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Jaden's Chance

Page 18

by Ashlynn Ally

  “Really?” I say sarcastically, still fronting how happy I actually am.

  “Let’s go,” he says seriously, standing up and offering me his hand.

  I let him help me up and then collect my stuff and follow him to where he’s parked the car. It isn’t until we’ve both safely slid into our seats and slammed the doors when he lays into me. Just when I’m starting to think I might get off without a lecture, too.

  “What in the world were you thinking anyway?” That deliciously stern voice that makes me cringe and a chill run up and down inside of me. “You know, most runaways leave a note. You had me worried sick all day. I saw some of your stuff gone and had no idea what happened to you.”

  “Sorry.” I shrug apathetically, for some reason not taking him as seriously as I probably should have been.

  “Oh, not as sorry as you’re going to be. You know I’m going to paddle you so hard you’re going to be feeling it every time you sit down for the next week. Maybe that will help you to remember to never, ever pull a stupid little stunt like this again.”

  He pulls out of the parking lot while I sit there stonily in my seat, butterflies sprouting up in my tummy as I glance up at his strong eyes and well-chiseled face. Carly’s definitely right, he is pretty. Which makes it kind of hard not to be at least a little bit excited about the fact I know I’m about to be half-naked in his presence as soon as we get home.

  “What, nothing to say for yourself?” Justin carries on. “Well, I bet that’ll all change when you’re turned up over my knee getting your butt blistered. Then suddenly this little silent act will turn into, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, it hurts, I’ll never do it again. Isn’t that how it usually goes?”

  “Justin,” I say, my tone serious, causing his face to come to rapt attention, not expecting it. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have run away. I understand why you have to punish me.”

  He’s so shocked, he’s speechless, gaping at the road in front of me like he’s never seen L.A. traffic before. “Well, okay, then,” he finally stutters out. “Well, good, then.”

  He keeps driving, both of us silent and giving each other the side-eye, and then pretending like we weren’t.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Even though I know I deserve whatever I have coming, I still drag my feet when I get out of the car once we arrive back home. Justin holds open the door that leads from the garage to the kitchen for me, branding me with a piercing stare the whole time.

  Once we’re inside, he takes me firmly by the arm with one hand. With the other hand he reaches up to pull down a thick wooden paddle that had been hanging on the wall by a small leather loop. Inconspicuously painted with pretty flowers, the paddle had been something I never noticed before, but would probably never look at the same again.

  I was going to try to be subservient and compliant for this spanking. At the sight of the hard, heavy paddle though, I can’t help but dig my heels into the floor as Justin drags me to one of the stools at the breakfast bar. For a second, I think he’s going to give me some corner time first, but then he sits down at the stool himself and, pulling me in front of him, unbuttons my shorts and yanks them down to my knees. My panties go along with them, leaving me totally exposed and tingles of thrill running through me.

  “P-please,” I start in right away doing exactly what he said I was going to do. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

  “I know you won’t,” he says, flipping me over his knee at the same time. “Now I want you to explain to me why you’re getting a spanking right now.”

  “C’mon, Justin,” I whine, clinging to his pants legs as I hang upside down. I just can’t help myself. The paddle looks pretty scary. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to… I didn’t mean to…”

  “To run away from home?” Justin finishes for me. “To not do your book report? To act like a spoiled little child in the car ride home last night? And don’t think I forgot about all those F-bombs you dropped. You didn’t mean to do any of those things? So what, did someone else make you do them? Is that what happened? Is it? Is it? I want an answer, Jaden.”

  “No,” I finally speak up, my voice hollow and a bit petulant. “No one else made me do it. I guess I did mean to do them. Except not the book report. I really didn’t mean to forget about that.”

  “That’s better,” Justin says. “I’m really happy to see you’re learning how to properly communicate your feelings. Now, I’m going to remind you once, and only once during this spanking, that you are to refer to me as sir. You are not to tell me no. There will be no covering of your butt with your hands. There will be no kicking of your legs. There will especially be no cursing. Any failures in any of the aforementioned rules will result in extra punishments, most likely writing lines or having soap in your mouth. Am I making myself clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” I grumble grudgingly. As usual, I wish he would just spank me already and get this over with.

  “Louder,” he instructs. “And no attitude.”

  I take a deep breath, try again. “Yes, sir.” Keeping my voice calm and steady, nearly robotic.

  “Thank you,” he says. “That’s better. Now, once again, why are you about to be spanked, young lady?”

  “For running away,” I say, obediently trite. “For not doing my book report. For the way I behaved in the car yesterday.”

  “Wrong!” Justin chimes out. “Try again.”

  I lie there over his lap, perplexed and annoyed, wondering what he’s trying to play at. “What do you mean, wrong?” I finally exclaim.

  “I’m punishing you because I care about you,” he says abruptly. “Because I want you to succeed and I know you can do better. Because one of these days, I know you’re going to get it right. Now, I want you to say it. Jaden, why am I going to spank you right now?”

  For some reason, I can’t say it. It’s almost like the words will kill me if I do. “I don’t want to say it,” I admit after a long pause.

  “Well, that’s just too bad,” Justin says with a short scoff. “Because you’re saying it anyway. I need this message to sink into your head, Jaden, so say it. Otherwise we’ll be here all night. Now, why do I have to spank you right now?”

  I take a long, shuddery breath, gearing myself up. Then I let the words all run out of my mouth like marbles, falling one of top of the other. “Because-you-care-about-me.”

  “And?” Justin prompts.


  “Good, Jaden. Now say them one more time, a bit more slowly, and then we can start the paddling.”

  “Oh, goody,” I offer up a little comedic commentary.

  “Now, Jaden.”

  “Okay, okay,” I sigh. “You care about me and you want me to succeed and do better. That’s why you’re going to spank me right now. Is that better?”

  “That is better,” he says. “Thank you. Now, you’re going to get paddled, you’re not going to like it, and you’re going to cry. But I want you to remember you deserve this and that I don’t want to have to do it, but sometimes you leave me no choice. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” Another obligatory grumble on my part.

  “Good,” he says. “Here we go.”

  All at once, the room is filled with the all too familiar sound of slaps landing on my bare butt, soon to be followed by my own cries of displeasure. The paddle is just as bad as I thought it was going to be, and it isn’t long before I’m wiggling around on Justin’s lap for no real rhyme or reason, other than to slow down the paddling he’s delivering at record speed. To make matters worse, he’s so far only concentrated on the very center of my butt, making the pain so intense I’m crying out and gasping for breath not much time later.

  “Justin—sir—I’m sorry, please. It hurts, ow, oh, please, stop!” I start begging in spite of myself, being careful not to break any of the rules Justin recited to me earlier. “Oh! Ow! It reeeallly hurts, Justin—sir. I’m sorry, sir. Please, please, let me up. I’ve had enough.
It hurts so bad.”

  “Save it, Jaden,” Justin calls out over spanks. “I told you I was going to make you one very sore little girl who wouldn’t be sitting comfortably for a week, and I meant it. Now you better start accepting your fate, because we’re just getting started here.”

  This really sends me over the edge, and within seconds my cries turn into full-on sobbing as I hang over his knee with snot dripping from my nose and tears splashing onto the floor. When he finally finishes spanking the very center of my ass, he moves onto my thighs, spending as much time on one, and then the other, as he did on the middle of my butt.

  When he’s finished setting my thighs on fire, he moves onto each individual butt cheek separately, once again spanking the same spot over and over again until a deep heat is radiating up from inside of me. He even pulls my cheeks apart to land a few sharp smacks on each side of my butt crack, which might have been more mortifying if I wasn’t already in complete and utter agony.

  Finally, finally, after what seems like hours and hours—days even—the spanks begin to die down. Then they let up altogether, though it takes a while for me to get control over my crying.

  “Besides a small amount of resistance in the beginning, you took that rather well,” Justin says as soon as my cries begin to subside enough for him to talk over. “I’m proud of you.”

  A tingle of satisfaction rises up from my chest. Despite the way he just tore into my bottom like a predator with captured prey, I feel a strange affection toward Justin I never felt before.

  “Sorry,” I manage to get out through a shaky breath. “It hurt. A lot.”

  “I know it did, it was supposed to. Spankings are supposed to hurt, otherwise you wouldn’t learn anything, would you?”

  “No,” I answer, feeling ashamed for all I’ve put Justin through when he was just doing what he said he was trying to do all along—help me. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know you are,” he says, his voice soft now as he goes to ease me off his lap. But for once, I hold onto him, I don’t want to give up this connection, this feeling close to someone—even though human contact is something I usually avoid.

  “No,” I bleat out pathetically. “Don’t put me in the corner. Just leave me like this, please.”

  “Hey, hey,” Justin says, pulling me off his lap anyway, and then standing me there facing him. With his thumbs, he wipes the tears from under my eyes and looks into my face. “What’s the matter? I’m not going to put you in the corner. Here, come sit on my lap…”

  I take him up on the offer immediately, and then I throw my arms around him, letting the side of my face rest against his strong shoulder. An unfamiliar feeling washes over me, something I decide must be safeness. “You must hate me,” I whimper.

  “No,” Justin says after a pause. “I don’t hate you. Quite the opposite actually. What did I tell you the reason was for you getting a spanking tonight?”

  “You c-care about me,” I recite the words he made me say earlier, still a bit disbelieving that they’re true.

  “I do care about you, Jaden. Ever since you climbed up my trellis and into my house and tried to steal my laptop. Well, I didn’t quite care about you at that point yet,” he admits this part a bit humorously. “But when you admitted you used to be a foster kid, and you brought back my brother’s wallet, I knew you were different. Special.”

  “What was in it anyhow?” I change the subject, barely able to tolerate him giving me anything resembling a compliment. “The wallet. What was that note?”

  Justin’s silent a beat, apparently mulling over if I’m worthy of this information. “It was a letter from his father to his mother. She died of terminal cancer when he was three. His father took his own life a year later. They were very poor—it’s the only thing he has left of his parents.”

  “I’m sorry I stole it,” I say softly, only this time I really mean it. I thought it must have been something Alex himself had written; now I realize he and his father must have shared the same name. “That must have sucked, thinking it was gone.”

  At this, Justin lifts my chin, grabs my eyes with his. “Well, I’m not sorry you stole it,” he announces.

  “You’re not?” I say, surprised.

  “No. If you had never kept Alex’s wallet that night, you’d have never been able to track this place down. I probably would have never seen you again. You wouldn’t have been able to learn anything about your history, your past. You’d probably still be in that bush across the street from Trader Joe’s.”

  I hesitate, still looking in his eyes, my heart skipping a beat at the way his comforting and sturdy gaze holds mine, the way his strong arms encompass me. “I guess you’re right…” I finally stammer out.

  Suddenly, without warning, Justin lifts me up and sits me on the breakfast bar. Then, sliding his hand along the back of my head while still keeping a grip on my arm, he kisses me, long and slow. Fireworks erupt from somewhere inside my body, and I feel tingles go up and down my legs. My butt still hurts, especially since I’m sitting on a pretty hard surface right now, but somehow that only heightens the experience. I wrap my arms and legs around his body, pull him even closer to me. I determine I’ve never felt so satisfied in my entire life.

  “I thought you said I’m not supposed to sit on the counter,” I murmur, when Justin pulls away from kissing me long enough to take a breath of fresh air.

  “Let’s make an exception,” he says, kissing me again, his lips moving up my neck, around the back of my ears. “Just this one time.”

  A few moments later, he’s lifting me up and carrying me upstairs. For the first time in my life, I realize I’m exactly where I need to be, and that there’s nowhere else I belong but in his strong and protective arms, well-spanked but cared for and safe.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  When Justin finally puts me down at the top of the stairs, he’s kissing me hard now. We stumble-trip together, intertwined with one another, and then he shoves me against the wall. My head knocks against it lightly, and Justin moves his hand to the back of my scalp to protect it. Then his fist closes in on a hunk of my hair as he pulls my head back and kisses my neck.

  “Let’s go to my room,” he says.

  I respond with nothing more than a soft moan, nestling my mouth into the side of his neck. He lifts me up again so my legs are wrapped around his torso. I continue to bite and nuzzle his neck while he kicks open his bedroom door and bursts inside with me in his arms. Then he gently, tenderly, lays me out on the bed. His lips brush my forehead and his fingers run through my hair.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he says. “I’ve wanted you so badly for so long.”

  “Take me,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “Because I’m yours.”

  He fumbles with the buttons on his shirt, and I slither out of my tank top. Then our bare skin is pressed together for more kissing, and I feel his hard-on inside his pants pressed against my legs. My shorts and panties already fell off somewhere between the spanking and being carried upstairs, so Justin’s fingers easily find my wet pussy. He massages my clit in a circular motion for a few moments, turning to sit on the edge of the bed.

  I sit up myself, reaching questionably for the buckle of his belt. Justin gives me an encouraging nod. I unlatch it, and his cock springs out, smooth and erect. I stroke it a few times with my hands, and then lean down and take it in my mouth. Justin omits a pleasurable sigh, so I know I must be doing something right.

  After a few minutes, I begin to feel more confident. I lick and suck him all over, right down to his balls, until he’s making unintelligible grunting and moaning noises. My mouth begins producing a plethora of saliva, which runs down my mouth and stretches from the head of Justin’s penis to my lips every time I move away for a few seconds. Usually I would find this gross, but I’m so caught up with the task at hand, I don’t even care. Justin doesn’t seem to mind either.

  I can sense the tension building up inside Justin, and then he grabs my head on eit
her side and begins pumping it up and down on his cock with fervency. Harder and faster, he plunges halfway down my throat until I feel my stomach buckle and stifle a gag. “Good girl,” I hear him murmur, and though his voice is distant, vague somehow, it makes a swell of pride rise up inside me.

  All at once though, he lets go of me and pulls his member from my mouth. I feel a calm descend over us like the eye of a storm. He grabs me by the shoulders then and pushes me down onto the bed, towering over me as he stares into my face with his eyes as green as the sea. Still hulking over me, he shimmies out of his pants, and then I feel the tip of his hard penis rubbing back and forth against my wet clit, causing me to sigh with delight.

  He slides into me, slowly at first, so the sensation of him stretching me turns to at once awkward to then comforting and fulfilling. Briefly, his gaze meets mine, and the combination of his eyes and his penis both consuming me at once is almost too much. I have to look away.

  “Are you okay?” Justin asks softly, and his voice is reassuring somehow, relaxing. I’m able to meet his eyes again, and let my body just melt into his.

  “Yes,” I answer assuredly. “I’m okay.” I begin to move my hips in rhythm to his, and then it’s like he’s exploding pleasure inside of me. The feel of him pumping up and down inside me is so good, I cry out in exaltation, lifting my face to the ceiling.

  He slows down then, his body collapsed to mine while he’s still inside me. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, his mouth nuzzling just under my ear as he kisses me there.

  I run my hands up and down the rippled muscles of his back and arms, content to just stay like this underneath him forever. But then he rolls off me, his penis slipping out of me, leaving me yearning for more. Much more.

  “Turn around,” he commands, in the familiar tone that he used when he was punishing me. “Get on all fours.”


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