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Fighting Back (Mercy's Angels)

Page 13

by Kirsty Dallas

  “Do you want to kiss me?” he murmured, a cheeky grin on his way too adorable face. My eyes darted back to his, and ordinarily a snappy retort would have been followed, but I was too curious to let my quip fly. And I really did want to kiss him. “You’re in charge here, Betty Boop, if you want it, take it.” I adored his nickname for me though I would never tell him that. Somehow I think he already knew. He wanted me to take charge, to make the first move. I had never been that girl, the forward one. In life, yes, I was independent, successful and I didn’t get that way being all meek and mild. But when it came to men, relationships, the bedroom, I preferred a man who took charge of me. Fuck it, Rebecca Donovan didn’t back down from a challenge. Closing the breath of space that separated us, I pressed my lips against his. The kiss was chaste, no tongue, I explored the soft, subtle tenderness that was Charlie Cole. When I pulled away, I couldn’t pull my gaze away from those damn lips—I was ravenous for them. “More?” he asked, his voice low and rough. My answer was to lean in and kiss him again, this time slipping my tongue inside his mouth to gently caress his. I needed more though, this was too gentle, too restrained. What I needed was for Charlie to take control. Again I pulled away and sighed in frustration. I was so confused. A man had forced himself on me, so it made sense that I needed to be in charge of this situation, but I found myself needing more. Something I couldn’t reach or claim on my own. Charlie groaned and the next thing I knew he was pinning me down and kissing the living daylights out of me. And I loved it. My leg automatically hooked around his waist and he slid one big hand down to hold it in place while he continued to devour me. This kiss was the something more that I needed. This kiss was something other than raw need pulling at us. This kiss was Charlie marking me, owning me, and it didn’t for one moment frighten me. Only the need to take a breath finally separated us. Charlie lowered his body a little until his chest was pressed against mine. This position, closed in like this, made my body become rigid immediately. Charlie’s eyes pinned mine with a look that demanded that I stay focused on him, which I did. As I relaxed again, little by little, my hands moved from the vice like grip on his biceps, to leisurely explore his body. I felt Charlie’s sharp intake of breath and couldn’t miss the hardening under his shorts, but I kept my eyes on him, reminding myself that I was safe, I was cherished and this could end the moment I wanted it to.

  “I don’t understand this,” I finally whispered. Charlie pulled away a little so he could see me better. “You and me. I don’t understand what we are, or aren’t. Friends? Friends with benefits? I mean, I know Charlie Cole doesn’t date or do monogamy, but I do and I’m prone to moments of insecurities and insane jealousy, which I can’t help and wouldn’t if I could—I don’t like to share. I don’t know what you want from me, Charlie, but if my little jealousy issue is going to cause problems, then I think we should stop now, before things go any further.” I knew I was rambling, it was something I did when I was anxious.

  Charlie grinned. “I guess I should make myself perfectly clear then. You’re not sure what this is? It’s us, you and me, Rebecca and Charlie, Betty Boop, and Caveman Cole. Friends? Always, but this is more, Rebecca. And you should know, I don’t like to share what’s mine, so monogamy has just become my new best friend. The fact that you have a jealous streak makes me ridiculously happy, I like to know that I’m yours. You should also know that only boys make their woman jealous of other women. A real man makes other women jealous of his woman. I intend to make every other woman on the face of this earth insanely jealous of you.” I think I stopped breathing like some cliché book damsel and I smiled.

  “So, we’re, like, boyfriend and girlfriend?” I asked with a smirk. Charlie laughed and it was the most breathtaking sound I’ve ever heard.

  “Hell no, that sounds like we’re back in high school. I prefer to think of us as soul mates that just lost their way for a moment.”

  Holy shit, Charlie Cole was romantic. I sighed, and Charlie’s grin turned a little too cocky. I shoved at his chest.

  “Don’t go getting all smug, Cole, it takes more than sweet words to win my heart. You haven’t even taken me on a single date.”

  “That sounds like a challenge,” Charlie murmured.

  “Move,” I shoved at his chest again, and this time he rolled away, straight off the couch, landing with a loud thump on the floor. “Holy shit, are you okay?” I gasped.

  Charlie laughed. “I think I bruised my butt, wanna kiss it and make it better?” His eyes sparkled mischievously and I grabbed the closest cushion and struck him over the head with it.

  “You will never see me kissing your ass, Cole,” I growled, hiding the small smile that only this idiot is capable of pulling from me, following a horrifying nightmare.

  The chilling sound of breaking glass from somewhere close by caught our attention. We both sat for a moment stunned, before hearing more glass shattering, quickly followed by the recognizable sound of squealing tires. Charlie raced for the front of the apartment and pushed the curtains aside.

  “Fuck!” He spun around and grabbed his jeans. “We gotta move, Betty Boop.” He pulled his shorts down and I was caught in shock at the sudden urgency in which he was moving, and the fact that his beautiful body was on full display in front of me. It was quickly hidden behind frayed, worn denim as he pulled his jeans up. Charlie grabbed his phone and held it between his shoulder and ear as he moved with fast efficiency around the room, throwing things into a backpack. Finally he noticed my paralyzed state and pulled the phone away. “You need to move that adorable little ass of yours, babe. Fire.”

  Fire was apparently the magic word because suddenly I was moving, grabbing my bag that hadn’t been unpacked. I pulled on my sneakers and raced towards the door.

  “Wait!” Charlie screamed, running across the room and all but pushed me aside. He pressed me back against the wall and opened the door slowly, too damn slowly for a situation as serious as a fire. His cell was back between his shoulder and ear.

  “Dillon, we got a situation at Carter’s—a hot one.” He was quiet for a moment as he peered down the stairwell that led to the back of Carter Constructions’ office. I wanted to push him down those damn steps, not at all keen to hang around a room that sat directly above a fire. “I’ve already called them. Call Jax and get here fast. A car beat it out of here pretty fucking quickly, but I don’t know if anyone stayed behind to watch the show.” The call ended with a grunt. He shoved the phone in the back pocket of his jeans and turned to face me. “Do exactly as I say and stay glued to me, got it?” he ordered.

  The urgency of the situation had me ignoring the fact that he didn’t say please. Charlie grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him, slowly descending the stairs. I could see the angry, flickering orange flames through a small high window that looked into the office below Charlie’s apartment, and they made me want to move faster. Charlie’s cautiously slow pace was quickly pushing me toward the point of panic. Finally we hit the ground and the heat coming from the building was licking at my skin. I wanted to move away, far away, but Charlie kept us close as his sharp eyes looked around the small parking lot, watching the dark shadows that stretched to the large buildings around back that housed lumber. Charlie pulled my arm and we edged our way around the office, heading toward the dark empty street out front. The sound of distant sirens immediately calmed my panic as Charlie continued to drag me cautiously to the front of the building. When we were at a safe distance on the opposite side of the road, I could see that the flames had already made it to Charlie’s apartment above the office. This was a large industrial park, the warehouses and factories around us were quiet and empty this time of night. Charlie’s eyes continued to comb our surroundings while my eyes were morbidly fixed on the destructive flames before us. The low rumbling sound, of what I assumed was a muscle car, caught my attention and I tensed up. Charlie must have noticed because he pulled me closer to his side. “Dillon,” he said without further explanation. I didn’t know much a
bout cars, but as it pulled to an abrupt stop, I could tell you the exact make and model of this one—it was my dream car. It was a fully restored, glossy black 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle with chrome trim, chrome wheels, and dual exhaust. It was an American made beauty that was sexy as hell. He climbed from the car and I knew immediately that he was carrying a gun, which caused me to physically tremble. Guns, weapons and violence weren’t my thing. Hell, this life I was suddenly cast into wasn’t my thing.

  “I think they’re long gone,” said Charlie as Dillon approached. As the sound of sirens filled the quiet industrial neighborhood, I noticed Dillon discreetly tuck his weapon into the back of his jeans, under his shirt.

  “I’ve got a license for it, I just don’t want to cause unnecessary panic,” Dillon explained at my nervous glance. A small explosion from within the building caused me to jump, and Charlie pulled me further away from the flames as two fire trucks pulled directly in front of us.

  “It was deliberately lit, bombs of some sort,” Charlie murmured. An ugly feeling akin to guilt filled my stomach and I felt instantly queasy.

  “Is this because of me?” I asked, horrified.

  “I get the feeling someone is trying to scare you,” Charlie replied easily.

  “Strangely enough, it’s working,” I said nervously, watching the flames. “Oh shit, Jax’s business, all your stuff!” My voice was steadily climbing to panic. “What about the computers, paper work, oh my God, Charlie, your DVDs.” I was close to hysterics now. Charlie pulled me tight to his side and pressed a kiss to my head.

  “Settle down, Betty Boop. The computers are backed up every night and kept at Jax’s place. As for my stuff, it’s just stuff. You’re here beside me so I’ve got everything I need right here.”

  I leaned my head against the solid warmth of his chest as we watched the firemen in front of us begin emptying water onto the uncontrolled inferno. The whole picture before me was surreal and I felt strangely detached from it, like I was watching someone else’s life unfold. But this was my life, this was my mess, and never have I wanted my cozy, boring life back so bad.

  Chapter 14


  Fuck! My mind was having trouble processing anything beyond that simple monosyllabic word. Fuck! While Ella comforted Rebecca, Dillon and Braiden filled me and Jax in on what they have found out so far about Rebecca’s unaccounted for sister, Emily. And it wasn’t good. I rubbed a hand down my face and took a deep breath. My lungs were assaulted with the sharp, bitter scent of smoke that lingered on my clothing. Rebecca was fast asleep as I navigated the gentle curves of the mountain range. Much to Rebecca’s protest, we were taking a short vacation to my cabin. She was worried about leaving behind her business, her home, and her missing sister. There were enough people to take care of her business and home, and Dillon assured her as soon as they had news on Emily that they would call. The higher we got into the mountains, the better I felt. There was still a cluster fuck of shit spinning in my mind, but the further we pulled away from town, the more I felt Rebecca would be safe, and in turn, it made me feel calmer. As I slowed the car and left the asphalt to the gravel drive, Rebecca woke.

  “Wow,” she whispered as I drove down a short driveway lined on both sides with forest. Pulling into the clearing, my log cabin sat overlooking the fog drenched mountains on one side, tall firs and pine forest at its back. “When you said cabin I was expecting some sort of hillbilly run down shack. This isn’t a cabin, this is a chateau.”

  I couldn’t help but grin. I loved this place and bringing Rebecca here was all kinds of right. It wasn’t a small cabin, but it definitely wasn’t a chateau either. It was a two story dwelling with a front porch that ran the length of the building, and yeah, it was as pretty as a picture. I pulled my truck into the large three-door garage attached to the side of the house, and turned the engine off. Rebecca was scrambling from the front seat before I even had my door open. I grabbed our bags, but left the groceries I bought before we left town. I’d come back for them once I showed Rebecca the house. I was pretty sure she wasn’t willing to wait. Seeing her bounce around excitedly at the door that led from the garage into the house made me chuckle.

  “Impatient much?” I asked, pushing the door open.

  “Charlie, I’ve never been in a mountain lodge before and it’s been years since I’ve had a vacation. Give me an hour or two and I will totally come down from my buzz.”

  “It isn’t a lodge, it’s a cabin,” I said smiling, but I appreciated her enthusiasm for my happy place. Rebecca lunged through the door and into the open kitchen. It was clean as a whistle with brand-new stainless steel appliances and granite countertops surrounding a kitchen island, which could serve as a second preparation counter or dinner table. She glanced quickly out the large windows which overlooked the forest out back then scampered through the open space living area. A stone fireplace sat at one end surrounded by a horseshoe style leather couch and large rustic wood coffee table. A state-of-the-art stereo sat against one wall, but no TV. I came up here to get away from the world, but I still indulged in a few luxuries. Two massive bay windows provided unobstructed views of the mountains before us, and the front door led out to a wide sweeping porch.

  “Fuck, Charlie, this is incredible,” Rebecca said on a wistful sigh.

  I grabbed her hand and led her up the staircase to the second floor. I could have easily fit three bedrooms on the second floor, but instead opted for two large bedrooms, with a large adjoining bathroom. My bedroom overlooked the mountains, the spare room overlooked the forest.

  “That’s my room, all my stuff is in there, but if you would prefer it, take it.”

  “The other room will be fine.” Rebecca wandered into the spare room. It had a large bay window, a queen size bed and large walk-in closet. I placed her bag on the end of the bed before heading to my own room across the hall. It was much the same as the spare room, except I had a king size bed and a leather recliner sat in the corner beside a bookshelf full of paperbacks.

  “You like to read?” asked Rebecca, a little surprised.

  Perhaps I should have been insulted, but I wasn’t. “Yep, help yourself to anything. I don’t have a TV here, but I’ve got music and books.” I threw my own bag on the bed as Rebecca explored the two way bathroom.

  “Shit, you’ve got a Jacuzzi.” She sighed.

  I joined her in the bathroom. “Maybe you’d like to take a shower, wash your hair and get rid of the smoke smell.”

  Rebecca sniffed her clothes and grimaced. “Shower now, Jacuzzi later,” she whispered, her eyes staring at the damn Jacuzzi.

  That got a rise out of my cock—the thought of Rebecca in that tub, the thought of both of us in that tub. “Go ahead, there are fresh towels in the cabinet below the sink. I’m gonna go get the food out of the truck and turn the heat up.” I escaped the far too tempting confines of my bathroom, with a soon to be naked Rebecca in it.

  Once the food was put away, I locked up downstairs, and attempted to lock down my libido as I made my way back upstairs. Neither of us had had much sleep last night, and though the sun was up, my mind and body were screaming for a break. Luke Hollywell was looking less and less like the perpetrator of Rebecca’s attack. Part of me wished it had been him. That would have been simple. I would beat the fucker to within an inch of his life, problem solved. The lack of evidence and lack of suspects was frustrating as hell. My eyes stung, my mouth was dry, my head throbbed, and I was exhausted, I noted as I sat at the end of my bed and threw my boots aside.

  “Hey,” Rebecca’s sweet melodic voice pushed all the weepy, pitiful shit away, and in its place was raw desire. Holy hell, I wanted her. I wanted to pick her up, wrap those beautiful long legs around my waist and fuck her hard and fast against the wall. I looked up to see Rebecca standing in the bathroom doorway, a pair of cute yellow flannel pajamas covering her beautiful body. God she was gorgeous. She could wear anything—t-shirts, skin tight fifties style dresses, sneakers, sexy as hell pump
s, fucking pajamas—it made no difference to me. I’d want her anyway I could have her. She looked nervous and I remembered why we were here. This wasn’t a romantic getaway; my motivation for bringing Rebecca to my cabin was to keep her safe. I couldn’t feel like more of a shit head if you paid me. Here I was imagining my cock buried in her body while she was struggling with thoughts of intimacy. I jumped up quickly, which took her by surprise, but she didn’t step away.

  “Shower,” I explained, placing a quick chaste kiss to her forehead. Under the hot spray, I washed away the smell of smoke. I grabbed Rebecca’s shampoo to wash my hair and the familiar vanilla scent gave me an instant hard-on. I groaned and decided to do something I hadn’t done in a long time. I clenched my fist around my thick, hard length and began to work myself to some form of release. I thought back to that one night I had spent in Rebecca’s bed, how the light sheen of sweat on her pale skin looked almost like glistening diamonds. How her eyes fluttered shut with overwhelming pleasure as I thrust into her beautiful body. My hand clenched harder at the memory of her hot pussy wrapped around my cock. I didn’t even hear the door open, my pleasure and imagination fully occupied.


  Fuck! “Yeah,” I somehow managed to say without my voice cracking.

  “Uh, this is probably stupid, but—” She was quiet for a moment, standing on the other side of the frosted glass door while I stood under the water with my hand on my dick.

  “Babe?” And now my voice cracked like a pussy.

  “Can I just sit in here? I mean, I’m not going to watch you shower like a weirdo or anything. I’m just nervous being out there alone. I’ll just sit at the door here until you’re done.”

  Oh God. I somehow pried my fingers from around myself and took a few long, deep calming breaths.

  “Shit, how pathetic am I. I’m sorry, I’ll just put my big girl panties on and wait outside,” she muttered.


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