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Royally Damaged

Page 6

by Crowne, K. C.

“This is beautiful,” she said. “I didn't realize how much I needed this.”

  She leaned her head back and caught the last of the sunshine on her milky face before the light disappeared for the evening.

  “This place is heaven, isn't it?”

  I topped up her glass and pushed it toward her.

  “I'm afraid you're trying to get me drunk,” she said.

  “Maybe I am.”

  “Maybe I'd let you.”

  It's working, I thought. I've finally impressed her.

  She took another sip of her drink and relaxed, sinking more and more into her seat. The sea air whipped up her hair and cast a pink glow across her cheeks.

  I began to disappear inside my head imagining a parallel universe where she was my wife and we were just having a regular jaunt out for dinner. We'd return home after our lobster and make love in the beach hut, the doors wide open to let the sea breeze drift over our naked bodies.

  In the morning, we would have a breakfast of more seafood and champagne and go hiking up to the mountains where we would stare out across the valley and plan our future. We'd have two children; a girl and a boy and maybe even get a dog.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, waving a hand in front of my face. “You looked miles away there.”

  “Yeah. Sorry. Was just thinking about something.”

  “Well, it was obviously something good because you've been smiling. You looked the same way I do when I've been given a second helping of apple pie.”

  She laughed and her voice sounded like music.

  “You're stunning,” I suddenly blurted out. “Do you know that?”

  Other girls I'd told that to had batted their lashes and whipped their hair over their shoulders with a fake laugh. Lizzie, though, didn't appear to care so much..

  “Thanks,,” she said and looked into her champagne glass.

  I saw it was half-empty and once again topped it off.

  “You are,” I insisted. “Don't tell me you don't hear it every day.”

  She shifted in her seat and looked away as though she was eager to change the subject.

  “Well, don't you?”

  “Adam used to say it sometimes but...”

  “But what?”

  She swirled the champagne around her glass and looked into the golden liquid as though it was a crystal ball.

  “But he was always lying to me.”

  A sadness flickered over her eyes. She took a big gulp of her drink and set the glass down before standing up and walking over to the railing. The sea was like glass behind her, so it felt as though we were barely moving. Looking down into the water, she said, “How come you don't have a girlfriend? Or do you?”

  “I don't have a girlfriend,” I replied, walking over to her. “I've never had one.”

  She looked at me as though I was nuts.

  “Never had a girlfriend? That can’t possibly be true!”

  “I haven't. It's just that I could never settle down with anyone, and if I'm being perfectly honest, I find it hard to trust women. Could never figure out if they were interested in the real me.”

  It felt strange opening up to her like that. I'd never told that to anyone. Not even Henry.

  “I understand that,” she said. “Sometimes I don't think I'll be able to trust a guy ever again.”

  “We're not all assholes.”

  “No, just most of you.”

  An awkward silence hung between us. I reached out my hand and slipped it into hers, not to make a move, but just to comfort her.

  “I'm sorry you've had a bad time,” I told her. “You'll get over him.”

  “I'm already over him.”

  Her hand tensed inside mine as though she was getting ready to pull away.

  “Thank you,” she said. “For tonight.”

  “We all need to be a little spoiled sometimes.”

  More than anything I was desperate to kiss her, but I knew one wrong move and I would push her away. So I just stood there, holding her hand, the two of us staring out to sea. The next time I looked back at her, I noticed there was a sad look in her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

  She nodded and yanked herself away.

  “Sorry, it's just that the last time I went sailing was with my dad.”

  “Are you close to him?”

  “I was. He passed away.”.”

  Shit, I thought. What a mood killer.

  “I'm really sorry,” I said. “That must have been terrible.”

  “It was,” she said, staring out to sea.

  “ I'm so sorry,” I said, thinking about what would happen if I lost my own father. “Here.

  I pulled her into a hug, and she wrapped her arms around my waist, leaning onto my chest. Stroking the hair from her watery eyes, I just held her, smelled the sea and peaches in her hair, and felt the movement of each breath against my body. I had an overwhelming urge to bend down and kiss the tears from her face, but for some reason, I found myself holding back.

  It's weird acting like such a gentleman, I thought. Who knew I had it in me?

  She squeezed me tighter and looked up into my face. I tucked her hair behind her ear and fought off the need to press my lips to hers.

  “Aren't you going to kiss me?” she asked. “Or do I have to make the first move?” “You're upset,” I said. “I didn't want to-”

  She silenced me with a hard kiss that knocked the air out of me. Her nails dug into my side as she brushed her tongue against mine. It was the kiss I had been waiting for since I’d seen her at the bar, and I felt my legs grow weak and my heart start to beat like a jackhammer.

  Her lips tasted like salt and champagne. As I cupped her face in my hands, I felt her teeth sink into my lower lip, not hard enough to hurt me, but with enough force to tease me. Then she pulled away and gasped in a lungful of air.

  “Fuck, this champagne's really gone to my head,” she laughed. “I don't normally force myself on men like that.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mind at all.”

  “I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Geez, I need to sober up.”

  She walked back to the table and reached for a bottle of water.

  “Don't know what got into me there.”

  But I had enjoyed the change in her. I walked up behind her and stroked her shoulder. Bending down to kiss it, I felt the goosebumps rise along her skin.

  Pulling her back to me, I ran my fingers over her curves, lingering on her hips.

  “You wanna head inside?” I asked her.

  “I shouldn't,” she said.

  “But you want to.”

  She didn't deny it.

  “We can take things slow,” I said.

  “You're not giving up, are you?”


  She thought for a moment and ran a hand through her hair. Turning around, she trailed her finger down the length of my arm. It sent a bolt of electricity through the entire length of my body. She was hesitating, but I could see the lust in her eyes, could see just how much she wanted me.

  I pressed my fingertip to her lip and she kissed it, her tongue flicking over the sensitive skin.

  “Okay, lead the way,” she said.

  Far from the prying eyes of the captain and my security team, I led her down into the winding corridors and luxury of the yacht.

  “Wow,” she gasped as we walked toward the master bedroom. “It's like a palace in here.”

  Pulling her to me, I kissed her again, this time harder, and she let out a groan, her hands making their way to my stomach. In between kisses, I fumbled with the door handle and we both tumbled into the bedroom, falling onto the bed in a heap of tangled limbs.

  Her fingers were in my hair, pulling my head to hers as she opened her legs. I could feel the heat of her, could sense just how much she needed me, but it was nowhere near as much as I needed her.

  My cock was so hard it ached. I grabbed her hand and placed it bet
ween my legs so she could feel how big I was. “Not yet,” she breathed.

  “Aw fuck, you're torturing me.”

  I continued to kiss her, pressing my body against hers, but every time my hand moved down, she was quick to whip it back up. It was infuriating, and every time I failed to get beneath her dress, my cock grew even harder. Then, just when I thought I couldn't get any more frustrated, her phone began to ring.

  “Just ignore it,” I told her, but whoever was calling was intent on getting through.

  Her phone kept ringing, and ringing, and finally, when it rang for the fourth time, she sighed and pulled it out her purse.

  “Shit, it's Christy,” she said as she answered.

  As soon as she accepted the call, a shriek came out the speaker.

  “Woah, calm down, Chris. What's up? No.No, I don't think so. I can't right now. Because I'm busy! Because. Calm down! Okay, fine. Fine. I'll be there as soon as I can.”

  No, I thought. This can't be happening!

  “Sorry,” she said as she hung up. “I've got a bridezilla on my hands. Gotta get back to the hotel.”



  “At least tell me we can do this again.”

  “Maybe,” she smiled.

  With a heavy heart, I crawled off her and headed up to the deck where the captain was kicking back with a beer.

  “Turn it around,” I said. “We're heading back.”

  “Wow, that was quick.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  * * *

  The sky was black when we arrived back at the harbor with the stars glinting like pinholes of light punched into the darkness.

  “I had a great night,” said Lizzie as we walked up the boardwalk. “Even if it was cut short.”

  “I had a great night too.”

  This was usually the part when I said goodbye to a girl and never saw her again, but this time I wasn't so keen to separate.

  She let go of my hand as we entered the hotel and looked around to make sure no one was looking. When she was satisfied we weren't being watched, she reached up on tip toes and gave me a quick peck. Then she walked away, making her way toward the stairs.

  “Goodnight,” she said, smiling over her shoulder.


  I watched her ascend the grand staircase, hoping and praying that with each step she took, she was closer to changing her mind. .

  It was time to head to the bar and drown my sorrows. Another night on the island, another night alone. With my heart set on a relaxing night at the bar reliving my memories of Lizzie, I made my way into the VIP suite. But as I got there, I saw any chance of relaxation was going to be impossible.

  “What the hell?”


  They were everywhere, swarming the room like bees around a hive.

  The center of the all the activity seemed to be behind the bar. Richard stood amid the chaos with his head in his hands. He noticed me arrive and ran at me in an attempt to usher me back out the door.

  “Your Highness, something terrible has happened. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.”

  “I don't think so. What the hell's going on?”

  “Please, got back to your room.”

  “Don't tell me what to do in my own fucking hotel!”

  He froze. Everyone for a fifty-foot radius spun toward us. Richard began to sweat, his face blanching so he looked even more like a wax figure.

  “I'm dreadfully sorry, Your Highness. Please forgive me. We've had a robbery.”

  “A robbery? Like the other one?”

  “Yes but...”

  He glanced toward Stephen and the rest of my team.

  “But they took more than just the money in the till this time. It looks as though they got into dozens of the hotel rooms too and got their hands on jewelry and even some of the guests' passports”

  “They what?”

  “Don't worry. Not yours.”

  “And it's only now you're telling us?” raged Stephen. “It's our job to know everything that happens here.”

  Richard looked close to passing out. Somehow, he appeared even less trustworthy than before, if that was possible. His eyes darted backward and forward as though he wanted to look anywhere in the room but my face. Meanwhile, he was picking nervously at his fingernails. His whole demeanor was setting me on edge. It was hard to imagine he could manage his own bowels right now let alone be manager of an entire bar in my luxury resort.

  “We'll take it from here,” said Stephen, stepping in between us. “Clearly your own security has no idea what they're doing.”

  “That won't be necessary,” replied Richard. “The police are doing everything they can. Now if you don't mind, I really must be on my way.”

  We watched him return to the bar, none of us able to take our eyes off him.

  “There's something off about him,” said Stephen.

  “Agreed,” chimed in another member of my team, Dylan.

  A former New York detective who had previously served two tours in Afghanistan, it was safe to say when he got a hunch about something, he was usually right. It was good to see my team's thoughts were mirroring mine. Something was off about Richard, we just had to find out what.

  * * *

  Finally. I've got some time to myself.

  It wasn't that I didn't like having a security team around me. I appreciated Stephen and the boys and knew full well what danger I could be in if I were to start gallivanting around the world on my own. But there was nothing better than going to my room at night and knowing I was fully alone. Privacy was a rare occurrence for a prince.

  Although, as I looked at my empty bed, I wished I wasn't entirely on my own. If I closed my eyes hard enough, I could just about smell saltwater and peaches and feel the silkiness of Lizzie's lips against mine.

  How is she doing this to me? I thought. It's like she's hypnotized me.

  I needed to forget all about her. Needed to clear my head.

  Stepping into the shower, I twisted the dial up to as hot as I could stand it and let the steam envelop me. I tried to relax and think about all the other things I could do on the islands since I was going to be stuck out here until my father let me return home. But no matter how much I tried to focus my brain on something, Lizzie would always emerge into view. She was always in her floating, white sun dress, fiery hair like a mane around her. What I would give to lift up that dress and feel what was beneath. And I had been so close earlier. Damn that phone call.

  Before I knew it, I felt my hand glide its way south. I imagined it was hers and remembered all the places she had touched me earlier. I looked down at my cock and watched it twitch, red-hot at the tip and begging to be fucked.

  I knew what a good time I could have given her. Knew how big it was and what I could do with it.

  Curling my fingers around the shaft, I stroked gently at first, then harder the more I thought about the feel of her body in my arms. Pumping my hand up and down, I felt the desperate ache to release.

  "Ah, fuck," I breathed, closing my eyes.

  Leaning back against the wall, I let the water glide over me, soothing my muscles as I stroked myself to a blissful state. If only it was her hand, I thought. Her hand. Her wet pussy. If only she was here in front of me now on her knees, staring up at me with those emerald eyes. I imagined her slipping off the shoulders of her dress to reveal her breasts and disappeared into a daydream where I was closing my hands around her head and slipping my cock between her lips.

  "Fuck," I cried out. "Oh, God!"

  I pumped harder, my balls contracting under me. The beginnings of an orgasm was starting to throb inside me until my thighs began to shake and quiver as they struggled to hold my weight. Clenching my eyes closed, I thought of us back on deck, wind in her hair and champagne on her lips.

  In my dreams she was swallowing me up, taking my whole length in her mouth and moaning with how good it tasted. She was desperate for more, squeezing her brea
sts as her eyes met mine.

  With my other hand, I reached down and tugged at my testicles, slowing my strokes down until I was just massaging the tip. Any second now I was going to blow but wanted to sink myself into the ecstasy for a little while, just a few more seconds. I needed to remain in my dream just for a little while longer.

  "Oh, Lizzie," I said to myself, running my hand up the entire length of my shaft.

  Biting down on my lip as hard as I could, I tried to stave off the impending orgasm, but it was no use. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't control myself. I pumped my hand up and down as hard as I could, crying out as an orgasm invaded my body. It washed through me like a rip tide, leaving me shaking and convulsing, a long stream of cum shooting out onto the shower floor.

  It left me buckling at the knees and breathless. I stumbled out of the shower and lay wet on the bed, staring out to sea through the balcony windows.

  "Jesus fucking Christ," I said, sucking in a lungful of air.

  I'd never had an orgasm like it. Especially not on my own. I didn't even think it was possible to pleasure yourself that much. I needed to feel that rush again. I needed to feel it deep inside Lizzie.

  If that was what she could do in my head, I could only imagine what she could do in real life.

  Sitting up, I toweled myself off and moved toward the drinks cabinet feeling as though my legs were made of jelly.

  I poured myself a double scotch and dropped in two ice cubes, taking out a third from the bucket to hold to the back of my neck.

  Walking out to the balcony, still nude, I lay on one of the loungers and looked up at the stars. They appeared unusually bright, but maybe that was because everything seemed more vivid to me just then. Despite it being nighttime, everything was alive and colorful as though my senses had been heightened.

  Sipping on my drink, I lay back and looked at the moon. I'd never felt more relaxed. If only I had Lizzie by my side.

  All around me, the night was still, with the usual hubbub normally audible in the bars now muted to a distant murmur. The recent robberies had done nothing for the local tourism industry.

  The more I listened, the more I felt uneasy. I couldn't put my finger on why, only that I felt compelled to get up, wrap myself in a bath robe and walk over to the edge of the balcony. Looking down, I saw the beach bar in the distance. Standing in the shadows, a figure paced up and down as though they were waiting for someone. For a split-second, they moved into a single beam of moonlight. It revealed the anxious face of Richard. He was looking up and down the boardwalk. It was impossible for him to look any more suspicious if he tried.


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