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Slave Line (The Young Ancients)

Page 14

by Power, P. S.

  Especially since if they did have an issue he'd have to butt in and try to fix it, if he could. That was part of his job as a friend to them both. You didn't let a person close to you suffer, did you? Not if you could do anything about it.

  The docks at Warden were real ones, but not big enough for the ship he had. It was five hundred feet long and about two hundred wide. Something like that. He'd never measured it, just guessed how big it was when he was making it. Everything in it was slightly oversized, since it was supposed to have giants as passengers originally. They got on board by simply landing the craft they were in on the empty expanse of the black deck and off loading, then putting them away. It was pretty fast and meant that they didn't have to use a smaller boat to get out to the one they were on.

  Petra wore an actual Captains uniform like she was in the Navy, except that the colors were in royal purple and gold with the King's livery instead of a Navy patch on the front. It looked pretty impressive to Tor. Ali waved at her getting a small smile in return, but nothing more. She stood waiting for them to come to her. It was a ship thing. Maybe a boat one. On their ship, the Captain was King. She'd have waited even if Richard himself had come on board. The only time that didn't work was on an actual Navy ship. In that case there would have been a huge ceremony. Really, there should probably be one now, but no one had thought about it. Well, too late. He started to walk toward her, waiting for the Ambassador and waving Quavel over. As an afterthought he gestured to the Ancients and his family, everyone except the Lairdgren group, who were the crew after all.

  It made an interesting cluster as they approached.

  Without being informed as to what was needed Sandra gestured for her people to go and stand behind Petra. It wasn't planned and didn't look military, but as they walked all of their outfits shifted to match the captains, only without the bars on the shoulders. The hats matched though. Tor wasn't certain, but he thought that meant they were all in officers dress. He just hoped they realized they were still washing all the dishes.

  It was mildly impressive. More, the Royal guard all followed, eight of them in all, their clothing turning green, except for the two in front, Kara and George.

  Tor was glad to see the familiar faces. Those two went into regular Royal guard uniforms, signaling that they were there to actually protect someone. Tor took it that way at least.

  It didn't all match, but it looked like they actually had a real crew. Uniforms were good for things like that.

  "Welcome friends, and dignitaries all. I'm Petra Ward, Captain of the Royal Palm. Our trip is expected to take five days, provided we don't hit harsh weather. If we do, we're capable of running against the wind in any direction at best speed, indefinitely. There should be no need for evacuation, but if such a need is required this vessel has over twenty craft capable of taking the passengers to safety. We have entertainers, musicians, singers and dancers provided by Lord Baker and Count Ward, as well as more adult entertainment upon request. If you have any questions or need anything, please don't hesitate to ask myself..." She looked over her shoulder and made a face that Tor nearly misread as annoyance, but realized, when she turned around, to be her version of restrained glee.

  "Or our crew here. If you'll follow me we have all the rooms pre-assigned for efficiency. This way please?" She gestured, a strong thing that seemed more military than she normally did. She changed when she was in charge, Tor realized, becoming more adult somehow. More in control.

  There were four rooms on the top deck, one of which was given to the Ambassador, the others to Count Lairdgren and Denno. They were the nice rooms, bigger than the others and with slightly better furnishings. It made sense that the Ancients would be given those rooms, but that left out Lyn, who probably didn't care at all. Petra didn't know about her yet though or... No, she did. She'd been there for the whole story. It baffled Tor for a minute, until they went below decks.

  "Ancient Red of Austra? Master Tor had ceded his person room to you for the voyage. We regret we don't have accommodation fitting a person of your stature, I could give up my own quarters if you need more?" She looked mildly embarrassed, but held the door open.

  "Oh, not a problem at all, this will do wonderfully. It's huge. Honestly I don't think I've seen a room like this on an ocean vessel in two thousand odd years. Are all of them like this?"

  They were, which she knew, since she'd made her own copy. On the good side it meant they had a back up ship if something came up, one capable of carrying them all. Maybe more than one. Tor answered anyway, since it was clear she was pointing out how equitable everything was for a reason.

  "Almost exactly like this, except for the position. There are restrooms in each compartment, but the baths are at the back of the ship. The dining room too. That's on this level. There are two levels of course, the baths and showers below."

  His room, it turned out was right next to Lyn's, with his family in two rooms next to it, meaning that Weasel had to share with someone. Looking around it was obvious that there was only one person that fit the bill there. Tor raised his hand and waved toward the spies.

  "Kenner? Mind putting up with my little brother for the trip? He'll have to work, but you're both right up front here, so if there's a problem everyone can come to you two and not have to bother the rest of us."

  It didn't sound like an attractive offer put that way but the boy smiled anyway. All the Austrans did.

  "Sure. I don't snore or anything." This was said to Weasel who grimaced.

  "I hear I do. Sorry in advance."

  Everyone chuckled pleasantly.

  There were no problems with the rooms, since everyone was willing to share and most didn't have too many in their space with them. Ali had the extra beds ready to go, in case some people didn't want to share with a stranger. Not all the Austrans knew each other it turned out. That was so they couldn't have said who else was around if they got caught. Kenner hadn't known about Quavel for instance, or the other way around. This even with the fact that they'd seen each other almost daily for over a year. It was just good spycraft.

  The first problem happened after Carlos came to get him to start working on the mid-day meal. A few of the other people came too, an Austran woman named Teresa and her husband who was one of the Noram citizens that had decided to go with their love, even if it would be hard, named David. They weren't professional cooks or anything, but were willing to work just to be useful.

  They also got Denno, who promised he could cook, which was probably an understatement given who he was, and Tor's mom, who was a professional baker by trade and had been for over two decades. This arrangement of bodies flustered the Austrans more than a little bit. Of course Brown was their Ancient, so it kind of made sense. A bit like how people back home would respond if the King came to help them raise a barn or something. Though that would actually be useful, since the man was so tall and was pretty strong for all that he sat for a living.

  No, the problem wasn't with them, or not having enough help. They actually had several more volunteers, including Debbie and Quavel. They were taking the dinner shift though. Along with Weasel and Tiera. Lyn didn't volunteer to cook, because she was busy making copies of things to give away as gifts once they got to the meeting in Vagus. Burks was just absent for some reason. That was fine though, since they had plenty of people. They wouldn't even have to scramble to find someone to wash up after for them.

  It was the Ambassador that had a problem with it. She actually came into the kitchen as they worked, having found a nice rhythm with each other quickly, and stood looking horrified for some reason. She looked pretty bad, pale and a bit damp again, even though she had her amulet on for the heat. Tor walked over to her slowly, trying not to scare her, treating her in much the same way he had "Nan" earlier in the day.

  "Is everything alright Ambassador? Do you... Need something to eat or drink? I think we have some juice in the cool room. Or water? Is it sea sickness?" They had wine too, but she looked sick, not injured
. Everyone knew you gave water for illness, not alcohol.

  "I..." She stammered gently, her voice low. Scared rather than angry. Perhaps she feared that the Austrans would poison them all? That wouldn't happen for a half dozen reasons, but maybe she couldn't trust that yet?

  It wasn't that though at all. It was just them doing the cooking.

  All of them. Each and every person in the room.

  "This is a diplomatic mission to deliver people back to their homes... and we're making them act as our servants? We have their Ancient slaving away as well. If there's a bigger insult I can't think of what it is. Plus... You, Lord Baker, are one of the top cabinet officials of Noram and your own mother is here, a Conserina. I... this is a disaster. It may well restart the war. I'm... mortified." She sounded it too, which got chuckles from David and Denno. The Ancient spoke from his position at the stove, not wanting to leave the sauce he was working on.

  "Don't worry yourself dear. It's all well in hand. Carlos here is in charge of the kitchen, which he volunteered for, to show how much he appreciates the kind and gentle treatment your people have shown him and his. Besides, the fact that you have Tor and his mother here should more than serve to offset any idea that this is something other than an honor. We're going to make Green play servant for dinner. It will all even out, don't worry." For some reason, even though he was his normal relaxed and happy seeming self the woman wasn't reassured at all.

  She ranted a little bit, turning red in the face, which got Tor to get her a glass of cold water and a chair. She could yell at them sitting down just as well as standing. Carlos clapped several times to get everyone's attention, a pleasant enough look on his face as he did.

  "Back to work everyone. We have just enough time to have everything served at two. Then I want the baking to be done for the evening meal as quickly as possible. The ovens here seem good enough for it. Better than what the palace has to be perfectly honest. We have three people that can bake on board?" It was a question that was put not to Tor, but to his mother, who shook her head firmly, mouth a tight line.

  "No. We have more than that. Six. At least that are professionals. We'll have to take turns or else the kids will be arguing about who gets to work." Her words softened at the end, turning playful.

  "I'd guess we should count my father too... he taught me how to bake you know. Denno, how about you?"

  He shook his head.

  "Oh, no, I learned to cook in school, just like Green did. Same class in fact. We used to compete to see who could impress Julie White the most with our wonderful creations." He got lost in a dream of the past for a few seconds, at least Tor figured that would be the case from the look on his face.

  "Right. White." Tor didn't try to sound menacing, but his mother caught the tone.

  "Is she... a problem?"

  "Yes. Not so much her personally as her ability to enslave the minds of men using sex. Possibly women too. I recommend keeping your shield turned on around her at all times. She's also very pretty, but it doesn't stop there. It's hard to see, but I think most of it was blocked by my shield the one time we met. Mainly at least. Sweet enough for all that, but I could see them competing to get her attention, even if she was their sister."

  Denno stirred for a bit, then started speaking to the wall behind the stove, not letting his attention waiver at all.

  "Not a biological sister though Tor. None of us really are. Burks and I were raised together and Lara was developed from a stolen sample by a researcher. She and her sisters were raised by a group of women that wanted to do away with men altogether. We didn't meet her for hundreds of years. Julie was of a different line totally and Black was created in Europe. So was Orange. Be a good idea to keep your shields on around those two at first too however. Both were designed to be warriors, so if they feel threatened they'll attack instantly. I don't think they can beat your force fields, but..." He stopped at Tor cleared his throat.

  "Black didn't seem to be able to when we met the first time. It took him a while to calm down after that too. Just something to keep in mind if it's both of them."

  Shifting suddenly to remove the focus stone pot from heat and transfer the warm sauce to a cool dish so it would stop cooking, Denno went silent. he didn't speak until what he was doing was done, the bowl of fresh sauce covered with a plate.

  "That leaves Blue and her kids. I like her well enough, but she can be a problem. Highly intellectual, but not so great with people skills. It's why she took the Antarctic. Stuck Red with Vagus and the horse people, even though she wanted the science job originally. Had to give it over because Blue really can't handle anything else. Really I'm surprised it took this long for Red to scamper out of her lands and try to find some other way for her people to live. That or wait for one of these meetings and kill Blue."

  He worked on various things while Tor started a fine pastry dough for the dinner meal. They had some bread, but it was quick rise, not yeast. Not exactly what he wanted to serve at each meal himself, but they didn't have much time initially to get something better ready, not for lunch. Finally Denno started talking again.

  "Those are the people I expect of course. The others could show up too. I don't know. We don't count on them for much. I'm also not certain which way they'd vote if it comes to it. I think there are ten of the others left alive, maybe more than that, but the ones I mentioned are the ones that always make the meetings. I'm a bit upset with Green for leaving his son Dan in Noram. I understand why, since he still thinks this might be a trap and he doesn't want to leave the continent undefended if it is and you all die, but it shows a bit of a lack of faith. Plus our side could really use the extra vote. It can be hard to know who will jump which way. Things that make sense to me can be nonsense to some of the others at times."

  The herb rubbed chickens were done about then, and the potatoes were mashed nicely and served with vegetables and drinks. It was a bit plain as meals went, but everyone got to eat and the next meal would be far more elaborate. The fare wasn't up to the standards of the palace yet, or even Tor's house, but it was better than most of the people on board ate from day to day. Even Ambassador Callings seemed to think so, though she was clearly going with the whole mortified that anyone ever worked idea. She kept apologizing to everyone.

  That was her job though, and she got to do it her way. It wasn't what Tor would have done, which was chip in himself to make sure everyone knew that cooking wasn't considered a punishment, but the woman admitted she couldn't cook or bake to save her life. The way she kept sweating and turning colors Tor was afraid to put her in the back washing dishes too. It wouldn't serve to kill the poor woman, would it?

  Almost as if to goad her Denno really did get Burks to head up the team of people serving everyone, and they did a superior job of it. Tor knew that for a fact because Quavel made a point of telling them all. It got a small nod from Burks, but what he said about it both made sense and was strange enough to catch everyone's attention.

  "Thank you Quavel. It's rather easier for me to follow all the rules for serving, since I made most of them up in the first place. They're based on what is convenient for the person being served. Not exactly hard." It wasn't just that he was being humble when he said it, which was very clear to Tor suddenly for some reason. It was that he seemed to legitimately believe that his having invented the whole thing made it less important, rather than more.

  Tor thought about it for a second, wondering at it a little. Did he do that too? Undersell his own work and ideas because of his innate programming? It was something to try and understand, he decided again. How he was really going to do that he couldn't see yet, but most of the information that those scientist foisted upon their creations all those thousands of years ago just didn't work for him now. Oh, he didn't want to be vain, but it would be nice to know if he was OK looking or not for real. It also would be great to feel that he wasn't constantly struggling to keep up with everyone around him mentally either. People acted like he was pretty smart and som
e had even mentioned he was really brilliant, but it always came across as flattery to him, not a simple comment on reality.

  Burks was in the same boat though, and had been for thousands of years. Trapped by the rules of an age long dead and mostly forgotten. A time when people played at being gods, reshaping the very stuff of life to fit not only the needs they saw, which might be forgiven, but their own whims and desires.

  Tor nudged Ali a little with his leg, since she was sitting next to him like she was. On the other side of him Trice had been settled, which was nice. Technically she should have been sitting with the Ambassadors people, being that she was there to represent the King, but wasn't that high ranking, then Tor wasn't...

  He blinked as it hit him. Really just drove into his mind for once, almost as if he were wearing a Truth amulet and been caught in a lie, a powerful line of thought rippling across his mind. He wasn't the lowest ranked person in the room. Not on this trip.

  He was...

  Probably the third most important person on the boat. Part of that was simply because he owned it, of course, but it was also a collection of other things. He was the Counselor of Magics, which meant something, even if it was a made up position. In fact all the Counselors' jobs had been created at one point, hadn't they? The same was true of royalty in general... On top of that he was an Ancient, if an incredibly young one, but that part didn't seem to be overly important to anyone yet. It probably would be at the summit he knew. If he were thousands of years old, he probably wouldn't take a person under twenty all that seriously. Not unless their ideas were really good.

  Then he was a Countier, a Knight and a Master Builder.

  That's what really shook him...

  He was a Master. Looking around at the ship he could see it, as if the fabric of the world had been torn open, uncovering what was really there. His work had some flaws in it, things that he could correct over time, that was true, but he'd created two new types of magic all by himself. The use of shield material to mimic real objects and the use of fundamental energy to power things. Or if those had already existed in the past no one else had been using them at least. That wasn't what would be expected of a simple school boy, was it?


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