Love Simmers

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Love Simmers Page 6

by Jules Deplume

  “Figure it out. It’s only the same thing I’ve wanted from you all along,” his voice was softer now, as if my tears had extinguished his anger.

  “It won’t work between us.” I wiped my eyes, beginning to doubt my own words. I wanted it to work between us. Where there was a will there was a way. Or so my mum had always claimed.

  “How would you know?” He replied, “you never tried.”

  He walked away and I wanted to smash something. I wasn’t equipped to handle the emotions he brought out in me. They terrified me, left me torn open and exposed in a way I didn’t like. I think I’d rather be naked in front of a crowd than this emotionally raw.

  Ollie came back into the kitchen. Taking a look at my tears he said, “Want me to rough him up?”

  I chuckled, wiping away the last of my tears.

  “Shouldn’t you be wanting to rough me up for hurting your best friend and business partner?”

  “We shared a womb,” Ollie joked.

  We went back to the work at hand without another word about Nate. Ollie turned out to be unexpectedly good at making bread. I was a great teacher though. Someone should give me my own cooking show.

  That evening, I went back to Ollie and Nate’s after checking in with Maddie. I needed a good night’s sleep on a bed before the opening.

  When I walked through the door the smell of roast beef tantalized my senses. I hoped Nate had cooked enough for two and wasn’t holding a grudge.

  I passed the dining room table, noticing the romantic setting for two; flowers, candles the works. I wondered if Nate had a date tonight.

  “It’s for you,” he said from behind me.

  I looked at him stunned, turning back to the beautiful table. “Why?”

  “Because you owe me a chance to prove to you how well I know you. And the first thing I know about you is roast beef and vegetables is your favourite meal.”

  “Anyone who reads my cookbook knows that,” I countered.

  “Does it tell them how much you love B-rate natural horror movies or even how much you love alpacas?”

  “Alpacas are an underrated animal.” I smiled as he pulled the chair back for me.

  He sat down and poured me a glass of peach ice tea, my favourite non-alcoholic drink.

  “We’ve never been on a date before,” I blurted out, not quite sure what to say to him now that we were alone, calm and having a civilised conversation.

  “You don’t count us having sex on my sailboat the night of Prom as a date?”

  Chapter Twelve

  “If it was, then that was a good first date,” I said.

  I thought back to that night, remembering how cherished Nate had made me feel. He’d been gentle and considerate yet passionate. He’d brought me a coffee and chocolate croissant the next morning.

  “I definitely thought there’d be a second date but before I knew it you were gone,” his words brought me back to the present.

  “Would you have left town with me?” I wondered if I’d given him a second and third and fourth date and then my heart if he’d have moved with me. His comment the other day was stuck in my head. I had never asked about his future plans back then. I’d just assumed he wanted to stay like Ollie.

  “Yes, I would have. But you never asked. I don’t think you really wanted me at that point in your life.”

  I wanted to argue but I knew there was no point. He was right. I’d wanted to go alone and accomplish my life goals. I’d wanted to know who I was on my own before I’d figured out who I was as a couple. Even at the expense of sacrificing Nate. Now, I was afraid that I couldn’t be in a relationship, I was so set in my ways.

  “No, I didn’t. I regret those choices now,” I spoke honestly, appreciating the irony of my regret. When I’d left him I thought I’d regret never seeing the world on my own. Being that girl who met a guy in high school and stayed with him. Either way I guess I was going to have regrets. Nearly everyone did.

  “I don’t want your regrets. I want you to try this time round,” his eyes were pleading, a desperation showing in them that no words could express.

  “I love you,” I said for the first time in my life, feeling relief as the words slipped past my lips. It was as though I’d been holding them back for years. I should have said the words that night on the boat. I’d known Nate my entire life. He’d been the first guy I’d stolen from, the first guy I’d kissed, the first guy I’d made love to. I’d run from the truth for so long.

  He laughed openly, his expression full of love.

  “I haven’t even brought out dinner yet or proved to you how well I know you,” he pulled his chair closer to me. I stood up and moved to sit on his lap.

  “You had me at alpaca.”

  “I didn’t even get to cover your favourite books, movies, music. All the things that annoy you, like tourists who rent sailboats but don’t know how to sail.”

  “Aren’t you going to say it back?” I faced him, my left arm wrapped around his neck. He cradled my broken arm carefully between our bodies.

  “I’ve waited thirteen years for you to say it, you can wait a little bit,” he teased.

  “Thirteen years?” I gave him a sceptical look.

  “Since the moment I got dragged out to sea in that rip and you swam out after me with a surfboard. You didn’t wait for the lifeguard or an adult, you just went in after me,” he reminisced, his tone full of affection. “A girl who swims against the current for you, you fall in love with.”

  “And that was the moment?”

  “That was the moment.”

  I thought back over the lifetime of moment’s we’d had together and wondered why he felt so strongly about that one. It was a funny thing perspective. I remembered being afraid that day that Nate would drown. He remembered the best of it and I remembered the worst. He’d felt love and I’d felt fear, it seemed we’d come full circle.

  “I don’t know which exact moment was the most defining for me. When I think back you’re in almost every childhood memory beside me,” I said and I realised that was what had made me love him. That he’d always been there ready to help me or catch me or comfort me. You couldn’t ask for a better man than that, a guy who would always be there for at your best and at your worst.

  “How about this for a defining moment,” his hands pulled me in closer.

  “I don’t know. You going to put out this time?” I kissed his jaw.

  “Depends. You going to buy me dinner first?”

  “Roast beef okay?” I slipped my hand under his shirt, loving the sensation of his hard six-pack beneath my fingers.

  “You hungry?” He asked, gently placing his hand on mine.

  “It can wait.” I wanted him now more than anything.

  He pulled me into his arms, and carried me off to the bedroom. He lowered me onto the bed. His mouth took mine in a wild kiss. His hand tangled in my long hair, his firm grasp bringing me closer. I moaned softly. I gasped as he swept me up into another kiss. My shirt was off seconds later. I scrambled to pull his off, desperate to feel his skin pressed against mine. He tugged off my pants, his hand slipping underneath my panties to squeeze my ass. I unzipped him carefully, his jeans falling away with a bit of his help. My panties were gone a second later. His hand caressing me, I cried out in pleasure. He gently teased me. I moved against his hand, hungry for more. I needed him now.

  “Can’t drag this out, been waiting so long,” he groaned, slipping out of his boxers.

  I whimpered as I felt him slip a finger inside me. I ran my hands down his muscled back as I felt him spread me open. I grabbed his stiff cock, running my fingertips teasingly across his shaft. He grabbed my hand and pulled it away.

  Without losing a beat, he discreetly covered himself with a condom. Putting my arm over my head before I could touch him again. He slipped a strong arm under my waist, raising my hips off the bed he gently entered me. I felt my inner walls stretch around him as he pushed deep inside of me, our cries echoing in the night.

  “Better than I remember.” He started moving, his hard thrusts causing me to cry out in pleasure.

  I groaned as I felt myself climax in his arms.

  “So good,” he continued thrusting as we both came, his hands stroking my face and hair as he spent himself inside of me.

  “I love you,” he collapsed beside me, pulling me tightly against his chest.

  I snuggled into him, never having felt closer to a person then in this moment. If this is what it felt like to be in love, I’d deprived myself of something incredible.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You what?” Maddie exclaimed over brunch the next day. Her face was drawn and pale, her eyes tired. It had been a difficult week.

  “I told him I loved him,” I sighed, knowing I would be hearing about this for years. That she had been right about Nate and I. I only hoped it inspired her to finish her romance novel.

  “That’s beautiful. You’re a romantic deep down, aren’t you?” She clapped in joy.

  “So deep down I don’t even know it.” I finished my French toast with a smile, remembering the way Nate had kissed me goodbye as he’d left for the restaurant as 5 am. It was opening night and he had a lot to do.

  “Well, I’m glad you stopped being such a fool and admitted your feelings. Now you and he can be happy.” She was genuinely pleased for me, her recent heartbreak not dampening her opinion of love in the least.

  “We talked last night. He thinks that after things settle in a few months time he can start to spend a few days a week in Toronto with me.” I exhaled a deep breath, as old fears on whether or not it would all work out crossed my mind.

  “You and Nate, it’s perfect.”

  She looked down at her full plate of food.

  “You’ll find perfect. And hopefully you’ll know better than to make him wait ten years like I did.”

  I put a hand over hers, I had feeling perfect wasn’t far away for her.

  “Ollie’s a little worried about you,” I dropped that little titbit slyly, watching as her eyes widened and she blushed softly.

  “There is no way Ollie is interested in me. He dates gorgeous fun loving party girls.” She started moving her food around her plate.

  “Maybe what he really wanted was taken,” I insinuated, wondering whether I should quit cooking and go into matchmaking. I think I had a flair for it.

  “I’m a mess and he doesn’t deserve to be the rebound guy.” I could tell she didn’t want to talk about it any more.

  We left the cafe an hour later. Sitting in her car, I turned to her seriously.

  “You are coming tonight, right?” I pushed, afraid she was going to back out and miss this memorable night.

  She pulled up in front of Sails.

  “Of course. But I’m sure you’ll be distracted,” she smiled knowingly.

  “He’ll be busy,” I said goodbye and headed into the restaurant. The staff was frantically preparing and setting the place up. I glanced around in amazement at how spectacular everything looked. There was no sign of the damage caused a few nights ago.

  “My little brother’s done a good job,” a voice said behind me and I wanted to scream. This was the last thing Nate needed to be reminded of.

  “Go away Tommy!” I half whispered/half shouted as I turned around to face Nate’s charming old brother who unfortunately happened to be my ex.

  He looked at me in confusion.

  “Why?” He whispered.

  “Nate and I are together. He’s just gotten over me dating you!” I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the door. He laughed warmly.

  “When did you two start dating?”

  “Like, yesterday,” I tried to drag his immoveable lump of a body but he wouldn’t budge.

  “That’s cute.”

  He was looking around at the restaurant, taking in the place his brother and mine had created.

  “I’m happy for you. I always figured there was something special between the two of you,” he said.

  “Don’t make me hurt you! I won’t let you fuck this up,” I threatened, ignoring his resulting chuckle.

  “Sorry to hear about your attack. But look, don’t worry about it, I’m sort of seeing someone special myself.”

  I sighed in relief and hoped that would be enough to calm Nate.

  Tommy wrapped an arm around my shoulder, handing me a bag from my favourite chocolate store in the city.

  “Get well gift,” he shrugged and I felt bad my reaction to his presence had been so negative.

  “Thanks and I’m sorry I tried to send you away like a dirty little secret,” I apologised and he laughed.

  “I’m always happy to be your dirty big secret,” he winked.

  “Tommy,” Nate said quietly from behind us. I stepped out from under Tommy’s arm.

  The two brothers’ eyed each other carefully, their relationship always somewhat strained. These two took sibling rivalry to a whole new level. Though they showed up to each other’s events and supported one another there was a competitiveness that kept them apart.

  “Incredible place,” Tommy praised.

  Nate pulled me under his arm in a move so territorial we may as well have been on the plains of Africa.

  “Thanks.” Nate was a man of few words at the best of times. And this was not the best of times.

  “I’m happy for you two,” Tommy appeased him, “Logan said you were together. I think it’s great.”

  I felt Nate relax slightly beside me as if the fact I had announced the relationship comforted him.

  “Thanks. I hope you enjoy tonight. I’ll see you later,” Nate said, giving Tommy a brief hug before walking his brother out. He was back beside me moments later.

  “You told him we were together?” He asked me carefully.

  “Was I meant to hide it?” I replied.

  “I thought for the sake of your TV image you might not want it public knowledge that you’re dating someone from your home town. Your flirty, single image has to be maintained after all,” he said and I realised he thought I didn’t want it getting out I was with him. I was proud to be dating him.

  “I want everyone to know how smart and sexy my boyfriend is,” I reassured him, loving the way he pulled me into his arms. “Consider me rebranded as a woman in a committed relationship.”

  “That’s good because I want everyone to know that the sexiest chef on TV is mine.”

  We walked into the kitchen where Ollie stood chopping herbs.

  “Ugh,” he mocked as he looked up and saw us holding hands and smiling.

  “I know, it’s kind of embarrassing,” I admitted, my appetite flaring as I saw all the delicious foods around me.

  “We almost ready?” Nate asked, his voice full of anticipation. They’d been preparing for this night for months. It was almost a year ago that they’d decided to open a place together. Tonight was the culmination of all their hard work.

  “We’re on schedule for the doors to open at six sharp,” Ollie smiled brightly, his body tense with excitement. I’m sure this moment for them was like when I stepped onto the set of my TV show for the first time. It was a sense of fear, excitement and apprehension. I was sorry that I wasn’t apart of this place like they were.

  “I better get home and change,” I said, leaving Nate and Ollie alone to have a beer in celebration of their achievement. Their bromance was redic!

  Chapter Fourteen

  The place was at full capacity for opening night, the bookings having been made weeks ago. There’s nothing the people of Chester loved more than a new restaurant opening. Sails had been the most talked about event for the last few months. Not much happened in Chester. And everybody loved Nate and Ollie. As a result of recent events the media was present. The boys couldn’t ask for more.

  “The food is ridiculous!” Maddie said from across the table.

  My mum smiled beside her, her face radiant as she enjoyed her son’s big night.

  “Both my children can cook. I have no i
dea where they got it from,” she wondered as she bit into a piece of lamb.

  “Ollie and I watched a lot of Food Network while you were at work,” I sighed in appreciation as I put a piece of the bread we’d made together in my mouth. It was as good as when I made it.

  “I wish I could cook like this,” Maddie joked.

  “I know someone willing to teach you,” I said as I ate a piece of smoked salmon. This was the best meal of my life. I’m big enough to admit Ollie was a better chef than me. I just wasn’t big enough to admit that to him.

  “There’s Lawrence. I should say hi.” My mum left the table to mingle. The woman was a social butterfly on an epic level. There wasn’t a club, group or event in town that my mother was not part of, including the gardening society. She didn’t know the difference between a flower and a weed.

  “How’s everything?” Nate asked as he walked over to our table, the suit he wore doing spectacular things to his tall body. I let him catch me eyeing him up. He winked at me and I almost swooned. This was getting bad.

  “Amazing, Nate. This whole place is,” Maddie gave him a hug, her praise making him uncomfortable I could tell.

  “And you,” he looked at me expectantly, waiting for my praise.

  “I’d like to complain to the manager,” I flirted with him, ignoring Maddie roll her eyes.

  “About anything in particular?” He played along, kneeling down so that he was at eye level with me.

  “I think someone has stolen my recipe.” I gestured to the sauce that came with my salmon, knowing it was a recipe from my book.

  “Well, you stole my story so I’d say we’re square.” He gave me a kiss and subtly whispered what he was going to do to me later that evening. I was shifting in my seat by the time he left our table a little while later.

  “Don’t say a word!” I gave Maddie a stern look. She sat back quietly in her chair with a smug look on her face.

  My phone ringing stopped Maddie before she could air her thoughts on the little love fest she’d seen. She gestured for me to answer my call.


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