From the interpretation of Ibn Kathir, print year 2002, p. 59, chapter of Al-Nur, “Abu Ka'eb said, and many others: the "glass is the same as planet". The word Dury ca,e from the word Dur [jewelries]. It’s a planet made of jewelries “Dur”. And some others said these are falling stars which were signed while the Arabs however called these unknown planets Durary.”
For the sake of argument, let's say that the words kawkab dury mean “brilliant star”. The verse would then say, and to Mr. Harun's translation again, "the glass like a brilliant star." Notice the letter “a” as in "a brilliant star." The verse means any shining star, not a specific star at all. Otherwise it would come with the star's name or at least with the word “the” as in "the brilliant star" instead of "a brilliant star." And as I showed you from Ibn Kathir’s interpretation, the Arabs called any unknown planet a dury. And you can read for yourself Ibn Kathir’s Islamic translation.
Click here
At the same time, Allah is saying that he burns like a star. And as Mr. Harun agreed, Allah thinks that stars burn by using olive oil. From his translation, I quote: “The metaphor of His light is that of a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp inside a glass, the glass like a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, its oil all but giving off light even if no fire touches it.”
17Allah is not self-sufficient
He generates light from " a blessed tree" According to this, Allah says he generates light by burning oil from olive trees provided to the planets or lamp. At the same time, he is saying that the star lights up the same way! Based on this, the brightness of a star results from the olive oil burning. If the Muslims try to say that olive oil was used in those days for lighting, which is why Allah used it as an example, then we should make it clear that he chose to use a wrong example for many reasons.
1. I think the author of the Qur’an was influenced by the B i b l i c a l v e r s e a b o u t t h e b u r n i n g b u s h e s . Read Exodus 3:1-4:17.
2. Aburning lamp that uses olive oil is not bright at all. It would be very low in light and such a wrong comparison especially with the words “olive oil.” To make it clear, what kind of fuel is used for lighting? This leads us to understand how weak the light will be.
3. Since it's about burning and not simply the term “star” as Muslims claim, Allah again is employing a wrong vocabulary. This means Allah will burn out one day just like any other star that will one day die by burning its own source.
Let us read the next claim and see the answer for both.
Muslims’ claim
We built seven firm layers above you. We installed a blazing lamp. (Qur’an, 78:12-13) Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers, and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing lamp? (Qur’an, 71:15-16)
with light: self-consuming and burning:
This further emphasis’s the miraculous nature of the book of Islam.
My answer
Qur’an 71:16
“...and made the moon a light (NOOR) and made the sun as a lamp?” Do the Muslims mean here that Allah knew that the moonlight is a reflected light and the sun is burning?
The fact is, this verse doesn't say anything about a reflecting light. All it says is that we see that the moon has a light and the sun is a lamp. Let's see what word was used in Arabic for the word “light”. It's NOOR If this word means reflected light, as they claim, this means that Allah's NOOR is reflected too for
the Qur’an always says the NOOR of Allah, as we can see in the Qur’an. Qur’an 61:8
“They wish to extinguish the light (NOOR) of Allah by their mouths but God will Conclude His light, though the disbelievers be averse.”
We go back to Qur’an 24:35
Below is Mr. Harun's translation and I will locate all the words {NOOR} in the verse: {Allah is the light {NOOR} of the heavens and the Earth. The metaphor of His light {NOOR} is that of a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp inside a glass, the glass like a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, its oil all but giving off light {NOOR} even if no fire touches it. Light {NOOR} upon light {NOOR}. Allah guides to His light {NOOR} whoever He wills and Allah makes metaphors for mankind and Allah has knowledge of all things. (Surat an-Nur, 35)}
Therefor Allah is a reflected light because the verse here uses the word noor! What’s funny is that it is the exact chapter that the Muslims used to speak about a brilliant star. The same word was used, and now they try to use it as meaning reflection light.Perhaps they never thought that we would remember the previous claim! To prove their lie, I will show you Muhammad's words speaking about the moonlight with details.
Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Hadith 0421
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 468
Abu Huraira recorded The Messenger of Allah said,: Seventy thousand individuals would enter Paradise as one crowd and between them, there would be humans which their faces would be bright like THE MOON.
Click here Muhammad made it clear that even Allah's NOOR (light) is the same as that of the moonlight and not the sun. Maybe Muhammad chose the wrong words again!
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 72, Hadith 702 Reported by Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's apostle saying, "From among my followers, a group of SEVENTY THOUSAND will enter Paradise without being asked for their current account. Their faces will be shining like the moon."
Allah's NOOR, HIS NOOR As you see here, the verse describes Allah's light, NOOR, as (His Light is as a lamp in a niche). This means light, as the word (noor), does not mean reflection, because according to this verse, the noor, or light, is coming directly from the lamp. This is unless Muslims think that their god borrows his light! (noor).
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 10, Hadith 547 Reported Jarir bin 'Abdallah: We were there with the Messenger on a full phase of the moon night. He looked at THE MOON and said, "You will definitely see your Lord such as you see this MOON, plus there will be no difficulty in seeing Him."
You can certainly look at the sun but not for a long period of time, otherwise its brightness will blind you. However, Allah’s light is the same as the moon’s. We can stare at the moon for a long time since its light is just a reflection and nothing more. This shows that once more Muhammad chose the light of his god to be identical with the light of the moon. Maybe Muhammad misrepresented his god again.
Muslims’ claim 19THE ORBIT OF THE MOON
The moon orbits earth in 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11
seconds. The Arabic word “qamar” meaning “moon” is used 27
times in the Qur’an. (The miraculous character of this shall be dealt with in the coming pages.)
My answer
THIS MUST BE A MIRACLE! First, if the word moon comes out 27 times, how come it’s translated 28 times in the Qur’an? Maybe Mr. Harun, not having knowledge of the Arabic language, doesn’t know that the Qur’an uses different words in Arabic such as the word Qamar, to identify the moon. If we go to Qur’an 2:189, we will see the word moon in all translations made by Muslims because the Arabic word used there is new moons (Ahilla, plural of Hilāl).
Qur’an 2:189
Translations of Yusuf Ali, Muhammad H. Shakir, Muhammad Pickthall and Mohsin Khan
“They ask thee concerning the New Moons.”
And that will break Mr. Harun’s numbers from 27 to 28. The fact is, the moon takes 27.3 days to go around the earth. If Allah knew the correct timing of the moon’s orbit, which is something that’s
already been known for thousands of years, why then did he choose the lunar calender which is 11.5 days shorter than the current calender?
It's very obvious that the one who came up with this argument had no idea what the Qur'an is about. This book is based generally on foreign words from other languages specifically Aramaic. The word (Shahr or Shahra) is an Aramaic word used in Arabic which means moon. By today’s translation, this word means month. That is the normal understanding for an average person with very limited knowledge in Arabic.
If we take a look at this coming verse, we would find the word Shahr translated as month and that is due to today’s standard use of the word. However, the word originally mean moon and during Muhammad’s time, Arab used the moon to be the basis of their monthly date system just like the Muslims. Both words mean the time by the moon. As an example, instead of saying, “I will pay you in the coming month,” I can say, “I will pay you in the coming moon,” because the coming moon is the coming month.
Qur’an 9:36
That the number of the months for Allah is twelve months in Allah’s book, he created the heavens and the earth.
Based on this, the correct translation would be: Qur’an 9:36
That the number of the months for Allah is twelve (moon) in Allah’s book, he created the heavens and the earth.
And that makes more sense because the Muslims use the lunar calendar.
If we go to the Arabic Islamic dictionary of Al-qamous Al- Muhee't, or the dictionary of Lisan Al-Arab we will find: “AL-Shar mean moon and its named this way because its famous”
This is a direct link to the Islamic dictionaries Click here Another less-known name is (sahar), related to the Aramaic and Arabic words for moon (sahara and shahr, respectively)
So again, the god of Islam insists that a year is composed of 12 moons appear as the word Shahr.
And that again will break the claim of the word moon which appears in the Qur'an for 27 times because the word shahr or moon show in the Qur'an 17 time.
So 27 time as Qamar + 1 time as Ahilla + 17 time as Shar = 45 time the word moon appear in the Quran.
--------------------------------------------------Muslims’ claim
365 DAYS The word "day, “yavm” in Arabic appears 365 times in the Qur’an. It also takes the Earth 365 days to orbit the Sun. The fact that the word “day” appears 365 times in the Qur’an is very important in terms of its providing information about the earth’s orbit hundreds of years ago.
My answer
The word “day” appears 365 times in the Qur’an.
It takes the earth 365 days to orbit the sun.” The funny thing is, if this is true and the Muslims agree that the right calendar is 365 days, then why did Allah choose the lunar year which would be wrong since we see them agreeing with science that there’s indeed 365 days?!
Also, is it true that the word “day” appears 365 times in the Qur’an? Below is the actual number of times that the word (موي) appears in the original Arabic Qur’an rather than 478 times the word “day” can be found in this translated version:’an_Search.asp 1. Just the claim before this one they said Allah said the word moon 27 time and that present the Islamic moon calender, but now the Islamic month is not the moon month no more its “The Gregorian calendar”, also called the Western calendar and the Christian calendar.?
2. The word “yavm” in Mr. Harun’s text is very wrong as the Arabic alphabet doesn’t have a letter V at all. Also, the word “youm” is not even an Arabic word because it’s taken from the Aramaic word “youmu” which means day.
3. The word “day” appears 574 times in 519 verses in Yusuf Ali’s translation of the Qur’an.
4. The word “day” appears 532 times in 481 verses in Muhammad H. Shakir’ translation of the Qur’an. 5. The word “day” appears 568 times in 513 verses in Muhammad Pickthall’s translation of the Qur’an. 6. The word “day” appears 704 times in 579 verses in Mohsin Khan’s translation of the Qur’an.
In the Arabic Qur'an, we can find the following phrases and the number of times they are repeated:
So if Mr. Harun’s calculations are correct, that would mean that all other Islamic translations that add the word “day” for more than 200 times is a corruption of the Qur’an. I think Mr. Harun never thought that someone would count after him. And that certainly wouldn’t be the Muslims who fund his projects to promote Islam.
The Year For Allah is 12 Months! Qur’an 9:36
That the number of the months (moons) for Allah is twelve months (moons) in Allah’s book, he created the heavens and the earth.
Maybe you do not know this but the 12-month Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar. It’s 11.2 days shorter than the correct year with 365.2425 days. The shortened 11.2 days means that in every 3 years, the correct calculation would be 13 months.
shorter days11.2 x 3 = 34.2 Every 3 years, they have to add one more month to obtain the correct year. Allah is saying that the 12-month year is incorrect. To explain this in more detail, the month of Ramadan is not fixed on a specific date because the month of the lunar calendar lacks 11.2 days every year and the leap year for the lunar year would be 385 days.
1. As we see, the month of Ramadan is moving. This year it's in the summer but a few years back it was in the winter season. This is all because the lunar year is drifting and every third year it will turn to a 13-month year if you need the correct dates.
2. The verse states that for Allah, the year had 12 months when he created the earth. I am sure you’ve seen that many Muslims accept the Big Bang theory but the one who accepts this theory should also accept the rest of the claim that a day then have 6 hours. That will make the day change. Therefore, the month and the measurement of the year as well.
See Nasa site 3. The Arabs before Muhammad were using the same calendar. Muhammad used the exact same name for each month so how can Allah take a pagan calendar and claim it to be his?
4. As long as the Islamic calendar is wrong, all Islamic events would be on wrong dates.
21 THE BIRTH OF JESUS & THE BIRTH OF MUHAMMAD Muslims have always questioned Christians about the accurate date of Jesus’ birth. They say that Christians celebrate a date which is not even the actual birth of Christ. We as Christians certainly do not celebrate the date but rather celebrate the occasion. To make it simple to understand, no one on the face of the earth celebrates or can even celebrate the date of his exact birth for this reason:
The day you were born will never come back again. There's no date that is equivalent to that date. There is no accuracy in any calendar to make you celebrate your birthday by hour and second. To make it uncomplicated for you, I think you heard about something called the lab year which occurs once every 4 years, every 19 years. A 13th lunar month is added seven times to the 12 lunar months. For that reason, if you were born on January 1st, 2000, and you celebrated your 40-year anniversary, it would occur on January 1st, 2040. You might think it's the same date but in fact, there are about 56 days added to the calendar within the last 40 years. On that ground, if this is what's happening to every individual on earth, this means there is no actual date of birth that is correct. And if this occurs even after using what is called the accurate calendar which is the one we use today, then what will happen with the Muslims when they use a very wrong calendar which is the lunar calendar?
Muslims question the accuracy of the birth of Jesus. As said previously, we celebrate the occasion of Christ’s birth rather than his date of birth. Muslims on the other hand claim to celebrate the birth of Muhammad as a date, not as an occasion. Let us examine together the Muslims’ celebration and see if it is accurate or if they are just fooling themselves.
; There are different views regarding the date of birth of Muhammad and Muslims do not all agree about it. However, there is one date that is mostly accepted which is Muhammad being born on the 12thRabi Al Awwal of the Islamic calendar. Ibn Hazm, Alz Zuhri, Ibn Al Qayyim, and Ibn Dihya all claim that Muhammad was born on the 8thRabi Al Awwal.
For the Shia Muslims, Muhammad was born on Monday the 17thRabi Al Awwal.
And there are many other dates but we will study the date which is accepted by most of the Sunni Muslims.
Sahih Muslim, Book 006, Hadith 2603, Book 006, Hadith 2606 “He was then asked about fasting on Monday, therefore he said: It was the day on which I was born. On which I was nominated with prophet hood, and revelation was sent to me...”
The Book of Al-kamel Fe Al-Tari'kh
Vol. 1, p. 416
“Inb Isaq said,: the prophet was born on Monday the 12th Rabi Al Awwal (name of Islamic month).”
So if we take a look at the birthday of Muhammad, Monday the 12th Rabi Al Awwal, we will notice how the month of Rabi Al Awwal moves around the year. Sometimes, his birthday comes in summer and in other times it comes in the winter season.
This proves that Muhammad’s birth date is noticeably moving around the year. Therefore, it’s a wrong date because of their use of Lunar Calendar which is incorrect.
So why do Muslims complain that our Christmas date is not the real birth date of Christ when the birth date of their prophet is wrong?
Muslims’ claim
23THE OZONE LAYER AT THE POLES 24AS THE SUN RISES Until he reached the rising of the sun and found it rising on a people to whom We had not given any shelter from it. (Surat al-Kahf, 90)
Qur'an And Science in Depth_This book go in deep study about the Qur'an and Science investigating the truthful of facts or claims. Page 11