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California Connection (Califronia Connection)

Page 17

by Chunichi

  “What’s up? Where the hell you been? You just vanished on everybody.”

  “I just been doing me,” I explained.

  Diablo ordered a drink, and the two of us drank at the bar and talked about a bunch of shit. And, of course, he was hitting on me the whole time, but I never gave in to any of his advances.

  “So what’s up with you and Jewel?”

  “Fuck that bitch!”

  “Damn! What’s up? What happened between y’all two? I mean, she told me some shit, but I don’t get it.”

  “Diablo, you don’t need to get it. Like I said, fuck that bitch!”

  “Damn! Okay, so I guess you ain’t going to her and Touch’s New Year’s Eve party at Encore.”

  “Hell no!” I said with an attitude and a look of disgust on my face.

  “They doing it real big up there in VA right now. I don’t know, Sasha, you might wanna change your mind about not going.” Diablo handed me his phone and told me to look at it.

  I took hold of the phone and looked at a picture that Diablo had of him, Touch, and Jewel standing in front of a Maybach.

  “Yeah, so?”

  “Like I said, they doing it big up there. Jewel got the Maybach. She’s killing ’em. That party is gonna be crazy.”

  “Can we please talk about something else? Anything but Jewel and Touch . . . please,” I said to Diablo as I finished my drink.

  “Okay, so I got another story for you.” Diablo looked around from side to side as if he was being watched. “Word around town says that you offloaded some of the kingpin’s money.”

  “What are you talking about now?” I said, trying to mask my sudden nervousness. Where did he get this information from?

  “Well, about a couple of days after you came back into town, Jewel gave me a call. She told me how she couldn’t get in touch with you, and asked me have I seen you? I told her, ‘Nah,’ but wondered what happened to that deal I was supposed to work wit’ y’all. She told me that she had to find you to find out what happened. Fast forward to the present, and one of my mans an’ dem is telling me that Calico is looking for you, and he wants you dead or alive. I just thought that you might wanna reach back out to your homegirl and see if she can try to extinguish the smoking gun that’s about to come your way.”

  Diablo’s words chilled me to the bone. With all my thoughts about getting over on Jewel, I forgot that she had that nigga Calico in her back pocket, and I didn’t. Fear and anxiety was now showing on my face.

  “You know what? I gotta go. I’ll speak to you soon.” I gave Diablo a kiss on the cheek and darted out the club.

  Why, God? Why? Why me? I screamed in my head as I started up my car and peeled off, tears streaming down my face as I pressed my gas pedal to the floor. I know that bitch worked out a deal with Calico, I thought to myself.

  I knew in my heart and in my mind that that couldn’t be true. There was no way that Jewel could overcome the six-figure blow that I had dealt to her and recover so quickly and get a fucking Maybach without help from Calico or Touch. No way in hell. That bitch wasn’t Superwoman, and her pussy wasn’t all that. I know because I had the shit. Fuck! I thought to myself as I really began to hyperventilate.

  As I pulled up to my apartment still in tears, I realized that Jewel really must have thought that she was hot shit. As far as I knew, the bitch had never even tried to seriously track me down for the hundred thousand dollars. Who the fuck does she think she is?

  I tried my best to gather my composure before exiting my car and going inside. I couldn’t believe how much pain I was once again suddenly feeling because of Jewel. I was so tired of her always being one up on me, I just couldn’t take it.

  Yeah, I was gonna be at her and her man’s little fucking party, but I wasn’t gonna be there to party. I was gonna personally make sure that she felt some of the pain I was feeling at that moment. Yeah, my pain was more emotional than anything, but Jewel’s pain was definitely gonna be physical.

  Fuck that bitch!

  Chapter 29

  “Happy New Year”


  “Tonight is gonna be crazy,” I said to Touch as I reviewed the checklist for the party setup.

  Every celebrity from VA was on the guest list, and the VIP area would have a seafood buffet stacked with lobster tails and king crab and endless Armand de Brignac to wash that shit down. Each guest would receive a complimentary bottle of Rosé and a gift bag with party favors. There were dollar-sign ice sculptures, and dancers covered in nothing but body paint. They would be dancing in cages that hung from the ceiling throughout the club. And, of course, the ultimate one hundred fifty grand money-drop at midnight. I have to say Touch had really outdone himself this time.

  Touch looked down at my brand-new five-thousand-dollar heels that had arrived just in time for the party. “Nah, these fucking custom-made Christian Louboutin heels are crazy.”

  I’d had a mold taken of my foot and had chosen the fabric myself, and had the shoes with a matching clutch custom-made for the night of the party. And my dress was tailor-made as well. This was one night I was confident that I wouldn’t be duplicated.

  “Look at us.” I walked up to Touch and fell in his arms as I looked into his big brown eyes that I adored so much. “Who would have ever thought we would be here?”

  “You’re right.” Touch laughed. “I should have fucked you a long time ago.”

  “Baby, I’m being serious. I mean, look at this.” I grabbed a handful of money from the garbage bags and dumped them all over the bed.

  “You did this, baby girl. You brought the shit to the table. I just rationed it out.”

  It wasn’t until then that I realized what Touch was saying was true. I did make shit happen. When everything was fucked and I was alone, I made shit happen, using my money and my connection with TMF. For the first time I had some real gangtress credibility.

  “Damn, I guess you’re right. I never looked at it like that.”

  “I’m just glad that it’s you that I have to build this with.” Touch wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly. “But I still say I should have fucked you a long time ago. Damn, a nigga was missing out. Time to play catch up.” Touch pushed me on the bed playfully and rushed to take my clothes off, as if he had no time to waste.

  “Stop playing, boy.” I hopped on him and straddled my naked body over him. I whispered in his ear, “Your pussy ain’t going nowhere.”

  “You sure?” Touch squirmed beneath me as he got undressed.

  “I’m positive.”

  I could feel the head of his erect penis brush against my clit. That sensation alone made my juices flow. I moved my hips in a circular motion, forcing the head in and heightening the sensation even more.

  Touch grabbed my hips, freezing them in position. “How do I know you won’t give my pussy away?”

  “Baby, I’m not,” I said, eager to be released.

  I wanted nothing more than to sit on his lap and have all of him inside of me. Each second he prolonged, the more I yearned for him. Unable to last a moment longer, I removed his hand and sat down on him, forcing his entire dick inside of me, and the next thirty minutes was spent in total bliss.

  I opened my eyes as I panted, exhausted from a multiple orgasm triggered by the force of Touch’s cum rushing inside of me at the peak of my orgasm. In front of me lay the love of my life, and all around him was money. Hell, the thought alone of fucking on a bed full of money was enough to get me wet all over again and go for round two, but time was ticking and we needed to prepare for our big night.

  The next few hours were spent on hair and nails for me, and making sure everything was in order at the club for Touch. By ten o’clock were we getting dressed. Normally, we wouldn’t be preparing so soon, but this night I wanted to be sure we were at the club by eleven. After all, the countdown was at eleven fifty-nine, and we had to be there for that.

  Just as I’d planned, at eleven o’clock we were pulling up to the club. I was
surprised to see such a huge crowd so early. The line was already wrapped around the building, and the valet parking was full of high-end cars.

  When we pulled up, it was like the president and first lady had arrived. Security cleared the doorway, and they pulled out the red carpet. The driver ran around and opened the back door for Touch and me, and we paraded into the club as the onlookers stared.

  The club was beautiful as we walked in. It was set up far better than I’d imagined.

  Every known hustler and groupie was in the club, yelling out to Touch as we headed to the VIP section toward the back of the club.

  “Touch, what up, nigga.”

  “Yo, Trayvon.”

  Everything was about Touch. He was the big man in town. As we walked through, I received dirty looks from bitches cutting their eyes and pointing and whispering, while dudes looked like they wanted to kidnap me. Touch was the town savior, while I was the city’s most hated.

  I held in my irritation as I held my man’s hand tight as we walked through the club. Never would I let anyone see me weak.

  Once we got to the back, I noticed a big chair that resembled a throne.

  As soon as Touch walked up, the club owner said, “Take your seat, homeboy.”

  Touch dapped him up. “Nigga, you crazy as hell.”

  “I had to show love. Ain’t nobody ever did it big like this in the club yet, so I had them bring this chair in for you. This is your seat for the night.”

  “A’ight, a’ight.” Touch got comfortable as he sat at his throne.

  Just then two naked-ass bodypainted bitches came over. They kneeled before Touch and asked, “What can we get for you?”

  Touch looked at the club owner, who still stood beside him. “The bitches too?”

  “You the king tonight, homie.”

  “Oh, this is just too much.” I walked away to get a glass of champagne from the fountain.

  Touch met me at the champagne fountain moments later. “You a’ight, baby?” he asked.

  “I’m good. Don’t worry about me. It’s all about you tonight. Just do you, king,” I said sarcastically before attempting to walk away.

  Touch grabbed my arm. “Jewel, don’t do this tonight, please.”

  He was right. I didn’t want to let the people see us weak. Regardless of what, we needed to put our best foot forward and show them that our empire was strong.

  “Okay, no problem.” I put on a plastic smile, kissed him on the cheek, and followed his royal highness to his throne.

  As the night went on and I downed glasses of champagne, any insecurities I had earlier in the night were gone. Touch and I laughed and danced. With two minutes left until midnight, I caught a glimpse of Sasha. She was talking to the security at the entrance of VIP. My first instinct was to rush over there and beat that bitch’s ass. But again that night I had to put my best foot forward. Besides, security was tight, and I was sure there was no way her ass would get past them.

  As Touch rushed to grab two bottles of Armand de Brignac, the deejay said, “One minute.”

  The crowd grew anxious as we all awaited the countdown. With thirty seconds left until midnight, I glanced at the VIP entrance and noticed Sasha was no longer there. I knew that dirty bitch wouldn’t get through.

  Touch handed me my bottle. He tapped me and nodded his head in the direction of the crowd, signaling me to look at someone.

  As I pulled the wrapper off, preparing to pop the top, I noticed Calico in the VIP area.

  We all counted down in unison, “Ten, nine, eight . . . zero.”

  Everyone shouted, “Happy New Year!” and bottles began to pop. Everything around me was chaotic. The crowd was going crazy as the money dropped from the ceiling. It sounded like a combination of fireworks and gunshots as the bottles and balloons popped uncontrollably.

  “Happy New Year, baby.” Touch kissed me passionately. “Look at this shit. Ain’t nobody ever did it this big.” Touch then stood up on the seat of the throne. He yelled, “The world is mine!” and began to pour champagne on all those around him.

  I shook my head as I watched. His boys encouraged him, handing him bottle after bottle, and the soaking wet groupies surrounded him. The bodypainted bitches were now virtually naked because the champagne had begun to rinse the paint away. The more I watched, the angrier I got. I’d finally had enough.

  I called out to Touch. This world is fucking mine. I made this shit happen. I’m the queen of this dynasty. I built the fucking empire.

  Just then I heard a gunshot. In a state of panic, I looked up at Touch, and we locked eyes. Then, in what seemed like a split second later, I felt a striking pain in my head. I collapsed to the floor, and within moments, I could hear no noise. Everything was still and eventually went black.

  The End

  California Connection 2

  Chapter 1

  “Mad New Year”


  My blood was boiling as I watched Jewel and Touch step out their Maybach and onto the red carpet like they were the fucking king and queen of England. All around them stood crowds of people calling and reaching out to them like the paparazzi, and others, like peasants, just stood in awe, wishing they could have one moment in their shoes. No matter which crowd you belonged, you still went unnoticed by the royal couple as security guards forced people out of their way to open a clear path for them to enter the club. Realizing I was amongst this crowd of peasants and paparazzi, I inched my way toward the front of the line that wrapped around the building.

  I called out to one of the bouncers that guarded the front door of the club and gave him my most seductive look, “Excuse me, sweetie,” but this dude just glanced at me then turned his head.

  Muthafucka. I couldn’t believe this guy.

  Still determined to get in the club, I dug into my purse, bypassing my hand-sized .22 caliber, and pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, knowing that money talks. This time I didn’t even bother calling out to him, I just walked toward the entrance.

  The bouncer said, “This is VIP, ma’am. Are you on the list?”

  “Yes, I am,” I said, sliding the money in his hand. Moments later, I was walking through the door, no search and no hassle.

  I couldn’t believe the sight before me. Jewel and Touch was really on some celebrity shit. They had definitely taken things to the next level in VA. Well, at least Jewel would have a chance to have a hell of a farewell party.

  I watched the time as I made my way toward the VIP area. It was eleven thirty. I had thirty minutes to make it to the back, where Touch and Jewel partied. I wanted to be sure I was there to bring Jewel’s New Year in with a bang.

  I stopped at the bar and purchased a bottle of Ace of Spades. I needed all the props I could get, to look like I belonged in the VIP area. I knew it would be even harder getting past this security guard. Niggas passed a hundred dollars all night to get in the VIP, so I knew that may not fly this go-’round.

  After fighting a crowd of groupies, I finally made it to the entrance of the VIP. The time was now five to midnight. I needed to get in VIP, and fast.

  “Excuse me, hon,” I said to the security guard to get his attention.

  “Malibu?” He called me by my dance name, causing me to take a closer look at him.

  This must be my lucky day. This gotta be a sign that the New Year is gonna be my year. I let out a sigh of relief, realizing this guy was a bouncer at a club I used to dance at.

  I put on my best game. “Hey, boo. I’m trying to get back there and celebrate with my girl Jewel. I just flew in from Atlanta, and I want to surprise her. I just bought this bottle so we can pop it and bring in the New Year together.”

  The security stepped back, unhooked the velvet rope, and allowed me through. As I headed toward the back, the countdown to midnight began. I spotted Jewel and prepared to give her that long-awaited gift as I rushed in her direction.

  As the countdown ended, the crowd went wild as everyone yelled, “Happy New Year!”

nbsp; I watched as Touch stood on his throne and sprayed champagne over a crowd of groupies. No one even noticed me standing directly behind Jewel. With fire in my eyes, I took a deep breath then delivered.

  Bam! One to the back of her head and she was down.

  Urban Books 1199 Straight Path West Babylon, NY 11704

  California Connection copyright © 2008 Chunichi

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-5998-3150-3

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

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