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Jack & Diane

Page 10

by Hampton, Lena

  “It was a Christmas blessing. I wish I were home too.”

  “You are home.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I don’t. I’d like you to explain.”

  “I miss you.”

  Jack smiled. “You already said that.”

  “I know, but I haven’t stopped missing you since the last time I said it.”

  “How are your folks?”

  “Dad says mom’s been cooking ever since their visit. She cooked breakfast, it was mostly edible.”

  “I love you Diane.”

  “You already said that.”

  “Well I still love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “You’ll still be back for New Years Eve like we planned?”

  “For the thousandth time yes.”

  There was a pause in the line indicating he had another call coming in. “Diane, I have to take this other call.”

  “Do you have to?” She wondered who was so important he was rushing off the phone.

  “I do. I’ll call you later. I love you.”

  “I miss you.”

  Diane returned to the kitchen. Amara was leaning against the counter drinking bottled water.

  “Where’s Ryan?”

  “He had to go. Was that Jack?”

  “It was,” Diane said unable to keep the smile from breaking out across her face.

  “Did I hear you say you love him?”

  “You did.” Diane waited for her friend to give her the same lecture that they hadn’t known each other long enough like her mother had.

  Amara studied her friend for a moment. “You really do love him.”

  “I do. I know it’s irrational. I can’t explain it with any logical explanation why I love him. It’s just something I know.”

  “You must be going crazy. You’re trying to do the impossible. You’re trying rationalize love.”

  “I just want to know that it’s real.”

  “If you’re happy, just be happy and don’t try to figure out why.”


  social network:

  Diane Clark’s status: Merry Christmas everyone. There’s nothing like being home for the holidays.

  Jack Sloan, Magnolia Freeman, and 13 others like this.

  Jack Sloan’s status: It was a Merry Christmas and it’s going to be a great New Year.

  Diane Clark, Cooper Smith and 21 others like this.

  Chapter 11

  Shortly after midnight Jack suggested they leave the New Year’s Eve party. He was really quiet during the ride back to the farm. Diane chalked it up to him being tired. He’d had a long week. She sat quietly next to him holding his hand. A couple of times he had to let her hand go to check incoming text messages. It was uncharacteristic for him to look at his phone while driving, let alone respond as he was doing tonight.

  “You know that’s illegal.”

  “What?” he answered distracted.

  “You aren’t suppose to text and drive. Is everything okay?”

  He smiled at her and took her hand back into his. “We’ll see.”

  “I know the tumor was benign, but is something wrong with your dad?”

  “He’s good.”

  “Are we going to our spot?”


  “Are you sure everything is fine?”

  “I’m with you right?”


  “So everything is fine.”

  When they arrived at their spot in the field he helped her out of the truck in his usual fashion. Her body came alive as it slid against his. Maybe he was acting strangely because he wouldn’t stop tonight when their bodies took control of their minds. Most people wouldn’t think it was romantic to have their first time be in the back of a truck. But the back of this truck, with him, in this spot, where they fell in love, was possibly the most romantic setting.

  Diane was in his arms with her head resting on his chest. He was far too quiet and it was making her heart race. Something was wrong and he wasn’t telling her. She looked at up at him and he looked normal. She laid her head back on his chest and placed her hand next to it. His somewhat abnormal behavior this evening combined with his elevated heart rate had her concerned about what was going on. Maybe their time apart had him realize his feelings were nothing more than infatuation.


  “Yes?” she said nervously.

  “I want to talk to you about something.”

  “Ok.” Her voice was so soft it was almost inaudible. Her heart was now racing in anticipation of what he was about to say.

  “Di, look at me.”

  Though she did not want to she looked up at him. His eyes locked with hers. In the low light from the truck’s cab his eyes still appeared to sparkle like a man in love.

  “Di, do you love me?”

  “Yes.” She couldn’t manage out more than one syllable,

  He placed a sweet loving kiss on her lips. More gentle than the passion filled kisses they normally shared. His arms stayed around her locking her tightly against him.

  “Do you know that I love you?”

  “Jack, you’re starting to scare me.”

  “How am I scaring you?”

  “You’ve not been yourself all day.”

  “I’ve been myself all day.” He was concerned that his nervousness had blown the surprise.

  “No you haven’t. You were unreachable for a couple of hours this afternoon and you were vague when I asked you where you were. Then you were antsy at the party, which you had us leave early. Then you bring me out here but don’t say anything to me. I’m sitting here wondering if I’ll have to perform CPR because your heart is beating out of your chest.” She wiped the beginning of a tear from her eye. “Did you bring me out here to dump me?”

  He laughed. Not a chuckle but a full robust laugh. A rush of emotions rushed through her at the sound. Anger was the one that came out first. She stood, needing to distance herself from him.

  “Why are you laughing?” she yelled, standing over him with her hands on her hips.

  His smile widened. “You’ll understand shortly. Just give me one minute. Close your eyes and don’t move.”

  “No, I want to see whatever it is coming.”

  “You’re pretty cute when you’re angry.” He smiled at her. His smile was contagious, but she forced her face muscles to keep her mouth from curling up too. “Please, close your eyes Di.”

  “Fine.” Diane stood in the back of the truck bed racking her mind as to what was going on. Music started playing. Through the haze of her emotions she realized the song was God Gave Me You, but it was Jack’s voice. She felt the truck lower with the weight of Jack’s return. Then his hands turned her around.

  “Open your eyes.” He was standing in front of her. She sensed there was something behind her and she began to turn around. “No, don’t turn around.”

  “Jack, what’s going on? I don’t like this.”

  “Patience isn’t your strongest virtue is it?”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “No, it’s not. Is anxiety a virtue because I have that in aces right now?”

  “You know that I think it was more than just a coincidence that you and I met. I believe God had your car break down and put me on the road to help you because He intended us to be together. From the moment I saw you bundled up in your car I was drawn to you. By the end of that evening I knew you were for me. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, both inside and out. You’re funny, and smart, and kind, and I could go on all night with your many virtues- patience not included. They say whoever you ring in the New Year with is the person you’ll spend the year with. Di, I don’t want to spend just the next year with you. I want to spend every year for the rest of my life with you.”

  He turned both of them around so that they switched places. He fell to one knee and that’s when she saw Christmas tree lights in the field spelling out four words. “Will you marry me?�
�� he said as if he were reading the words in the field.

  Diane looked from him to the words in the field in shock. Jack was saying the words but what they were she wasn’t sure because she was reminding herself to breathe. All she heard was mumble, mumble, short time since we met, blah, blah, long engagement, yadda, yadda, yadda. For the first time in a month, her heart and mind were in agreement. Moments ago when she thought he was ending things, she felt like her life was ending because she could not imagine life without him.

  “Diane? Please say something to me.”

  She could not speak so she gave an imperceptible nod.

  “Is that a yes?”

  She just nodded again, a little more.

  Jack stood in front of her. “If that’s a yes can you please say the word so I can hear it?”

  “Yes,” she said softly “It’s definitely yes.” He slipped the ring on the ring finger of her shaking left hand. Unexpectedly she jumps up into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. He grabbed her bottom to hold her up as he stumbled back a couple of steps. She kissed him with every emotion in her body and he kissed back with equal passion.

  “Thank you Diane.”

  “For what?”

  “For saying yes.” He kissed her again then placed her back on her feet.

  “Is that you singing or am I going crazy?”

  “That’s me. I recorded it with my Christmas gift.” He pulled out his phone to send a brief text message. Moments later there was an explosion in the sky and an eruption of color. He was happy she said yes because he didn’t know if he had any more creative proposals in him and he knew he wouldn’t stop asking until she said yes.


  Diane was so excited about being engaged that she dialed her mother’s cell number on the brief ride from their spot to the house. Her mother didn’t answer so she dialed her father. When her father didn’t answer either, she remembered the time difference and figured they were probably still at church for watch night with their ringers off. She had to tell someone so she called her brother.

  “Happy New Year sis!”

  “Ryan, I’m going to get married!” she said not able to hold it in for another moment.

  There was a long pause. “You and Alan worked things out?” he sounded confused.

  “No. Jack proposed tonight.”

  “You said yes? You said yes to a man you’ve known a month? Are you crazy?”

  “I’m related to you, so yes.”

  “Seriously Diane, do you know him well enough to marry him?”

  “I expected this from mother, but not you.” Diane let out a long sigh. She wanted him to be as excited as she was.

  “It’s just that I never said anything about Alan, even though I knew he was no good for you.”

  Her brother’s words took her aback. He never said anything derogatory about her ex. “Just say congratulations and reserve judgment for when you meet him.”

  “Congratulations. I hope you know what you’re doing. Does mom know?”

  “I think she’s still at watch night. Where are you? It’s pretty quiet.”

  “Quiet celebration with a friend.”

  “A female friend?”

  “Congrats Diane. I have to go, but call me if you need to after you talk to mom,” her brother said ignoring her question.

  “It sounded like he was super excited for you.” Jack was concerned that without family support, Diane would cut her losses and call off the engagement. He was still kind of shocked she said yes.

  Before Jack could put his truck in park, his mother was out the front door. The porch light made tears running down her face visible. The newly engaged couple rushed to her. Jack spoke first.

  “Is something wrong with dad? Is something wrong?” He was not accustomed to seeing his mother cry.

  “I’m just so happy. I heard fireworks! That means she said yes!” she hugged both of them, kissing their cheeks repeatedly. This was the joyous response they wanted.

  “Congratulations. After the past couple of weeks we needed something like this to start the New Year off on a happy note.”

  Diane’s phone rang. The joy went out of her like the air out of a balloon when she saw it was her mother’s number. She walked into the welcoming heat of the house. “Happy New Year Mother.”

  “Happy New Year Diane. I wish I could have brought it in with my family, but both you and your brother had other plans.”

  “Yes Mother, I missed being with you too, but if I were there with you, I would have had to wait for Jack to propose.”

  “Are you telling me that boy proposed?”


  “How did he take it when you said no?”

  “I said yes.”

  “Are you pregnant?”

  “No, Mother.”

  “Diane, why are you determined to throw your life away? Are you going to go live on a farm in the middle of nowhere and waste your law degree?”

  “I’m not exactly in the middle of nowhere. I’m less than an hour from Indianapolis and even closer to Bloomington, but that’s beside the point. I’m happy Mother and I want you to be happy for me too.”

  “I cannot be happy when you are making illogical choices that will negatively affect the rest of your life.”

  Diane walked into the dark den so that Jack and Rose wouldn’t have to hear this conversation. She didn’t want to bring down their moods on an occasion that should be joyous.

  “Mother, this is not an illogical decision. I in no way see how this will negatively effect my life.”

  “Diane, do not do this. Do not marry some white farmer on the rebound. If you do not want Alan, fine, you will find someone suitable. I cannot let you do this.”

  She couldn’t stop the tears. She knew it was a long shot, but she’d hoped her mother would be happier. Even if she had to fake it. Jack came up behind her and put a supportive hand on her back. Even through the stress of this conversation his touch excited her.

  “Mother, you didn’t raise me to think race was an issue, but now that I’m engaged to someone not black and it’s a huge issue.”

  “Him being white is not ideal, but I have no issue with that. The issue is that he is just a farmer.”

  “I know you have your heart set on a doctor, but that’s not going to happen. You act as if farming is drug dealing.”

  “No, farming is not drug dealing but he is likely growing marijuana in between rows of corn. He will get to continue being a farmer and you will be barefoot and pregnant and too busy cooking with lard to make use of the degrees your father and I have paid for.”

  “Mother, I know you don’t support my decision, but it would mean a great deal to me if you would help me plan my wedding.”

  “I am not going to help you plan your demise.”

  “Hopefully by the time of the wedding you’ll see that I’m happy and be there.”

  “I will only be there to object.”

  Diane had nothing more to say so she hung up. The possibility that that was the last conversation she’d have with her mother made her begin to cry without restraint. Jack wrapped his arms around her to absorb some of the pain she was feeling. When her cell phone rang, he took it out of her hand and answered it.


  “Jack? It’s Robert Clark. May I speak with Diane?”

  “No disrespect sir, but she’s still pretty upset from talking to your wife. I don’t know if now is the best time to talk to her.”

  “Is that Daddy?” Diane said wiping tears from her face. “I want to talk to him.” Jack handed her the phone.

  “Hello, Daddy.”

  “I hear congratulations are in order.” His voice was peppered with joy and concern.

  “You don’t feel the same as Mother?” Diane remained in Jack’s arms with her head resting on his chest.

  “I wouldn’t have given him my approval when he asked for your hand if I felt the way your Mother did.”

  “He asked for my hand?
” she said looking into Jack’s blue eyes. He nodded and kissed her forehead. “Is there a dowry too?” she joked.

  “There’s no dowry, but you do have a small budget for your wedding. I’m pretty certain your cousin Magnolia will help make the budget seem ten times more.”

  “Thank you Daddy. I’ll call Noli tomorrow. I love you.”

  “I love you too. So does your Mother. She’ll come around. Hopefully not after it’s too late to put her two cents in on the wedding.”

  “Happy New Year.”

  “You too sweetheart.”


  social network:

  Diane Clark’s relationship status changed to engaged to Jack Sloan.

  Jack Sloan and 7 others like this.


  Amara Adams: Congrats. I’m not wearing an ugly bridesmaid’s dress.

  Noli Freeman: Congratulations. I’m happy for you cousin, but we obviously have some catching up to do.

  18 more comments

  Jack Sloan’s relationship status changed to engaged to Diane Clark.

  Diane Clark and 13 others like this.


  Cooper Smith: I’ll start planning the bachelor party. I’m happy for you man.

  15 more comments

  Chapter 12

  The next day Diane made all the phone calls she was too tired to make the night before. Her best friend Amara was excited, but didn’t seem surprised. Her cousin Noli was confused that it wasn’t Alan but happy and excited to come and help her plan. Jack took Diane out to eat to celebrate their engagement. She was nervous because she knew she would likely be the only black there. Despite Jack disproving many of her stereotypes she wasn’t certain if he was the exception or the rule.

  They sat at a bar height table near the bar. Shortly after ordering appetizers Jack excused himself to the restroom, kissing her cheek as he passed her. Diane looked around nervously and saw a stocky man with a bald head and a scraggly goatee wearing a hunting fatigue jacket and walking towards her. She grabbed her purse preparing to follow Jack if the situation was more than she could handle.

  “I saw you here with Jack.”


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