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Secret Heir: A Forbidden Love, Enemies to Lovers, Royal Romance (Dynasty Book 1)

Page 4

by MJ Prince

  I don’t know how money works out here in Eden, but I have no doubt that this dress likely cost ten times more than all my belongings put together—not that I have many belongings, or any at all, now that I’ve had to leave it all behind. I’m glad that I was clutching my mom’s tin when I was pushed into that portal. Everything else can be replaced, but not that, never that.

  “I don’t feel comfortable wearing this dress—it’s not mine,” I say.

  Magnus just shakes his head in response, as he leads me through the cavernous marble halls. This place is like nothing I’ve ever laid eyes on before and I can feel myself gaping at my surroundings.

  “It is yours—everything in that dressing room that I had stocked for you, is yours. All of this that you see before you, is rightfully yours. Because as I said before, Jazmine, you are the heir to the Evenstar Dynasty.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. The same disbelief I’d felt earlier when I walked into the dressing room which adjoined the palatial room that is now my bedroom. There were endless rows of clothes, shoes, bags and jewelry. Something occurs to me then.

  “The clothes—they look like things that humans would wear … you know on Earth.”

  Magnus shoots me an amused look.

  “What were you expecting?”

  “I don’t know, space suits? Togas? Victorian dresses? Animal skins?” How the hell am I supposed to know? I’m clearly new to this whole world or realm or whatever. But the last thing I expected was to find a walk-in closet full of fashionable clothes. I find myself thinking about the guy I’d seen on the beach earlier. He was wearing normal clothes, too, although of course, that was about the only thing about him that was normal.

  I notice Magnus’s own outfit then—a finely made tux with a midnight blue sash running from his shoulder to his waist and various insignia pinned to his lapel. He carries himself with a quiet elegance which belongs to some dashing senator or president even. Definitely not what I’d have expected my grandfather to be like, if that’s really what he is. I would have expected him to be more like a grumpy old man, smoking a pipe and sitting in a rocking chair in the corner. Total cliché, I know. But clearly, my expectations of life and what now appears to be my reality, are completely out of sync.

  “Like I said before, Eden sits parallel alongside Earth—in many ways, it is a mirror of it. You will find that there are many similarities between the two worlds. Of course, we have these grand palaces and opulent balls, but you will find similar things amongst the royals on Earth, too.”

  “Yeah, sure. Because I’ve spent lots of time with royalty on Earth,” I say, rolling my eyes.

  “Well, you are royalty here, Jazmine.”

  The words were difficult to digest. Because how can I be? Yesterday I was living in a trailer—a real nothing and no one, and today I’m living in a palace, being told that I’m the heir to one of the sovereign Dynasties of another world, in an alternative realm. It’s not exactly easy to take in.

  The realization of how surreal all of this is, threatens to drown me in that moment and I feel like I’m going to be sick.

  Magnus notices my expression.

  “You’ll get used to it. In time, and I hope you’ll grow to like it here. It’s where you belong.”

  The sane part of me still refuses to accept that any of this is even true. I mean who’s to say that this man didn’t just pick me out randomly and kidnap me under the guise of being my long lost grandfather? That sounds like the most likely explanation. But not when he knows things about me, about my thoughts, the things that lay dormant inside me, that no one in this entire universe could possibly know.

  Then, of course, there was the fact that he happens to be in possession of a conclusive DNA test. He’d shown it to me earlier and it looked genuine enough, apparently issued by the hospital lab in Brockton itself. But how am I meant to know for sure that it’s not some forgery? The birth certificate would have been easy enough to get a copy of, too, if he knew what he was looking for. But who would go to all that effort for a nothing and no one like me? An orphan with no past and no future? The doubts rage in my mind, but I’m reminded that none of it even matters, I’m stuck in this place regardless. At least for now.

  Then, as if reading my thoughts, or maybe my expression is just that transparent, Magnus’s gaze lands on me.

  “If you’re still in doubt about your lineage, then maybe this will help ease your mind.”

  At the exact same time as he says those words, we pass by a large, gold framed painting, the sight of which makes me stop in my tracks.

  The portrait is of a king. But not just any king. I know, even without being told who that man in the portrait is, with the dark hair and gentle features. I know, because just as Magnus had said before, this man has my eyes. The freakish violet color with the uncanny silver rings which I know no one else in this entire universe could possibly possess. Looking at those eyes staring back at me from the portrait, is like looking in the mirror and I feel chills racing down my spine at the very sight.

  I examine the skillfully painted portrait for what seems like an eternity, my eyes taking in the crown of sapphires atop the man’s dark hair, the midnight blue velvet cape draped on one side of his tall frame. But even without those symbols of royalty, even through the painting, the air of authority that I can feel radiating from this man’s face, is unmistakeable. There’s a sadness in those features, too. A loneliness. Some part of me wonders that if, perhaps, for as long as I had been alone, he had been, too.

  But I say nothing and when I’m able to move again, I turn away from that face and continue to walk in silence.

  Something occurs to me then.

  “Were you the King before …” I can’t bring myself to call the man I never knew, my father. But Magnus seems to understand.

  “No. the rule of Eden didn’t fall upon me in my generation,” he replies.

  We reach another hall then, as vast as all the others. But instead of white and black marble, every inch is covered with intricate murals—richly colored and startlingly life-like. The hall is so large, that I imagine it would take months to examine every depiction. As if drawn, I walk up to one of the walls and run my fingertips over the cool surface.

  “Ah yes, while trying to track you down, I learned that you are a very talented artist. You’ll appreciate these murals.”

  “I inherited my mom’s talent.” I reply, semi-distracted, as I peer up at the masterful mural.

  “What are these?” I ask, as I continue to stare.

  “These murals depict the history of Eden, going back to the beginning of time itself. I believe that recreations can be found in some of the grandest Cathedrals on Earth, but these are the originals.”

  Magnus gestures to the image of a beautiful landscape. The tumultuous scene is so real, that I can almost feel myself being immersed in the spectrum of elements portrayed.

  The landscape begins with the image of night. The blanket of stars and the lone moon almost glow against the backdrop of the midnight sky. The night turns into a storm as lightning rages through the frozen landscape with snow topped mountains shooting up into the dark grey sky.

  The harsh landscape gives way to a raging sea, as the storm turns into a tempest. The landscape changes then. The sky remains overcast, but the dark green waves give way to a windswept scene with autumn leaves sweeping through the brown and gold landscape. Autumn turns to spring, as roses bloom amidst the lush green hills and sparkling lakes.

  The last scene is the total opposite of the first. In place of night and winter, the scene is of clear blue skies and summer. The sun gleams in the impossibly blue sky, encasing everything with its golden light.

  “This landscape represents the full spectrum of the powers of the Seraph. All Seraphs can influence the elements with varying abilities, but as I said before, the members of the seven Dynasties are the most powerful.

  “The sovereign Evenstar bloodline rules over the night with the moon and stars as our
allies. This is why you feel such a connection to the night. The Aspen Dynasty has its strength in winter and ice, the Aldebran Dynasty in storm and sea. Then there is autumn, which is the domain of the Oaknorth Dynasty, and spring which belongs to the Hemlock Dynasty. The last two Dynasties have always been the closest of allies—the Delphine Dynasty who rule summer, and finally the St. Tristan Dynasty, the other sovereign Dynasty, which lords over the sun and daylight.

  “Whilst the members of each Dynasty have the inherent ability to influence all elements, each Dynasty has a particular affinity to a particular set of elements and seasons. The exception is, of course, daylight and night, which are the two most potent powers. Only the St. Tristan Dynasty can summon and influence daylight and only the Evenstar Dynasty can influence and summon night. These two sovereign Dynasties have always been the furthest apart in their powers.”

  I struggle to keep up as Magnus condenses what seems like the legacy of an entire race into a five-minute explanation and I can’t help but feel overwhelmed.

  I come across a section which looks like a scene of darkness and bloodshed. I can almost feel the tragedy emanating from the deep colors and the painting of a naked male figure falling into what looks like a never-ending abyss.

  “This is the depiction of the fall of Adam and the banishment of his Dynasty—the Adonis Dynasty.”

  “The story of Adam and Eve being banished because they had sex?” I ask.

  Magnus shoots me a look.

  Right. I forget that I’m talking to someone who is meant to be my grandfather. Talking about sex probably isn’t appropriate.

  I feel puzzled as I stare at the scene, because it doesn’t depict that at all. Something occurs to me—in the stories that I’d heard as a child, both Adam and Eve fell, but Magnus had only spoken of Adam falling and that the Evenstar bloodline could be traced directly back to Eve herself.

  “The human stories are wrong about the fall. Adam and Eve loved each other, this is true. But Adam became obsessed with power—he wanted to usurp the Evenstar bloodline, take the power for his own. Seeing his evil intentions, the seven Dynasties banished Adam and the Adonis Dynasty to Earth, stripping them of all power.”

  A shudder runs through me as my eyes travel over the scene one last time before turning away.

  Magnus continues to walk and I follow.

  “Tell me again about what the hell this ceremony is about?” I ask, as we approach what looks like the center of the palace. I don’t know why I care, seeing as, for the most part, I still fully intend on getting out of here the first chance I get. But I figure that I might as well be prepared for whatever I’m about to get myself into.

  “It is a ceremony to present you as the heir of the Evenstar Dynasty to the other six Dynasties.”

  “Is this absolutely necessary?” I ask, unable to hide my lack of enthusiasm.

  Magnus shoots me a firm look. “Yes. It is. You will find that the Dynasties have many traditions, all of them are of great importance in keeping the order here on Eden. The people depend on us to lead. These are your traditions now, Jazmine, your people.”

  I don’t agree with him, but I don’t see the point in arguing, so instead I ask, “What exactly are you expecting me to do?”

  “The heir of each Dynasty will be presented to you by the head of their respective Dynasty. Each heir will then pay their respects to you—all you have to do is stand. You can manage that, right?” Magnus replies dryly.

  He gives me a second glance.

  “And try not to swear.”

  I crack a smile, despite myself.

  “Nope. Sorry, can’t promise that.”


  We reach the top of a large marble staircase and I feel anxiety prickling through me. From this viewpoint, I can see the vast hall before me, filled to the rafters with unfamiliar faces. Every one of those faces turn towards me and I can feel myself bristle in discomfort. I hate being the center of attention and suddenly, I’m wishing that I can open one of those portals right this minute and disappear back to Earth. Suddenly, my pitiful excuse for a life there seems a thousand times better than what I’m about to get myself into. If the reality of the situation hasn’t fully sank in before, it does now. I’m way out of my depth here.

  Magnus notices my rigidity and takes my arm gently. I jump at the touch, because I’m not used to being touched. Not at all.

  “It’s going to be fine, Jazmine.” I don’t want to feel any reassurance from his words, but the calm in his voice is contagious and I can feel my own breath slowing. Breathe. Just Breathe. I tell myself.

  Magnus leads me down the sweeping marble staircase and I can feel my every move being watched. The silence is deafening.

  The walk down the red carpeted aisle to the large platform at the other end of the vast hall feels like the longest distance that I’ve ever walked in my entire life. But I make it there. I put steel in my spine as I hold my head up and look out at the crowd. I decide right then and there, that as out of my depth as I may feel, I can do this. This is nothing compared to what I’ve been through. If I can withstand being ogled by a room full of sleazy men as I serve them wearing practically nothing but my underwear, then standing in front of this crowd in this finely-made gown, should be a walk in the park. I can do this.

  My gaze sweeps over the front row and I can identify what appear to be the heads of the other six Dynasties easily. The finely made clothing and aura of authority is difficult to miss. Their expressions are neutral, but I can sense the quiet scrutiny. As if every breath that I take is being watched, observed.

  My gaze falters, as it lands on what I assume are the six Dynasty heirs. They all seem to be around my age, but the way that they carry themselves, and the air of confidence surrounding them, is like nothing I’ve ever seen. I also notice that each one of them is impossibly good looking. They belong on the cover of a fashion magazine or on screen in the latest teen blockbuster. People like this don’t exist in real life. Normal people don’t look like this.

  But I remind myself that there is nothing normal about these people. They are the heirs to the six Seraph Dynasties. Royalty. Gods. The air of entitlement surrounding them, tells me that each one of them is very much aware of this status, too. If Magnus is expecting me to be anything like these brats, then he’s going to be sorely disappointed—I’m about as different from these people as the trailer, which was foster home number ten, is from this grand palace.

  My gaze travels from one face to the next. The girl standing closest to me has dark hair like mine, but it’s cropped short in a sharp angled bob cut and there are blue streaks throughout. Her face is pixie-like, much like the rest of her petite frame, but the scowl that mars her pretty face, tells me that this girl is anything but delicate. Her grey eyes look back at me in a mixture of boredom and annoyance. I feel myself bristling in response.

  The next face belongs to a guy with dark brown hair and bright aquamarine eyes, who can only really be described as utterly gorgeous. The eye color is so strange, that it takes me a moment to peg down the shade. He’s tall, and even in his tux, I can see that he’s well built. I narrow my eyes as I notice the not so subtle way that those eyes sweep over my body. He makes a point of letting his gaze linger on my chest before flashing me a cocky grin. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this guy is a Grade A creep. But that handsome face probably means that girls around here still fall all over themselves to get a piece of this jerk.

  The guy next to him is equally handsome. His hair is also brown but my artist’s eye sees the threads of deep red and burgundy mixed in with the dark mahogany. He’s also tall, but his build is leaner, although no less toned. His vibrant amber eyes are just as bored as the first girl’s, but they turn thoughtful for a moment as they look back at me before reverting back to disinterest.

  In keeping with the theme, the next girl is also startlingly gorgeous. Her light brown hair is set in perfect waves and her make up is immaculate, although I can see that she w
ould be equally beautiful without it. Clearly, she doesn’t think very much of me, though, because the disapproval is clear in those light hazel eyes as they regard me. She turns her nose up and whispers something to the girl beside her, which I’m certain is not a compliment. I feel my cheeks flaming, but I don’t allow myself to drop my gaze.

  The other girl lets out a low chuckle and when my eyes shift to her, I find myself looking at possibly the most stunning girl I have ever seen. Her bright blonde hair, cascading in a silky curtain down her back and her emerald green eyes belong to a model. As does her tall, slim figure. The rose-colored dress with the gold accents is possibly the most beautiful dress that I’ve ever seen or maybe it’s just the way this girl wears it that makes me think that. Everything about this girl screams perfection. But what’s also clear, is that this girl sure as hell knows it. The scathing look that she gives me is harsh enough to shred rainbows, and I instinctively return the look with a merciless one of my own. I don’t know this girl, but I sure as hell won’t let her give me the look of death without returning the favor.

  I notice then that there’s an empty spot next to the girl. I eye the empty spot curiously, but not for long, because the curiosity is replaced with utter shock when my gaze lands on the tall figure walking in from the wings.

  My brain processes the scene at a frustratingly slow pace.

  That golden blond hair, the uncanny blue eyes and that impossibly beautiful face. Handsome is too weak a word. That tall and powerfully muscled frame looked good in faded jeans and a white t-shirt, but in a dark tux, he is utterly devastating. The way that he carries himself, makes it seem like the tux was tailor made for him. It probably was. He moves with such elegance, that it’s difficult not to watch him.


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