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Desired: Loving An Alpha Male

Page 5

by S. K. Lessly

  I rose out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to take a piss, when I noticed I didn’t get a reply back.

  Before I walked back out, I grabbed a robe that was hanging up behind the bathroom door. I leaned against the bathroom doorway and looked at her.

  I have to admit, even though she was giving me a murderous look, I couldn’t help but admire how sexy she looked in the morning. Her hair was all over the place, but it didn’t matter- she was still quite beautiful.

  “Don’t look at me like that. How did you get here? No, better yet, why are you here?” She then tightened the covers around her body to protect herself from me. “And please don’t tell me we did something last night.”

  I feigned shock and hurt as I said, “You don’t remember what happened last night?”

  She shook her head, “No, I don’t. That should tell you something about your abilities. Now, since you have used my body, again mind you, you can see yourself out.”

  “Wow, really? I used your body again? I clearly remember it was the other way around, sweetheart. And I have to say both nights you weren’t complaining.”

  Despite the color of her skin, I knew she was blushing. That made me smile even more, glad as fuck I was at the right place at the right time.

  “Don’t worry, baby. We didn’t do anything last night, but sleep,” I told her. “You were too wasted for anything else. You just came in here, stripped and crawled into the bed.” I put my hands up defensively, “Without any help from me.”

  She folded her arms and frowned. “Oh and you just had to get in the bed with me?”

  I moved and sat on the bed facing her. “Well, yeah, I didn’t want to leave you in the shape you were in, and I wasn’t about to sleep on the floor or in some uncomfortable chair. Don’t worry, baby, the moment I take your pussy again, you will be coherent and an acting participant.”

  Her frown deepened, showing more of a confused state than anger. “Messed up? I don’t get messed up. I know how to handle alcohol. Besides, the bartender was skimming on the alcohol. There was no way I could’ve gotten drunk.”

  I didn’t reply. She looked at me and asked, “Did you have to carry me home or something? I don’t really remember anything.”

  “Tell me what you do remember.”

  “I was just sitting at the bar. Then you came in and didn’t speak to me. You just kept walking like we didn’t know each other. That was messed up, you know. I mean, I understand that I created those ridiculous rules, but after you broke like all of them, I didn’t expect you to ignore me.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry about that; believe me I really am… but can you focus a little? What else happened? I did see you talking to some guy.”

  She nodded, clueless of my poor attempt of aloofness. “Yeah, I can’t think of his name right now. Though I think it was probably fake.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  She shrugged. “No reason really. I mean I think I gave him my friend’s or ex-friend’s name, but I really don’t remember. It’s so frustrating; everything is just a blur. All I remember is you. You being at the bar, then me waking up to you lying next to me.”

  I really liked waking up to her lying next to me. Seeing her face in the morning, I don’t know how to describe it, it just felt right. I looked at her and realized I had this stupid grin on my face. I wiped it quickly and cleared my throat.

  “Listen, why don’t you go and take a shower or a bath. We can either get breakfast delivered here, or we can go and find something to eat.” Seeing her frown and shake her head, I hoped I diverted the questions in her eyes.

  She gathered the cover around her body and looked at me, “Um, I really don’t want to go out. I don’t feel good.”

  “Okay, I’ll order and we can eat on the terrace.” I stood and allowed her to slip into the bathroom without my eyes on her.

  When I heard the water running, I reached for my pants and pulled out the phone Angel gave me. It was nine in Cabo, so it was early enough to call him. I dialed his number and heard his voice in my ear on the third ring,

  “Shit, Cuz, you fucked up already?” he asked jokingly. I didn’t answer him. I let the silence tell him the reason for my call. I heard him moving around on the phone, and then he said an exasperated, “Shit.”

  “Before you go fucking crazy, it wasn’t my fault,” I added.

  “Fuck it wasn’t your fault. I know you. It’s always your fault. What happened and please tell me you didn’t leave any bodies.”

  I chuckled. “Uh no. I didn’t leave any this time, but I can’t say that will be the case next time.”

  So I told him about Georgia, how she was the woman I hooked up with the other day. I told him about last night and what I saw, playing back the conversation I just had with her and even described the guy that was trying to put her in the car.

  I didn’t have to tell him what I thought about the operation. We both knew what the outcome would have been if this guy was successful. There are a lot of men and factions that prey on women who travel alone. They kidnap them and either sell them into the twenty-first-century slave trade or pimp them out, put them on drugs and make money off of them. Or hell maybe he was just going to fuck her that night and probably dump her body in the ocean when he was done.

  None of those things sat well with me, and I knew it didn’t with my cousin either. Human trafficking was something our family didn’t take too kindly to. We never fucked with anyone that did, and if we caught whiff of it happening, Angel and I usually fucked up shit majorly.

  Angel brought me out of my own thoughts when he said, “You were watching her all night?”

  “Yeah, and I didn’t see when the guy she was with slipped her anything.”

  “So what you’re saying is you were watching her all night then?”

  I frowned, starting to get pissed off when I heard the humor in his voice. “Fuck you, Angel.”

  He laughed, “Yeah, I want to meet this Georgia. She must be something to keep your attention on her all night long.”

  “Can you concentrate? Look, I have a plate number that might help with identifying the family that this piece of shit is a part of. Also, I think the bartender was in on it. He was the only one that could have slipped her something, which tells me they’ve probably been doing this a long time. I’m thinking the bartender stakes out the place, finds a prospective girl and this guy comes in and sweeps her off her feet, literally.” I got quiet as I listened to the sounds coming from the bathroom. “Angel, I gave her our protection. That means…”

  “Yeah, Cuz, I know what it means.” He sighed, and then continued, “I’ll take care of it on this end. In the meantime, can you stay out of sight for a while? And stay out of trouble? At least until I have some answers for you.”

  I grunted. “I can’t make any promises.” I listened again and still heard the water running, so I asked, “What’s going on with the other thing?”

  “They don’t have anything… You’re right about that. I have our lawyers working on it. I have someone on the inside too, so as soon as he gives me what they have, I’ll let you know.”

  I was about to say something else when Georgia burst out of the bathroom wrapped in her towel, still wet with a horrified look on her face. I sat up and looked at her, saying quickly, “I gotta go keep me posted.” I hung up and stood. “What’s the matter, baby?”

  The tears fell from her eyes, and she shook her head. “He drugged me didn’t he?” I didn’t reply. Fear flooded her body as she started to shake. “Oh God.” She placed a shaky hand over her mouth and closed her eyes. More tears fell, and I started to move to her.

  “You’re safe, Georgia,” I told her, trying to comfort her, but she just looked at me.

  “How can you say that? How do I know that for sure? Oh, yeah, I’m safe in my hotel room, but I’m here with a man, and I don’t even know his name. Some guy was going to do God only knows what to me, and I can’t remember a thing. I can’t even tell you what he
looked like, or what we talked about. I don’t know what I told him…. Oh God, what if I told him where I was staying? Or where I lived back in the states?”

  She started pacing. I wanted to soothe her fears, but she started babbling and waving her arms around. I couldn’t get a word edgewise. “God, I am so stupid… I can’t believe I was almost attacked or killed or worse…” She stopped and looked at me. “Could he have sold me or something?” She shook her head and picked up her brisk pacing. “No, don’t answer that. Damn it, Georgia, they were right about you. You can’t handle shit on your own. You’re just as weak and soft as they said you were. To think you could do this, come here and be something that you clearly are not. I mean, you get a man to come to your hotel room and he blows your mind with just his touch. And you stupidly thought that maybe, just maybe, there was something there, only to have your feelings hurt the moment you see him again. That should be a hint that you don’t belong here. That you deserved everything you got up to this point and probably more…”

  I watched on stupefied as she kept going on and on about shit I couldn’t begin to tell you I understood. What I did make out is that I hurt her feelings last night by walking past her. That bothered me more than it should. I mean, it really shouldn’t, but shit it did.

  I moved closer to her and said her name. She didn’t hear me at first until I said it louder, causing her to jump out of her skin and back away from me. Her back landed against the wall next to the bathroom door. The water was still running, and steam was billowing from the cracked door, but we both ignored it.

  I took a few deep breaths and said, “Sweetheart, I don’t know what he was planning on doing to you and with you, but the point is he didn’t get that chance. As long as I’m here, he won’t get that chance, do you understand me? I won’t let that happen. Secondly, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, but I don’t think you’re stupid. You stayed alert while he was with you. You never took your eyes off him for him to have been able to slip you anything. I think you were set up a long time ago without you knowing, and that guy just came to collect.”

  She laid her head against the wall and closed her eyes. She started shaking again, and all I wanted to do was hold her. I brought my voice down a few and said to her, “And I’m sorry about last night. In no way did I mean to make you feel the way you did.” I moved closer just as she opened her eyes. “I’ve been thinking about you ever since I left your hotel room that night. I just wanted to respect at least one of your rules and give you some space. But you have no idea how much I didn’t want to.” I caressed her face lightly with my knuckles and wiped the wetness that formed on her cheeks with my finger.

  I don’t do this sort of shit. I’m not a person that shows this kind of emotion. According to those that know me, I’m incapable of feeling anything but anger and hate. It’s like the ability for compassion was not wasted on me. But looking in this woman’s eyes; seeing how lost and scared and hurt she was tugged at me. I tried to put some feeling in what I was going to say next so she would understand me. “I know you know I’m not good for you and, shit, you’re right we don’t know anything about one another. But I want you to know that the night we spent together did mean something to me. I can’t explain why, but it just did.”

  Georgia broke our eye contact and looked down at the floor. In no way did I want to break this moment. I tilted her head back up until her eyes were on mine. The intensity she gave me unnerved me, but I didn’t waiver. I leaned in closer and brushed my lips against hers. I kissed her again a couple of times, raining light kisses on her lips, capturing her top lip, then bottom, then just swept my lips across hers lightly.

  I inhaled her deeply, wondering what it would feel like if I were able to do this all the time. I backed away from her and gave her space. I also put space between my dick and her naked body. I didn’t want her thinking that’s all I wanted her for….

  My eyes grew as I realized what the fuck I just thought. What the hell is this woman doing to me? I cleared my throat needing to get the fuck out before I…

  “Did you order breakfast?”

  “Huh?” I snapped out of my befuddled trance and looked at her. I kept my eyes on hers and apparently she was doing the same.

  “Breakfast… you said you were going to order it.”

  “Oh yeah. Um … No, I didn’t yet. Did you change your mind about eating in? Do you want to go out to eat?”

  She shook her head, “Um, no, I just…” Her eyes traveled to my crotch and the tent that was clearly evident. She looked back at my face and God, for me, said the sexiest thing from her lips… “I’m not hungry for food anymore.”

  She walked to me, dropped her towel, grabbed both my ears and pulled me down to her lips.

  Our kiss went desperate the moment our lips touched. I picked her up, deposited her on the bed and devoured her body with my mouth and tongue. I felt her untying the robe I had on and freeing me. She took me in her hands and stroked me from the middle to the tip, rubbing the pre-come around my head, adding extra sensation. That shit was driving me insane.

  It’s blowing my mind the way my body is reacting to this woman’s touch. I’m on fire with the anticipation of her skin coming in contact with mine. I don’t care where she touches me; fuck, I just want to be around her so she can. I’m losing my mind with just the slightest gasp of breath that she takes when I touch her and how her eyes feel like they can see through my soul. I don’t know anything about this woman, but shit I want to.

  “Can I have you?” she asked softly, and yup I’m fucking hooked.

  My body shuddered as I tried to gain control; I was failing miserably. “Baby, you’re not nearly ready for me. I don’t want to hurt you. And the way I’m feeling, I might rip you in half.”

  She smiled, then wrapped her legs around my waist. She wiggled, and the tip of my dick was touching her pussy. The wetness from her warmth coated me as she brushed me along her sensitive bud. She had no idea the sensation she was causing. She closed her eyes and arched her back, giving herself to me, encouraging me to get lost in her. When she moaned the most erotic sound I’ve ever heard, she fucking undid me. I couldn’t stop if I wanted to; I slipped into her wetness as slow as I could and moaned as her tightness smothered me.

  “Wait a second… Please,” she whispered, and I obeyed.

  She looked in my eyes and I hers. I said to her because I didn’t know what else to say at this moment, “Drake Lincoln… Thirty-three, born and raised in Philly. I love all things Philly, except cheesesteaks and those fucking Rocky movies. I have a brother and sister who I fucking hate and parents that I don’t speak to. ”

  She smiled at me and grabbed my ears again… God, why do I love when she does that? “Georgia Sayers… Thirty, born in Baltimore, but currently I live in Miami. I love to eat, hate to work out, and I have no parents.”

  I couldn’t help but mimic her expression. “It’s very nice to meet you, Georgia.”

  “You too, Draaake,” she replied, barely able to speak my name as I started stroking her long, slow… Just as I knew she liked.

  Chapter 6


  Okay, so I needed to pause, again, just to let what I’d just done a few hours ago resonate.


  I was sitting there stunned in silence for numerous reasons. First being, I just had unprotected sex with a man that I barely knew. I wasn’t even thinking when I attacked him. That is so unlike me but oh my goodness the way he kissed me and spoke to me had me on fire. My lips quivered and throbbed with a deep need that it seemed my body felt only he could quench. The need for him came over me, and I needed - no, I desired - to feel his hard body on top of me. I wanted to feel him inside me, claiming me. And, hell, I longed to feel his touch, his lips all over me, and he didn’t disappoint.

  He came inside me multiple times, and I didn’t stop him. He tried to pull out, but I gripped him tight and wouldn’t let him go. He was making my body convulse and cry out in wa
ys no one has ever managed to do, and that astounded me.

  I reached for the picked over fruit from my plate as I sat across from Drake on my patio off my room. Drake, which, by the way, his name fits him so well, had just told me everything that happened last night. Which is the second reason why I’m stunned. Just when he described the man that tried to kidnap me, I remembered the name he gave me… Julio.

  Excitement radiated from him as he reached for his phone. He instantly started talking freely and adamantly as if I wasn’t in the room. He was so comfortable and open with me it scared and shocked me all at once. So I tried to take my mind off his conversation and looked out onto the ocean. These past few days had been crazy, to say the least. Hell, this week had been insane. But I really needed to make a decision on where my life was going to go from there.

  The moment I got home what the hell was I going to do? My life was completely wrapped up in Gavin and now suddenly it wasn’t. School was out for the summer, and I didn’t make plans to work that summer because I was going to come home a married woman. We had a home to find, and I would’ve been completely busy being Mrs. Gavin Diego. Instead, I’m going home to unanswered questions, embarrassment, and humiliation. The thought of being with Gavin was a stretch for me in the beginning of our relationship. I second-guessed us from the moment we met. But Gavin showed me how much he cared about me, how much he wanted me. So I figured, finally this was it; I’ve finally found someone to love me for me.

  Oh, how I was I wrong.

  I glanced over at Drake again and thought about the short time I’ve known him. This man had managed to spark more emotion from me than Gavin had, and we were together for years. Could that be the reason why he cheated on me, because in reality I wasn’t sexy enough for him because I wasn’t desirable? If that’s the case though, what am I doing different now than what I normally do? Why is this man still here next to me with so much promise of passion in his eyes? What does he see in me that Gavin doesn’t?



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