Book Read Free

Something Molly Can't See

Page 23

by Carol Maloney Scott

  “Hello, Ashley. I would say great party, but I know you didn’t plan it. You’ve been busy.”

  Shoot, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Where is Ken when I need him? Oh, now he’s over there laughing with Sassy and Stan. Another happy couple of partygoers.

  “No, I didn’t. Dawson and Emma did a nice job, though. So, anyway back to Olivia. You know, she’s really not as bad as you all think. She’s pretty misunderstood.”

  Huh? Where is the accusation about me questioning Olivia about Tucker and Ashley’s relationship?

  Feeling flustered, I turn around looking for a place to sit and eat my food in peace.

  Fat chance of that, but little pregnant Arielle looks safe. Her plate is piled high so she could be a long-term dining partner tonight.

  “Ashley, I’m sorry but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I tried to hang out with her, but she ran off. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am famished.”

  I am trying to keep my southern manners in check but a part of me would like to toss my meatballs at Ashley’s perfect little body. She normally wears a bunch of flowing robes and clothes I can’t even identify, but tonight she’s wearing a skintight short skirt and a halter top.

  I guess Tucker must have influenced her attire. He was never one to go for the hippy look.

  I walk away and Ashley looks pissed, but I don’t care. I am gonna eat and get the hell out of here. Everywhere I look I see happy couples. Now Marcos is sitting with Arielle and they are all loved up. I pick a seat in the back at a table whose occupants have vacated the premises for the dance floor and that suits me fine.

  As I tuck into my supper roll, I hear, “May I sit here, Molly?”

  Great, now Aunt Jenny, I mean Mrs. Swanson, wants to join me.

  “Sure, help yourself.”

  It’s not like I can be rude to this woman—she was like a second mother to me growing up and she has no idea why I’m acting so squirrely. I’m sure she just assumes it’s because I’m sad about Tucker and being the only single person at this soiree.

  Although she is also single.

  “This food looks delicious, doesn’t it? I’m so glad Dawson has Emma. She’s been so good for him. If only Tucker would…oh I’m sorry, Molly. How are you holdin’ up since we last talked? I am surprised to see you here, but I’m so glad you came.”

  I keep quiet and let her jabber on about her job at the local cable company, and how her flowers are already starting to bloom, and all sorts of other stuff that is numbing my mind.

  But at least she has the good sense to drop the Tucker conversation and just be a friend.

  As she’s eating, I can’t help but notice some of her mannerisms. She moves her mouth when she chews really slowly. Mama and Meemaw both do that. And she jiggles her leg, too.

  She’s probably nervous because this is an awkward situation. But my mother and grandmother also jump around like jack rabbits when something is stressing them out.

  I feel myself getting hotter, and I know it’s not the food on my plate. This is traditional southern party food—not a hot tamale in sight.

  “Are you okay, Molly Mae, you look a little flushed?”

  I shake my head and say, “Yes, I’m fine. Just a little warm in here.” I fan myself with my napkin.

  I’m not old enough to claim hot flashes and telling her that she reminds me of Meemaw is not a good idea. Especially since I am not sure what she saw at her house that day.

  I think it’s time to go home. If I’m not here when they sing happy birthday, everyone will have more fun without me.

  “Excuse me, Jenny. You’re right—I am feelin’ a little unwell. I’m just gonna go get some air.”

  She keeps on eating and now I see she’s digging into the fried chicken. I guess she doesn’t eat as healthy as I thought.

  Wait, what if…? No, I refuse to believe for one second that somehow Meemaw has figured out how to inhabit Jenny Swanson’s body.

  I definitely have seen too many movies.

  I look for Tucker on my way out and he’s talking to his brother. They are both so handsome and my heart will always be filled with love for them, no matter what happens. But I need to leave Pentagon Place and get a fresh start.

  I’m gonna give Lia my notice as soon as she and Logan get back to town. They went to Chicago to visit Logan’s mama and sister, but they’ll be back tomorrow. I’ll talk to her on Monday.

  I quickly throw my light wrap over my dress and root around in the pile of purses for mine. My phone is ringing, but I’ll wait until I get home to call whoever it is back. I can’t wait to put on my pajamas and snuggle up with Penny.

  “Molly, are you leavin’? You can’t leave. You’re gonna miss the big surprise.”

  I hear Dawson’s voice, and turn around and see that Dawson and Tucker are standing on either side of me.

  “Oh, I have a headache and…” I am so tired of pretending so I blurt out, “Look, I need to get out of here before I start bawlin’ all over the birthday cake. Alright! Are you both happy now? You’ve both got your women and I’m happy for you. Truly I am, but this is just not the place for me anymore.”

  Dawson pulls me in for a hug and Tucker says, “What are you talking about? What women? I don’t have any women.”

  “Tucker, this is not the time or place to have this conversation. Now, if you don’t want me to know what’s goin’ on—”

  Dawson interrupts and says, “Molly, your phone is ringin’ up a storm in there. You wanna get that, it might be the girls.”

  “No, I’m going now. Whatever the surprise is, I hope it’s a great one.”

  Tucker says, “Molly, Dawson is going to propose to Emma.”

  I smile despite my sadness and hug Dawson. “Congratulations, and on your brother’s big night. You’re okay with this?”

  I look at Tucker and he smiles. For a second it feels like old times, but then Ashley walks over and ruins the moment.

  “Dawson, let’s do this now. I would like to cut the cake in a minute.”

  Dawson squeezes my arm and says, “Wish me luck.”

  I am left standing with Tucker and now I feel rooted to the ground.

  “It will mean a lot to Dawson and Emma if you stay.”

  He is looking straight ahead, but I can feel the heat of his arm next to mine and I reply, “I know. I’ll stay.”

  “It would also mean a lot to me if you’d stay for the cake cutting. I’d really like to talk to you after. Ray and the girls are out of town, right?”

  “Yes, but…shhh…let’s just listen to the proposal.”

  I have no intentions of talking to Tucker after this. I wish I had some place to hide and…

  My phone is still ringing and now I am a little worried.

  I pull it out of my bag discreetly and see that it’s my brother. I bet his wife is in labor and they wanted to tell me. That’s excellent—I can hop over to the hospital to see my new little nephew. That’s a great excuse to avoid Tucker.

  The proposal looks like it’s gonna happen any second. Dawson is milling around nervously, and Jenny is corralling Emma away from the dance floor. The music has stopped, and the DJ is about to give Dawson the floor.

  Just as he’s about to grab the mic, Sassy runs up to the front of the room and whispers something in his ear.

  He hands her the mic, and everyone falls silent as she says, “Molly are you still here, sweetie?”

  My face is burning red now. Why is she calling me out? No one is proposing to me tonight, that’s for sure. Unless…no…once again my wild imagination is off on a tangent.

  Tucker is not proposing! And what would I say anyway? I might be your cousin so let’s wait on an answer?

  I find my voice and clear my throat. “Sassy, I’m over here. What in the Lord’s name are you doin’ up there?”

  She wrinkles up her face and says, “Your brother has been callin’ you all night. He finally reached me because I left Sprinkles at his pet resort once and he has my numb

  I walk over to Sassy, so she stops announcing my business to the whole room, but she seems to enjoy hearing herself loud and clear.

  “Sassy, I know—I saw my phone. I’m sure his wife is in labor. I’m gonna go in a second. After…you know….”

  I talk quietly and widen my eyes so she gives the mic back and we can get this over with.

  I hate to say that about Dawson and Emma. They are such good friends, but I can still feel Tucker’s eyes on me, and this is getting very embarrassing…wait…what did she just say?

  “Molly, are you listening, sugar? She is in labor, but did you hear what else I said? Oh my good God, I think she’s in shock. Somebody help her to a chair.”

  I’m not in shock. Well, maybe I am because I could swear she just said…

  “Molly darlin’, your daddy fell out of a tree.”


  “The Lord is blessin’ us and cursin’ us at the same time! Molly Mae, what did I do to deserve this?”

  Mama is holding me so tight that my circulation is getting cut off, and she’s wailing so loud I heard her when I was coming in through the revolving doors.

  “Mama, try to calm down.” I wrestle myself out of her grasp and place my hands on her meaty shoulders. “What have the doctors said?”

  She just keeps bawling and I know I am not going to get much of an answer out of her. Fortunately (or unfortunately for them), my brother Bobby’s wife, Samantha is in labor, and her family members are also here at the hospital.

  Samantha’s mother comes over and leads Mama back to a chair and offers to get her coffee.

  I wish we had some sedatives because if Mama keeps carrying on like this, she’s going to get herself admitted—and to a different type of hospital.

  Mr. Barton, Sam’s dad, nods at me and I follow him to the other side of the room.

  “How bad is it? And I’m sorry, how are Samantha and the baby?”

  He puts his hand on my arm and says, “Never you mind about that. Sam is a strong young woman. Havin’ babies is no illness. Her mama had six, no problem. Now the doctor has been out to see your mama, and from what I understand, he is not awake, and they are not sure of the extent of his injuries yet.”

  Mr. Barton continues to explain to me where Daddy was when he fell out of the tree, and how the wind was blowing, and he miscalculated something or other.

  I just heard the part about how he’s unconscious.

  “So, you mean he’s in a coma?”

  “Yes, I do believe that’s right. But I think the doctor and the rest of us are avoidin’ that word in front of your mama. She’s not takin’ it so well. Which is to be expected, of course.”

  “I’m glad you’re all here. I don’t have anyone else to…well you know what I mean. Wait, where are Billy and Melissa? Has anyone called them?”

  I wince as I hear Mama up and yelling her head off again.

  “Dear sweet baby Jesus, two babies in one day? With my beloved on the edge of his final sleep?”

  Mr. Barton smiles weakly and says, “I think I see Melissa and Billy now.”

  Sure enough, I peek around the corner and I see my other sister-in-law sitting in a wheelchair looking like her insides are being twisted, which they are.

  And Billy is hugging Mama. He’s no help since he cries over everything. Now I need to break up this wail fest or they’re gonna throw us out of this hospital.

  I take a deep breath and Mr. Barton and I return to the scene of the insanity, where my neighbor and senior nurse Beth Washington is attempting to settle down the Jenkins family’s emotions.

  “Okay, Mrs. Jenkins. Would you like me to call anyone else to be with you? Maybe your pastor?”

  Mama starts in all over again. “Yes! Molly! Where’s Molly Mae? Oh, there you are. Be a dear and get Pastor Dingle here. You never know when we might get word that Daddy needs his last rites!”

  Beth and I exchange a look, and she calmly says, “Mrs. Jenkins, I was not referring to that. I only thought it might be a comfort to you since your family has so much going on here tonight, and your faith is so important to you.”

  She winks at me and Mama finally takes a breath.

  “Yes, yes, thank the Lord you’re here, Beth. You’re Molly’s neighbor, right? I always say all the fine people live in Pentagon Place. Don’t I say that, Molly?”

  No, she does not.

  “Yes Mama, now I will see to it that the Pastor gets here, and when the doctor comes out again, I would like to ask him some questions, alright?”

  I turn to Billy and Melissa, who are being checked in at the main desk.

  “I am so sorry y’all have to deal with this trauma while bringin’ your first born into this world. And you know Bobby and Sam are here, too.”

  Billy stops filling out his forms to slobber all over me with tears and I pull him back. “William Franklin Jenkins, you need to pull yourself together for your wife.”

  Melissa says, “I’m okay, Molly. Please just tell us what happens with your daddy. Now Billy, let’s finish those forms. If I start givin’ birth right here, I think they’ll be takin’ your mama down to the morgue.”

  She covers her mouth and says, “Oh, I’m so sorry. It’s the labor pains talkin’.”

  I bend down and whisper to her, “I know all about it, and I also know this family is crazy. Thank you for stickin’ with us and I promise we’ll try to be more normal for your little one.”

  I glance over at Mama and I add, “Well, at least some of us will try.”

  Another nurse swoops down on us, and in a false cheery voice says, “Okay little mama, off you go. Come on daddy.”

  “Billy, go and take care of your wife. I will handle things down here.”

  The nurse leads them away and I wish them luck.

  Honestly, I would almost rather be giving birth today than dealing with Mama.

  I catch my reflection in a mirror and realize that I haven’t even shed a tear yet. This is what happens in this family any time there’s a crisis. Mama’s theatrics are so overblown that I am forced to take on the parent role.

  But usually Daddy is here to keep her in check.

  My poor sweet Daddy. He’s been cutting down trees for so many years, but maybe it’s time for him to retire.

  If I wasn’t so absorbed in my own problems, I would have gotten Meemaw’s house ready to sell by now, and Mama and Daddy would have that money.

  There’s no use feeling guilty—I was given an assignment. I can’t help but smile when I look up Pastor Dingle’s number. The jokes about his name between my brothers and the Swanson boys were way worse than the laughs over Peepaw.

  I think of Tucker at his party and my eyes get misty. You know how when you think of someone you love during a crisis you break down?

  That’s how I’m feelin’. I wish Tucker could be here. But his brother is proposing to Emma, or at least that was the plan. And it’s his birthday, and he knows Mama doesn’t want him here.

  And he probably assumes I don’t want him here.

  Right now I would even settle for Ray, as crazy as that sounds. He was always good to my parents, even though they weren’t fans of his.

  But I’m glad the girls aren’t here. Hopefully by the time Ray gets them home tomorrow, there will be two new, healthy baby cousins, and Daddy will be up asking for some of Mama’s Easter ham and sweet potatoes.

  I’ll smuggle it in if I have to.

  I dial the Pastor’s number and ask the Lord for forgiveness. This nice man is about to have his Saturday night rocked.


  “Sassy, you didn’t have to come all the way over here. It’s so late.”

  She hugs me tight and I say, “You know what? Scratch that. I am so grateful you’re here!”

  Sassy isn’t old enough to be my mother, and she couldn’t be more different from Mama, but she’s an older woman and she has no kids of her own. She’s adopted me and the girls in a way and keeps an eye on us.

  “Just cry
it out, sweetie. I know you’ve been through hell these past few months. But don’t worry about that darlin’ little doggie. I sent Stan over to your place to fetch Penny and bring her back to our house. She’ll just love playin’ with Sprinkles.”

  “Thanks so much. We still haven’t heard any news. Daddy is still in the…coma…and the doctors aren’t sure what his condition will be when he wakes up. He hit his head pretty hard. I am just thankful he didn’t fall from any higher up or we’d be in a different place right now.”

  Sassy strokes my back and says, “I know, sweetie. And how about those babies? Any word on the little rug rats?”

  I tell her that Bobby has been down to give us an update on Samantha. He is usually a very upbeat guy, but between waiting for his baby to be born, and the situation with Daddy, he looked exhausted and older than his years.

  “I think Sam will deliver soon. So at least that good news should cheer everyone up.”

  Beth Washington is still on duty, and she has made herself the unofficial supervisor of my family. I asked her to see if she could get one of the doctors to prescribe Mama a mild sedative and she said she was working on it.

  Pastor Dingle arrived and he’s praying with Mama in the chapel. We really need to get her to sleep somewhere so the Pastor isn’t here all night. He’s an old man, and tomorrow is Easter Sunday…well actually it’s today, seeing as it’s after two in the morning.

  Beth joins me and Sassy, and says, “Okay, I got something for your Mama, and I am going to see if I can find a place for her to lie down. Maybe one of the rooms where the Interns sleep during their shifts. We must get her to calm down. She’s fryin’ everyone’s nerves and when your daddy wakes up, she needs to be rested. I wish your Meemaw was here to knock some sense into her. God rest her soul.”

  I wish she was here, too. The fact that she isn’t tells me that she can’t get here.

  This Haunting Jail thing is a pile of horseshit. But I guess if there were no rules, ghosts would be ruling the world of the living. I wish I could talk to Pastor Dingle about it, but he’s already got one loony Jenkins woman to deal with.

  “Thanks so much, Beth. You’re a lifesaver.”

  “It’s just my job, sugar. Now the other thing—your family is taking up the whole main waiting area. So, I pulled a few strings and we are going to open up one of the conference rooms for this unusual situation.”


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