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Unlock and Bind: (Maya Strom Series - Book 2)

Page 6

by A. B. Marie

“I’ll be back in about an hour with some clothes and a bag of stuff for her. You want me to pick anything up for you?”

  Troy shakes my hand. “Yeah, some clothes? Thanks.” I head home and pack a few bags. I go through Maya’s closet and find some black leggings and a few shirts that she has a million pairs of. A pair of tennis shoes she never wears, and some socks. I go through Troy’s and Ross’s rooms and head back to the hotel. Ross meets me outside and thanks me and heads back in. I text Collins before I leave to go back home and let him know what’s going on. Well, fuck, at least Amelie will be taken care of and somewhere safe. That bitch is crazy.

  Sunday afternoon rolls by and I’m home alone in the backyard with all of the familiars when Maya walks out. “Hey babe, how was your night?”

  She smiles at me and winks. “Not as adventurous as yours, I’ll bet. Ross just called to let me know they’re on their way back home from dropping Amelie off. Jesus, I hope she gets the help she needs.” She sits down on the grass beside me and tosses toys back out to the animals.

  “Yeah, last night was a trip. She was out of her damn mind.” I shake my head and lay my head down on her lap and nuzzle up to her belly. She scratches her nails along my head, and we sit in the sun and play with the girls for a few hours.

  We head back in to shower and have dinner and we sit in the living room watching a movie while she scrolls through her list of shit she needs to do in the next few weeks.

  It’s the night of the club opening and we’re all waiting downstairs for Maya so that we can leave. I hear her start walking down the stairs in her heels and I smirk at her. “Fuck, you look fucking amazing.” She makes her way down and we take turns giving her a quick kiss. Troy grabs her ass and holds on to her while we walk out to her white Escalade.

  “Thanks, guys. I can’t wait to see the club and finally learn the fucking name!” We all chuckle with her and pull up to the back of the club. We walk up and the line is astronomical to get in. “Holy shit! There are so many people here!” She walks as fast as her belly will allow her and makes it to the front of the building. “Love, Maya?! You guys are ridiculous. I fucking love it!” She gives the twins a kiss and we head straight in through the doors.

  The club is already packed, and we decide to head straight up to the top level, since it’ll feel more open up there with all of the glass.

  “Do you want to check out the third flood?” Troy asks her while winking.

  “No, fuck you all. Opening this damn club while I’m four hundred months pregnant.” She sits down on a lounger and takes off her heels. I get up and grab her a bottle of water and sit beside her. “Ah, thank you.” She takes a few sips and we relax while watching all of the people walk around and talk about the club. “Congratulations to all of us! We did it!” We all toast her with or drinks and she drags me over to the jacuzzi so she can sit and put her sore feet into the tub.

  We hang out and she dances for a little while before we go down to the steakhouse for dinner.

  “Mr. and Mr. Strom, welcome! I’ll take you to the private room in the back. Is this everyone?” Ross nods and we head back and get seated. After getting our drinks we sit back and talk about what our next venture should be.

  “You’re all assholes. As soon as this baby is out of me someone better be taking me to the BDSM club upstairs!” We laugh at her and place our orders.

  Troy glares at her. “Did you already forget you’re putting a fucking BDSM room in our house?”

  She rolls her eyes. “It’s not the same. I want to be up on the stage dominating one of you.” She looks at all of us one-by-one and taps her finger on her chin. “Ross and Troy would go first, then Mark, then I would have Collins and Nolan double team me while I suck Graham’s dick. What a hell of a show we would put on.” They laugh at her antics, but little do they know she will get her way eventually. “Now we just need to add a woman to my little harem, and we’ll be set!”

  Collins glares at her. “What, are we not good enough for you?”

  She kicks him under the table. “You’re plenty enough, you idiot. I just miss a woman’s touch sometimes. Too bad Penny went and got herself a girlfriend.” She shrugs her shoulders and starts eating as soon as her plate touches the table. “Mmm, I want to eat here every night.”

  Chapter 8



  This was the worst idea EVER. Classes started back up at the academy on Monday, so that’s three guys down, the twins are at their PI office getting work done, and Mark is off shopping somewhere. I’m feeling massive lately, only one more month until this little baby is here. Instead of having Beatrice come all the way out here, I’m driving to the campus tomorrow for a checkup. Maybe I can surprise Collins in his office… Mmm, I’ll get everything ready for that in the morning.

  I walk over to the pool house and decide to float around and listen to music while thinking about what else I need to buy for our two new rooms upstairs. Shit has been pretty calm lately, too calm. I get bored in the pool, so I go shower in my room and take all of the familiars out to the grass in the backyard and watch the construction crews work on the gym. I can’t wait to get back into fighting shape. With how out of balance I am, I have only been carrying my guns with me, so I don’t impale myself on a knife or sword. I start giving commands to Polly and Luna to follow when I hear a little voice in my head.


  “Holy shit!” I call them over to me and I ask them mentally to repeat it.

  They both reply with, “Hungry.” I’m so excited that I grab my phone and call Mark squealing.

  “What the hell, Maya, what’s wrong?!” He shouts into the phone.

  “The girls said a word! They said they’re hungry!”

  He starts chuckling. “That’s amazing, baby. Why don’t you go feed them and practice with them some more?” I hang up and use my magic to bring out their food since my pregnant ass is comfortable… also known as stuck sitting on my ass in the grass. They all eat their lunch and I practice talking with them some more. So far, they only say ‘hungry’ and ‘good’, but I’m too excited to care. When Mark gets home, he sits with Marie and she keeps repeating ‘toy’ to him. He chuckles and grabs more toys to bring outside and lets them all play.

  The next morning, I leave Mark sleeping in bed and head to my closet to pack up an overnight bag to take with me to the academy. Mark told me last night that he’s going to stay home and start setting up the magic room with everything he had delivered. I get dressed and head out to the car and start the long drive.

  I park my car, grab my bag, and head over to the infirmary for my prenatal appointment.

  “Good morning, Maya! Come on back, I have a room ready for you. Ready for your last ultrasound?” Beatrice gives me a hug and leads the way to the room.

  “Yes! I can’t wait to see how big she’s gotten. It feels like she’s at least a hundred pounds in there.” She chuckles at me and gets me all set up. She does my vitals, check’s baby’s position (finally head down), and gets me comfortable on the bed.

  “Okay, here we go!” She spreads the gel around my belly and the monitor shows up with a chubby baby face. She takes her measurements and says that she’s looking perfect. Now that I’m down to the last few weeks she’s going to come to my house every Saturday until I deliver and to get everything I need ready.

  “Thank you, Beatrice! See you next week!” I give her a hug and make my way up to the second floor to Collins’ office. The door is closed so I knock and wait.

  “Come in!” I walk in and he’s looking down at his computer. “Hey gorgeous. How was your appointment?” I give him a kiss and hand him the images.

  “Great! Look how big she’s getting!” He looks them over and sets me on his lap. He finishes up what he was working on.

  “Want to head down to lunch?” I nod and I throw my bag on the chair in front of his desk and we head down to the Italian bistro I’ve missed so much. We order and sit at a table and he heads off to
the restroom to wash up. Wouldn’t you know, the Barbie bitches stroll right in and sit at a table away from me.

  “Oh my gosh is that you Maya?! You’re huge!” They start giggling and whispering to each other.

  I smile sweetly at them. “Yes, it’s called being pregnant.” I pull out my phone and take a sip of my water.

  “So, what? You come to London, shack up with the headmaster and get knocked up so you can live off of him now? Nasty. What do all of your other boyfriends think?” The one in the middle asks.

  I just roll my eyes. “Number one, it’s none of your business. Number two, we live at MY estate. Number three, fuck you, you dumb cunts.” I wink at them and decide to play one of my old tricks on them. A few minutes pass and Collins stalks back to the table and takes a seat.

  “Hey babe. Any trouble?” He looks pointedly at the bitches and back to me. I just wink at him and wait.

  “What the FUCK?!” All three of them start grabbing their bags and rushing out of the restaurant. I turned all of their skin and hair bright pink. I look over to Collins and blow him a kiss while I lean back for the waiter to set down my food.

  “I take it you had a nice interaction with them?”

  “Of course!” We eat our meals and head back up to his office.

  “I have a meeting in about an hour, do you want to go up to Nolan’s class or up to my suite?”

  “I’ll go annoy Nolan for a few hours. See you later.” I grab my bag and give him a kiss on my way out. I head up to the third floor and head into Nolan’s classroom. Luckily, it’s still empty during the lunch hour, so I take a seat at his desk and wait for him to return. I pull out my phone and mess around in one of my games and I look up and smile at him when he walks in.

  “There you are! I was wondering what you’ve been getting into all day.” He gives me a kiss and I smile up at him.

  “Had my appointment then went to lunch with Collins. Had some fun with the Barbie bitches… Nothing much.”

  He chuckles. “Are you going to sit in on my last two classes?”

  “No, I’ll go up to one of your rooms and watch some TV or something. I’m staying the night.” I give him a wink and get up to leave when the students start trickling in. I give him another kiss and make my way out. I see Penny about to walk into her class down the hall and call out her name.

  “Hey! What are you doing here, lady?” She gives me a hug and we move closer to the wall so the others can walk by.

  “I had an appointment with Beatrice and decided to stay for the night. Want to have dinner with us?” She nods and heads over to her class before she’s late. I haven’t seen Graham anywhere; he must already be in class. I spend the rest of the day eating snacks and sitting on the couch in Collins’ room waiting for them to come up. When Collins’ walks in with Penny and Nolan, I get up and walk to the dining table and we sit down to eat.

  “How have you been, Penny?”

  She smiles. “I’ve been great! Danika and I are doing well. How are you doing, mama?”

  “Good! Just huge and tired. Only a few weeks to go. We will probably go to the club this weekend if you want to tag along?”

  She gives me a pout. “I wish I could, I have plans with Danika this weekend. We are driving out to see my family and she finally gets to meet them.” I smile at her and we have some small talk over the rest of the meal.

  “Is Graham busy tonight?” I ask the guys.

  Collins looks up, “I haven’t seen him today, maybe he’s just studying.” He shrugs and I stand to give Penny a hug as she’s getting ready to leave.

  Nolan shoos her out after we finish eating and he stalks over to me with a predatory gleam in his eye. “I missed you, baby.” He picks me up and carries me to Collins’ master bedroom and starts stripping me from my clothes. “Come on, Carter, let’s show our girl how much we missed her.” Nolan kisses me from my head, down my neck, and stops at my breasts and sucks and licks them until my nipples are rock hard. Collins massages my back and nips the back of my neck with his teeth and I feel his naked cock rubbing against my ass.

  My eyes roll back when Nolan gets down on his knees and sucks on my clit. I lean back onto Collins so I can lift my leg over Nolan’s shoulder so he can get better access. Fuck, these men are amazing. He starts to finger me, rubs against my g-spot, and bites down on my clit so that I come hard on his face. Collins bends me forward to pump into my pussy a few times and gives me a nice stretch. He leads me to the bed and shoves Nolan down on his back.

  “Sit on his dick, I’m going to fuck your ass.” I look down as his cock with wide eyes and follow his instructions. He’s the biggest of all my men and he hasn’t fucked me in the ass before. Shit. This is going to hurt. I slowly slide down Nolan’s dick and lean forward while I wait for Collins. He grabs lube from his nightstand and stretches me out with his fingers while pumping his cock with the other land. “Ready, baby?” I nod and he slowly slides in.

  “Oh, fuck.” I start rocking up and down Nolan, and after I get worn out, he pumps his hips up hard and fast in contrast to Collins’ slow, deep thrusts. It feels like an out-of-body experience, and I bask in all of the pleasure. My eyes are closed, and I rock back and forth, up and down, and a hand travels down my stomach to my clit and rubs furious circles. I come so hard that I see stars and clamp down on both of their cocks until I’m milking them for all they’re worth. We lay down and I’m starting to fall asleep when I hear Collins whisper in my ear that he loves me.

  Nolan wakes me up with some breakfast in bed and he’s already showered and dressed for the day. “Good morning, baby. I have to be down in my classroom soon. Do you need anything?”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m going to head home after I shower.” I smile at him, eat my fruit and eggs, and say my goodbyes to them. I take a long, hot shower and head home after I dress. Too bad I couldn’t have fun in Collins’ office yesterday, not that I can get my body to contort into any fun positions anymore. I make it to my car without incident and drive back to the estate. When I pull up, I wave to Maggie as she leaves, and I head inside. I hear Mark talking to someone in the backyard and walk through the sitting room to see what he’s up to.

  “Good morning, baby. We’re just going over what equipment we want in the gym. The two rooms upstairs are complete and just need your approval.” He gives me a quick kiss and I shake hands with Brant.

  “I’m going to go up and check them out. Thank you so much, Brant! When will the gym be completed?”

  “Probably another month, not too much longer. I’ll head up there with you.” We make our way upstairs and I head into the magic room first. It’s exactly how I imagined it would look. The windows go from the floor to the ceiling on the wall that faces out to the backyard, there are shelves all along one wall that are stocked with potted herbs and plants that are ready to grow. There’s two desks side by side next to the bathroom door with shelving above them that are stacked with filled vials and another shelf for the empty vials, bowls, mortar and pestles, a cup filled with markers, and a bound book filled with spelled paper. In the middle of the room there is a mountain of pillows and blankets laid out in a circle. I just want to lay down and nest in it.

  Walking over to the closet there’s new shelving along all three walls that all sit empty. I turn around and give Brant a huge hug. “This is amazing! Thank you so much!” I go over to Mark and do the same. “This is so perfect, Mark! I can’t believe this.” They chuckle at my antics and we go to the room next door to our new playroom. Brant hands over the keys to the lock and we enter into my paradise. It is so fucking amazing. All dark red walls, the windows are all walled up, so the only lighting is from the dimmed fairy lights that are running along the ceiling. There’s a massive bed that goes from wall to wall at the back of the room that has black, silk sheets and a million pillows all over the bed. The canopy has translucent, black sheets hanging from all four corners that look like they can move to cover up around the bed completely.

  The walls
are full of shelves filled with a plethora of toys ranging from floggers, to dildos, to all sorts of vibrators and nipple clamps. There’s hooks and chains all along the right wall that can be moved over to the bed. I lightly jumping up and down on the balls of my feet. “Fuck. Yes!” I waddle over to the closet and see that it’s lined up in lingerie in various sizes to fit me in my normal and pregnant sizes. A full wall of platform and stiletto heels in all different colors and styles. This was definitely all Mark. “This is crazy!” I give them both another big hug and Mark drags me out of the room.

  “We can play later, let’s go check out the gym before we put on a show for poor Brant.”

  I chuckle and we make our way back outside. They have the outside building completed and the windows and doors in place. We walk through and it’s still bare, it needs dry wall, sound proofing, the music system, and lighting in place. “Wow, it really is coming along quickly!” Brant leads us to the back where the changing rooms, showers, and bathrooms are.

  “We figured since this is a home gym to just make everything uni-sex. Does that still work for you?”

  I nod and keep looking around. There’s plenty of room for sparring, combat, and training mats all around the main room. Not to mention a full wall that will be filled with weapons. He leads us to another room on the other side of the changing rooms.

  “This room will be completed shortly, the shooting range.” He does a mock bow and leads us in. It’s simple, but perfect for us. There will be targets that will be lined up along the back wall, and tables that are closer to the door to hold our weapons and extra magazines. On the wall closest to the door lines shelves that will hold our eye and ear equipment, and on the other side of the door will hold a slide out armory for all types of guns we will keep in here.

  I give him a high-five. “Fuck yes. You have been amazing!” He waves us off and goes walking over to his crew so they can finish up for the day. I look over to Mark. “What do you think?”


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