Love Inspired December 2014 - Box Set 1 of 2: A Rancher for ChristmasHer Montana ChristmasAn Amish Christmas JourneyYuletide Baby

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Love Inspired December 2014 - Box Set 1 of 2: A Rancher for ChristmasHer Montana ChristmasAn Amish Christmas JourneyYuletide Baby Page 27

by Brenda Minton

  Chapter Six

  By Friday Breezy was starting to get a routine going. She’d spent the morning with the twins while Jake worked. After they’d left she’d baked some halfway-decent bread. She was teaching herself to cook. People who lived in one place baked. And cooked. Probably from recipes handed down from generation to generation.

  She wanted those recipes. She’d searched through the kitchen hoping to find a book with things like “Grandma’s Vegetable Soup,” or “Aunt Iva’s Homemade Rolls.” So far she’d only found a few cookbooks.

  If she was going to continue her cooking adventures, she needed more ingredients. Late in the afternoon she cleaned up the kitchen and grabbed her purse. She would head to town, do some shopping and maybe treat herself to dinner at Duke’s. She liked Jake’s younger brother. He was uncomplicated and easy to talk to.

  He didn’t make her feel like she should leave. Or make her want to run far and fast.

  She parked in front of Oregon’s All Things shop. It had been closed for a few days but today it was open. Breezy grabbed her purse and headed toward the front door. As she did, she saw Joe a short distance away. He waved a gloved hand and she waved back, forgetting all about Jake’s silly rules.

  The bell over the door clanged as she entered Oregon’s. The shop was small and cozy. It smelled like freshly baked apple pie, compliments of a candle burning on the counter. There was a row of skirts and tops on one wall. On the adjoining wall were shelves of handmade Christmas ornaments. She noticed one that was hand-painted with a picture of the manger scene. In tiny writing was the author’s signature: Oregon.

  The door at the back of the shop opened and a woman stepped out. She was small with dark hair and dark eyes. Her smile, when she saw Breezy, was sweet and welcoming.

  “Hello, I’m sorry it took me so long to get out here. I had to wash paint off my hands.” The woman held out a hand, still slightly damp. Breezy took it in hers. “I’m Oregon Jeffries. And you must be Breezy.”

  “I’m beginning to wonder if there’s a neon sign over my head,” Breezy lamented as she moved from ornaments to clothing, all with the tags stating they were original designs by Oregon.

  Oregon laughed. “There is. It flashes your name and the word newcomer. Don’t worry, the novelty will wear off and then you’ll just be one of the folks that lives in Martin’s Crossing.”

  “I’m looking forward to that,” she said. She looked around, amazed. “You do all of this?”

  Oregon’s cheeks turned pink. “I do. I’ve been sewing my whole life, and painting. It seemed like the best way to keep myself out of trouble.”

  “I’ve never sewn.” She would add that to her list of things a person staying in one place should do. “I took a sculpting class once, years ago.”

  “Maybe you’ll take it up again?”

  Breezy shook her head. “No, I think it was a passing phase. But you, on the other hand, have a gift.”

  “Sewing and art were my escape from reality,” Oregon explained. “My mom moved us around a lot. She had a hobby. Marriage.”

  “I really understand the moving part.”

  Oregon smiled. “Yeah, I think you probably do.”

  Breezy turned back to the Christmas ornaments. She picked one with an angel and a Bible verse and the one with the manger scene. She would add these to her meager collection today. Ornaments she would keep, that she wouldn’t have to leave behind.

  “I’ll take these two.”

  “Perfect. I’ll wrap them for you.” Oregon walked behind the counter with the two ornaments. “Are you going to join us tonight at the church? We’re decorating the park and the church for the annual Christmas bazaar and the community festival.”

  “I’m not sure. I didn’t know if…” What should she say? That she didn’t know if she was included? She wasn’t a member. Didn’t she need to be a member or a real citizen of Martin’s Crossing?

  “If?” Oregon asked as she wrapped the decorations. “If you’re invited? Of course you are. This is a community event and I’ve heard it’s a lot of fun. They decorate, practice for the community caroling and then have a potluck. There are probably five churches in the area and they’ll be working on floats for the parade. The fire station has one, too.”

  Before Breezy could respond, a girl of about twelve ran in from the back room. She had dark hair and blue eyes. She looked from Breezy to Oregon.

  “Did you finish cleaning for Mrs. Walters?” Oregon asked her.

  “I did. And she said to remind you to bring that vegetable thing that you make. And now I’m going over to Duke’s. He said if I’ll sweep the porch, he’ll pay me.”

  Oregon’s smile faded. “When did you make that deal?”

  “Last week. Come on, Mom. You said if I want a horse, I have to raise the money and pay for it myself.”

  “Right, of course, but…” Oregon turned to the register, pushing a few buttons and then handing Breezy a receipt. “But I didn’t know you were going to be all over town.”

  “I’m not all over town. And I am twelve.”

  “Right, you’re twelve. Okay, go sweep, Lilly, but don’t be a nuisance.”

  “Love you, Mom.” And out the door the child went.

  “She’s beautiful,” Breezy commented as she pulled out her money.

  “And a handful. We’ve only lived here for six months but she’s managed to involve herself in every aspect of the community. She wants to barrel race now. I’ve tried to tell her it isn’t cheap.”

  “She seems willing to work for it.”

  “Yes, she does,” Oregon answered a little wearily. “So I’ll see you in an hour?”

  “An hour?”

  “At the Community Church.”

  “Oh, right.” Breezy picked up her ornaments. “I’ll be there.”


  An hour later, Breezy walked up to the Community Church. From the sidelines she watched as lights were strung from pole to pole on the outside of the building. The nativity, a homemade affair with a shingle roof, barn-wood sides and carved wooden figures, was the center of everything. Behind it was an outline of an ancient city in glittering white lights.

  Inside the stable Joseph and Mary kneeled behind a manger. The display was large enough that real animals would be brought in the night of the Christmas festival. They would have a parade that night and the churches in the area would join together for caroling.

  A week before that community event, there was a craft bazaar that brought people from other communities to shop in Martin’s Crossing.

  Breezy watched all the activity, unsure of where she fit. People were stringing lights in obvious holiday shapes. These people belonged. To Martin’s Crossing, to the church and to each other. She considered quietly slipping away. Because she didn’t belong.

  That was ridiculous and she knew it. She’d always been able to make herself a part of things, to blend in. She’d done it in Dawson, as Mia’s sister and as an honorary Cooper. She could do it here. And deep down it meant more to be a part of this town, these people.

  A movement to her side stopped the melancholy thoughts. She turned, spotting old Joe. He nodded a greeting as he stepped closer.

  “This is the way it should be celebrated,” he said with a sad smile.

  “I’m sorry?”

  He glanced at her, and then looked away. “Christmas. It should be about community. People reaching out to each other.”

  “Yes, it is nice. I’ve always thought it should be like this, too.” For her, though, it had always been another day.

  No, that wasn’t true. It had been different. Even for her. It had often been a day when they might have lined up at a soup kitchen or gone to a shelter where gifts were handed out to children.

  “It wasn’t like this for you?” Joe asked, buttoning the top button of his canvas jacket.

  “No, not really. Last year I spent Christmas with my sister. And that was a lot like this.”

  “Come inside and get cocoa.”
Joe pointed toward the church fellowship building. “And food. Fill up a plate, get warm and then I bet they’ll find a job for you. Pastor Allen is a decent man and you’ll enjoy this congregation.”

  She thanked him for the invitation and allowed him to lead her inside the metal-sided building next to the church. The sign over the door said Community Church Family Center. As they entered, most people smiled. A few were obviously curious about the newcomer and Joe.

  She turned her attention back to her escort. “Have you eaten, Joe?”

  “I have. And you don’t need to worry about me, Miss Hernandez. I’m taking good care of myself.”

  Of course he was. But was he warm? Did he have a roof over his head at night? She wanted to ask but wasn’t sure how. He let her off the hook with an easy, unconcerned look.

  “Get yourself that cup of cocoa and some dinner,” Joe encouraged, and then he was gone. He was her only friend, it seemed, as she stood there with no one to talk to, no one who knew her.

  She was rescued by a familiar giggle. Rose headed her way, toddling on chubby two-year-old legs. She had a doll in one arm and a smudge of chocolate on her cheek.

  “Brees.” Rosie growled the toddler version of Breezy’s name.

  “Yes, Brees.” She picked the little girl up, holding her close and quickly changed her mind about closeness. “And you do not smell good, little girl.”

  “Poop.” Rosie cackled as she said it, like it was the best news ever.

  So what in the world was she supposed to do with a messy little girl? She looked around, wondering where the diaper bag might be. She spotted Jake heading her way, Violet in his arms. He grinned and her heart tumbled a little. The stink no longer mattered, not really. Not when Jake Martin smiled. Truly smiled.

  “I see you found my runaway,” he said as he settled Violet on his shoulders. “I told her she needs her diaper changed.”

  “Yes, I kind of noticed. If you have the diaper bag somewhere, I can do it.”

  “Gladly.” He pointed to a table in the corner. “And I’ll owe you one.”

  She was okay with that. The idea of him owing her was suddenly very appealing. “Where should I change her?”

  “The nursery is through that door.” He pointed. “But I’ll show you.”

  They were almost to the nursery when they were stopped by a woman with light gray hair and pretty brown eyes. She wore jeans and a sweatshirt but she had class that couldn’t be denied.

  “Jake, this must but Breezy.” The woman held a handful of lights but switched them to the other hand and held out her right hand to Breezy.

  “Yes.” Jake leaned in to kiss the woman’s cheek. “Breezy, this is my aunt Patty.”

  Breezy had to switch Rosie to her other arm to free her hand. Rosie wasn’t cooperative. She wanted down.

  The woman patted her arm. “No, don’t worry. I think you have your hands full.”

  “She is a handful,” Breezy agreed. “And she needs a diaper changed.”

  “I’ll let you go, then. And make sure you get something to eat.” Patty started to walk away but stopped and turned to Jake. “Did you hear about the anonymous donation to the church? To buy Christmas gifts for children in the community. It was a big check.”

  “I hadn’t heard.” He shrugged. “But it’ll come in handy.”

  “Yes, it will,” Patty answered. “And I see Hailey so it’s time for me to go. We’re wrapping lights around the frames of the wise men.”

  “She seems very nice,” Breezy said, making conversation as Jake led her into the nursery.

  “She’s the best. She raised three girls, and did her best to help out at our place.”

  “Help out?”

  He didn’t answer. His gaze settled on the door behind her and he frowned. All evidence of the lighthearted Jake Martin disappeared in a matter of seconds.

  “Problem?” she asked as she spun around to see what had caught his attention.

  “No, not a problem. Just a little brother returned to the fold. I’ll have to catch up with you in a few.”

  He handed Violet over, leaving Breezy the job of wrangling both twins. She held one on each hip and watched him head for the young man who had entered the building, a cowboy hat pushed down on his dark head, his jeans hanging low around slim hips. He had a black eye and a huge scowl on his face. Jake descended on him acting more like an angry parent than an older brother.

  That explained more about the man than any questions he might have answered for her. Each time she learned something about this man, it felt as if a tiny chisel had taken aim at her heart, tearing off another small chunk of the armor she’d always thought indestructible.


  Jake didn’t know what he planned on saying to Brody. What did you say to a kid that should have been an adult by now? Duke had recently told Jake that the blame for Brody not acting responsible was Jake’s fault, because he bailed him out too often. Jake had been too easy on him when it came to the ranch.

  It looked like high time someone stopped being easy on Brody. From the looks of things, someone had already taken a piece off his hide. His black eye and the gimpy way he walked said a lot.

  “Well?” Jake stopped in front of his younger brother, aware of their audience and not willing to let another Martin family squabble be the thing people remembered about this night. “Head outside.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. I want to see the twins.”

  “You can see the twins later.”

  Brody shot a look past him, his smile, complete with dimple, appearing out of nowhere. “Hey, is that the new sister?”

  “She isn’t our sister.”

  Brody gave him a knowing look. “I guess that’s something to be thankful for.”

  “I’m not too thankful for anything right now, Brody. What happened to your eye?”

  “Aren’t you going to ask me about the other guy?” Brody walked away with a casual swagger. Jake followed.

  “Who was the other guy?”

  “Lincoln,” Brody admitted with a shrug. “I’m hungry.”

  “You’re always hungry. Why did you fight with Lincoln?”

  “Because he’s…” Brody shook his head. “Let it rest. We had a difference of opinion. You might not think much of me. I know I let you down a lot. But I am a Martin and you have taught me that people ought to be treated right. Women ought to be treated right. Lincoln and I had a disagreement and we parted ways permanently.”

  “That bad?” Jake let go of his frustration with his younger brother.

  Brody shrugged, as if it wasn’t worth discussing. Jake knew it had to be tough. Lincoln and Brody had been inseparable friends for years. Even when they didn’t agree.

  “I’m going to get some food,” Brody said. “If you don’t mind?”

  “Go ahead. And mind your manners with Breezy.”

  Brody stopped and landed a careful look on Jake, even with one eye nearly swollen shut. “Gotcha, big brother. I’ll keep my hands off your…”

  “Watch your manners,” Jake warned in a growl he hadn’t intended.

  Man, this is not what he needed, for both his brothers to think that Lawton pushing him and Breezy Hernandez together as the girls’ guardians made the two of them a couple. They had been unwillingly forced into a situation neither of them had expected. End of story.

  “Of course.” Brody tipped his hat and walked away.

  Jake shook his head at the retreating back of his younger brother. Nothing really bothered Brody. Or at least it always seemed that way. But whatever had happened with Lincoln had definitely gotten under his skin.

  “We’re all cleaned up, Uncle Jake,” Breezy said as she walked up.

  He smiled at Breezy and the twins. He held out his arms and Violet fell into his embrace, her head resting on his shoulder and her thumb instantly going to her mouth. It was getting late, the girls were tired and he still needed to help put up some lights.

  “Do you want to take them home with yo
u tonight?” he asked. It made sense. He could get more work done if the girls were in Breezy’s care. And neither of them would get work done if they had to wrangle twins all night.

  Breezy’s eyes widened and she glanced down at the little girl in her arms. “Of course. I think.”


  “No, no, of course not. I can do this.”

  If he’d guessed her next sentence, the one she hadn’t said, it probably would have been something to the effect that she was going to have to do it sooner or later. He agreed. If she was going to be a part of their lives, she would have to get used to having the girls for longer than a few hours at a time.

  “You can do it. And if you need anything, I’m just a phone call away.” He kissed Violet’s cheek. “I’ll help you get them in car seats.”

  “Thank you.”

  It probably looked easy from the outside, turning those girls over to her. It was anything but.

  People probably thought he should be relieved. After all, he’d already helped raise his siblings. He had a ranch and a business to run. Someone taking part of that load should make him happy.

  As he walked out the door with Breezy and the twins, he thought of all the reasons why this should be the best thing for him and for the twins, maybe even for her. As he helped carry car seats to her car and helped strap the twins in, he probably should have been thinking that, for this one night, he didn’t have to worry.

  Instead his worry doubled. Tonight he would worry about all three of them.

  Chapter Seven

  On Sunday Breezy pulled into the parking lot of Martin’s Crossing Community Church. The main building was a traditional white-sided structure with a tall steeple and stained-glass windows. Next to it was the fellowship and community center, a metal building with a tall wooden cross standing next to it.

  After meeting so many of the community members on Friday when she’d helped decorate, it was easier to come here than she had imagined.

  Not that she didn’t have her doubts. She’d almost talked herself into staying home, but she couldn’t. She had promised Jake she would do this. They would go to church as a family. She wanted to make this work for the twins, the two little people counting on her to be in their lives.


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