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Unlock and Bind: (Maya Strom Series - Book 2)

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by A. B. Marie

  Unlock and Bind

  Maya Strom Series - Book 2

  A.B. Marie

  Copyright © 2021 A.B. Marie

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  Cover design by: A.B. Marie

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309

  Printed in the United States of America

  To: Grace and Christine. Thank you for believing in me <3

  "There is nowhere you could go that I won't be with you."



  Title Page






  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20



  About The Author

  Books By This Author

  Book Links


  ***This book is intended for readers that are 18+. This is the second book in a paranormal reverse harem romance trilogy, and it contains strong language, lots of hot sex, and violence. There will be some murder, maybe some stabbing… There is no m/m in this book Any names, places, or situations are purely fictional and made up in my own mind. Enjoy the book!***

  Email me at: with any questions or concerns you have.

  Amazon Author Portal






  Maya’s Prophesy


  "A child born from Wrath and Love,

  Here on Earth, powers are tied, yet true,

  She bears the new beginning,

  Eyes open for the doom.

  Goddess powers unlock, mates are bonded,

  The next prophesy is awakened,

  War is ended, gloom, then light,

  Seek your souls, darkness is not the only path."

  Chapter 1



  The island has been a true reprieve from our day-to-day, insane lives. Attacks from the council, Ross and Troy’s sister, Amelie, flying off the handle and almost getting me killed, and then finding out I’m pregnant. This shit has all just happened within the last few weeks and doesn’t even touch on what I’ve been dealing with for over eighteen years. After my parents passed away, the family lawyer explained to me that I was adopted, and that I had a trust and a safety deposit box set up for me from my birth parents for when I turned eighteen. The trust is mind-blowing, to say the least. With more money than I know what to do with, a fleet of jets and planes, and not to mention the long list of various estates all over the world that come with my world-class staff: Gerard, Maggie, and Malek.

  I also kind of have six boyfriends now, too, and for some reason they’re still all here with me. Even with my crazy life, magic, and finding out I’m over five months pregnant… At least I have a family surrounding me now to support me in all of this madness. We still haven’t talked about what the councilman said when I was almost kidnapped and stabbed. They wanted to take me, or kill me, if the “prophesy came to pass.” Apparently, all I really needed to do was get pregnant, lucky me.

  “Are you coming in for dinner, babe?” Mark yells down from the deck to where I’m basking in the sun on a lounger.

  “Yeah! Give me a few more minutes.” I stare back down to the photo album Penny put together for me. She said she was bored in my dorm room and decided to go through a box of photos that I brought to London with me when I transferred to the Goddess University last year. It was filled with photos of my parents, Mark, and me. Penny is the first girl friend I’ve had. She’s a bright spot in my life, with her long red hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin, she’s damn gorgeous. She’s always so happy and wears crazy, bright colors, you can see her coming from a mile away. I slowly sit up from my lounger, so I don’t get lightheaded again, and mosey my ass inside. We’ve been here for a week and I’m already wanting to kick and scream for having to leave in two weeks.

  Our original plan for this summer was to stay here for a month, then fly to a few more estates across Europe and the surrounding countries: Tokyo, China, Russia, and Finland. But thanks to being knocked up and still recovering, we can only stay here for three weeks until I need to have another prenatal checkup with the healer at the academy, Beatrice. So far everything is going great. Now that I know what to look for, I have definitely been gaining weight in my hips, ass, thighs, lower stomach, and breasts.

  I sit down at the table with my men and start shoveling food in my mouth. I have been ravenous this week. “I think tonight we should really talk about everything. Let’s shower, get into pajamas, and meet in the living room in an hour?”

  Mark looks over to me from my left and nods. “I agree, we have a lot to touch base on from the last few weeks.” Everyone agrees and we finish up our meal and we all shower separately. I throw my wet, purple hair into a messy bun and put on some sweatpants and a tank top. At least some of my clothes still fit comfortably. I pad down to the living room and take a seat with Ross and Troy. My handsome twins that should have grown up with me and be my adoptive brothers. I’m sure glad they aren’t though. They’re both a little over six-feet tall and have dark brown hair and pretty dark brown eyes. Ross is a pretty boy with how he dresses and wears his hair styled to perfection, whereas Troy is more laid back and has his hair growing out in soft, messy waves.

  “How are you feeling, mama?” Troy asks me and settles me on his lap.

  I give him a kiss on the cheek. “Feeling okay. Still sore all over, but I’m happy to have my appetite back.” He smiles at me and we relax while we wait for the others to join.

  Mark comes in next, followed by Nolan, Graham, and Collins (or Carter for everyone else that knew him before he was the headmaster). “Who wants to start?” Collins asks while he takes a seat across from me.

  Ross speaks up. “I don’t really know where to start. When I was in school, you were a new headmaster and I had no idea who your wife was. When we started our PI business in the last year of Master’s courses, I never imagined we even needed to look into the council after all the shit we did to steer them away from the academy. I want to apologize, but at the same time, she deserved it for what she was going to do to Maya.” He shrugs and keeps his face in a blank mask. I wince thinking about what we’ve learned. The twins got word that a council member touched down in London around the time Mark and I arrived, and found her stalking around the campus. They got into a fight when they were trying to question her, and she ended up dying from a blast.

  Collins nods. “Yeah. I’ve taken the time to process over what he said. I mourned her for over a year, but I hated who she was in our last few years together.” He doesn�
��t look remotely upset, thankfully, and I let out the breath I’ve been holding. When the council made it through the wards onto campus, thanks to Amelie, one of the men stated that Collins’ wife, that he thought was dead, faked her death to stalk me in Seattle and was supposed to be their main contact when I transferred academies to London. She was going to spell my food and drinks for birth control and track my movements. Who knows what else they would have done, especially after trying to take me when we were in Seattle and they killed my parents along with Mark’s?

  Troy speaks up and claps once. “Well, now that part of the shit show is settled. I think we need to talk about Amelie. I don’t want anything to do with her, especially not while Maya is pregnant. And I think I speak for all of us that we shouldn’t have her near the baby when she’s born. Should we place a vote?” He smirks and looks around to try to lighten the mood.

  I elbow him in the ribs. “As much as I agree, she’s still your sister. I think she needs help. After what you guys told me about her previous relationship with Professor King, and how she’s been treating all of us, I think she needs a good friend and maybe a mental health facility. Is there a supernatural one in the UK? Or somewhere else in Europe?”

  Letting Ross and Troy stew on that, I look over to Nolan and Graham. “Anything you two would like to add or comment on?” Graham shakes his head.

  Nolan nods. “Yeah, actually. And I bet Carter is thinking the same thing. What do you want to do about school next semester? There’s the three-month break that goes until August when we have to be back for administrative duties and meetings, and classes start in September… You’re due in October… Just trying to think ahead here.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that, actually. I think if you and Collins split the time to give me my practicals every two weeks like we’ve been doing, I can do my studies at the estate and can still practice and study with Gerard, Maggie, or even Malek if they’re willing. Is that an option, or will I need to wait?” Collins and Nolan think it over.

  “I’ll need to look through my office in the files… There has to be some leeway for pregnant witches, you’re definitely not the first at Goddess Academy. I don’t see any problems with that plan. You and Mark are so far ahead in your studies regardless.” Collins replies.

  I look around. “Anything else? I’m getting tired.” I yawn and stretch my back.

  Graham finally speaks up. “I just want to let you know how much I care for you and that I’m here for you.” He looks around to the others. “We’re all here for you and want to be in the baby’s life. Whether you’ll allow us to be dads or not. Even if the rest of us are younger than old ass Collins and Nolan, I think we can all take care of you.” We all chuckle at him. The others give nods and tell me they’re all in. Honestly, I never even worried about it. Graham has been pulling back for the last month or so, but that just might be how he is. When we first met, he was such an asshole to me when he didn’t think I could keep up with him in the combat arena, but after being around him, he’s such a sweet man.

  Starting to tear up. “Fuck, these hormones are the worst. You’re all amazing and way too good to me.” I wipe my eyes and scowl at the lot of them. “Alright, enough emotional bullshit tonight. The only other topic I wanted to bring up was how that was the third or so time I’ve heard me being linked to god and goddess parents – presumably the God of War and the Goddess of Love. Anyone else start connecting those dots?”

  “Yeah, babe. I just really didn’t want to think too hard on it or make any assumptions. Until we have concrete evidence, I think we should just try to enjoy our lives and make your pregnancy as stress-free as possible.” Mark says then nods over to me. “You ready for bed, babe? I’ll give you a massage if your back is hurting you.”

  I smile over at him. “You just want to fuck.” I wink at him and stretch out my back again. “A massage sounds great, though. Good night everyone.” I kiss Ross and Troy on their cheeks since they’re the closest and pad down to the master bedroom. Mark follows me in and closes the door.

  “Do you want to take a bath first?”

  I shake my head at him. “No, I just showered, don’t think I should dry out my skin too much.” He nods and helps me get undressed and I lay down on my stomach. I won’t be able to do this for too much longer; it’s already getting uncomfortable. I am half asleep by the time he’s moving down to my legs. “If you want to fuck me, you should do it now before I’m too relaxed and pass the fuck out.”

  He chuckles at me. “Go ahead and sleep, babe. I really did just want to give you a massage tonight.” He moves from my legs to my arms and I’m trying to keep my eyes open. “I love you, baby. Go to sleep.” He finishes up and lays down in the bed with me, and I fall asleep with my head on his chest listening to his heart beating.

  “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 2



  Two weeks down, one to go. It was a pleasant surprise when we landed and saw, off in the distance, some vessels in the water. Maya squealed and had Gerard take us straight there on the golf cart. The little shit bought herself a yacht, four jet skis, and several surf boards that were all stuck into the white sand near the shore. For the first week we barely got out of the water except to eat and use the restroom.

  Looking over to where Maya is napping on the lounger next to me, I stare up and down her body. There are definitely noticeable changes this week, her belly is starting to round out, and I can’t stop staring or touching the bump. She scowls at any one of us who get down and kiss or talk to the baby. She loves that shit, though, I can tell.

  After our heart-to-heart with everyone last week, it seems like a massive weight has been lifted off of all our chests. Yesterday we spent hours out on the water driving the yacht, I can’t wait to spend more time out on that baby. It has six bedrooms, a few bathrooms, a large kitchen, and a living room; the top deck is filled with loungers and various seating areas underneath a covering. I wonder if we can take it back to London and dock it somewhere to use it more often. Knowing Maya, she already has it all set up and planned out.

  “Marky? Can you grab me some juice?”

  I look over to her and smile. “Yeah, be right back.” She smiles at me and picks up her Kindle where she dropped it in the sand. I bring her back a glass of orange juice and sit on her lounger with her. “What do you want to do today?”

  “You.” She winks at me and slowly stand up and stretches. “Let’s go get into the bath and watch some movies tonight.” I kiss her head and follow her in. Looks like Ross and Troy are still out using the yacht as a fishing boat. Graham is passed out on the couch in the living room, and I don’t see Nolan or Collins anywhere. I start filling the bath and strip Maya out of her bikini. “How are you feeling?”

  “Great. I feel almost back to normal.” She looks down at her stomach. “Or as normal as it’s going to get.” She has started to really feel the baby moving this past week, little nudges here and there. We looked up what an anterior placenta meant after Beatrice told us about it, and we’re crossing our fingers that it moves so that the rest of us can feel the baby kicking. Soon enough we’ll be able to feel her no matter what, but I’m not the most patient man.

  We get into the tub and she immediately attacks me. I chuckle. “It’s not a race baby, are you that horny?” She grumbles and moans until I start to circle my fingers around her clit. “I guess that answers the question.” I slowly finger her, just to piss her off some more, and she grabs onto my dick and squeezes as hard as she can. I suck in a sharp breath and bite down on her ear lobe. “What the fuck, babe?”

  She glares up at me. “Fuck me, Mark!” She turns around to bend over and holds onto the edge. I slowly slip my cock into her pussy and wait for her to move back and beg for it. She starts growling under her breath.

  “What was that, babe? Tell me what you need.” I get seated all the way in her pussy and just stop and wait.

  “Fuck me, please, please,
please!” I chuckle and start slowly working my way up to pounding in and out of her. I haven’t choked her during sex since we found out about the baby, no matter how much we both crave it. “Spank me, Marky. Please?” I can’t really fucking spank her in the water, so I just grab onto her ass as hard as I can to give her some bruises, and I bite down on her neck.

  “Come for me.” I circle her clit with one hand and hold on to her hip with the other. She comes hard and tries milks my cock with her tight walls. I slam into her a few more times and release while groaning. “Fuck.” We catch our breath and rinse off in the shower after draining the tub. “Want to go see what’s for dinner?” She nods at me and we make our way to the kitchen after getting dressed.

  “There you guys are, everyone is back and sitting on the back deck for dinner.” Collins makes his way over to Maya and gives her a kiss on her head.

  “Hey.” She smiles up at him and walks out the back door. I will never get tired of this view. The sun is almost down, and the waves are lazily crashing upon the white, sandy shore. “Rub-a-dub dub, thanks for the grub, Malek!” She yells over to her chef and we dig into the seafood spread he set out for us. “This is so good, thank you!”

  “Our last week here, what should we do this week? If Maya wasn’t pregnant, we could have gone to Walt Disney World or something. It would only take a few hours to get there on the boat.” Maya groans over to Troy.

  “Fuck you for even bringing that up! I’ve always wanted to go there!” She pouts over at him and then continues eating. “Well, that’s one thing to look forward to. When the little bean is shoved out of my cooch, we can start planning all of those trips and vacations I always begged for as a kid!” We all chuckle at her antics.


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