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InHap*pily Ever After

Page 4

by Kim Desalvo

  She leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “This is just a building, Dyl, not a life. My life is with you now, and any little sacrifices I have to make now will be more than worth it in the end. It’s no big deal, really—just something I have to get used to.”

  She looked around again and realized that she meant every word she’d said. Aside from a couple pictures on the walls, she really wasn’t attached to anything in the house. Most of the furniture was hand-me-down, as she and Nick had planned to furnish it after they’d gotten married. Tia hadn’t had a bridal shower before Nick died, so she had no china or matching bath towels or anything else that she felt she needed to take with her. They hadn’t lived in the house together; planning instead to wait until after they’d married to move in, so they’d made precious few memories here. It wouldn’t be so hard to walk away, especially now that she had the promise of a new life with Dylan. “Really, it’s not a big deal—don’t look so sad,” she said, smiling and pulling his arms around her. “How can I be anything but happy when I have you?”

  The doorbell rang, and Tia jumped, her eyes widening for a second before realizing it was probably just the pizza delivery man. Here was something new too, she thought, paranoia. She realized she’d be looking over her shoulder a lot more in the coming days. Dylan pulled the curtain aside and peered onto the front porch. “Oh good, food’s here,” he said. “Be sure to look through peepholes before you open doors from now on.”

  “I don’t have a peephole,” she said, looking over his shoulder at the man standing on the porch holding a pizza box. She recognized him immediately and sucked in a breath. “Dylan, that’s not a pizza delivery guy…it’s the limo driver who brought us here…” She looked into the street, and saw the car parked there. Footprints in the snow led from the car to her door.

  “He’s just security, sweetheart,” Dylan said. When she turned to him, he continued. “They’ve always been there, Tia. I usually keep them way in the background, but at times they’re a necessity, and this is one of those times. Management gets downright pissed when I go out without an entourage but most of the time, people don’t spare much more than a second glance, especially when it’s out of context. When they see someone they think they recognize, they do a double take and think, ‘that really looks like so-and-so,’ but they don’t really believe it. When they do recognize you, sometimes they’re happy with a smile and a wave. Some feel compelled to come up to you and tell you how they’ve enjoyed your work, or even, in some cases, how you’ve changed their lives.” They both smiled, remembering how Tia had first approached Dylan and told him something along those lines. She too had questioned whether or not the man sitting across from her at the little dive bar could actually be Dylan Miller. It was his tattoo that had given him away, but if it weren’t for that identifying symbol, would she have approached him at all? She thought not. “But this is a game-changer,” he continued. “Now that you’re going to be out in the open, they’re going to have to be a much more visible presence, at least for a little while.”

  Tia shrugged. It was just one more thing she’d have to get used to in her new life, and she had much bigger things to worry about than a security detail. She greeted the guard when she opened the door and offered him a slice of pizza, then she and Dylan sat down to their little makeshift feast.

  Chapter 3

  Tia hooked the clasp on the purple bra and opened the door. The place was just as she remembered, and she was beyond thrilled that Dylan had thought to get the same room that they had stayed in the first time they’d made love. She never would’ve guessed back in May that she’d be here again all these months later under such different circumstances—she’d been so afraid that night that it would be the last time she’d ever have with Dylan. She’d certainly changed a lot since that evening, she thought as she grabbed the bottle of wine that sat chilling in the silver bucket and two glasses. It was much too cold for the hot tub tonight, so instead Dylan had started a fire in the gas fireplace and laid some blankets and pillows out on the floor before it. He was sitting, shirtless, leaning against the couch strumming absent-mindedly on his guitar, and she stopped to just look at him for a moment and say a silent prayer of thanks that this incredibly beautiful man had come back into her life. Tomorrow they might belong to the whole world, but tonight, no one existed except each other, and she had every intention of making the most of it.

  “Even better than I imagined,” he said, looking appreciatively at her nearly naked body and leaning the guitar against the couch. Tia poured the wine, handed him a glass, and stretched out beside him.

  “Very happy to exceed your expectations,” she purred, swirling her fingers through the soft hair on his chest.

  “About bloody time we really get this reunion officially started,” he teased, pushing her hair behind her ear and bringing his mouth down to meet hers. The kiss was tender, soft, and left her wanting more. “A toast, then,” he smiled, touching the rim of his glass to hers. “I don’t think there’s ever been anything I’ve wanted to celebrate more than having you back in my life.”

  “Officially and forever,” she smiled. “Do you have a new song to play for me?”

  He grinned at her and ran his gaze up her body. “Really?” he asked. “You come out here dressed like that, and think I can concentrate on anything else but how amazingly sexy you are?” He grabbed her ankles and pulled so that she was lying before the fire and rolled atop her. “That’s for later,” he said, pressing his body against hers and finding her mouth once again.

  The kiss started tenderly; sweet and soft; but soon grew more insistent. He moved to her neck, the stubble of his thin beard tickling as he nibbled his way down to her collarbone. She tilted her head back to give him more access, and he ran his hands down the length of her body.

  Oh, how she’d missed his hands! The rough callouses on his fingertips caressed her skin, throwing shivers everywhere. She drew her breath in sharply as his fingers swirled over her back, then over to her stomach, where they headed north. He unhooked her bra with one quick motion, and then they skimmed over her nipples; tracing circles there as she moaned, pushing herself into his touch. “Slower this time,” she smiled. “Deliciously slow. I want to savor you.”

  “Deliciously slow, you say,” he murmured as his lips trailed further down her body. “I can do that. We have plenty of time.”

  “Mmmm hmmm,” she hummed, unable to articulate anything other than the pleasure she felt at his hands on her skin and his mouth at her breast.

  He took his sweet time with her, running his fingers softly over the silky fabric of her panties and then back up to cradle her breasts. Her hands explored as well, exalting in the feel of his skin and his intoxicating scent, running her hands slowly and reverently over the familiar contours of his body.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered as he rolled her over, sliding off his jeans while she shrugged out of her panties. He spread himself over her, pressing his body to hers and separating her legs with one of his own. He shifted so that he lay next to her, and found her slick opening with the tip of his finger. “So beautiful,” he breathed as he felt just how much she wanted him.

  “I could do this forever,” she murmured.

  “Forever’s not nearly long enough.” He slipped his finger into her slowly, then pulled it out, swirling it over her nipple before taking the bud into his mouth, gently sucking the hardened flesh. “I need more of that,” he said, running his tongue down her stomach until he skimmed it over her swollen core.

  Tia moaned in pleasure, and raised her hips to meet his mouth. Slowly ceased to apply when he was swirling his tongue in and around the most sensitive and aching parts of her, but too soon he shifted his focus upward, nipping his way up to her stomach and planting soft kisses at her hips.

  She wanted to beg him to continue; she needed him desperately; but his hands moved achingly slowly over her curves and valleys, sending shock waves of bliss that shorted out her
ability to form any rational words. He skimmed her thighs with the tips of his fingers, purposefully lingering at her opening but refusing to enter, even as she pushed her hips into his caress.

  “Mmmnnn,” she mumbled, “more.”

  “Oh, I’ve got more for you, baby girl. Much more.”

  She tried to protest, but then he pulled her nipple between his fingers and tightened the grasp while massaging her breast. She thought she might come right there, so connected was every part of her to the throbbing between her legs. Biting her lip to slow the building momentum, she arched her back to press herself against him and took his need into her hands, stroking him firmly.

  This, Tia thought, is the purest definition of making love. It was beautiful and magical and amazing and perfect and every cell in her body pulsed with the beat of her heart. They took pleasure in giving pleasure and explored each other without inhibition, whispering tiny sentiments and finding pure joy in the connection of their bodies. The past months and the coming days fell away as they made their way slowly to the crescendo, the outside world ceasing to exist in moments of the sheer beauty of true love.

  When he finally slid inside, she felt filled with light, and he smiled down at her until he had to throw his head back with release and pure ecstasy. “I love you,” they said in unison as they slipped over the edge together.

  They held each other silently for a few moments, smiling and touching and kissing before Dylan grabbed their wine, handing her a glass and touching the rim with his own.

  “I think that was the perfect pace,” Tia smiled, putting her hand to his cheek and nuzzling against his chest. “Just exactly right.”

  “Mmmm. Couldn’t agree more.” He fluffed up a pillow and tucked it behind him, leaning against the couch.

  Tia sighed, smiling comfortably. Dylan watched as she stretched out on the floor; propping her head up on her arm. Her eyes drifted over to the guitar still leaning against the couch, then back to Dylan, and back and forth again as she motioned toward the instrument with a toss of her head.

  “Now you want a song?” he teased. “I’m not even sure my fingers will work to play them after the way you took advantage of me.”

  Tia let an easy grin slide over her face. “You have to remember that I was in love with your music long before I knew you. Long before I ever even entertained the idea that you could possibly be part of my life, your songs were a huge part. They’ll always be my first love, I’m afraid.” She leaned up and planted a tender kiss on his cheek. “Did you write any for me?”

  “They’re all for you, love,” he smiled, “ever since the minute I met you they were all for you.”

  “That’s so sweet. How many new ones do you have?”

  “Quite a few, actually. There’s going to be a lot of variety on the new album, I think. In the beginning I wrote a few fun ones and a couple ballads; but I went through so many emotions over the past few months that I’m not even sure what genre we’ll be in after this…there’s a little bit of blues, some mushy love songs, some seriously pissed-off stuff…I don’t know what’ll make the final cut, but it ought to be interesting. I may have to do a solo album to get in all the love songs I wrote for you.” He leaned over and grabbed the guitar, slung it over his neck, and strummed a few chords. “I think I’ll play a sad one for you first; it’ll give you a little glimpse into how I was feeling when I thought I’d lost you. I do like how it turned out in the end, though, but I’m really glad I’ll never have to feel the way I did when I wrote it.”

  “Oh Dyl,” she sighed as he plucked the first notes. She remembered all too well the crushing sadness she’d felt when she thought she’d never see him again, and had to remind herself that he’d been feeling the same way, all alone on the other side of the world.

  Even the guitar sounded as if it were weeping as he wove around the intro, humming in the back of his throat. He looked into her eyes and sang; his voice soulful and melancholy.

  The veil hangs over midnight and I’m sitting here alone…

  Can’t see you; touch you; face to face can’t even get you on the phone…

  The moon hangs heavy as my heart blocking stars out from the sky…

  Alone and dark without you and I can’t figure out just why

  You know you are my heart…

  I feel all torn up and broken whenever we’re apart…

  Can’t seem to do the simplest things can’t even start…

  I need you back I need you near…

  There’s just this veil of midnight when you’re not here

  A restless night of broken dreams the images of you…

  Come flashing back consuming me there’s nothing I can do…

  I left you back so far away oh how I miss your smile…

  Can’t face the coming morning…

  Guess I’ll dream of you a while…

  You left me lost and broken, oh how I miss your touch…

  The mere thought of life without you …Is asking way too much

  You know you are my heart…

  I’m all ripped up and broken since we were torn apart…

  Going on without you—I don’t know where to start…

  I need you back I need you near…

  There’s this crushing veil of midnight when you’re not here…

  “Oh, baby,” Tia whispered as the final chords wept from the strings. She wiped a tear from her cheek and moved to him. He tossed the guitar onto the couch behind him and she climbed into his arms; wrapping herself around him. “It’s beautiful and perfect but I so wish you never had to write it. That you never had to be that sad…”

  “Never again, that’s for sure,” he said softly. “I’ll never let you be so far away from me again.”

  “I’d follow you anywhere,” she smiled. “I’m your biggest fan, you know.”

  “And the only one that matters.” He tossed the guitar onto the couch and pulled her to him, curling her into the nest of his body. They slept there, before the fire; the best sleep either of them had had in months.


  The car rolled up to the valet area, and Dylan pulled her hand up and kissed the back of it. “You ready, baby?” he asked, the confidence in his voice settling a few of her butterflies. “I’ll be by your side every step of the way. This is going to be the fun part.”

  She smiled. “As ready as I’ll ever be,” she said with as much conviction as she could muster, her voice only faltering a little. She took a deep breath and held it, hoping it would calm her shaking.

  Ricco, the valet, opened the passenger side door as the security guard hopped out and stood at the ready. When Dylan stepped out of the car Ricco’s head tilted and his eyes slanted as he tried to place the face. Recognition dawned on him then and his eyes widened; filling instantly with the look that she and Dylan called, “star struck.”

  “Whoa,” he said, “aren’t you that guy who was on the news this morning?”

  Dylan had turned on the television while they had their morning coffee, to see just how much buzz the story had generated in the media. They flipped through channels, and it was just as Dylan had feared. It was really big news. Anytime a Hollywood starlet got arrested the story seemed to jump to the top of the headlines, but since the whole fiasco was being called a “love triangle,” and it involved two celebrities and a mystery woman, it was positively viral. “Experts” were making guesses about who the mystery lady might be, and one station was asking viewers to name the woman they thought would be Dylan’s perfect match. Tia Hastings, fifth grade teacher and ordinary citizen, did not appear on the list. The media was quick to demonize Penelope, as well, wondering aloud whether her disastrous break-up with Jason Whitten “threw her over the edge.”

  Person to Person was on the store shelves, featuring Dylan’s own words; which reporters were quoting in their segments. On the cover was a huge triangle with all three corners cut away. Dylan’s picture was in the top angle; a perfect smile on his face, and his gaze focused on th
e question mark that filled the lower left section. The lower right portion featured a rather unflattering picture of Penelope, scowling and looking up toward the picture of Dylan. In the center read the headline, “Accused!” and beneath that, “What Really Happened Down Under—in Dylan Miller’s Own Words.”

  Dylan reached out and shook Ricco’s hand. “I’m Dylan Miller; nice to meet you,” he replied kindly.

  “Oh man, my wife’s not going to believe this!” he exclaimed. “Please, sir, can I get a picture with you so I can send it to her? She’s a big fan of yours!”

  “Absolutely,” Dylan said graciously. “But first I really think you need to open the door for my lady.”

  Ricco caught himself quickly. “Oh…oh my gosh! Of course, I’m so sorry!” He ran around the car and opened the other door, extending his hand to assist the passenger. When he recognized Tia he stopped, squinting his eyes and shaking his head in disbelief. “Uhh…Miss Hastings?”

  “Hi Ricco, how are you today?” she asked, flashing a shy smile. He stared at her for a moment, brow furled, trying to connect the dots. He’d worked at the club for several years, and had always liked Tia. She always had a smile and a kind word, and even though he knew she was a school teacher, and had a lot less money than some of the other club members, she never once stiffed him on a tip. Ricco had known about her fiancé’s death, and had seen the shadow behind her eyes when she tried to pretend for her parents and her friend, Lexi Summers, that she was OK. Tia was so down-to-earth…low-key…and seeing her with this big celebrity guy was just not computing.

  As he followed Tia around the back of the car, scratching his head, another vehicle pulled up to the valet station. Tia heard a shriek as the passenger recognized Dylan and jumped from the SUV, rushing toward them. As Tia was taking aim with Ricco’s phone, the door to the club opened and a trio of girls walked out. They saw the commotion, and made their way over, pulling their own phones from their pockets when they realized who was standing there. So it begins, Tia thought, as she snapped the picture and another phone was thrust into her hand. The others hadn’t even realized she and Dylan were together—in fact, they paid her little mind as Dylan turned on his full rock star charm; shaking hands, signing scraps of paper, posing for pictures, and exchanging kind words with everyone for a few minutes. He waved away the next approaching group, apologizing and saying, “Listen mates—I appreciate the warm welcome, but it’s bloody cold out here.” They giggled a bit too enthusiastically. “It’s been nice meeting all of you, but I’m here to meet my girlfriend’s parents for the first time, and as you can imagine, I’m a bit nervous, and just need to get on with it, you know?”


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