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Miners of Djaromir: K'hor

Page 13

by Leora Gonzales

  “I’m nervous.”

  K’hor stopped in his tracks at her whispered words, so quiet he almost didn’t hear them. His heart clenched at what they might mean.

  “Not about staying or my decision to stay—” she said quickly. “The actual sex part,” she explained, lowering her voice to a whisper on the word ‘sex.’

  “Are you a virgin?” he asked, unable to imagine why she would still be untouched at her age. “Our information on Earth led us to believe that sexual exploration was common in humans after puberty.”

  Juniper hid her face against the leather on his chest. “Argh.” Peeking up at him, her cheeks were bright red. “I’m not a virgin, but I also don’t have a lot of experience either.”

  “Do I scare you?” he asked, walking in the direction of his quarters. He asked, wanting to know exactly what was bothering his mate so he could help her overcome her worries. “Is it my size that frightens you?”

  Juniper was shaking her head before he’d stopped speaking. “No! I know you would never hurt me. It’s just that—”

  K’hor frowned at her when she stopped midsentence. “It’s just?” Arriving at his door, he lowered her until her feet touched the ground.

  “The few times I’ve gotten this far I’ve ended up disappointed,” Juniper rushed out. “I don’t know if it was my fault or their fault but I could never” —she flapped her hands in the air “you know…”

  It was then that K’hor realized what she was hinting at. “You’ve never orgasmed during intercourse?” he asked, unable to believe she’d been denied her own pleasure while giving it to others. Although a small part of him was happy he’d be the one to give that to her, he was disappointed in the males that had let her down in the past.

  “Geez Louise, K’hor!” Juniper looked around the hall as if they had a huge audience listening in on them. “Keep your voice down.”

  K’hor caught the hand she had raised to cover his mouth. “Your partners are the ones that should be ashamed by this, not you.”

  He opened the door to his apartment and stepped back. His rooms were dark beyond the door, the raaschon stones waiting to light until he entered. “Trust me, Tiny. I’ll take care of you.”


  “I promise.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Juniper stared at the darkness beyond the door with a strange sense of déjà vu. Last time, she had only been moments away from being drugged and kidnapped. Now, here she was again but under completely different circumstances.

  This time K’hor was beside her.

  Just like that, the nervousness Juniper felt melted away. K’hor was beside her, and she trusted him. No matter what had happened to get her here, she trusted the man that fate had chosen for her. He hadn’t been the one of the people that had betrayed her trust or let her down in the past. He also wasn’t the boyfriends before him who’d never cared enough to make sure she was satisfied in bed. K’hor had given her nothing but honesty, so she refused to make him carry the baggage from her old life.

  “I trust you.” Juniper stepped forward over the dark threshold.

  Her entrance was immediately met with a welcoming glow as the stones she’d been so amazed with earlier, began to light up the space. The farther she walked, the brighter the room got.

  “What do you think?” K’hor asked, interrupting her thoughts as she took in the personal space of the man she was mated to.

  “It’s interesting,” Juniper said, glancing around. There wasn’t much filling the cavern except for a few pieces of furniture and an animal skin in the center of the floor. “It’s a little bare, but that’s okay. That just means I’ll have more space to fill with my own stuff.”

  K’hor walked up behind her, the heat of his body warming her back as he wrapped his arms around her. “Would you like to see where we sleep?”

  Juniper swallowed, barely able to hold back the excited response that was threatening to erupt. Even though she’d been nervous on the way here, it hadn’t dulled the need she still felt simmering. Her brain may have popped up a few speed bumps, but her body was rolling right over them with no problem.

  She nodded.

  K’hor shuffled them toward a door on the opposite wall. “Let me know if I’m moving too fast,” he whispered against the top of her head before dropping a kiss on the crown.

  Juniper turned in his arms, looking up at him and knowing her heart was in her eyes. “How about if you’re moving too slow?”

  Letting out a deep groan, K’hor pulled her close, letting her feel the hardness thrusting out from his body. “You’re going to kill me.” He ground his hips into her middle before letting out a frustrated huff.

  K’hor picked her up, cradling her ass. Juniper naturally wrapped her legs around his waist, spreading her wide open. “Frakety-frak-frak,” she chanted as she rubbed against the leather-covered hardness pressing right against her clit.

  “Is that good?” K’hor moaned, his gaze confused.

  “That’s sssssoooo good,” Juniper hissed, tightening her legs to press as close as possible. She was hornier now than she’d ever been before, and he hadn’t even done anything yet.

  “Let go,” K’hor said, confusing her. Juniper frowned when he patted her hip. “I want you naked as quickly as possible, Tiny. I need you to let go for that to happen.”

  “Holy fuckballz,” Juniper breathed before nodding emphatically. “Yes. Of course. No problem.”

  Letting go, she dropped to the floor. K’hor’s hands stayed planted on her waist the entire time, steadying her when she wobbled for a second.

  “Steady?” he asked, bending down to look into her eyes.

  “Yeah,” Juniper answered, raising her lips to meet his.

  K’hor bypassed her mouth and dropped to his knees in front of her, startling her. Even kneeling on the floor, the man almost reached her chest.


  “I’ll get these,” K’hor teased, reaching under her dress to toy with the top band of her panties. “You get the rest.”

  Juniper whipped her dress over her head, barely noticing when one of the buttons snagged her hair. Shrugging out of her bra, she flung it away the moment she was able. She couldn’t get naked fast enough.


  K’hor chuckled. The sound rushed air across her bare belly.

  “That tickles.” Reaching forward, Juniper gripped the hair on top of his head. K’hor had one of those cool haircuts she’d always liked on men back home. Longish on top, the sides and back were shaved almost completely bare, giving him a clean-cut yet bad boy look all in one. Not only was it really fucking hot, but it gave her the best of both worlds. She could rasp her fingertips over the shaved spots but still was able to tangle her fingers in the longer hair on top.

  K’hor opened his mouth against her chest, dragging his tongue along any skin he was able to reach. “How about now?”

  “How about what?” she mumbled, unable to think when he had his mouth against her skin.

  “Does it tickle now?” K’hor kept his mouth close as he repeated his question, the moisture from his breath making her shiver.

  Juniper almost died when she glanced down to see his tongue dart out to dab at her nipple, puckered tight waiting for him. Holding her breath in anticipation, she thrust her chest out toward him.

  K’hor looked up through his thick lashes and winked at her.

  “No more teasing.” Juniper tugged the top of his hair, trying to use her grip to move him where she needed him most.

  “Mate, there’s going to be a lot more teasing before this is over,” K’hor warned, looking up at her from where he was about to suck her nipple into his mouth.

  Juniper hissed when he followed through with the action, keeping eye contact the entire time. She couldn’t think of anything hotter than watching K’hor enjoy her body.

  The bed, unable to be missed seeing as how it was the only piece of furniture in the room, was not too far behind her.
Letting go of his neck, Juniper took a few steps back until she could feel the mattress bump her legs. Crooking her finger at K’hor where he kneeled, she gave him her best come-hither smile—or at least that was what she hoped it looked like.

  Her heart almost stopped when he began crawling toward her. K’hor’s large muscled body moved as sleekly as a panther as he stalked forward.

  She took back everything she’d thought before. This was the hottest thing she’d ever seen.

  Even on his knees, he looked more powerful than anything she’d ever seen. The way his back and shoulders moved, the muscles flexing under his bronze skin, made her legs feel weak. Unable to help herself, Juniper sank down until she was sitting on the mattress.

  K’hor stopped his forward advancement, rolling back onto his haunches as he watched her. “Perfect.”

  He said the word so softly, Juniper would have missed it if she hadn’t seen his lips move. “What’s perfect?”

  “You.” K’hor covered the space between them in the blink of an eye. With her now sitting, they were face to face where he was on his knees in front of her. Running his fingers over the bare skin of her thigh, he moved his hands until they were wrapped around her waist. “Naked—in my bed. It’s perfect.”

  Juniper swallowed hard at the heat she felt building again inside at the touch of his hands. “Want to join me?”


  She was in the process of quickly scooting to make room for K’hor, when suddenly she was airborne. Giggling as she bounced on the mattress, Juniper shook her hair out of her face. “Is that going to become a habit?”

  “What?” K’hor’s hands dropped to the front of his pants as he began to work the closure open.

  Juniper tried not to stare at the front of his pants but found herself unable to look away. “Moving me around like a chess piece. Is it something I should get used to?”

  K’hor’s hands stopped moving. “Is it a problem?” he asked with a frown.

  “No,” she answered quickly. “You do it so easily that it surprises me. I’m just curious if you’re going to keep doing it so I can try not to squeal like a pig every time it happens.”

  “Tiny.” K’hor chuckled after saying her name. “You do not squeal like a pig, and yes, I am going to continue moving you about. I have a feeling you won’t mind it too much once you get used to it.”

  Juniper shrugged, silently acknowledging he was partially right. She had to admit that she did like it when he moved her around. His strength made her feel delicate and feminine.

  “Did you have any more questions, or can I get back to what I was doing?” he asked, thumbing the clasp on his pants.

  “Yes, please.” She cringed the moment the words came out. “I mean—ahem, you may proceed.” Juniper nodded regally as if she were some sort of queen on a throne instead of a horny woman on a bed.

  Chapter Eighteen

  K’hor worked the fastening on his pants, paying only the smallest amount of attention to the task. He couldn’t help himself or his concentration, considering the sight before him.

  Juniper. Naked in all her soft, creamy glory was leaning back on her elbows, watching him with a mischievous smile. She was a wicked temptation that he had no plans of resisting. Eyeing the soft skin of her legs, he noticed a slight tremor as she moved them restlessly.

  “Tiny,” he rumbled, unable to keep the desire out of his voice. “Come here, Mate.” Holding out his hand, he abandoned the clasp of his pants for the chance to get his hands on her again. It only took a second for her to plaster herself to the front of his body, wrapping her arms around his neck. Dropping his head to her shoulder, K’hor breathed in her scent. The hair tickling his nose smelled sweet and fruity, while her skin was all woman.

  Hugging her just as tight as she hugged him, K’hor reveled for a few moments in how right it all felt.

  “K’hor,” Juniper whispered against his chest. “Will you please take off your damn pants?”

  “Of course, Tiny.” He chuckled even as he worked the buckle open. If she was just as anxious as he was, then he wouldn’t hold himself back any longer. It had taken a majority of his willpower to not fall on her and take what he needed. Judging by the look in her eyes—it wasn’t only his need he should be worrying about.

  Glassy-eyed, Juniper followed his movements as he finally managed to get his pants undone and off. She licked her lips as she watched him kick them away.

  “You’re tempting me—” K’hor cut short what he’d planned on saying. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her with the urges riding him.

  He wanted nothing more than to push her back on the bed and lose himself in the comfort of his mate. He ached to thrust himself into Juniper’s soft body until she took the seed he had to give. He needed to feel his mate pulse around him as she found the pleasure he promised to give her. He needed it all, but he didn’t simply want to take it.

  He wanted Juniper to give it to him.

  “Give in, K’hor.” Juniper held out her hand. “I’m ready to start our forever together. Are you?”

  K’hor closed his eyes at the sting her words prompted. He was more than ready. “Our forever started the moment I first saw you.”

  “Well then get over here and kiss me.” Lacing their fingers, Juniper tugged him forward as she scooted back on her knees.

  Unable to hold back any longer, K’hor let his hands roam freely over the skin she’d been teasing him with this entire time. Her skin was softer than anything he’d ever felt, and he was entranced with the way her form gave under his hands. She was so pillowy soft he could barely stop himself from squeezing all of the curves his fingers wanted to touch.

  Holding tightly onto her rounded hips, K’hor growled and pushed his pelvis against her. Sticking straight up between them, his cock left a sticky trail of pre-ejaculate on the skin it skimmed. K’hor watched as it marked her, leaving the scent of his desire on her flesh.

  “Touch me,” he ordered huskily. The look in her eyes only made him harder. “Learn me…just as I’m going to learn you. Once I’m done there will be no question who you belong to.”

  “Same goes for you,” Juniper whispered as she reached for his hard dick. Wrapping her fingers around it, she looked up at him in awe when her fingers didn’t meet. “Wow.”

  “I’m hoping that’s good.” K’hor struggled to stay still, fighting the urge to thrust into her grip around his shaft.

  “Oh, it’s good.” Thumbing off a drop of moisture from the tip, Juniper ran her hand up and down a few times before looking up at him with a twinkle in her eye. “It’s very good.”

  Gently removing her hand from around him, he took a few deep breaths to calm himself. If he wanted to keep his promise to her, he had to stay in control. K’hor motioned jerkily for her to lean back. “No more touching for right now unless you want me to paint your breasts with my seed.”

  With wide eyes, his mate looked down to his cock and then back up again as if tempted to see if his words were true or not. He was barely holding onto his control as it was.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he warned, crawling up her body. “Once I’ve had you a few times, you can use your hands and mouth as much as you want.”

  Juniper let out a whimper as she squirmed underneath him. “I’ve never felt this way before.”

  Nudging her legs open with his, K’hor angled himself until he was at the entrance of her body. “You’re already dripping for your mate, aren’t you, Tiny?” Rubbing the tip back and forth over her clit, K’hor used his weight to apply pressure to the sensitive bundle of nerves as it rolled slickly against him. “Such a pretty pussy. So pink and slick.”

  “Dear lord!” Juniper shouted, tossing her head back. She bucked under him as she unconsciously searched for what she needed. “Please, K’hor.”

  Dropping his lips to her hairline, K’hor pressed his lips to the trace of sweat building along her temple. “Take what you need, Tiny.” Bracing his knees on the bed
, his eyes locked on where they were connected. The wetness between them had spread enough that her inner thighs glistened, tempting him to swipe a taste for his watering mouth.

  Juniper distracted him from just that when she reached down to tuck the tip of his cock into the entrance of her body. The wet kiss of her pussy was his undoing.

  With nothing in his way, K’hor powered forward, pushing his full length into Juniper.

  “Holy—” Juniper gasped as her nails dug into his biceps.

  K’hor froze as he tried to hold back an immediate orgasm. The sting of her grip distracted him from the overwhelming pleasure of being fully seated inside his mate.

  “Are you?” he rasped, unable to form a full sentence but needing to know she was with him for this.

  “Yeah,” she breathed with a jerky nod. Hiking up her legs, Juniper took him even deeper. Her eyes wide as he slid even farther inside her.

  K’hor watched her for signs of discomfort, his size more than apparent now that he was hovering over her smaller form. She hadn’t made any motion to move yet, for which he was grateful considering how close he was to the edge.

  Juniper wiggled, rolling her hips in a slow circle that had him slamming his fist into the bed beside them.

  “Tiny!” K’hor tried to think of anything he could to calm his lust. Juniper may have claimed to be inexperienced, but the pleasure she was giving him eclipsed his previous encounters. Another twist had him answering with a hammering of blunt thrusts as he began to pound against her.

  “Just like that,” Juniper cried out against his chest where she pecked kisses on every down thrust. “Yes! Don’t stop!”

  The sound of sloppy sex smacked between them the faster he moved.

  K’hor gritted his teeth at the feel of his climax building, but he was unable to slow it down. “Come for me,” he ordered as he slid a hand to her mound. Thumbing her clit, he kept up his rhythm. Steady pressure on the slippery little pearl under his fingers combined with his deep thrusts had her scratching and clawing at his back within moments.


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