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InHap*pily Ever After

Page 42

by Kim Desalvo

“Suit yourself, but I think you’d get a lot out of it.”

  What Bo really needed was some absolute solitude, so he decided to take his good friend Joi—one in a long line of exes but on a short list of those he still considered a friend—up on the offer she’d made him at the engagement party. She wintered somewhere warm; The Florida Keys, if he remembered correctly; and her place in Puget Sound on Orcas Island was secluded, quiet, and vacant. Maybe he could actually sit down and think some things through.

  He said goodbye to the guys on Friday afternoon and headed north. Three hours later, he turned down the dead end street and snaked his SUV down the drive. Already he could see that the house had spectacular views of the Sound, and it was nestled among plentiful trees and foliage. An older gentleman was in the driveway, waving him into the garage.

  “I’m George,” he said, extending his hand once Bo hopped out of the car. “Folks around here call me Big G. Welcome to the island—first time?”

  “Bo, and yes, it is. Beautiful place.”

  “Indeed. I’m the caretaker here. I’ve stocked the kitchen with some staples; eggs, milk, cheese, pop…things like that. There are some steaks in there too; enough to last you a couple days, at least. The nearest grocery store is just a couple miles away…”

  “Yeah, I passed it on the way in.”

  “Oh good. Joi asked me to give you a little tour; show you where everything’s at.”

  Bo followed him into the house, feeling more relaxed already. The smell of the air was different here; heavy, cool, and tinged with the salt spray that came off Puget Sound. “These here are the controls for the hot tub,” George pointed out, “and the steps off the big deck lead right down to the beach. Not too many folks around here this time of year, so you’ll pretty much have it to yourself, I imagine. There are a couple kayaks in the garage, and the keys to the boat shed are in the drawer here. There’s a little private sitting area down there with a fire pit; wood’s in the shed; and fishing gear too, if you’re so inclined.” Bo jotted a few notes, so he could keep everything straight. “Oh,” he added, reaching into his pocket, “here are the keys to the house. I’ll just let you get comfortable, but my number is on the fridge if you need it. Don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions about anything here or island related. I’ve lived on this little slice of heaven for going on 25 years now, so I can give you insider information about pretty much anything.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate the welcome and the tour. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  As soon as George’s Buick rolled out of the driveway, Bo slipped on his jacket and walked down to the beach. It was just a small bit of sand, really, and aside from a scarcely-used path he could see in the trees behind him, he didn’t see any other way to get to it. The solitude he had hoped for surrounded him like a blanket, and he kicked off his shoes, letting the icy water rush up to greet his feet as he walked along the little stretch of shoreline. Out in the distance he could see several rocky outcrops and thought that later on he might squeeze his ass into a kayak and check them out. It was just the start of orca season, and he hoped he might get lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them.

  For tonight, though, he was going to fire up the grill, sear a steak to perfection, and watch the sunset from the expansive deck that overlooked the calm water. Then maybe a soak in the hot tub, a movie, and a good night’s sleep. He’d start on figuring things out tomorrow.


  “Thanks again for barging in on me, and for spending the night; I’m sorry I was such a bitch when you first got here, but I really do feel better.”

  “Already forgotten, and you’re welcome.” Tia pulled Lexi into a tight hug. “I’ve always got your back, right? Don’t hesitate to call if you need me, OK?”

  “You’ve already done so much. Really, Tia, I was seriously dreading making all those phone calls—nothing says ‘loser’ more than having to cancel your wedding over and over again.”

  “I hate that I had to repay that debt, but I’m glad that you don’t have to face it.” She remembered, a lifetime ago, hearing the soft voices of Lexi and her mom on their separate phones explaining time after time that the groom had passed away suddenly and that they had to cancel the wedding. She couldn’t imagine leaving Lexi to do it on her own.

  “You’ll be back in a week, right?”

  “Yes, but like I said, call me if you need to talk, or if you need anything.”

  “I will. You better send pictures—I want to hear every detail. I’m really happy for you, you know, but I do hate the fact that you’re going to be moving so far away.” She knew Tia was both apprehensive and excited—she was going to see her new house for the first time, and Dylan was meeting her there. Part of her, a part she didn’t like very much, resented the fact that Tia was skipping off to Colorado when she needed her best friend the most. She’d never left Tia’s side after Nick died, and even canceled a trip to the Caymans to take care of her. Damn it, she shouldn’t feel this way; she knew that the whole band was taking a week off and that Dylan couldn’t just take a break whenever he wanted to; she knew that it was planned long before the whole catastrophe with Ryan. Lexi suddenly feared that she would have nothing once Tia moved away permanently; no best friend, no fiancé, and, the way things were going at work, maybe no job. Bryce, her boss, was none too happy about the blowup in the kitchen and her outburst at Candy. Then she’d taken the rest of the week off without officially informing him. She dreaded going back, and was far from feeling ready to do so. “Oh God, I don’t know what to do next,” she whispered.

  Tia was at her side in an instant. “What you do is get back to work, stay busy, and show the world that you aren’t so easily broken. Call some people— go out…go to Paddy’s. You know everyone there, and they certainly know how to have a good time.”

  “I really don’t feel like being social right now; I just need a break.”

  “I’ve got an idea…why don’t you call Bo? He’s a champion at making people feel good. He always brings a smile to your face, that’s for sure.”

  “Oh, right. Like he wants to listen to me bitch about my shitty life.” Or like he’d even want to talk to me at all, she added in her mind.

  “Oh honey, you don’t have a shitty life; you had a shitty boyfriend. Believe me, I know that it feels like he was your whole life; like every part of you was tangled up in him; but once you unravel all that, you’ll see that who you are hasn’t really changed.” She put her arms around Lexi’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze. “I also know that there are good guys out there; guys who are actually worthy of you; and when you find one, you’ll see that all this happened for a reason.”

  Lexi dropped her head. The rational side of her knew that it was true—Tia had lost the love of her life and still managed to find Dylan—but the emotional side of her wasn’t ready to even think about the possibility of another relationship and the chance that she’d be hurt again. “Whatever. I can’t even think about that right now.”

  “I know,” Tia answered quickly, glancing at her watch. She reached into her purse and pulled out a notepad. “I’m going to leave you with his number anyway, just in case,” she said, scribbling on a fresh page. “I know I don’t have to tell you that this isn’t public, so I’d suggest you tuck it away somewhere, just to be on the safe side. And you know I’m a phone call away, too.” She took a long look at Lexi’s drawn face. “Do I have to worry about you?” she asked. “Maybe you should call your mom; see if she can come stay with you for a while.”

  “That’s the last thing I need. She’d probably tell me to forgive the bastard and try to make it work. You know she forgave my dad when she found out he was sleeping with one of his nurses. I’ll pass on that option.”

  “Just promise me you’re not going to sit here for the next week and mope around. I know it sucks, but dwelling on it doesn’t make it any better. I’ve always been jealous of how strong you are, you know. You can’t let this break you.” She glanced at her watch again. �
�Listen, honey, I’m so sorry, but I’ve really got to go. I have a plane to catch, and I still have to stop by my place to pick up a few things…” She pulled Lexi into a hug as she headed for the door. “Promise me,” she said again, holding out her pinkie.

  Lexi groaned, but linked her little finger around Tia’s and gave it a limp shake. “Have fun.”

  “I’ll call you.”

  “OK,” she said as she closed the door and the emptiness enveloped her.

  Going back to work was no piece of cake. She held her head high, put on her best stoic face, and did her best to shrug off all the condolences and faces that held pity, but she was having a hard time concentrating, especially when her boss chewed her out for her behavior of the previous week.

  “I understand that you had a rough time,” Bryce said, “but you need to keep your head in the game when you’re at work. I won’t have you berating your coworkers; especially in hearing range of clients. You owe Candy an apology, and I expect we won’t have any more similar outbursts.”

  She didn’t think she owed Candy anything—Bryce was only bothered because he was currently sleeping with the office slut—God, did the cheating never end? He was a married man. Her plan was to avoid Candy completely, but there she was, hovering outside her office when she went back after her ass chewing.

  “Hey, Lex,” she said. “I’m really sorry about what happened last week…I had no idea. Major bummer.”

  Ya think? Lexi thought, but she forced a thin smile. “I’m sorry, too,” she said, for the sake of office peace. “I overreacted.”

  Candy seemed unphased, and Lexi was immediately suspicious. “No problem,” she said brightly. “I was thinking, since you’ve got some free time now, that you’d come to this month’s progressive dinner. The theme is French cuisine, and we’re having it at Denise’s on Thursday. Seven o’clock. You don’t have to bring anything for your first time,” she added quickly, “just show up and have fun.”

  What was her deal? Lexi thought. No way Candy really wanted to hang out with her; there was always an ulterior motive. “I don’t think so,” she answered. “I’m really not into it. But thanks anyway.”

  “Oh, come on, it’ll be fun! You need to get back out there; trust me, I know.” She put her hand on Lexi’s in a fake show of sympathy. “You can bring Tia too, if you want, we’d love to have her!”

  So that was it. She was still trying to find a way to get to InHap. “Tia’s out of town.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad. Will she be back next week? We could postpone it.”

  Lexi groaned inwardly and held her breath for a ten-count. “Look, Candy, I’m just going to say it. Again. It’s really nothing personal, but you and I don’t really have anything in common. We’ve worked together for three years, and we’ve never once done anything socially together besides office parties. Tia barely knows you at all, and she’s got to be careful about going out in public these days. You wouldn’t believe how many people suddenly want to be her friend just so they can get close to the band. It’s pathetic, really.” A small part of her hoped Candy would get the hint, but Lexi wasn’t at all surprised when she didn’t even bat an eyelash.

  “Oh, I believe it,” she said, eyes wide. “She’s such a sweet person, though…I’ve always liked her. I can’t believe we didn’t think to invite you guys before; we’ve talked about it a lot.”

  I just bet, Lexi thought. “I think I can speak for Tia when I say she wouldn’t be able to make it. She’s got a lot to do with planning the wedding, and packing up stuff to move out to the new house in Colorado.”

  “Oh my gosh, the wedding!” Candy exclaimed as if it were the first time she’d considered it. Lexi knew better, though, and her scheme was coming into focus. “Obviously they had planned on you bringing a guest, and now Brian won’t be going with you.” Lexi didn’t bother to correct the name—she saw the question coming, and couldn’t believe she’d have the gall to even ask. “I’d do anything to go to that party,” she said wistfully. “I’d be a really fun date.” She winked and turned the corner of her mouth up in a sly smile.

  Lexi tried to tighten her tenuous grip on her self-control, but it was a lost cause. She balled her hands into fists and kept her voice low, although her tone was menacing. “Oh my God, you just don’t quit, do you?” She clenched her teeth and fought to keep from yelling. “You are not my friend, Candy. You’ve made it a point to exclude me from your little clique; not that I ever wanted to be a part of it; so you can just stop pretending right now, OK? I’m not going to introduce you to Dylan or any of the other guys in the band, I’m not going to get you tickets, and I’m sure as hell not getting you into the wedding. Period. End of of story. So just go back to looking down your nose at me and talking about me behind my back and quit trying to worm your way into my life just so you can try to get one of the guys from InHap into your bed. Not. Going. To. Happen.”

  Candy’s face reddened with fury and her eyes narrowed to slits. “You are such a bitch,” she spat. “You walk around like you’re big shit while you ride on your friend’s coattails. You’re nothing, Lexi. No wonder Brian cheated on you—who could stand to be around you and your newly-inflated ego? You deserved it, you condescending fame whore.”

  “Ooh, a four syllable word,” she yelled as Candy stalked out of her office into the lobby. “That’s a stretch for you, Candy. Better to be a whore for fame than the kind you are—everyone knows you’re fucking Bryce, so you’d best be careful about the accusations you toss around.”

  Candy’s face split into an evil grin and she slowly and deliberately raised her middle finger. “Fuck you, Lexi,” she snarled. Then she turned and marched toward the boss’s office, just as his wife walked out. She collided with Candy and grabbed her arms before she could make a getaway.

  Time seemed to stop, or at least go into some sort of slow motion phase that Lexi couldn’t quite make sense of. Bryce burst into the lobby, and Lexi saw the warning he shot at Candy with his eyes over his wife’s shoulder.

  “Are you sleeping with my husband?” her voice was low and level, but the tone was downright menacing. Candy squirmed in Cecile’s firm grip, and Bryce put his arm around his wife, trying to pull her back into his office. Cecile shrugged him off and turned to him without loosening her hold. “Get your filthy hands off me, Bryce, and tell me right now. Is this your mistress?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Cecile. Lexi is pissed off at the whole world right now, aren’t you, Lexi?” He shot her a similar warning as he tried to take Cecile’s hands off an obviously pained Candy. “Her fiancé cheated on her, so now she thinks all men are snakes, that’s all. She’s projecting…”

  “Shut the hell up, Bryce, and tell me the truth for once in your pathetic life.” She turned to Lexi. “Is my husband a snake?”

  Lexi nodded. “I’m afraid so.”

  Cecile’s flaming eyes turned immediately to her husband’s and then to Candy. All around the office doors started opening and people either stepped out to watch the spectacle or peered through cracks so as not to get hit with any of the backlash. Bryce threw Lexi a hard look and tried to cover his tracks by berating her.

  “We cannot have this sort of bullshit happening in our office!” he bellowed. “You were supposed to apologize to your coworker for your unacceptable behavior, not start some ludicrous office gossip!” He turned back to his wife and his mistress. Candy was visibly shaking now, whether from the physical pain of Cecile’s vice-like grip or the emotional pain of being busted, and the black streaks of tears and mascara that were running down her face were dripping onto her too-small and too-low-cut perky cream colored sweater. Bryce once again tried to separate the two women. “Come on, Cecile, darling,” he whined, “This is nothing but a pack of lies and misconceptions invented by a depressed woman. I love you, and would never be unfaithful. Come in and talk to me.”

  “He’s lying,” Lexi said quietly. As much as she hated being the one to give Cecile the news, no one deserved to be
treated that way. And as much as she hated that Ryan cheated on her, knowing was better than playing the clueless fool.

  “I will deal with you later,” Bryce growled, his face reddening and his eyes narrowing to slits. “Not one more word. It ends here, Lexi.”

  Lexi had done some research during her sabbatical, and knew that the stages of grief after a break-up were similar to those that followed a death. She actually felt herself cross the plane from sadness to anger, and it roared through her blood like a beast. She stepped out of her doorway and into the lobby, and closed the distance between her and the lying piece of crap that was her boss. “Does it?” Does it really? What ends here, exactly, Bryce? Candy harassing me to try and get an invitation to my friend’s wedding so she can attempt to get one of the guys from InHap into her bed?” His eyes widened like he’d been slapped. “Oh yeah, that’s right. You think you’re the only one? She tells everyone she has a sex addiction, but she has a power addiction, too—you think she sleeps with you because you’re an Adonis? Ha!”

  “You are out of line Miss Summers, and are treading on very thin ice.”

  Lexi threw her head back and laughed. “Am I? Maybe you should check the ground you’re standing on, Bryce, because I think a sinkhole is about to open up under you.” She looked at Cecile with sympathy in her eyes, but turned daggers back on her boss. “How about the lies and manipulation? Maybe they can end here, Mr. Southerton. Oh, come on, Bryce,” she hissed, “You’re going to sit there and defend an underproductive para against one of your attorneys because she gives good head?” She turned to Cecile. “I’m really sorry, Cecile. I’ve very recently been on the receiving end of that kind of news too, and I know it’s not pretty. I hate that you had to find out like this, and hate even more that I had to be the one to break it to you, but I’m sure as hell not going to cover for his cheating ass.”

  “I figured as much,” Cecile said, releasing her grip on Candy, who immediately made a dash for the restroom.


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