nervous. You remember what to do, right?”

  Mia rolled her eyes. “Yes, Ryleigh, I remember. Sit in the lobby, don’t move, don’t talk to anyone, and stay out of trouble.”

  They both grinned as they hurried toward the building.

  Mia sobered. “Do you think you’ll get the job?”

  “I don’t know. But even if I don’t, it’ll be okay.” A car backed out in front of her, and she grabbed Mia’s arm.

  “How can you be sure?” Mia’s tears started again.

  Great. She couldn’t leave her sitting alone in the lobby blubbering. Grandmother’s watch showed only five minutes to make it to the third floor. Taking both of Mia’s shoulders in her hands, she turned her until they stood face to face. “It will be okay, Mia. I promise. You have to trust me.”

  “I don’t want to live with someone else.”

  Ryleigh’s heart broke. “I know.” Seconds ticked off in her head. “Please, trust me. I’ll make sure we stay together. Okay?”

  Mia nodded, once again tumbling curls into her face.

  Ryleigh tucked them back behind Mia’s ear. How would she ever make things right? “Come on. After this, I’ll take you for pizza.”

  Her sister smiled hesitantly, and they resumed their rush, Mia struggling to keep up. Whether she got the job or not, she would take Mia to Tony’s for pizza. Not that they could afford it, but Mia needed time to be a kid. Actually, Ryleigh did too.

  Ryleigh led Mia to the small seating arrangement in the corner past the main reception desk. “Now remember—”

  “I know, I know. Just go.” Rolling her eyes, Mia curled into the chair.

  “Love you, little sis.”

  “Me too, big sis.”

  The twelve-story building had plenty of traffic moving through the lobby. Mia would be all right, but Ryleigh still worried. Mia was fourteen, but her tiny frame made her seem more like ten or eleven. Tucked into the large armchair, with an oversized book open in front of her, she appeared so fragile. Getting this job was too important to mess up, and taking Mia upstairs with her might appear unprofessional. She jabbed the button for the third floor. No way would she let anyone take Mia from her. She’d find a way to support them, somehow.

  Exiting the elevator, Ryleigh tried to read the crumpled napkin she’d jotted the suite number on while running out the door that morning. Of course, now she couldn’t make out her own handwriting. Four o’clock on the dot. She was late. She raced down the corridor as quickly as her pumps would allow.

  When she turned the corner at the wall of smoked glass bordering the lobby, she stopped short, overwhelmed by the luxury of the grown-up world she was about to enter. Maybe she should bring Mia up there to sit. There was plenty of room. Surely, they would understand she had to keep Mia with her. Another glimpse at her watch propelled her through the door marked Jacobs & McClain.

  The rhythmic clack, clack, clack of her heels as she crossed the wood floor should have been enough to announce her arrival to the receptionist. At the receptionist’s desk, she cleared her throat twice.

  The woman turned her paperback over. “Yes?”

  Ryleigh cleared her throat again and discreetly wiped her sweaty hands on her skirt. “Umm…” Great start. “I…umm…”

  The woman tapped a beautifully manicured, blood red nail against the back of her book and tilted her head.

  The rude gesture quelled Ryleigh’s nerves and pulled her back ramrod straight. “I’m here to see Mr. Jacobs.”

  “Do you have an appointment?” The receptionist lifted a perfectly arched eyebrow.

  The stakes were too high for her to choke now. She mirrored the woman’s haughty tone. “Of course.” Was this how you had to act to work here? She hoped not. Ryleigh couldn’t treat people with the bored indifference this woman had mastered.

  The woman checked her appointment book, and Ryleigh tried to dismiss her growing apprehension. With her grandmother gone now, she needed this job to support herself and Mia. Her breath hitched. Had it really been only a week since her grandmother’s death? She fought tears, as well as the urge to run away, and struggled to regain control. She had to pull herself together. Mia had no one else left.

  “Follow me.”

  Ryleigh jumped.

  Beside her, the receptionist stood tapping her foot against the deep, rich wood floor.

  Ryleigh flushed and lowered her gaze. What was she doing here?

  She followed the ice queen down a long corridor, the thick carpet and pinching shoes making it difficult to walk.

  The woman stopped before a set of large double doors, and when she shoved them open dramatically, Ryleigh couldn’t suppress an equally dramatic eye roll. Although she managed to halt her eyes mid-roll, the smirk on Mr. Jacobs’ face told her it had been too late.

  “Hello, Ms. Donnovan. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He came around the desk and extended his hand as the witch closed the doors behind them. His thick, dark hair and trim build surprised her. For some reason she’d expected an older man.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Jacobs. Thank you for your time.” Praying he didn’t notice how sweaty her palm was, she shook his hand.

  He gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk, and she sat. He surprised her again by taking the chair next to hers and turning it to face her. His warm smile was a stark contrast to the cold greeting she’d received from his receptionist but did little to dispel her nerves.

  She brushed her hair behind her ear and dropped her hand to her lap, hoping Mr. Jacobs hadn’t noticed how badly it shook.

  “She’s a temp,” he said conspiratorially, as if that explained everything. Well, perhaps it did, if the position Ryleigh was applying for was the one the temp now held.

  “I’ve gone over your resume.” He opened a folder and flipped a page. “Your references are quite impressive, and your work history is commendable. You’re young to have been at the same company for three years.” He frowned and thumbed through a couple of pages.

  The owner of Spencer Associates had been kind enough to hire her when she’d been only fourteen years old. Her responsibilities had included filing, vacuuming, and emptying garbage pails for the company her parents had both worked for before a terrorist attack had cut their lives short.

  “I don’t see your graduation date listed here.”

  Ahh, the dreaded question. She hoped to avoid answering.

  Mr. Jacobs lifted his gaze from the paperwork in his lap and watched her expectantly.

  “Well…umm…” She cleared her throat to dislodge the lump.

  He leaned back, resting his elbows on the arms of the chair.

  Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders. “I haven’t actually graduated, yet, but the school is willing to work with me on a work study program. I only need two more classes to graduate. They’ve scheduled those classes first thing in the morning, so I’ll be finished by nine o’clock. I can be here no later than nine-thirty.”

  He shook his hea
d, his eyes cast down at the application in his hand.

  “I really need this job.”

  Mr. Jacobs stood. “I don’t know. Our workday starts at eight thirty.” He moved behind his desk. At least he hadn’t said no. But he didn’t sit down either. That couldn’t be a good sign.

  She plowed on. What did she have to lose? “I’m a hard worker, and I’ll stay later to make up for the hour I’m late in the morning.” The pleading note in her voice irritated her. She was only one step away from begging.

  “It’s not that. You have great references, and I’m sure you’re a hard worker, but a lot of work gets done in that first hour. Calls have to be returned, emails answered.” He tossed the application onto his cluttered desk and rubbed his neck. “I’m sorry, Ryleigh. I understand you need the job.”

  Ryleigh stood. This couldn’t be happening. With only a few months left until graduation, she didn’t want to be forced to drop out, but what else could she do? “Look, Mr. Jacobs, can’t you just—” Vertigo assailed her. The room rocked, and she grabbed the desk.

  Mr. Jacobs grabbed the back of his chair. His eyes mirrored her panic. Books flew from the shelves. Glass shattered.

  She had to get to Mia.

  She turned to run. The building bucked, and she toppled, slamming her knee into the hard wood floor. Pain shot up her leg. She grabbed the chair to pull herself up, but the next wave threw her back down. She tried to regain her footing, but someone yanked her to the ground.

  “Stay down.” Mr. Jacobs shoved her forward. He crawled beside her, half pushing, half dragging her toward the door.

  Debris pelted her back, shoulders, and head. How could she have left Mia? Tears blurred her vision.

  “If it’s an earthquake, it should stop any minute. Just keep crawling toward the door.”

  Desperately wishing she could cover her ears to block the screaming, she clawed forward. Her knee dragged behind her, pain pulsing with each movement. Falling apart wouldn’t help matters. She had to get to Mia.


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