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Anonymous Bidder

Page 6

by Robin Roseau

  But we had a good weekend. I didn't complain about anything The Marys asked me to do, but dived in and gave them the best I could. By the middle of Saturday afternoon, Maryann expressed a little guilt.

  "It has to be done, and you guys invite me here all the time. But speaking about invitations, Daphne Emeralds wants invitations."

  "Yeah, right."

  "We had a really nice talk," I said. "I think you should cut her some slack."

  "We could have seen if she was serious and invited her this weekend."

  I laughed. "Maybe that's not a nice introduction. Unless you hate her, you should start inviting her for girl weekends."

  "Is something going on?"

  "What? Oh, no. I'm letting this thing with Charlotte play out."


  I explained about the name.

  "Oddly, you seem to be enjoying this," Marybeth observed. "Let us know when you're ready to thank us for getting you to do it."

  "You know, I never actually agreed. That's the part that gets me the most. The two of you are like an unstoppable force."

  They both laughed and agreed.

  My little toy did get some use.

  * * * *

  Charlotte and I continued to date, getting together another four times by the end of the month. Twice we went out. Once more she picked me up for a meal at her house, and we played more of the games she'd bought. They were fun, and she won the next backrub. It was everything I could do to control my urge to seduce her.

  She let me cook a meal, too.

  Text me with a fifteen minute warning and then again when you begin with the eye patches.

  I made something I thought would be a lot of fun to have fed to me. I didn't have a game for us, but we moved into my great room and cuddled together while listening to a concert.

  We each got half naked, but I kept my bra on. She didn't, though.

  Two days later she sent a new text.

  What are you doing Wednesday night?

  Seeing you?


  I stared at the screen. Finally I responded.

  Good. Where?

  She gave me directions to a little wine bar. I knew it.

  Take a seat at the bar when you get there. Remember the phone.

  I'll be there.


  I dressed to impress. I probably didn't have to, but in a way, it felt like a first date, and I wanted to give it my all.

  I got Marybeth to drive me. Either I could leave with Charlotte, or I could call a cab, if this didn't go well. I wanted the option.

  "You can call me, you know," she said. "In fact, let one of us know how it's going."

  "I will."

  "Did you pack a toothbrush?" I didn't answer right away, and she began to laugh. "You did! You little hussy. I hope you need it."

  "She seems to be worried I'm going to freak out. I don't know why. She hasn't actually said a single word to me, and I don't know what she looks like. But she feels really good, and our text conversations have been fun. She seems sweet and playful, and I love the attention she gives me."

  "I guess you'll know in another few minutes. Good luck."

  * * * *

  It wasn't the normal sort of bar. It was a wine bar. If you wanted alcohol, it was wine. The bar itself was L-shaped, and I took a seat near the end furthest from the doors, ordered a glass, and then surveyed the room.

  It wasn't a big, open space. There were little seating arrangements, each somewhat sheltered. Because it wasn't loud, no one felt the need to speak at the top of his lungs, and the dividers absorbed a lot of the noise, anyway.

  A good place for a conversation.

  I was there for a few minutes when the phone buzzed. I was holding it in my hands, in case it was too loud to hear. I looked at it.

  I am coming, but I'm late.

  You promise.

  I promise.

  All right. I'm at the bar. Four other women have already hit on me, but I told them I was waiting for someone special.


  Hey, it could have happened.

  And you wouldn't have told me.

  A minute later, her next message arrived.

  I'm really scared, Violetta.

  Don't be.

  Promise me you'll give me a chance. Promise me you'll listen.

  I am half in love with you, Charlotte.

  Me, too. Promise.

  I'll give you every chance. Promise.

  Thank you. I think I'm 15 minutes away. I'm sorry.

  It's fine.

  I spent the next few minutes people watching while sipping my wine. I wondered what the big deal was. I wasn't kidding when I told her I was half in love. I expected it to be significantly more than half by the time the evening was over.

  I thought the chance she was unattractive was close to zero. She had a nice figure. That I could tell. Beautiful legs.

  Lovely lady bits. That thought made me laugh.

  And so I people watched. And then I stared for a moment before quickly turning my back.

  Shit. You wouldn't believe who is here. I think she's stalking me!

  Noelle Chambers had just walked in.

  Please hurry.

  Sorry. Ten minutes. Can't text. Driving.

  I kept my back to the room, but when I looked over my shoulder, Noelle was staring at me. Well, let her, but if she took a seat somewhere I'd have to look at her, Charlotte and I were going somewhere else.

  I turned my back on her again.

  It didn't do me any good. A moment later there was a hand on my shoulder. I turned, hoping to see Charlotte, but it was Noelle standing there. I glanced down at her hand, and she dropped it from my shoulder.

  "Could I speak with you?"

  "I'm meeting someone."

  "She's not here yet. Please, Violetta."

  "Why do you assume it's a she?"

  "Because you're in date clothes, and I do not believe you've switched teams."

  I considered carefully. "Fine."

  She took the seat next to me, one place further from the door, so my back was to most of the room. The bartender was there almost immediately, and she ordered a glass of white, delivered promptly.

  She rotated her stool to face me but half hid behind her wine.

  "You're in date clothes, too," I observed.

  "I'm meeting someone in a while, but I saw you and wanted to talk to you."

  "Fine," I said. "But I'm going to text my date so she doesn't think I'm letting you pick me up."

  You wouldn't believe it. She wants to talk to me. Save me! Please!

  Then I turned back to Noelle and lifted an eyebrow. "You hate me, so I don't know what we have to say to each other."

  "I'm sorry."

  "For what?"

  "A great deal, actually."

  Just then, her purse buzzed. We both glanced down at it. But then she looked up.

  "I don't know where to begin."

  "Aren't you going to see what that was?"


  "It might be your date, asking for directions or something."

  "It's not. My date knows where this is."

  "Then maybe he's late and he's warning you. Maybe his car had a flat. Maybe..."

  "It's not," she said. "I'm sorry about the other week. You wanted a nice meal to catch up with Meryl, and I crashed your reunion."

  "It's fine. I was pissed at the time, but we got past it. What I don't get is why you were even there. You knew I was going to be there."

  "Yes. That's when I asked to meet you."


  "It's complicated."

  I shook my head. "Complicated? Seriously?"

  "Do you hate me?"

  "No, I don't hate you. What I hate is the way you look at me. What I hate is the way you remind me what a fucking idiot I was. I was a teenager! I thought you liked me. I didn't understand my own feelings and was figuring things out. I was stupid. I'm sorry. I've apologized. I apologized then as
you ran away from me, and I've apologized three more times. How can you continue to hate me so much? I was a stupid kid."

  "I don't hate you, Violetta."

  "Yeah, right." I turned away and lifted Charlotte's phone.

  "Please don't do that. Talk to me."

  I ignored her and sent another text.

  Do not stand me up. Whatever you do, do not stand me up.

  "Violetta, please." She actually tugged on my arm, turning me back to face her. "I'm trying to apologize."

  I turned back to face her. I was just about to speak when her purse buzzed again. We both glanced at it. "Your date is wondering where you are. Are you sure you're at the right place?"

  "Yes," she said.

  "You should take that."

  She ignored my suggestion. "I don't hate you, Violetta. I admire you a great deal."

  "Yeah, I can tell from the way you look at me every time you see me."

  "I don't hate you."

  "Fine. You don't hate me. I don't want to fight with you. Someone I think I could like an awful lot is coming, and my serene mood is gone. I really want to put on a good impression. Will you please go away so I can pull it together?"

  "You don't understand yet."

  "It doesn't matter, Noelle. We can be civil to each other. Look, I'm sorry I freaked you out. I really am. I was young and stupid."

  "You were 15."

  "Which is pretty much the definition of young and stupid."

  "I was 17."

  "Older and wiser."

  "Young and stupid," she countered. "Violetta, I'm sorry. I responded poorly. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am."

  I didn't say anything.

  "I've tried to apologize a few times since," she continued. "That dinner with my sister was the most recent until tonight."

  "Fine," I said quietly. "It was a long time ago. We were both young and stupid. Apology accepted. No big deal."

  "Except it was a big deal, wasn't it?"

  "I was so stupid!" I said.

  She reached out for my hand, but I pulled away. I looked around, hoping to find someone watching me. No one was paying us an ounce of attention. I looked at the phone. There wasn't anything from Charlotte.

  "Please put the phone away."

  I ignored her.

  Where are you? I need you. She won't leave.

  "Please don't, Violetta," Noelle said. She tried to grab the phone from me, but I yanked it away and hit Send on the message.

  And when I looked at her, she was carrying the look she'd been giving me for years. I pointed at her face. "That look!" I said. "That! Right there. I disgust you. You have this effect on me, and I get a little desperate, wondering where my date is, terrified she's going to see you and run away, and now I disgust you."

  And then her purse buzzed.

  We both dropped our eyes to it.

  "Noelle, why does your purse buzz every time I text my date?"

  I looked up at her, and her face was filled with pain.

  "No," I said. "No. Tell me no."

  "Violetta, let me explain."

  "Oh god. Oh god!" I pulled up the phone.

  What is your name?

  Where are you?

  Why did you do it?

  A few seconds after hitting send on each, her purse buzzed. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

  I stared in horror.

  Running Away

  "Please, Violetta. Let me explain."

  "What is wrong with you?" I didn't scream, but it was near onto it. "I can't believe you did this to me. Did you think this was funny? I was falling in love with you, all over again." I narrowed my eyes. "This time, it wasn't my mistake, it was yours, and you don't have the excuse of being young and stupid."

  "Please, Violetta, let me explain."

  I shoved her phone at her. "Leave me alone! You had your date, far more than you paid for, and now you've had your laugh as well. Stay away from me."

  I turned and ran for the entrance, then remembered I hadn't paid for my wine. I stopped, fished out a twenty, and practically threw it at the nearest bartender. Then, with Noelle chasing after me, I ran for the entrance.

  She was right behind me, and she clamped down on my arm. I spun to her, trying to pull away.

  "Leave me alone!" I screamed. "Haven't you done enough? What kind of sick revenge thing is this? I was a fucking kid, and I don't know how many times I'm supposed to apologize. What is wrong with you?"

  "Violetta, I'm not trying to hurt you."

  "You're doing a pretty damned good job of it, anyway. In high school, the way I knew I was gay was because I couldn't stop thinking about you. No one else. A few guys asked me out, and the thought of kissing one of them goodnight filled me with such eww. But you. Oh, the thought of kissing you. God! And the worst part is, it was everything I imagined, even if I had to wait over 15 years to find out. Congratulations." I yanked my arm from her grasp and backed away from her.

  She followed after, and immediately I began digging into my purse for my own phone. While still backing up, I hit 9-1-1 and poised my finger over the Send button. "One more step, and I'm calling the cops."

  She froze.

  "Violetta, let's just go somewhere. We can talk."

  "Talk? Now you want to talk? I wanted to talk to you for the last month. Have you been filming our dates? Did you get photos of me topless? Is that what this is about?"


  "I'll stay away," I said. "I won't tell anyone what a sick bitch you are. But if one hint of a photo shows up anywhere, I am telling the entire world what you did. And then I'm hauling you and Vickie into court for what you've done to me. Maybe nothing will come of it, but I'll have the entire lesbian community behind me." Then I paused. "Wait, no. I'm telling The Marys, but they'll stay quiet. But if you ever come near me again, I will unleash all unholy hell on you. Am I clear, you raving bitch?"

  I didn't wait for an answer. I turned my back and ran.

  "Violetta!" she called after me. "I love you."

  "You're insane!" I called over my shoulder, still running.

  * * * *

  I got utterly lost. I don't know how many blocks I ran, but finally I came to a stop, bent over, my hands on my knees. I fished my phone out, and I was sobbing by the time Marybeth answered.

  "Oh, Violetta," she said. "Do I need to come get you?"

  "I'm lost," I said. "I don't know where I am."

  "Are you on the street?"

  "Yes. Somewhere."

  "Okay, can you see the nearest street corner, Honey?"

  I looked around. "Yes. Oh god, Marybeth. Oh god."

  "Honey, you have to pull it together. Is it safe to walk to the corner?"

  "I guess." I started walking that way, still crying, and hyperventilating besides.

  "Maryann and I will take care of you, Honey," she said soothingly. "How far to the corner?"

  "I don't know. It's getting closer."

  "Stay with me, Honey," she said. "We're pulling coats on."

  "I'm at the corner."

  "Okay. Find the street signs. What intersection?"

  I read the intersection off.

  "Okay, good. We're getting in the car. It'll take us 15 minutes, Honey. Is it safe?"

  I looked around. "I don't see anyone."

  "I'm giving you to Maryann," she said. "We'll be there as fast as we safely can."

  * * * *

  Maryann made soothing noises at me the entire time, not asking me about what happened, but instead just trying to keep me calm by providing a distraction. It worked, and I managed to pull it together, somewhat anyway.

  And then a car pulled up. "That's us," Maryann said. The car stopped, and both my friends got out. Soon I was being hugged tightly, and then they escorted me to their car. Maryann and I both got into the back seat, and I clung tightly to her.

  "Didn't she show up?"

  "She showed up, all right. And it's Noelle Chambers."


  "She planned this!" I said. "S
he's been playing some sick stalker game for who knows how long?" Then I began wailing. "Who does something like that?"

  I stunned them into silence, and then I buried my head into Maryann's chest and cried.

  They took me home, ushered me into the house, and calmed me down. They helped me clean up. And then we all sat down, and calmly I told them what had happened.

  "She doesn't know who she's messing with," Marybeth said.

  "Leave her alone."

  "Not a chance."

  "You don't understand. I've been dating her for a month, but I've been blind. She could have been making videos or taking photos, and we've gotten partially disrobed. Who knows what she can do? I told her we'd leave her alone if nothing like that ever made the light of day. So we're not telling anyone."


  "No one."

  "We'll see." And she pulled out her phone. Before I could stop her, she was talking to Meryl. "I need you to give a message to your sister."

  "Marybeth, enough," I said.

  "Tell your sister to stay the fuck away from Violetta, or she doesn't know the shit storm she'll be facing." Pause, pause. "Just tell her. She'll understand." Then she hung up.

  "Meryl didn't deserve that," I said quietly.

  "Maybe I'll apologize tomorrow," Marybeth said. Then she started poking through her phone, punched some numbers, and held it to her ear. She paused a bit then said, "Vickie, it's Marybeth Williams. You should perhaps inform your client, the secret bidder at the auction, what the legal repercussions might be if she releases any photos or video she secretly took. You might also want to talk to her about what will happen to your reputation if any negative attention comes Violetta's way as the result of your client's actions. You vouched for her. Frankly, I'm shocked, but maybe you didn't have the entire story. Good night."

  After hanging up, she smiled at me.

  "I told her we wouldn't tell anyone."

  "We didn't."

  "All right, fine," I said. "But can we drop it now? I just want this behind me."

  "Of course."

  They proceeded to pamper me for the next hour. Maryann was soothing, and Marybeth raided my liquor supply. I calmed down, but before they left I asked, "I need to get away for a while. Could I stay at your cabin for a couple of weeks?"

  "Of course," they said together. "You know where the key is. Do you want to be alone?"


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