Werebear Horror Romance: Given to the Bears (Paranormal Horror Fantasy Romance Short Story) (Shapeshifter Fantasy Horror Romance)

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Werebear Horror Romance: Given to the Bears (Paranormal Horror Fantasy Romance Short Story) (Shapeshifter Fantasy Horror Romance) Page 4

by Brandy Cova

  "So each of you want to fuck me, and then the most dominant sperm gets to penetrate an egg from within my ovaries, implant itself, and then give rise to a continued culture of gang-rape, dominant animals?" I asked.

  "Let me guess," I continued, relishing in the opportunity which had been presented to me given my newfound power. "In addition to inseminating young women in the woods, you also terrorize villages, eat small animals, and periodically growl at the moon?"

  Some of them would have spoken by now, had the vines from the ground not systematically wrapped themselves around the jaw and skull of each human, prohibiting them from actually voicing any concerns or complaints about their present circumstances. All I heard were a few moans and muffled, throaty protests.

  As though each was a giant fluctuating mass, their bodies rose and fell; swelled and shrank repeatedly. Complaints grew into muffled cries of frustration as each of them realized that they no longer had the capacity to shift into their bear form. I had removed that from each of them; the mushroom had seen to that. As the vines bound themselves together into serpentine trees, the six men were hung in the air and bound so that all of the most critical parts of their anatomy lay openly exposed.

  The vines formed a cathedral around me, and the bodies of the six hung like living ornaments within my temple. Tiny vines pulsed and twisted around the shaft and testicles of each man, maintaining a perpetual erection for each body in spite of the apparently terrifying and unprecedented experience in which they currently found themselves.

  The desire to gloat left me immediately, and I lay down on the ground. I even managed to release a certain amount of pride which had developed within my mind; thinking perhaps that I was the one responsible for this turn of events. Perhaps some unconscious part of me did organize this entire exchange, On a basic level, it felt as though I was simply a part of this entire experience just as they were. We were both partaking in a cosmic dance; a theatre production for the benefit of the moss.

  Each of the six was positioned around me like meat on a hook, or earrings on a display case; power entered into my being as I surveyed my catch. One thing was for certain, each of the men was mine, and I was going to do as I pleased with them. I started off with the man who attacked me on the way into the forest clearing. I wanted to be able to show him what he was good for, in terms of fucking strange women in the forest.

  I willed the vines to lower my prey to about a foot above the ground. I could see his eyes look at me in terror as I spun his body around in a slight circle. I moved to the side just so that the tip of my soft thigh brushed against the head of his erect penis each time he spun around in a circle. I derived a twisted sort of pleasure from watching him grow disoriented. His eyes began to roll in his head, and he became pale and sleepy after a while. When he was sufficiently beside himself I grabbed him by the cock and held him; preventing him from turning any further. I must have yanked him a bit too hard, because I could see a look of brief pain open up his eyes; nothing too bad; certainly nothing like crushing a woman into the earth beneath 300 lbs of hard, muscled body. I decided he could handle a bit of pressure at the base of his dick.

  Not feeling like kneeling down for this one, I gestured for the vines to bring him up into the air a bit, so I could have complete access to his penis and testicles without straining my neck, or getting my knees notched with forest debris. Several birds flew up next to me, each carrying a small leaf full of water from the spring. They baptized the head of the penis, and as the water rolled down the shaft, I grabbed him firmly with my hand and washed him off. Once the birds had decided his penis was sufficiently clean for the Goddess, I brought him into my mouth.

  I was primarily concerned with kissing the tip at first, and so I didn't bother to try for anything drastic. One tiny kiss after another was planted on his engorged skin, as the vines coiled around his shaft, and penetrated both his mouth and his ass. His orientation rotated based on a glance from myself, one way or the other. I grabbed at his testicles with a firm hand and brought the head of his cock into my mouth. It was difficult to tell the difference between a cry of pleasure, and a moan of overwhelming sensation. I imagined that after bringing him into my mouth there was a slightly more submissive, pleasured exhale than before.

  Pumping him a few times with my hand was all that was needed in order to get the precum flowing out from the tip of his penis. The vines had been doing a great job of milking his prostate, and stimulating the shaft of his penis before I even touched his body. The precum tasted spicy, and warm, like tiny seeds of fire rolling down my tongue and into my throat. When I taste precum, I can't help myself. I tend to try to bring the entire cock into my mouth almost right away. I know that won't help me get the semen any faster than a focused effort and a few measured hand movements, but there is some part of me that gets really excited at the taste of pheremones. The scent of the alpha overwhelmed my entire taste system.

  Not wanting to spoil the fun immediately, I resorted to laying down on my back, and sticking my tongue out, just in front of my face. A rocking motion was facilitated by the vines suspending the alpha, and my tongue managed to systematically stroke the balls of the entangled man, without so much as an ounce of effort on my part. He lasted a total of four minutes before his balls began to draw up toward his body, preparing to inseminate an elusive orifice which occasionally presented itself as available to the head of his penis.

  Not wanting to waste anything, I brought him into my mouth so that my lips sealed off the head of his penis from the air outside. I pulled on his balls while sucking and swallowing until I felt shudders vibrate through my head. He hung limp, suspended over me with his dick still in my mouth. I gave him one final suck for good measure, and then left him suspended above the ground, fucked, gagged, and properly drained of all seminal fluid.

  The next one in line had been watching me work over the first, with a look that stretched somewhere between the poles of horror and fascination. The vines rotated his body with idle precision, but for my next plan, I needed more attentive bindings. As though the environment responded to my desire, two buck deer came out from the woods and placed themselves at either side of my body. I kissed each of them on the snout in appreciation, and then bent over a stack of fallen logs so that my ass was properly suspended in the air. Extensions of ivy grew up to support either ankle, as I spread my legs wide, and prepared for entry.

  The vines lowered the man from the canopy until he was at the correct altitude to line his penis up with my vagina. The deer did their part by hooking spare loops on either side of the man, and not growing anxious or uncomfortable when the vines fastened themselves securely to either side of their antlers. As though proceeding forward in a funeral march, the deer moved one pace at a time, until the penis belonging to the suspended man presented itself respectfully at the entrance to my inner temple.

  Directed by a subtle flick of my finger, I compelled the bucks move forward and carry out their task. One of them was too enthusiastic in his approach and I was fucked off from my perch on the fallen tree. The bindings I had summoned for my ankles stretched, but did not break, and I felt the strain in each of my legs as well as the expansive presence of a swollen cock within my vagina. Fortunately for my body, the operation of woods magic did not require any verbal effort. All that I could verbally muster at that time was an unintelligible and deep, crooning sigh.

  I shot the offending deer a glance and I could tell that he was visibly uncomfortable at being singled out from the pair. I laughed to myself. The animal reminded me of a time long forgotten, when a dog I had known became aware that it had done something its owner was not excited about. The animal hid its head momentarily, and looked up once more to see if it was still in trouble. I found it difficult to maintain any kind of anger, as both deer decided it was time once more to begin systematically plowing me with the human body which was fixed to their antlers.

  A glare shot out from my eyes at the two of them, and I'm not certain, but I fee
l as though I saw a glint of humor in their eyes. I stuck my tongue out at them, and was only granted an additional transfer of energy from each deer to my central nervous system, courtesy of a suspended and bound shifter penis. The entire process was so beyond my control, that I actually had to command the bucks verbally.

  "The... semen .... from this .... human .... WILL .... be.... swallowed!" I commanded, in between bursts of energetic sexual contact.

  The deer slowed a bit, and I got to savor a slow, deliberate fucking, while the log beneath me fell to pieces from my fervent grasping hands.

  To finish the job uninterrupted, the ivy from the ground held me in the air, with legs akimbo so that the man might ejaculate within me. I suspected treachery on behalf of the forest, and commanded to be turned around at once.

  The ivy obeyed my command at once and the final thrust from the deer’s procession caused a fully engorged penis to sink deeply into my throat, shooting hot cum down my esophagus. I reached around and grasped a hold of the vine which had long implanted itself in the man's ass and used it as a handle to pull the penis further into myself. My teeth dug into his pelvic bone, my throat contracted in a gag, swallowing every bit of semen which was deposited within my body.

  After the man stopped convulsing, I continued to suck on him mercilessly until his penis had actually passed through the resting period, and grew hard once more. I commanded the vines to firmly compress his prostate so that any residual fluid which remained within his reproductive system would be promptly deposited in my mouth. The second orgasm took place not more than a few long moments after the first, and I left the second man as a dessicated fruit, withered on the vine.

  After instructing the vines to set me free, they dropped me softly onto the ground. A bit of moss grew in a cushion in order to brace my fall, and I felt loved. My frame of mind became feral, and I sought out the next prey for my consumption of love’s juice. Looking around, I found that the vines were having fun with the third, by swinging him toward the fourth so that number three's mouth brushed sloppily on number four's penis. It was obvious to me that they weren't really enjoying themselves, but they didn't have much of a choice in the matter. I wound the vines around the two of them, so that each of their cocks stuck out between the other's legs, pressing themselves firmly against one another's testicles.

  I lowered the vines for each of these two so I could reach a hand up to grab each shaft beneath the crotch of both bodies, and pull them down like udders toward my mouth. Doing my best to fit two cocks in my mouth at one time, I found that my teeth grated lightly against the shafts of both men. Since neither were in a position to do anything about my advances, I took each of their scrotums in a firm handful, and sucked eagerly until I achieved my objective.

  Perhaps it was because the two cocks were rubbing against one another, or perhaps it was something to do with the magic orchestrating the entire occasion, but both managed to ejaculate simultaneously. Cum in my mouth normally wouldn't have been a problem, but my jaw couldn't open wide enough to accommodate both penis, so I ended up with a mouth full of semen. The excess that I was unable to immediately swallow ran down my cheek, and fell onto the bed of moss.

  The drop turned into a beautiful flower as a life cycle nearly completed itself within a matter of seconds. The flower was crimson with a creamy white center. Along the outer edges of the petals a genetic change caused a serrated yellow pattern to form where the petals met the atmosphere. I didn't want to leave anything to chance, so I knelt down and chomped the flower off from the ground; it reminded me of a hybridization between nasturtium and honeysuckle.

  As I knelt down to bite the flower off from the forest floor, I pulled each hand firmly down the length of each cock, causing cum to pour out onto each wrist. Lapping the stray fluid up from my skin, I faced upward in time to catch a drip on the forehead, and another on my upper lip; it was the sweetest rain I think I have ever experienced; I only wished there were more droplets. In pursuit of my fantasy, I stood up to lick each man clean. A fingertip took care of the drop on my forehead, and my eager tongue took in the drop which landed fortuitously close to my mouth. After I was certain those two had nothing left to offer, I turned my attention to the fifth suspended shifter.

  I think back now to what things may have looked like from the fifth shifter's perspective. I took care of each of the most feral and violent members of each of his Tribe, and systematically drained each one of their vitality. Each of his tribesmen were in a near comotose state of exhaustion, suspended and gagged like some horrific fantasy BDSM fantasy gone horribly wrong.

  "They probably have folktales about this sort of thing," I thought. "Women You Don't Want to Meet in the Forest at Night."

  I laughed to myself, saturated with apparent power and sensuality. When I walked up to him, my hips swayed and exotic, poisonous flowers grew in my wake. The trail was colored like blood. My prey was mortified. All I could see of his face was his eyes, wide and terrified, and two nostrils flaring in a desperate attempt to breathe while the rest of his face was covered in thick foliage, and his mouth was forced open by a pulsating vine. Saliva dripped from his mouth. I stopped beneath his form, and caught some of the saliva in my mouth. After reflecting for a moment, it became clear to me that the fluid contained hallucinogenic alkaloids.

  "No wonder they are terrified," I contemplated, while observing the spinning forms of the ornaments above my head. "All of their emotional perceptions are amplified."

  For a moment, I reflected on whether or not my behavior had been appropriate. Such brief ethical thoughts are hardly held within the idea of gang rape retaliation, but this exercise had moved well beyond retaliation and into something much more vindictive.

  "I am extracting something from these creatures," I realized. "But what?"

  I glanced up as the vines lowered the fifth shifter toward my body, making his genitals readily available. I laughed at myself as I reached up to stroke his exposed body. Obviously, the most appropriate question was not what, but why.

  I reviewed the next penis, as though it was some obscure art object, or scientific specimen to study. The frenulum was thin and tightly bound between the head and the shaft. The entire surface area of the penis was inflated to its greatest capacity. I wasn't sure how much time had been spent on each of the other members of the Tribe, but this one was ready to burst; spilling his seed where it may fall; I was certain of where that place would be.

  "How long will it take before you can't handle it any longer," I asked the shifter, evaluating how I wanted to proceed from this point.

  "Do you think you could handle being inside of me without blowing your load immediately?" I asked.

  The man shuddered, his wide eyes communicated all that I needed to know.

  I decided that the shifter's sensory overload was not quite extensive enough, and that submersion within my vagina would be a good next step for this one. As I lay down on the ground, a luxurious leaf the size of my body sprouted to support me. Thin, spiraled tendrils erupted from the stalk, and supported each of my ankles. The effect of the foliage was that of an exotic and highly customized gynecological chair. The vegetation must have been pleased with itself, because additional floral scents came out from a cluster of plants which sprouted from the ground surrounding my current position.

  The vines themselves were ready to go, and a few of them even proceeded ahead of my next partner, taking their time with my clit and massaging my vulva to prepare for entry. I pet the sentient vegetation and its leaves grew in response; an effect which reminded me of the hairs which prickle on a person's neck when they are touched, delicately.

  I have to say, it was nice just to be serviced for a while. I laid there with my legs spread wide and watched as a six inch cock entered me in a slow and sensual manner. My mouth opened wide in a near perpetual gasp. The plants were so considerate, I couldn't believe it.

  "If only that asshole alpha had been so considerate," I reflected between moans, "none of this
would have happened."

  The pleasure of the slow and sensual fuck was something between intellectual awareness, and visceral enjoyment of my own nervous system. The cock was wet and each milimeter caused waves of energy to roll up through my vagina, past my belly button, and all the way up my spine. Occasionally the plants would stop the repeated penetrative motion, and begin to oscillate the shifter's body in a slow rotation. The effect was that the firm and bulbous head of the man's penis began to knead the muscles inside of my body. A tiny stream of my own sexual fluid dripped down along his shaft, and turned into a trickling creek, once it reached the forest floor. I dilated for him, and felt any tensions which had previously existed within my body dissipate with the union.

  Exiting my body was a slow and intentional process, and I felt his body depart from mine with infinite attention. The beautiful thing about the exit was that his cock didn't leave contact with my body, it simply transferred pressure from within my vagina to the inner tissue of my vulva. My clit had been desiring attention for some time, and she had already peaked her little head out from beneath my clitoral hood; the penis which was serving my body obliged, stroking her in long even movements. Shivers ascended up the core of my body.


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