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InHap*pily Ever After

Page 59

by Kim Desalvo

  She smiled at the thought—she couldn’t possibly be more in love with Dylan, and although there would be challenges, especially when he was out on tour, she relished the thought of every minute she could spend as his wife.

  She was thrilled for Lexi, too—her new romance with Bo seemed so genuine, so unexpected yet not surprising—so, Incidental Happenstance, once again. Tia really thought they could make it. Neither of them was going into this blind—they’d seen what could happen by watching her and Dylan go through it, and they were both at a point in their lives to know what they wanted, and to go after it. She imagined how nice it would be for her and Lexi to be world tour widows together—they’d always have each other when their men were away, doing what they loved and earning their paychecks. They could travel together to meet them at shows, and support each other when they were missing their boys. Everything would be easier if they had that in common, and she said a selfish silent prayer that things would work out between the two of them.

  She went back into her room and poured some coffee, and stepped back out to watch the sun rise over the calm water, filling it with hues of red and orange. She jumped when she heard the whispered, “Good morning, bride!” from the next balcony, and motioned for Lexi to come and join her. Lexi ducked into her room and then appeared at the open door, pulling Tia close.

  “I guess it’s true what they say,” she beamed. “You are positively glowing this morning, Mrs. Miller!”

  Tia smiled, loving the sound of her new name. “I think it’s more because I just got up,” she said, “but thanks anyway. I am beside myself. I can’t believe I’m getting married today!”

  “I am so incredibly happy for you, you know that, right?” she whispered. “You and Dylan are a perfect couple, and I’m just so glad you found each other.”

  “And what about you and Bo?” she asked. “Not that it came out of left field, but I have to say, I was a bit surprised.”

  “So was I!” Lexi said. “I mean, we flirted constantly…”

  “Obviously,” Tia broke in.

  “…Obviously,” Lexi repeated, batting her eyelashes, “but I had no clue he felt that way about me for real. He said he’s wanted me since the first time he met me—backstage at the first show, when I was make a babbling ass of myself.”

  Tia laughed, remembering. “You were in fine form that night, you’re right about that!” she teased. “It was kind of obvious that there was something going on there, but I didn’t imagine it would lead to this. Although, I must admit, when you and Ryan ended, I kind of hoped in the back of my mind that you might see Bo as something more.” She looked her best friend right in the eye. “He’s an incredible guy, Lex. The real deal.”

  “I know it,” she sighed happily, falling into one of the soft chairs and looking out over the ocean. A few puffy clouds floated gently through the sky, and the soft ocean breeze lifted her hair. “I guess part of me knew there was something there from the beginning, but of course I didn’t think about it, or act on it. Until last night, that is,” she said with a sheepish grin.

  “Tell me how it happened,” Tia prodded, and Lexi happily recalled the story for her. “Incredibly romantic,” Tia said when she finished. “And I can’t imagine a more perfect setting for the start of a great romance.”

  “I’ve said it at least a few times before,” Lexi grinned, “but I’ll say it again. You get me into all the right parties. I’m so glad we’re buds.”

  The two friends exchanged another hug before going to rouse the other girls. It was time to get ready to marry the man she loved.

  One of Dylan’s favorite musicians and good friend, Austin Renault, sat at the ready with his acoustic guitar, waiting for the signal. When it came, he wound into a beautiful and unique melody as the guests began to arrive to take up seats on the beach before the platform under the archway that was covered in silk, tulle, and tropical flowers. Dylan walked his mother up the aisle, and led her to her seat before taking his place at the base of the platform. He couldn’t stop tapping his foot. He wasn’t nervous, not in the least, but while the girls were kept busy with spa treatments and pampering, he’d been pacing the beach, wishing the minutes would tick away more quickly so he could make Tia his wife. Now he was just moments away from making that a reality, and although he relished the family and friends who had joined them for this momentous occasion, he was truly looking forward to spending some time with her alone, especially on this, their wedding night. Serious quality time.

  He heard the change in the music and watched as Jessa came walking down the aisle. She immediately caught his eye and smiled. They’d been through a lot together; the two of them; and Jessa was one of only a handful of people who really knew what this day meant to him. He owed a lot of it to her—there was a lot of her handiwork in this week’s events, and she’d done a bang-up job. But her involvement went much deeper than that. She’d been Tia’s companion during the European tour when he was working, and they’d become fast friends. Plus, of course, she was instrumental in helping him to find her again once he uncovered Penelope Valentine’s bullshit scheme. He was looking forward to presenting her with her thank-you gift later that night; a week at a spa resort on Virgin Gorda, where her mother would be joining her as an extra surprise. She’d fight it tooth and nail at first—she wasn’t one to relax very often—but he knew that she would enjoy every minute once she got there, and she certainly deserved it.

  She was spectacular in a dress that looked like a sunset, and he smiled back as they shared a knowing look. He was lucky to have her, and he knew it. He was thrilled that she was such an integral part of his big day. Not as his employee, but as his friend.

  Lexi swept down the aisle next, and Dylan raised an eyebrow as he took her in. She was dressed like the sky—all blues and yellows—and she looked dazzling. She winked at him and tossed him an approving look, then turned to catch Bo’s eye. It wasn’t hard, since his eyes were practically bugging out of his head at the sight of her. Dylan smiled at the thought of his best friend finding love, and was secretly thrilled that Tia could have someone to turn to on those long lonely nights when he was on the road.

  Austin’s melody effortlessly slipped into his own rendition of the wedding march. He’d expertly matched it to the occasion, putting in the sound of the ocean and chords that he knew were Dylan’s favorites. Dylan hopped from foot to foot in anticipation of the appearance of his bride.

  When she turned the corner and he caught his first glimpse of her, he thought he’d stop breathing. She was incredibly beautiful, her sun-lightened hair spilling in soft waves around her face, which was positively glowing. She looked like the sea rolling slowly toward shore, and the late-day sun caught little jewels on the dress that made her look like a mermaid gliding back toward the ocean. There was a halo of light surrounding her, and he thought, here comes my angel. His smile lit up his entire face, and the second she met his stare, he saw a tear of joy glistening there. She smiled back at him, and he saw his future flash before his eyes. Never, he thought, has anyone loved as much as I love this woman! He touched his fingers to his lips and blew her a tiny kiss as she walked toward him, on her way to be his. Forever.

  At that moment, no one else on earth existed except the two of them. Tia looked at Dylan, her man, her love, and couldn’t turn away. He was incredibly sexy in a light gray suit that was perfect for the occasion, his wavy blonde hair dusting his shoulders and blowing carelessly in the ocean breeze. It was the look on his face that nearly stopped her heart, though. There was something so pure and honest in his smile, something so raw that it was exquisite, and it positively took her breath away. He always made her feel like the only woman on earth, but this day, she could see that it was true. She couldn’t wait to get to him, to hold his hand and say her vows, to slip the ring onto his finger, to hear the preacher pronounce them man and wife. She felt all the eyes on her; felt the presence of her family and friends, but it was only her and Dylan now; just the two of them as sh
e made her way toward her future; her husband.

  The sun was just starting to sink and the sky was an explosion of color as she reached Dylan’s side. He took her hand, barely able to take his eyes from hers to acknowledge her father as he lifted her veil, ready to hand her over to him. Tia looked at him, and her smile nearly melted his heart. The waves gently lapped at the shore, and the colors of the sunset melted into the sea beside them as the preacher spoke the first words of their wedding ceremony.

  “Friends and family,” he began, his voice clear in reverence to the setting, the moment, the obvious love between the couple, “we have gathered here today to witness one of God’s greatest miracles; the love between a man and a woman that causes them to pledge themselves to each other, forsaking all others, to further His grace. It is with great honor that I officiate over this ceremony; this sharing of hearts; this pledge of undying love.”

  Tia and Dylan stared into each other’s eyes, so much said but yet unspoken, a promise made long before the formation of any words discernible to the loved ones who had gathered to witness.

  Dylan nodded to Tia’s father as he officially gave his blessing and placed her hand in his, never taking his eyes off his beautiful bride. The preacher continued with his speech, but neither of them heard it, really. They were completely engrossed in each other, and it wasn’t until they were prompted to speak their vows, the words that would bind them together forever, that they were pulled back from their private celebration. Both had written and rewritten their words, determined to get it right on this one day, this one chance, to make it count.

  Tia held Dylan’s hand in hers, and looked deep into his eyes, amazed and humbled by the love she saw there.

  “Oh, Dylan,” Tia began, “I’ve gone over and over what to say to you today; how to put into words the way you make me feel, the way the sun shines more brightly when you’re beside me, the way your hand fits so perfectly in mine. I don’t think love is a strong enough word, but I honestly don’t think a strong enough word exists to explain the way you light up my world, the way you complete me.” She paused and met his eyes, his smile saying it all as he gently wiped away a rogue tear of joy with the rough pad of his thumb.

  “There hasn’t been a day since you came into my life that I haven’t thanked God and all the lucky stars for you; that I haven’t wondered how I could be so incredibly fortunate to have your love and devotion. And I know there never will be.

  “I love you with everything I am, with every breath I take, and with every beat of my heart; and I can easily promise that I will love you until the end of time. I look so forward to sharing my life with you, and to sharing in yours. You have my undying pledge that I will be a good and faithful and understanding wife, that I will put your needs before my own, and that I will spend the rest of my days loving you beyond comprehension. I promise you this before God and all these witnesses, and I so happily take you to be my incredible and amazing husband until the end of my days.”

  There was a moment of collective silence among the guests, and more than a few wiped away a tear as she finished her heartfelt vows. The preacher turned to Dylan, and he squeezed her hand, taking a breath before beginning his own.

  “My beautiful and amazing Tia,” he started, smiling. “I, too, struggled to find words that could even begin to explain what you mean to me, but so much of what we share goes so far beyond words, so beyond explanation, that it seemed an impossible task. You are my music, my muse, the most beautiful melody I’ve ever heard. You’re the part of me I didn’t realize I was missing until I found you, and the part that I now can’t live without.

  “I would go to the ends of the earth just to see you smile; stop time just to hear your laughter. I promise you before God and these witnesses that as long as I have breath in my body you will want for nothing—it is my personal mission in life to make you as happy as you make me just by being mine. Words cannot express how elated I am to take you as my wife, my partner, my best friend, for all the rest of my days and beyond.”

  The preacher waited for the words to lose their weight on the ocean breeze before continuing. He took the rings and said a blessing over them, handing one first to Tia. Her hands shook as she slid it easily onto Dylan’s finger, and her voice wavered with the intensity of her emotion. “I give you this ring, Dylan, as an undying symbol of the love and devotion that fill my heart to bursting. With it, I call you my husband, and put my full trust in you and our love for a long and happy life together.”

  Dylan smiled and put out his hand for her ring without ever taking his eyes from hers. He held up her shaking hand, and slowly slipped the ring onto her finger. “I give you this ring, Tia, as a symbol of the promise I make to you to be a good and faithful husband, a life partner, and a best friend. No matter what life throws at us, I know that together we can conquer any challenge, and I look forward to meeting each and every one with you by my side. I am so happy and proud to call you my wife.” He choked up a bit on the last words, and a tear slid from Tia’s eyes.

  Lexi’s and Bo’s eyes met, and they shared a knowing glance, a happy smile. They were both filled with happiness for their best friends; and with their own promise for a possible future together.

  “Tia and Dylan,” the preacher said proudly, “may you find love and joy in all of your days, and be faithful partners to each other.” Dylan glanced over him expectantly, and urged him with his eyes to hurry things along. The preacher smiled knowingly, and quickly continued. “So now, by the power vested in me, and by the generous love of God, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” He smiled down at Dylan, whose grin had taken over his face. “Dylan, you may kiss your bride.”

  “Come here, Mrs. Miller,” he growled from the back of his throat, pulling her in and wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. He smiled at her, and brought his lips to hers, picking her up off the ground and spinning her in a slow circle.

  What a kiss! Tia was breathless with the thought that Dylan was now her husband; that their future together was assured and promised to be full of all the best that life had to offer. The rest of the world fell away, and it was just the two of them in their shared embrace, their testament of love fulfilled, their amazing kiss sealing the vow.

  When he finally set her gently down, he moved his lips to her ear and whispered, “I love you so much, Mrs. Miller.”

  “I love you more, dear husband,” she whispered back, pulling him close for a loving embrace.

  “Ladies and gentleman, friends and family, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you, for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Dylan Miller!”

  A cheer rose up from their guests, and they turned to accept their congratulations as Dylan walked Tia, finally his wife, back down the aisle. Bo grinned at Lexi and took her arm, following the couple, pressing his body against hers as they went. Jessa and Max followed them, and they formed a line in order to receive individual well-wishes from their friends and family.

  “That could not have been more perfect!” Lexi exclaimed. “Oh guys, that was the most gorgeous and romantic wedding ever!”

  “I especially liked the ending,” Dylan said with his famous half-smile. “The pronouncing us man and wife and the kiss the bride part were by far my favorites.”

  “Yeah, well that was pretty obvious,” Bo teased. “I wanted to yell out, ‘get a room!’ but I was afraid you might just run off and miss the reception!”

  “You mean we have to go the reception?” Dylan joked. “Getting to our room is exactly what’s on my mind.” He grabbed Tia and dipped her down, kissing her long and deep.

  “Now, now, dear husband,” Tia laughed, loving the sound of the word and thrilled to be able to say it, “we’ll have the rest of our lives together, but we only get to do this wedding thing once.”

  “Oh, alright,” he conceded with a smile as their parents made their way over to the happy couple. “I guess we can hang out for a little while. If we absolutely have to. But later, lovely wife, I have plans fo
r you.”

  “I sure hope so,” she said under her breath so only he could hear.

  The reception was exactly what they’d hoped for—the final throes of the sunset cooperated with their photo session, and they got some amazing shots. The weather was perfect, the food was amazing, the wine flowed freely, and the music was incredible; thanks to Dylan’s many musician friends. There couldn’t have been a more perfect night for any of the guests, and everyone was having a fabulous time.

  Tony smiled as he took it all in. It couldn’t have been more perfect for him, either. The wedding had gone off without a hitch, there had been no breach, no paparazzi, and the reception was going perfectly. He’d had a chance to review the film from the interviews and the overview of the place, as well as some of the afternoon’s wedding pictures, and he couldn’t have been more thrilled. Not only had he been able to give his good friend and his lovely bride the wedding of their dreams, he stood to make a fortune on the pictures and film rights of the wedding. He’d already sat down briefly with Jessa, and she’d approved nearly everything he’d selected.

  His plan was to show some of the pictures and video from the wedding on his show tomorrow night, a bit more of the wedding video on the tabloid show the next day, and sell off some others. He knew that the public would want to see the entire wedding, and he thought he might be able to convince Dylan and Tia to let him air the whole thing once they saw how tastefully it had been filmed and how much they all stood to gain; as well as appeasing their fans, who seemed insatiably hungry for more of the beloved couple.

  The rich and famous would be lining up to vacation and get married on his little slice of paradise, and he could almost hear the money rolling in.

  But tonight, love reigned supreme. The bride and groom couldn’t get enough of each other, and both Dylan’s and Tia’s parents were spinning across the dance floor. Bo and Lexi cuddled up as they swayed to the music and stole away for some private moments on one of the swings in the garden. He decided it was the perfect time to ask Jessa, who had more than piqued his interest, for a dance.


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