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Assassination Anxiety (The McKenzie Files)

Page 6

by Barry K. Nelson

  “Yeah. He was a pilot stationed at the battle cruiser Chimera. He was also designated as being AWOL. I’ve spoken with the military police. They reported that Mertz was supposed to be aboard the Chimera, which is currently someplace in the Retalas System. Right in the middle of a war zone. But for some reason, Mertz snuck off without authorization.”

  “And now he’s dead,” Colin added. “Did the military police mention his service record? Was he in any kind of trouble?”

  “No. Apparently Mertz had a spotless record. I also asked about his medical history. He didn’t show any signs of combat fatigue. He was mentally sound.”

  Colin gave a frustrated sigh. This mystery is getting deeper with each detail. “Then I guess whatever reasons he had for running out on his ship died with him. He was burned to death in the same manner as the people at President Drennan’s rally. Mertz is our only lead. Maybe if we retrace his steps, we can find something.”

  “Retrace his steps?” asked Diane. “Where the hell are we going to start?”

  Colin already had the answer. “Where else? We go to his ship, Chimera.”

  Kelly’s eyes widened with apprehension. “We’re going in the middle of a war zone? The last report I heard was that the whole system, including Retalas Four, is under heavy siege by the Brelac.”

  “If you have any better ideas, I’d like to hear them,” Colin scolded Kelly. “Whoever did this isn’t going to just turn themselves in and hand us a written confession. Our best bet is to go to the Chimera and talk to anybody that knew Mertz.”

  “That’s if the Brelac haven’t destroyed it before we get there,” Diane pointed out.

  Colin ignored Diane’s comment and turned to Copeland. “Thanks for your time, lieutenant. You’ve been a big help to our case.”

  “My pleasure,” Copeland said. “Sorry I couldn’t have been a bit more helpful. But let me ask you something. If the CID thinks that this case and the attack on the President’s rally are connected, then what do you think did this?”

  Colin wondered if he should tell Copeland the full truth, that he, Diane, and Kelly were not true humans, but Reploids. Clones of humans that also possess superhuman powers. And that other Reploids might be at work in both cases. Somehow I don’t think telling Copeland the truth will fly very well. “Our investigation has just started, so we don’t have any theories to share at this time. It could have been anyone. Most likely Vendetta. If we get any more information, we’ll let you know.”

  “Good enough,” returned Copeland.

  “We’ll keep in touch.” Colin turned and headed for the apartment door. Diane and Kelly followed.

  “Be careful at Retalas,” Copeland warned. “I heard that the Brelac are pouring everything they’ve got into taking the whole star system. And if you need to get hold of me, I’m at the Eighteenth Precinct on the North Side.”

  Outside in the corridor, Colin led the way back to the elevator. Diane tapped him on his shoulder. “So, Sarge. Tell us how we’re supposed to get to Retalas? And what do we do when we get there?”

  “That’s easy. To get there we’ll make some kind of arrangement with Captain Carter.”

  Kelly laughed. “Just like that? You expect her to get us a ship to another star system? Are you forgetting that Captain Carter could just barely get us a single chair for our tiny little office?”

  “So maybe we’ll find a couple more chairs waiting for us when we get back. I’m sure that Captain Carter can set something up if she wants this case solved. Once we get there, we find the Chimera and talk to anybody who knew Lieutenant Mertz. We find out whatever we can about him. There has to be a reason why he ran out on his ship and why he was killed in such an elaborate manner – the same way those people were killed at the President’s rally. There’s a connection. We just have to find it.”

  They reached the elevator. Colin was about to press the button on he panel, then hesitated. “Before we go down, there’s something that I want to talk to you both about. A little detail about who and what we really are. Diane, you almost let it slip in front of Copeland about our powers.”


  “So, I think that it would be wiser if we don’t go around broadcasting right off the bat about what we are and what we can do. We’re trying to blend in with humans, not stand out. People might not accept us from the start if they know that we’re ... different.”

  “For a minute I thought you were going to say freaks,” Kelly sniped.

  “I don’t see myself as a freak.” Colin pressed the elevator button, and the door slid open. “Let’s just agree to keep our powers and origins a secret. We won’t tell anybody unless it’s absolutely necessary. Okay?”

  Diane and Kelly both nodded and agreed. They followed Colin onto the elevator. Their next stop beyond the first floor was the star system Retalas.

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  Chapter 6

  Squeezed into the metallic transport compartment, Colin was having the most unpleasant ride of his life, sitting on a hard metal bench with twin six-inch-wide safety straps crisscrossing his torso, while jammed between two husky troopers. A strong and constant gusts of air whipped around inside the compartment, blasting his face. With the wind noise, he could hardly hear himself think. He glanced at the bench across from him and saw the same long row of male and female troopers dressed in their gray camouflage uniforms and helmets, each trooper clutching a laser rifle. The only two individuals that stood out were Diane and Kelly, dressed like him in civilian clothes.

  Getting here was the easy part. They’d gone back to their office at CID headquarters and found a new computer and com-pad set up and waiting. They put in a call to Captain Carter, who in turn contacted Lieutenant Bristel at Dixon Star Port just a few miles from Navarone. From there they took a shuttle to Starbase Perseus, located at the outer edge of the star system. They met with a Captain Barrett, who arranged last-minute seats for them on this troop transport with the members of the Thirty-first Combat Brigade, scheduled for quick deployment to the planet Retalas Four. Colin looked to his left at the grim-faced young lieutenant sitting next to him. “How much longer before we land?”

  “Ten more minutes until we reach drop zone,” the lieutenant responded, not turning his head.

  A sudden loud boom with the accompanying powerful impact rocked the entire compartment. Colin felt a jolt of force shoot up from his buttocks to his neck. The sound of the rushing air current was now drowned out by the loud wail of a siren.

  “Two minutes if the Brelac shoot us down,” the lieutenant added.

  “What the hell was that?” Kelly shouted. His face was pale with fear. After three more booms, the compartment shook again. Colin saw Diane and Kelly jerk in their seats.

  “Brelac long-range anti-aircraft fire,” said the lieutenant. “I was expecting this.”

  “So nice that you weren’t disappointed,” Colin yelled.

  The lieutenant turned his and smiled. “Don’t let that sense of humor get you into trouble.”

  After two more booms – much louder – the resulting impact rocked the compartment. “It’s not my sense of humor I’m worried about!” Colin added.

  A male voice blared out from a loudspeaker somewhere above Colin’s head. “Attention! All personnel, prepare for emergency landing! Repeat! Prepare for emergency landing! Grab your gear and get ready to move!”

  Colin felt as if a twenty-pound weight had dropped on his stomach. “That sounds bad,” he shouted to the lieutenant.

  “A crash landing never sounds bad until after you hear the last explosion,” the lieutenant shouted back.

  Colin frowned. Who’s being funny now?

  “Brace for impact!” the loudspeaker voice boomed out.

  “Hang on!” Colin shouted to Diane and Kelly, hoping they could hear him over the siren, but knowing his warning was useless, given the situation.

  “What?” Diane hollered, holding her hand up to her ear.

  Colin’s body tensed as he waited for
the transport’s inevitable crash landing. The compartment made a sharp tilt to the right, then leveled off, followed by a deafening boom and a sharp impact that shook everyone in their seats. Colin was thrust back against the wall. He felt a sharp pain as he bumped the back of his head. Then his body was thrust to the left against the lieutenant. A huge crack appeared along the metal floor and spewed a plume of fire.

  “Let’s move!” the lieutenant shouted. He unbuckled his safety straps and jumped to his feet. The rest of the troopers followed his example and leapt from their seats, charging after him toward the open hatch at the far right of the compartment.

  Colin removed his safety straps and stoop up. Looking across the compartment he saw that Diane and Kelly had done the same. The trio headed for the right, merging with the mob of running troopers as they bolted through the hatch. They found themselves in a circular corridor, running down a steep metal ramp. Colin glanced back and lost sight of Diane and Kelly among the sea of gray uniforms. He kept running and saw the ramp led to the outside and cool daylight air.

  Colin merged with a large group of troopers outside as they stumbled about in a state of disarray. They were standing on a gray paved street with a bright yellow line painted along the center. The street was littered with chunks of stone and metal debris from the surrounding buildings that had exploded under enemy fire and were now reduced to towering burnt-out shells. Colin gazed warily at the tall black and gray structures with their roofs blown off, leaving behind jagged remnants pointing up to the sky. He looked around in shock at the large heaps of debris and burned-out vehicles covering the ground where they stood.

  Four silvery triangular fighters soared overhead and veered off to the right. Multiple explosions erupted around the assembling mass of troopers. Crimson bolts of plasma energy flew over their heads toward the ship. Several people shouted orders to get down and take cover. Everyone scattered as the explosions came closer and more rapidly. Colin ducked his head and looked about for Diane and Kelly. They were still lost. He turned to his right and ran for the charred shell of a car where the young lieutenant was crouching for cover.

  “Glad to see that you made it out okay!” the lieutenant yelled to Colin. “I think everybody made it out of the ship in one piece. How are your two friends?”

  “I lost them!” Colin shouted back. “They’re back there someplace.”

  “There’s no time to look for them,” the lieutenant replied. “We can’t stay here. The Brelac will rip us to shreds. Fortunately we crash-landed close to the command center. It’s just a mile up the road.”

  Colin was not encouraged after he heard this. “A mile? You call that close, through all this?”

  Three explosions went off against the top of the ship. Torn fragments of its hull launched into the air. From a distance, two crimson beams of energy streaked over Colin’s head and struck the ship, creating a powerful, fiery blast that ripped the ship apart. Flaming chunks of debris showered the area. I hope there’s another way off of this rock, Colin thought.

  Through the noise of the explosions, Colin heard a strange sound. It was like a chorus of loud, low-pitched wails. Colin looked about, wondering what it was until his memory kicked in. “Brelac!” Large groups of Brelac soldiers always let out loud howls as they rushed in to assault their targets.

  “A Brelac charge,” the lieutenant confirmed. “Sounds like a lot of them. We’ve got to get our asses moving.” The lieutenant raised his left hand and pressed a key on the small communicator strapped to his wrist. “All units, head for the command center! Spread out! Don’t become easy targets! Move! Move! Move!”

  On command, the troopers that were crouched down behind broken walls and heaps of rubble all rose up and charged down the road. The lieutenant pressed another button and spoke again. “This is Lieutenant Everton to air support units. Maintain cover fire for ground forces. We have a large enemy force moving in. Don’t let them cut off our path to the command center.”

  A grainy voice replied from the communicator, “Copy that. We’ve got your back.”

  Everton pressed a button on his communicator again. “This is Lieutenant Everton of the Thirty-first Combat Brigade to Sector Nine Command. Our ship is down. I repeat, our ship is down. We’re about a mile from your location, heading out on foot. Can you send more air support?”

  At first there was no reply, other than grating static. Then the sound of a female voice came through. “Sector Nine Command to Thirty-first. No air support available. Repeat, no air support available. We can only provide support fire once you reach our perimeter. Our sensors are following a large wave of enemy ground troops. I suggest that you move your asses and get over here.”

  Colin looked to his right. In the distance between a row of gutted and flaming buildings was a charging mob of dark-skinned reptilian creatures with long thrashing tails. A howling mob of Brelac troops was running toward them. Dozens of red plasma bolts shot out from the mob as they opened fire.

  Everton jumped to his feet and bolted forward. Colin followed close behind him. An explosion went off several yards in front of them but failed to slow their pace. Colin saw a few plasma bolts zip through the air a few feet in front of him and Everton. Looking to his left, Colin saw three troopers struck down by the enemy fire as they ran. His first instinct was to rush over and see if he could offer them any aid, but in this situation, his primary concern stood firm. Keep running. Stay alive.

  Colin heard the sound of a deep-toned growl coming from his right. He spun around to see three Brelac soldiers with plasma rifles in hand, charging down over a large mound of rubble. Everton turned, firing his laser rifle and gunning down two of the Brelacs. Colin reacted just as fast. He raised his right hand and, with a bright blue flash, sent an electric bolt that knocked the third Brelac back over the mound of rubble.

  Surprised, Everton turned to Colin. “What the hell was that?”

  Colin had no time to give any explanations. Five Brelac soldiers were now charging over the mound with their rifles aimed in his direction. Colin was about to raise both hands to try to kill all five Brelacs with twin electric blasts. Then the burned out shell of a vehicle flew over his head and into the group of Brelacs. With a loud crash, the projectile took them down, back over the mound.

  Where the hell did that come from? Colin ducked his head down, fearing that another mass of wreckage might fly his way. He turned and looked behind to see Diane. Kelly was nowhere to be found. Diane rushed over to another burned out car and grabbed hold of the wreck. With seemingly little effort, she lifted it over her head and hurled it in Colin’s direction.

  “Watch it!” Colin yelled, holding his hands up to protect his head while ducking down again. Everton also crouched down as the wreck flew over their heads and slammed down on top of another couple Brelac soldiers as they leapt over the mound.

  Astonished, Everton pointed at Diane. “How the hell did she do that?”

  “Side-effects from PMS,” Colin answered quickly. “Come on, let’s keep moving.”

  Colin and Everton charged forward. Colin saw Diane dip down and pick up a laser rifle from the ground as she sprinted toward them. She caught up easily and ran alongside him.

  “Where’s Kelly?” Colin yelled.

  “He was hiding behind a building with me when the explosions went off. I told him to keep behind me.”

  “We have to find him. We might need him.”

  “We can’t go back,” Everton shouted. “Not through all this. Anybody left behind is gone.”

  Several feet up ahead, three troopers stopped running when the shell of a building to their left exploded. Out of the blast emerged a twenty-five-foot-tall silver-bodied metal monster with a large ovoid head sporting two red eyes, long antennas, and a long metal horn curving upward from each side. A short neck supported the head above a round column-shaped torso with long thin arms ending in hand-like appendages with three blade-like fingers. Thick reverse-jointed legs ending in three-toed clawed feet supported th
e monstrosity, and its long tail spiked with rows of protruding blades thrashed around as it walked, the sheer weight of its body creating loud thumps as its large feet impacted the ground.

  What the hell is that thing? Colin stared in horror, realizing the large bulb-shaped appendages above its arms sported long barrels of twin plasma guns. Metal cables on the sides of the guns led back to a disk-shaped component attached to the back of the machine.

  Everton skidded to a stop. “Viperoid!” he yelled. “Fall back! Take cover!” He turned and ran, heading for a short section of a brick wall to his left.

  Viperoid. As the word flashed through Colin’s mind, he instantly knew it was a robotic assault unit, very powerful and hard to take down.

  The Viperoid turned and proceeded down the road after the three troopers, who were now retreating. Six Brelac soldiers wasted no time opening fire with their weapons. The Viperoid’s four guns fired a rapid succession of plasma bolts that burned the troopers down as they ran. On either side of the road, several troopers took cover behind wrecked cars and piles of rubble. They returned fire at the Brelac soldiers and their robotic escort. Two of the Protectorate fighters reappeared, soaring overhead while firing their laser guns down at the enemy force.

  Colin looked back to locate Diane. She had vanished again. He turned back to the furious gun battle that was taking place up ahead. From the right side of the road, a second Viperoid appeared. Several feet away, to Colin’s right, an explosion sent chunks of dirt and rocks into the air. Colin turned and ran back. He knew that even with his powers, making a direct assault against this large Brelac force would yield little success. He had to find Diane and Kelly and form a plan of attack – if they were still alive.

  Colin spied a four-foot-high rough triangular remnant of a gray brick wall standing among a pile of stone rubble – as good a place as any to take cover. As he sprinted toward it, more explosions boomed behind him. When he reached the wall, he made a sharp turn and skidded on his back as he dove behind it. He discovered that he was not alone here – Diane was also crouched behind the wall, with a laser rifle in her hands pointed up to the sky. “Glad you could make it, Sarge,” she said with a grim smile. “I wouldn’t want to take on the entire Brelac army by myself.”


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