Qur'an And Science in Depth_This book go in deep study about the Qur'an and Science investigating the truthful of facts or claims.
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The funny thing in here is that Muslims made many videos, articles and even books, but they never explained how Allah sent down eight pairs of animals. Is that because they knew it was false? I wonder, if we truly only had eight pairs of animals, how much would the Muslims be speaking about it? But because they know it's false, they simply sleep on it. Also, as long as the eight are in pairs, male and female, the eight would now turn into four. Do we only have four?
From Ibn Kathir’s interpretation we read:
"And it is Allah who has sent to you cattles in eight pairs." He (Allah) meant, He has created for mankind from among the cattles, eight pairs. These are the ones that are mentioned in Surat Al-An'aam, eight kinds of them, which are a pair of sheeps, a pair of goats, a pair of camels and a pair of oxen."
If you go to the English dictionary, you will find out that the word cattle not only those four kinds of animals, between all kinds of animals which live in groups, including donkeys, horses, swine, and many others and even a human being.
And it is the same in Arabic except that the word is used in the Qur’an as An'aam, which means in all kind of animals. And notice that Muslims did not make any article about this verse, because they cannot play with it much.
Conclusion: 1. The word “An'aam” animals, means all kinds of animals, with no exceptions. By science there are six basic groups of animals: Invertebrates, Amphibians, Fishes, Reptiles, Mammals, and Birds. This would mean that Allah is wrong again if the Muslims are counting four kinds as eight, like two camels, two cows, two lambs and two goats. This means all other animals are not Allah's creation, because he is clearly saying eight kinds! Muslims might mostly defend the Qur’an by saying eight has a metaphorical meaning. So the entire verse speaks of science except for the number here? How funny! It's a very clear mistake.
2. To say that there are only 4 kinds of animals, as eight pairs, sent down from Allah is false.
3. Let's see about the creation of the baby in the mother's womb! 4. Do we really come from the mother's womb? I will let this one go because they will say it's metaphorical as always. Then let's go to the three darkness of Creation.
5. I will see what Muhammad himself explains in this verse. He will help me expose the falsification! As always, when you go to Ibn Kathir’s interpretation in Arabic, you find that it has no match whatsoever with its English translation.
This is the link as an example of the English translation: Click here which doesn’t even hold 10% of Ibn Kathir’s original Arabic text. This is what Ibn Kathir, Vol. 7, p. 86 said, about the following verse in the Arabic book:
"and he made you in your mother’s belly, creation after creation" that means he created you and your mother’s belly, each of you were as sperm, then he became a clot, then he became a chewed lump, and then he would be created as flesh then bones and nerves, so Allah breathed into him then became a new creation, and He is saying “in three darknesses” fee Allah meant; that darkness of the womb, the darkness of the placenta which is membrane of production, and the darkness of the belly."
Sahih Muslim Book 033, Hadith 6390 According to Abdullah (bin Masud) that the Messenger of Allah regarding your creation Allah will. It brings together the components of one of you for 1) forty days in his mother's belly in the form of blood, and after that 2) it will become a blood clot intended for another period of forty days. 3) Then it will become a piece of flesh. In addition to forty days later, Allah sends an angel to it with orders concerning four things, so the angel writes his livelihood, and his death, his deeds, his fortune and misfortune.
5The Period of Pregnancy in Islam
From the interpretation of the Imam AL-Qur’tubi (AL Jame' LE-A'hkam AL-Qur’an) year 671 of Islamic year, he said, women can be pregnant according to Al-Shafi'e, during 4 years. According to Malik, 5 years. He also said that if a woman's pregnancy is more than 4 years, it might be up to 10 years! Also, in a third story, AL-Zouhry said, it might be up to 7 years. Abu 'Omar and other of the prophet's apostles said, it's 7 years and Shafi'e said that the length of it is 4 years.
Click here As you see in a book that was written 700 years after Muhammad, the Muslims are still accepting such teachings. All of this was intended to cover Muhammad's birth. His grandfather accepted Muhammad as a grandson by the same method. They cannot delete it and stay away from it. For sure Muslims will say these scholars are wrong but the fact is, it's the Qur’an that’s stating these as we see in Qur’an 13:8. What these scholars are doing is just giving an interpretation to what Allah is saying. After all, isn't it what interpretation means?
Qur’an 13:8 It's Allah, who knows what every womb will bear, and what wombs give in shorter or longer time or even exceed. Every single thing for Allah has the proportion.
As you see here, Allah is not sure about the duration of pregnancies and he can't even explain how some are short and some exceed the allotted time!
We have some big names that maybe you guys didn't notice in the interpretation. Al-Shafi'I and Maliki present the majority of the Muslims in the world.
In this same page from Imam Al-Qur’tubi (AL Jame' LE-A'hkam AL-Qur’an) interpretation of Qur’an 13:8, we see this hadith:
“Oh, Abu Yahaya, please Prophet, pray for this woman. She has been pregnant for four years and is in a bad situation.” So, Malik got angry and said, “What's wrong with these people? Don't they see we are prophets?!” Then he read and prayed saying, “Allah, if this woman has gas let it go? If she has a child, let her give birth.” Afterwards the prophet came and said to that man (whose wife is pregnant since four years), “Go to your wife (she is giving birth).” And before the prophet left the mosque, the man came back with his new born son on his shoulder, and he was 4 years old and has curly hair and growing teeth and his umbilical cord is cut off.
Click here In the interpretation of Qur’an 46:15 by Abu Baker AL-Razi, he said, Abu Ali Bin Sina (a bigtime, very knowledgeable Muslim scholar) Abu’l ‘Ali al-Husayn b. ‘Abd Allah Ibn Sina. Muslims are very proud about him as a physician and Ibn Sina’s philosophy. This is the funniest thing about the corrupted Arab history. They call him an Arab scientist when he was not even born in any Arab land, nor is he an Arab.
Now let me show you that not everything you see on the internet or on TV is true. See if Ibn Sina is a great Persian physician! Let us see if Muslims will be proud after reading this:
In the book of Tafsir Mafateh AL-Ghaeeb by the very knowledgeable Muslim scientist Abu Baker AL-Razi (look what the two of the biggest names of Islamic science say):
“Abu Ali Bin Sina in his chapter six in the ninth article named AL-Shifa' (healing), I have been informed with trust the knowledgeable results that a woman gave birth after four years of pregnancy and the boy's teeth were growing, and he lives”
Now I know Muslims will say this is not true, but here’s the link, as it is, in the Islamic book of the Kingdom of Jordan:
Click here He even said that the baby will be completed in full. The prophet said, he will be done (created) as a baby in 40 days in his mother womb. This is their bigtime scientist and they say his book was great education for all of Europe!
This is why Muhammad ordered Muslim women, whose husbands were missing, to not remarry until four years had passed, as we see in this hadith of 'Omar the Khalifa (King):
Malik’s Muwatta. Book 29, Hadith 29.19.52 “The woman, which her husband is missing, has to wait for four years, before she can marry again.
In another hadith, The Book of AL-Iste'ab Vol. 3/1103, a man came to Khalift 'Omar and said, “I was in travel away from my wife for two years and when I came back, I found her pregnant.” Then 'Omar asked, “Who is around?” If he maybe be suppose to stone her! However, Ibn Ma'az said, “Well if you like to stone her, do not stone her baby!” So 'Omar agreed to let her give birth. However, when the woman gave birth to the child, his testicles were out (meaning, he is older than an infant, about 2 years old). The husband came to 'Omar and said, “I swear by Allah. The child is mine, and
he looks like me!” So, 'Omar said thanks to Ma'az. If Ma'az had not advised me 'Omar going to hell. Which means, 'Omar accepts the man saying that it is his child, even if he had no sex with her for more than two years, and he was thanking Ma'az for the advice!
An example of judgment regarding the period of pregnancy In the coming example we will show you a real judgment made in an Islamic Court and approved by all the Islamic scholars. A judgment in Islam is called a “Fatwa” which is an Islamic judgment based on the Qur’an and the stories of Muhammad.
“Fatwa number 18395. Date: June 27, 2002
Question: What is the judgment regarding the women who had delivered a baby two years after her husband's death. She is stated as a widow and she never remarried after his death.
Answer: Praise be to Allah and peace into the prophet and his companions. If a woman is divorced or if her husband passed away and he did not remarry after but she gave birth after her husband’s death by four years, the son will be considered to belong to the deceased husband. And after she gave birth to the baby she can go and remarry again, and this is according to the sect of Al-Maliki, Al-Shafie, Al-Hanbali, and Al Hanafi sect approved that up to two years only, and the majority of the scholars have this opinion and judgment based on the hadith which proves that women can be brought up to four years as is mentioned in the book of Al-Daraqani, from Al-Walid Bin Muslim, that Aisha said to Malik Ibn 'Anas; "the maximum time of her pregnancy is two years" so he answered her saying praise be to Allah who said, that? This is our neighbor the wife of Muhammad Ibn 'Ajlan a faithful woman and her husband is a faithful man. She was pregnant three times within 12 years [4 years for each pregnancy]. And based on this the woman who gave birth as your question two years after her husband’s death the child belongs to the deceased husband. As long as she did not marry another husband after his death, and this is approved by all Islamic sects.
And the biggest scholar of Islam Zakaria Al-Ansari may Allah bless his soul, said in the book "Asna Al-Ma'talrb" if the husband issued a final divorce order reversal one or canceled his marriage and did not deny the presidency of his divorced woman who gave birth for years after his divorce, regardless she Mary and your husband or she a did not after the waiting period is over (which mean the waiting Period can go up to four years) if she agreed that her waiting period is over or she did not agree still the child belong to the first husband(who was born four years after the divorce).”
If you speak Arabic you can read this Fatwa in the following Islamic site
Do Muslims make any videos about this amazing science? It's very clear that all Islamic scholars of Islam since 1400 years until now have the same exact understanding. So where did Mr. Harun got his science and discovery from? It’s just a new way of deceiving. Muslims today know that science affects the minds of people and after exhausting every way to convince people to convert to this religion, they now need to use science.
--------------------------------------------------Muslims’ claim
No indeed! If he does not stop, We will grab him by the forelock, a lying, sinful forelock. (Qur’an, 96:15-16) The expression "the lying, sinful forelock" in the above verse is most interesting. Research carried out in recent years has revealed that the prefrontal area, which is responsible for the management of particular functions of the brain, falsification in the frontal part of the skull. Scientists only discovered the functions of this area, which the Qur’an pointed out 1,400 years ago,
My answer
Control of Movement
Qur’an 96:15-16 – Harun Yahya’s translaltion “No indeed! If he does not stop, We will grab him by the forelock, a lying sinful forelock”. At the end of the Muslim's explanation of this chapter (sura), some of the listed scientists’ literature doesn’t even mention the word “forelock.” Evidently, after examining the scientists’ books and material, these scientists don’t support this Sura.
Since nothing was found to substantiate the Muslims’ claim in the Sura that this is intracranial related, then the conclusion by definition is that this “forelock” is external to the brain. Forelock is referred to as a piece of hair, not intracranial (internal to the head). Many of us have heard the term a “lock” of hair, meaning a piece of hair. Oxfords English Dictionary defines forelock as hair growing just above the forehead.
Do scientists say that the control of movement is in our hair or is this Islamic science?
Looking at Arabic sources such as the (Shaker) English Arabic dictionary, which has 8 Arabic dictionaries, it confirms without a doubt that Sura 96:15-16 indeed refers to a lock of hair growing just above the forehead. This shows that the Muslim who is explaining this Sura is in gross error of its meaning and/or is deliberately trying to deceive his fellow Muslims and non-Muslims.
This following Tafsir shows that forelock is the hair: Tafsir Al-Jalalayn 96:15
No for sure as punishment for him for his belief, We shall seize him by the forelock, We shall grab, drag him to the Fire by his forelock,
And all Muslims interpretations agree about it, but these new claims are something new with new waves of scientific Qur'an propaganda.
Even one of the most prowed name in Islam he agree that this is the Forelock front hair on the head. Book of Tafsir Al-Qur'an by Imam Fakher Al-Deen Al-Razi he said: “ we will Hold him from his forelock, and drag him in too fire , and word Safi' mean graping and holding with strength, as He say(Allah):
Qur'an 55:41
“(For) the sinners will be known by their marks: a n d they will be seized by their forelocks and their feet”
From Tafsir al-Jalalayn
“The guilty will be recognised by their mark: wich is blackened faces and blue eyes; so they will be seized by the forelocks and the feet.”
Even in Harun Yahya's translation it says:
“We will grab him by the forelock, a lying sinful forelock”
It's clear that the verse is speaking about hair.
Qur’an 96:14
ٰىَرَيَّلٱ ّنَأِب مَلْعَيْمَلَأ
Did he not know that God sees, Muslims are supposed to understand that Allah knows everything. Apparently Allah doesn't, according to Muhammad.
Qur’an 96:16
A lying, sinful forelock!
Al-Jalalayn said this is just a description for the sinful forelock of Abu Jahel, Muhammad's uncle. In such terms it's meant figuratively, but what he actually meant was this individual, Abu Jahel.
This is not even about every human. It's about one individual, in this case, the uncle of Muhammad. This Tafsir is talking about Muhammad’s uncle, Abdullah bin Abdul Uzza which means Abu requirement flame and also known as Abu Otbah who died in 624. He is a half-brother of Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib, Muhammad’s father.
Abdul Uzza, his known nickname later was called Abu Jahl for refusing to accept Islam. Only two uncles of Muhammad accepted Islam after they lost war with him and even Abu Taleb who was like a father to Muhammad. Muslims claim that he accepted Islam in the last moment of his life when he was almost dying. Muhammad was trying hard to push him to accept Islam. Out of nine uncles, two became Muslims and out of six aunts, only one accepted Islam. These three individuals (the two uncles and one aunt) converted to Islam after losing the war against Muhammad. This is more proof that Muhammad was a false man.
And Muhammad men killed his uncle and torture him as we read:
It has been reported by Anas son of. Malik that the Messenger of Allah (Allah pray on him)said (after the encounter at Badr): Who will ascertain for us what has happened to Abu Jahl? Ibn Mas'ud went (to gather this information). He found that the two sons of 'Afra' had struck him and he lay cold at the point of death. He caught him by his beard an
d said: Art thou Abu Jahl? He said: is there anybody superior to the person you have killed, or its his people have killed him. Ibn Mas'ud says that, according to Abu Mijlaz, Abu Jahl said: I wish it was some on not a goat shepherd would have killed me. (Sahih Muslim Book 019, Hadith 4434,Book 32, Hadith 144)
And its reported that prophet of Islam was extremely happy for killing him.
As we read in Book of Tafsir Al-Qur'an by Imam Fakher AlDeen Al-Razi p 24 “Son of Massoud when he slit his ear and make thread in it and make dragged to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and Jibril between his hands and he laughs, and says: 'O Muhammad authorized me(to laugh), but we got here his head with the ear, this is what been said in the killing of Abu Jahl”
Imagine how savage this action, specially if you learn that Abu Jahel, not only his father brother(his uncle) but he was the father of two men was married to Muhammad daughters.
If somebody doesn't believe that Allah is their god, it doesn’t mean they are lying. They are being honest. What does this
have to do with lying? If Muhammad’s uncle didn't believe in Allah, he wasn't lying. It was just his belief, nothing more.
If a Hindu says to a Christian, "My god is not Christ," can anyone accuse him of lying? No, because this is what this Hindu believes in. Lying is saying something knowing it's not true. Why would Muhammad accuse his uncle of lying when his uncle honestly did not believe in Allah as God and Muhammad as a prophet?
If someone says, "I believe a Satan ate my food," (Like a jinn eating a Muslim’s food. The Muslims believe in jinns, who are considered to be creatures made of gas and fire. They even believe Satan have sex with their women) they are in essence not lying because this is something the person truly believes in. As foolish as it seems that someone would actually believe a spirit would eat their food in the first place, and that Satan would have sex with their women, it is still something they faithfully believe in. “ The messenger of Allah said: Do not eat with your left hand, for the Satan eats with his left hand. (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Hadith 5007)