Werebear Horror Romance: Given to the Bears (Paranormal Horror Fantasy Romance Short Story) (Shapeshifter Fantasy Horror Romance)

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Werebear Horror Romance: Given to the Bears (Paranormal Horror Fantasy Romance Short Story) (Shapeshifter Fantasy Horror Romance) Page 5

by Brandy Cova

  The trail of anticipation led the head of his penis up from my clit, around my abdomen, until he finally arrived at the peak of one titillated nipple.

  "Does he feel the texture of my areola on his skin?" I wondered. "Is he that sensitive, or is this just an overwhelming totality of an experience from his perspective?'

  I didn't ask him, because he was busy being slowly fucked in the mouth with a gigantic hallucinogenic vine. I'm not even sure he would have been able to respond to me consciously, even if he had the ability to speak. During my meditative reflection on the nature of his experience, he began to ejaculate.

  The first spurt was immaculate, and landed in a splash form, somewhere between my brow and my neck. The second, third and fourth ejaculations were less powerful than the first, but were each amazing in their own right. I was impressed by the force of the expulsion. I wanted his seed to go to good use, so I leaned forward to bring my mouth to the head of his cock. When I took him into my mouth, an additional four contractions took place within his body, and a slow leak of sperm pooled onto my tongue.

  I held him in my mouth for some time, just waiting for anything else to come as a result of the climax. I performed some active meditation concerning the value of the fluids which I had received over the course of the series of encounters. His cock was still available to me after a period of lengthly reflection, and so I used his shaft as an instrument to gather sperm and deposit it within my mouth. By the time I had completely wiped his fertile explosions from on top of my body, and thoroughly sucked his cock clean, he was hard again.

  Laughing to myself, I turned over and stuck my ass in the air. The plants accommodated me, and I began to rub my clit on the vine which had implanted itself deep within the shifter's throat. I sucked him off once more; this time in some sort of bizarre, sixty-nine maneuver. The second climax was nothing spectacular, but I did get a few more drops of fluid; it was hardly a mouthful, but at least it was something. Honestly, I think I got more love from the plant than from him, in spite of his generous donations.

  When he had given all that he could, I let myself drop to the forest floor once more; my body growing more alert and responsive with each ounce of shifter seed that I took into my body. I felt more wild, and the sensation was incredible. I was on the prowl, and in due course, I looked at the last shifter in line to receive the ecstasy of my touch; it was my Finder.

  All magic which had acted as a flourish to my physical being took on an entirely unconscious aspect. The environment became strange, as flowers which had existed previously turned into butterflies, and back into flowers once more; migratory in their root placement. Dryads and nymphs from trees appeared to be surrounding the two of us, watching eagerly from knots in the living wood in which they dwelled. The forest floor grew rich tufts of moss, complete with tiny flowers, and ornate with drops of dew. Insects flurried about in unison, and hummingbirds came down to feast on the insects, while performing mating rituals of their own. The vines which had been acting as a gag for my finder released themselves, and still he was silent; staring at me in an anguished gaze; full of desire.

  "Finder, love, is that your name?" I asked.

  He did not reply, but he did not shun me either. The non-verbal communication informed me that names were not necessary in this space, and though he did technically find me, there were many other names which he went by besides "Finder".

  "I see that you are not defined exclusively by your relationship to me," I replied. "That is good."

  My hand waved in an arc to the clearing in which I stood.

  "As you can see, I am not defined exclusively by my relationship to you either," I stated, with calm assurance. "But that does not mean that I am ungrateful for the way that you treated me. You were kind, and strong. When you did not yield, I was better for the experience. In short, Finder, You know how to please a woman."

  A self-reflective smirk flashed across his face. The expression was not an insult, I was intuitive enough to understand that much.

  "Perhaps you know something I do not." I stated out loud; the statement was more of a musing than a question.

  "Very well," I decided. "Come to me lover, and share with me the secrets of your body."

  The vines descended slowly, like some theatrical spectacle where a cultural object of prime desire and focus is lowered gracefully from on high, to a place where it can be accessible to the masses. I realized that the power dynamic had changed, because I was not seeking to take something from this one. I wanted both; to give and to receive. The realization caught me off guard momentarily, as I was unsure of what it meant.

  The persona I had been developing over the past five partners no longer seemed to be applicable.

  "Where is the malice left to be directed toward this one?" I asked myself. "Nowhere."

  I wanted nothing more than to hold his body, and take in his essence; this was the closest thing to love that I imagined such a sexually instrumental persona might be able to comprehend. The vines loosened, and the Finder hung with legs spread wide; an exposed man on a swing of vegetation, presenting his body for my perusal.

  Reaching my hand forward, I grasped a hold of his testicles; rubbing them gently in my palm. Their weight was heavy, as he too had been stimulated by the vine and was swollen with anticipation. A fire burned within my abdomen and the light of the flames seemed to grow higher within my body until it was reflected in his eyes. His penis seemed to be the perfect object of desire. The one thing that I needed in order to complete the experience of this moment.

  I tried to shake off the overwhelming motion toward coupling with him once more. To frame the mind in such a way where the physical body of another person is the sole gratifying factor within one's life is the sexual description of co-dependency; I knew that. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.

  "I am woman," I said to myself. "I am whole, and I am sharing in my wholeness."

  After an exhale, my paradigm modified itself to reflect my mantra. The penis stood at attention, in the form of a physical gift. I permitted my finger to trace upward, along the underside of the shaft, pausing just before the head to stroke a particularly dense nerve center. All other fingertips found their way to his body, and I leaned forward, close between his legs; letting the warmth of my breath dispense itself toward the sensitive skin of his sex. I closed my eyes, and leaned forward, prepared to delight in the final stage of my overt sexual possession, when my feet were dragged out from under me, and my face fell firmly into the forest floor.

  Immediately, I felt a finger penetrate my anus, and press my spine down into the ground. Two more hands pulled at either side of my mouth so I was forced to take in a mouth full of the same moss which had heralded my approach to the Finder. The finger in my ass closed its hand and pulled on my body, lifting my pelvis up into the air. Another hand grabbed my hair, and yanked my head backward with a fury that could have only been appropriate, given my demonstration of predatory behavior.

  In front of my eyes, in a squatted figure, was the face of a wild woman; her face painted with natural dyes of the forest, and her eyes completely black. Her teeth included sharper canines than usual, but the rest appeared to be omnivorous in nature. I felt a hand massage my left temple, and the woman's face appeared to be expressive of both sadness, and duty; as though she was a doctor, and I was a patient who needed treatment.

  The administered treatment came in the form of a living dildo, which began to fuck my vagina. The texture and firmness of the dildo was similar to smooth wood but the elasticity was unlike any wood I had ever felt. The vines betrayed me, and lifted my body up vertically so my pelvis was suspended in the air. I got a glimpse of who my assailants were, and from my perspective the naked feet of five women surrounded my body.

  The dildo moved in circular, stirring motions, as though my vagina was a vessel in which a potion was about to be brewed, and each of these hags had a say in the procedure. When I felt a burning sensation on my labia, and a numbness spread
through my pelvis, I realized that they in fact had drugged me. I was now officially in over my head.

  I opened my mouth to scream in protest, demanding to know who they thought they were, and why my pelvic area was going numb, but a massive cock was thrust into my mouth. I could tell by the smell of his body, that it was my Finder. I released all apprehension, and gave my body to the group; savoring the fullness of my object of prime desire, as it existed between my own two rows of teeth.

  Throat fucking usually implies a back and forth, pumping motion; I couldn't exactly say that this is what took place. He had definitely grabbed my skull and pushed all of himself inside of me, but he didn't bother to back out again. He simply pushed deeper, until my jaws were forced open and my lips touched his pubis Mons. My saliva dripped freely from his testicles, and I reached a hand upward from between his two legs, and penetrated his asshole with as many fingers as would fit between his muscular cheeks.

  I lost myself for a moment within a chaotic swarm of sensual overload. Tongues were lapping at my anus and clitoris, hands were pulling at my breasts, and my ass and back were being flogged by reeds. Another woman pulled my hair in the opposite direction of the Finder's dick, which was in fact the least desirable aspect of the entire affair. The magical dildo continued to stir some elixir within me, and the skin on my entire body began to tingle with attention and ecstatic overload.

  As though I were grasping out for the one conclusive element which would cause everything to stop, I pushed my fingers firmly against the Finder's prostate. My eyes rolled back in my head as I felt an explosion of semen rush down my throat, bypassing my mouth and proceeding directly into my stomach. The contractions were sequential, and I crushed his testicles with one hand, pulling them down, and prodded deeper into his ass with the other, while his sphincter squeezed at my hand. Each deluge of cum overwhelmed me, and I could feel his soul pass from his body into my own through the transmission of semen into my body.

  I shook my head and pushed deeper, swallowing as I did, so his cock would be caught within my esophagus and milked clean by my gag reflex. My body had been stimulated to a point of no return, and I began to climax with ferocious intensity. My vagina owned the dildo they had been stirring my body with, and I clenched onto its surface, attempting to push it out from inside of me using my abdominal muscles. The women were relentless, and though three of them tried to drive the wood down deeper within me, my vagina closed itself off to them, expelling the object from my sex. My anus clenched so firmly that I swear I might have broken a finger had they not removed the digit from within my body.

  The orgasm compelled me to breathe, and so my throat rejected the penis that had lodged itself within that passageway and my lips opened wide. I audibly gasped the oxygen into my lungs, while vaginal fluid dripped down my abdomen, between my breasts, and into my open mouth. Saliva fell to the floor, and all of the groping hands, probing fingers and lashing tongues removed themselves from my body immediately.

  The vines released me to the forest floor, as though they were apologizing for holding me against my will. Incidentally, all other vines released their bounds at that point as well. Had I been aware of what was happening, I would have seen the group gathering around me, waiting in expectation for the culmination of the sexual indulgence in which I had partaken.

  I felt a fire growing within my abdomen, which spread out through every limb. I couldn't contain the energy even if I tried. My body began to shake. I tried to vomit, but I only dry heaved. Nothing would come out. My muscles began to stretch and spasm. My body moved like a thing possessed. I couldn't understand what was happening, but daring images flashed across my vision, blotting out reality and presenting me with the information which I sought.

  I observed a double helix, modifying itself as two serpents wound around one another. Each serpentine form created some modification within its relationship to the other, and the familiar sensation which my consciousness felt, considering its relationship to my body, became absent; leaving me with something utterly foreign in its place.

  My back arched and the muscles which were bound to each vertebrae expanded riotously. My skull deformed, and my teeth expanded within my jaws. Each muscle group grew to at least four times its initial density and mass, and my breasts transformed themselves into two nipples, which clung closely to my body. My body, previously without much hair became covered in a thick, matted sheen. My tailbone burst from my back, and my pelvic center shifted forward. Claws dug out into the ground where my fingernails had been previously and suddenly the method by which I sensed the world around me became far more intense than I had ever experienced before.

  I'd like to say that this is the point where I came upon some discovery, that I was now conscious that I was a shifter myself, and that this was the sum total of my sexual escapades that day, but at the time, I was in no position to do anything of the sort. The cry which imminently burst out from between my jaws was an unearthly mourning toward heaven for the desecration of my former state of being. The animal I had become turned from side to side, and observed the calm, steady faces of the small hairless creatures which surrounded its body.

  I lashed out, swatting at the nearest one with a paw. They were too quick, and anticipated my movements. The one in front of me picked an object up from the ground and daringly thrust it into the back of my throat. My mouth was clenched tight, and I was made to swallow. I collapsed to the ground, and darkness covered my soul.



  I was born and raised in the mountains of Northern California. I love hiking and fishing and the outdoors. I also love writing fiction and I hope you enjoy my stories.




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