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Clayton's Jade (Runes Stone Series)

Page 4

by Maria Yvonne Wood

  Knowing how she was around the tide pools, she just walked towards the edge of the water she called out to Brad then just sat and waited. It took him a few minutes before he showed up. “What’s up?” Looking around he noticed someone was in the car. “Who else is here?” He didn’t like new people to know where he hung out. Only a few were given that information.

  “His name is Clayton and he is going to be around for a long time. He is a berserker. Change of subject, did you find a stone with writing on it and where did you find it?”

  “How the hell did you know that? I haven’t told anyone that I found it.” He started backing away from her.

  “Knock it off. I’m still the same person, I just dream things that are going to happen. It has been happening since I found my stone. The thing is it’s going to get weirder. We have a tasmanian shifter in the area and some more bad shit I don’t even know about yet getting ready to hit our little world and Clayton is here to help. By the way, there will be a bad ass great white shark hitting here sometime this week. You don’t want to tangle with him if you can help it.” She turned and walked towards the car.

  “Stop. Just tell me what I need to do and know. If your boy Clayton has the answers then get him down here. You’re aura is beautiful, that was my gift when I touched the stone. At first I thought I was losing it. Everything I looked at had a different color it takes some getting used to. I think I am going to have to buy a book on it so that I understand this more. So what the hell is going on?” he was as mystified as she had been when she realized her dreams were coming true.

  Kaylee motioned with her hand for Clayton to come he down to the beach. He was going to explain things to Brad. He got out of the car and walked over to them. “Before you jump all over my case, Brad, show him your find today.” Clayton had a questioning look across his face.

  “So you have the answers I hear.” Opening his hand up Clayton saw a rune stone lying flat on his palm. “What does this mean?”

  The level of anger coming off of Brad was almost enough to set off the berserker in him. Looking down at the rune Clayton recognized it. The rune was one of the water ones. “What are you?”

  “A seal shifter. You got a problem with that?” He had a little attitude. Now it made sense that Brad would find this stone, a water rune and a seal.

  “It means …. that you are one of us. I don’t know what other special abilities you will have, but you will get at least one more. In fact you might find out before I do.” After he explained everything to him he seemed to cool down. Odin was slipping, he usually gave Clayton information on a new person but Brad was a complete surprise. Just as he thought it, his stone was like a spot of fire in his pocket. He put his hand in the pocket and held the stone.

  “So now what? What are we supposed to do?” Now Brad seemed worried about the situation. He never was good at the waiting game.

  “We’ll we wait for Kaylee to have a dream then we know where we are going and what we are up against. Until then we live our lives the best we can. Also, we need to make sure that the Tasmanian devil leaves the area. I have a weird feeling that he is part of what is going on. He is on the giant’s side of this little war. Brad you are our ears in the sea. I know that there are others out there, so you need to be on high alert when you are in your in shifter form. Also, I am going to call in another member of our group to help you out, she is a narwhale. She will just have to keep hidden when she is in shifter form.” How many more from this area were going to be in on this long fight? This area seemed to be a magnet for all of them.

  “Just how many of us are there? You never told me that.” How many runes did they have to find, how many people were involved already, and how many would be involved in the future? It was all mind boggling to her.

  “Not including the three of us there are ten more berserkers and shifters. Some of them are guarding places that have historical meaning and or value like your place. These historical sites are also the places where the Bifrost Bridge connects Asgard to earth. So far the shifters in the oceans have no definite place and are able to move around as needed. There is a site on the east coast and one in Iceland and one in England. We have lost one site so far. There are more sites that we need to find and we will need the runes to locate them. I’m not going to lie. We lose, we lose the world, there are no redo’s here, and it’s for keeps.” Looking at each of them he could see the weight of the situation settling on each of them at the same time. He needed them in this one hundred percent or not at all. He had more people than ten but only those ten knew the whole truth.

  “Ok, I’m willing to do this as long as you put everything on the table that you know of right now. No more holding stuff back good or bad. That’s not how a team works.” Brad didn’t pull any punches he never did. It annoyed most everyone but her. If she couldn’t get answers he could and they had been friends since grade school. Now that he had a new responsibility he would be even worse.

  “You want the truth this is the truth. I have already lost three people in the last year. The giants picked some of the meanest bad tempered people that are out there and told them to get the runes any way they could and to have fun while doing it. The Tasmanian devil has one of the worst tempers out there and their race is dying, so do I think he is on their team, you bet I do. As for the ocean watch out for the sharks and jellyfish and any other nasty ocean creature you can think of. Do you want me to go on or do you get the drift of it?”

  The dead pan stare he had going on scared her enough. He wasn’t goofing around here. He was trying to make them see what was really going on. It was more than just their lives at stake it was everyone’s. Reality sucked big time! Can’t he go back to being my dream guy that I can have my way with? Please? “So basically we are at a standstill until I have a dream that tells us more? They just come to me, I don’t have any control over them. I wish I had more to tell you.” Finding that out just made her want to jump into bed and go to sleep with all that pressure on her. Yep, I need to go home have a stiff drink and go to bed. With my luck I will just end up staring at the ceiling all night.

  “Eventually you won’t have to dream. Right now it’s just your brains way of dealing with this new power. Every new thing that happens to you will be in baby steps so that you get used to it. Try meditation tonight it might help.”

  “How about we meet at my place tomorrow at around five? Hopefully I will have some good news by then. We still need to go to the grocery store and then get home to put it all away.” She just wanted to go home and sort things out, but she was a long way from getting there.

  “That sounds good can I bring anything?” Brad never came over to her house empty handed.

  “Just yourself and a bottle of white wine to go with the fish I will be serving. Do you want it fried or grilled?” she asked knowing what he would want.

  “Grilled of course. I will see you then hopefully to make a game plan. Make sure Clay gets my number just in case.” He reached out and shook Clayton’s hand.

  “Ok.” Walking back to the car they got in and drove to the store, did some quick shopping then drove home.

  All she wanted was to get home without any more surprises. She had had enough for one day. The whole way back they were both quiet. It was a restful quiet. They had just turned onto the dirt road to her house when she got a strange feeling that someone or something was in her house. Well, all she asked for was no surprises on the way back home not the whole night. Note to self-learn to phrase wants and wishes better. Un…freaking believable!

  “We got company. Don’t know if it’s good, bad or indifferent but it’s in the house waiting for us.” They pulled up to the house and got out. Cautiously they walked up to the house, looking in every direction. Making sure no one was sneaking up on them. They got to the front door. Slowly opening it and they saw it.

  It had the most angelic head and white wings with the body of a lion and a demon tail. It looked to be a cross between an angel and a demon. Then
to add to it, it glowed! “Hello. Odin sent me to help you. My name is Hervor Alvitr or Vie for short. Get your things out of the car before they spoil then we will talk.”

  “But….I…uh…damn.” She didn’t know what to say so she turned around and went to the car. After both of them got the food out of the car and put away, she made a very strong drink and went out to sit in the front room so she could listen to what Vie had to say. Talking was not an option at this point in time. The fact that there were actual words coming out of her mouth was amazing and shocking at the same time. I mean why do that to something? It was like a cruel joke that had permanent effects. Who the hell did Vie piss off?

  “I didn’t piss anyone off. I am a cross breed of lion type unseelie and seelie. Even though I was never supposed to be born, I was, and here I am a product of both seelie courts that neither one would claim. Freya found me and brought me to Odin. I was raised as a Valkyrie. I may not be able to fight in the sense of the word, however I have more knowledge than most. Also that tail of mine isn’t just decoration it contains a poison that will destroy all the blood veins in a creatures body within two days. My canines also elongate so that I can drink blood and take control of that person once I do. I will not be here all the time. I do have other obligations to attend to.” She floated over to each of them and pulled out a strand of hair and weaved it into her own hair. “Now I will be able to find you whenever you need help.” Laughing as she said it.

  However Clayton and Kaylee were not happy as each one of them was rubbing the spot where she yanked the hair out. “Some warning would have been nice.”

  “Who said I had to be nice? I will make you a deal, you don’t make fun of me anymore that means even in your head and I will be nice. By the way have you ever seen a demon? No? Well I look nothing like one! They are mean, nasty vile creatures and should stay with Hel where they belong!” She glared at Kaylee as she said.

  “Ok. Fine. No more jokes about what you look like. I don’t like the fact that you can hear our thoughts. Some things are meant to be private or just mental notes to one’s self. You need to learn to respect that. We all obviously have to work together, but wouldn’t it be better if we trusted and got along with each other during this time. I have had a lot of shit hit me today. Some of it I am still adjusting, to but I am willing to trust in you.” She had a right to her thoughts without worrying over who was over hearing them. Some thoughts were not meant to ever see the light of day.

  Tapping her claw hand against her forehead, Kaylee could see she was trying to come up with a solution. Then her head snapped up and she looked at both of them. “How about I only listen to your thoughts when we are in battle or you call out for help? Would that work for both of you?”

  “That would be the perfect solution. Are you able to turn it on and off like that?” How would she be able to turn it off and on? It seemed like that would be impossible to do. She wished she had that much control over her dreams. Maybe one day she would, until then she would work with what she did have.

  “I have never tried it before. I guess there is no time like the present to try.” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. After a few minutes she opened them then looked at Kaylee. “I don’t hear you. Now try to call to me with your mind.” Kaylee started to scream VIE in her head. “Ouch! Damn girl, not so loud you will wake the dead and personally I don’t want them around me.”

  “Sorry. Am I really that loud?” How could screaming Vie in her mind be loud to another person? That just didn’t make since.

  “When you’re a sensitive telepath, physic, and empathic it doesn’t take much.”

  “You mean to tell me you’re an empathic too?!” This was unbelievable.

  “ummmm ya. Speaking of which, you and I need to sit down and have a girl to girl talk. You have some serious shit going on within you. You are radiating it like a nuclear bomb.”

  “Well why don’t we schedule that right now. How about tomorrow between …..” She could feel the air shift around her then they were in this void. Looking around both of them there was nothing. Well, I guess you really couldn’t call it a void because a faint light was coming from somewhere she just couldn’t see where. “WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?!”

  “Everywhere and nowhere. Now we can talk without interruptions. You need to listen up. Number one your attraction to him is going to get worse. Number two you are in heat. Number three and this is the most important one you need to make a choice on something in your life or the decision will be taken from you. The only thing I can tell you is that is has to do with you being in heat. Don’t ask for any more details because I am not allowed to give you any. I’ll be here to talk if you need to in the future.”

  “Are you kidding me? That is just what I need going on right now, is to be in heat! Damnit, damnit, damnit! How long am I going to be in heat? Does it affect the attraction that I feel for Clayton?”

  “I can’t tell you the answer to either of those questions. The one has to run its course the other you have to figure out on your own. I can see different paths, but I can’t tell you which one to take. With all the things hitting you today I didn’t think you would recognize the signs of what was going on. I believe that you should have all the information before you make any decisions.”

  “What de….” She felt the air shift around her again and then they were back in the living room. Glaring over at Vie she thought very loudly,that is so not fair!

  I never said I was going to be fair about anything just truthful. If she thought it was weird that someone could hear her thoughts, it was scary as shit to hear someone else’s in her head. Good thing there was a sofa to land on when her legs went out from under her. When she hit the couch she felt all of the injuries from earlier in the night hit her. She would be glad when she healed tomorrow. That was going to take some getting used to. “You really need to talk with Clayton like that so he knows what its like. Holly crap is that going to take some getting used to” It was the weirdest sensation. It felt like something sliding around inside her head and she couldn’t shake it out. It was like a rain drop sliding down your face before you wipe it off. That was the closest comparison that she could come up with.

  “I hate to break it to you, but Odin does that to me all the time. First time he did it I fell just like you. I didn’t get to land on a sofa.” The look on his face said that where he landed was not too pleasant. His nose was all mushed in as if there was an unpleasant smell in the area.

  “Where exactly did you land if you don’t mind me asking?” A soft giggling started over by Vie. The longer it lasted the louder it got.

  “It’s not funny Vie. The rocks hurt and the shit stunk! Do you have any idea how long it takes to get the smell of shit out of your clothes before soap was invented? Weeks! That’s how long, weeks!” Vie forgot that she was in the air she was laughing so hard that she landed on the floor with her tail between her legs and faerie dust settled on the floor where her wings had hit.

  Covering her mouth so she wouldn’t laugh didn’t work. Between Clayton’s story and Vie’s surprised landing there was no hope. The sounds of laughter rolled out of her mouth and it was so loud that it scared her. She didn’t realize that her voice could get that loud. In fact she knew it didn’t. What the hell was going on? How did her voice get so loud?

  “Well I think we found out one of your active powers. If you get mad or laugh to loud we are in trouble.” She could see that Clayton was happy and worried at the same time. He was happy that she had an active power and worried that she didn’t know how to use it.

  “I can’t handle this. I am going to bed before anything else happens. This day has been insane. I’m afraid if I stay awake shit will just keep happening. Break time. Time out. I’m outta here.” She quickly walked back to her bedroom and slammed the door shut and locked it. Yep just me myself and …what the fuck??! There, in her room were Vie and Clayton. Vie had blinked them in. “Come on guys. That is so not fair! Can’t you give me some me time.
Please? I will go to sleep and dream. Then we can go get some bad guys and all be happy. K?” Just go away and let me have sometime alone that’s what she wanted to scream but didn’t.

  “No. With your loud voice, you should able to stop people or rather time.” He could see her shock as she processed what he said.

  Slowly turning to look at him right in the eyes “What?” That was crazy. “Do you mean to tell me that I could freeze you both in place right now?” Now this had possibilities.

  “Him you could, however it wouldn’t work on me. We will have to work with you on that. You will have to learn how to control it. Tomorrow will be soon enough to start that. Goodnight.” Then she was gone. Now she just had to deal with Clayton.

  Her tummy felt like it was full of butterflies. What did she do now? What did she want? All of these thoughts were flying around in her head when he stepped closer and leaned in and brushed her lips with his. It was a light questioning kiss and it sent tingles all the way to her toes. Her body took over her thought process. Her lips parted and his tongue slipped in which triggered a desire that she had never felt before. Putting her hands around his neck she ran them up into his hair and pulled his head towards hers. His hands slipped down to her hips and pulled her up to fit her more closely to him. He really wanted her. Feeling him growing hard against her she realized he was very large. Lightly pushing against his chest she tried to back away, but he pulled her in closer. It was too much. She needed to get away and think.


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