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The Killing Room

Page 4

by Gerri Hill

  Because once she left the mountains and went back to Denver, it would hit her full force. The shooting, the boy’s death, the questions. And she would be ready to face them. All she needed was… a little time.


  “Jesus Christ,” she murmured. The wind coming off the water was biting and Nicole hurried, dutifully grabbing the toilet tissue she’d tossed aside as she pulled her jeans up. She had hoped for an early morning campfire to warm her up, but the wind was too strong, and she decided not to chance it. Instead, she’d have coffee and oatmeal and hit the trail.

  “What trail?” she asked, unable to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. Of all the stupid things she could do, getting lost had to rank right up there. She liked to think that she had a general idea of where she was but, the truth was, she didn’t have a clue. She was somewhere in the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness, of that she was certain. But the stream she was following? The compass said she was traveling southwest. The map showed streams going west and streams going south. There were no streams going southwest. Obviously the map lied.

  But she would not panic. The stream had to go somewhere. And she had enough food for three weeks. So, there really wasn’t a problem. She rolled her eyes. Of course there is a problem! You’re freakin’ lost!

  Nonetheless, after a quick breakfast, she folded the tent and tied it to the bottom of her pack and bravely set out again, following the stream into the canyon. With luck, she’d hit a river or a larger stream that she could find on the map, and she might figure out where she was. If not, she’d hike the stream until she came to civilization or met another hiker. Which, again, surely to God, would be soon. Not that she was afraid of being alone. In fact, she liked nothing better than being alone in the mountains. Of course, that was when she knew where the hell she was. But, being lost like this, she had a strange feeling of being disconnected from the world. And a part of her wondered if that was such a bad thing.


  Jake rested against a tree, leaning heavily on her cane. She could just make out the stream through the trees but knew she had a good half-hour hike to reach it. Closing her eyes, she rubbed her leg lightly. The throbbing had started nearly two hours ago.

  “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Jake affectionately rubbed Cheyenne’s head as the dog rested on her haunches next to Jake. Oh, she could make it down to the stream. That wasn’t the problem. It would be the return trip home. Even if she stayed two nights at the springs, she still didn’t think she could hike back to the cabin in one day. Mostly uphill… she’d be lucky to hike it in two days.

  “Got nothing but time,” she murmured. Giving Cheyenne a pat on the head, Jake pushed off the tree, grimacing as pain shot through her leg. “Goddamn,” she whispered. She gripped the cane tighter, leaning heavily on it as she moved carefully down the mountain.


  “Where the fuck am I?” Nicole whispered as she bent forward. She stood on a rock, watching as her little stream disappeared over the edge of the canyon and tumbled down some thirty or forty feet before landing in a beautiful spray of water and continuing on its way.

  With an exasperated sigh, she shrugged off her backpack and let it fall as she rested against the trunk of a spruce tree. The map that she’d folded and unfolded a hundred times that day was spread out once again on her lap. Unfortunately, the topographical map didn’t mark insignificant waterfalls on unnamed streams. She fingered the compass in her right hand, turning it over and over before looking at it. So she was facing south. And? She looked again at the map, shaking her head. She still had no idea where she was. She’d been in the mountains three days. Surely she couldn’t be that far off course. Surely, she was following one of the hundreds of streams on the map.

  Again, she tried to tell herself it didn’t really matter. So she was lost. She had food, she had water… she had time. Might as well enjoy it. She found it funny, actually. Had she known exactly where she was on the map, she’d be enjoying herself a hell of a lot more. But since she didn’t, that tiny, nagging panic attack that she’d man-aged to keep at bay was rearing its ugly head. She should be enjoying the solitude, the quiet, the peacefulness. Instead, she was studying the damn map, wondering where the hell she was.

  “Well, forget it,” she murmured. She hastily folded the map and shoved it back in her pocket, vowing once again to simply enjoy the mountains and not worry about where she was. Eventually, she would turn up somewhere. After all, Colorado wasn’t that big.


  With a clenched jaw, Jake took the last few steps down the trail, holding onto a tree limb as she balanced on a rock overlooking the stream. The fallen log she’d pulled up last year to help cross the stream with was gone. Apparently, last spring’s snowmelt had flooded the stream, moving her log. On a good day, it wouldn’t matter. She’d simply hop across the rocks to the other side, moving upstream to the hot springs.

  “But it’s not a good day.”

  Cheyenne was already in the water, splashing across to the other side, waiting expectantly. Jake studied the area, knowing that she couldn’t cross here. Not with one bum leg. So, with the cane digging into the soft earth near the stream, she pulled herself farther upstream, using the trees for support. There was a natural pool around the hot springs. If nothing else, she’d hike upstream that far and simply walk across the flat rocks.

  Easier said than done. This side of the stream was steep and rocky. The other side, the side that Cheyenne was walking along, flat and padded with spruce needles.

  “Fuck it.” She was tired and way past ready to submerge in the hot springs. So, using the cane to support herself, she stepped into the ice cold water, sinking to her knees as the mountain stream rushed by her. The current pulled at her and she used her left leg to brace against it as she moved slowly through the icy water to the other side. Her injured leg felt nearly numb as she maneuvered over the rocks, her thoughts simply on making it to the other side. Cheyenne waited anxiously as Jake pulled herself from the water. Her jeans were wet up to her thighs and the late afternoon shadows cast a chill over her as she limped after Cheyenne. The dog, as if sensing her pain, walked slowly, turning often to look at her.

  “I’m okay, girl. Lead the way.” Damn dog. Her intelligent eyes acknowledged that Jake was in pain. Jake didn’t doubt that if the dog could talk, she’d have blasted her for making this trip in the first place.

  The springs were as Jake had remembered. A large pool carved out of the stream, steam rising as the afternoon temperatures dropped into the forties. She felt a grin slash across her face at the sight of the springs. Yeah, she could easily spend the entire day tomorrow soaking. It was picture-perfect—the water, the steam, the trees surrounding the hot springs, the sun setting over the mountains.

  Jake let her pack fall, bending to unlace her wet boots. She kicked them off and shed her jeans, walking toward the water as she pulled her shirt over her head. Stark naked, she limped to the edge of the pool, bending down to support herself as she pulled her right leg over the rocks and into the water.

  “Oh… God,” she murmured as she submerged up to her neck. She let out a satisfied moan as the hot water washed over her and she bent her head back, wetting her hair. She relaxed under the water, stretching her legs out in front of her and closing her tired eyes. The throbbing pain, constant for the last two hours, eased somewhat. Despite her vow that she didn’t need pain pills any longer, she was thankful she’d brought them along. No doubt, she’d need one tonight.

  Keeping her eyes closed, she listened to the water, hearing the constant roar of the waterfall farther upstream. Tomorrow, she’d hike to the falls. It was a beautiful sight, watching the water drop off the mountain some forty feet above her head, crashing on the rocks before continuing on its journey south. It was a beautiful sight, but, tucked way back here in the wilderness, few ever saw it.


  Nicole spent the better part of the afternoon climbing down the ca
nyon, trying to reconnect with the stream. She could hear it, she just couldn’t get to it. The steepness of the canyon dictated her route, and on more than one occasion, she slipped, landing on her backside as she bounced down the rocks. But finally the rocks lessened, and the trees thickened as the ground leveled out. Resting, she got her bearings as she listened to the rush of water over the rocks.

  She pushed on, walking toward the sound of water. It was nearly deafening as she approached the falls. Lifting her head up, her eyes followed the stream of water high up the canyon, finding the spot where she’d stood earlier that day, the spot where her small stream had disappeared. And ended down here.

  “Wow.” Beautiful. Nicole wasn’t one to carry around a camera but she certainly wished she had one now. The sight was nearly breathtaking. See, getting lost has its benefits.

  She stared a little longer at the falls, then moved on, feeling somewhat comforted by being next to the stream again. It, at least, was familiar. So, she followed its rocky bank, taking the time to admire the scenery around her; the sounds, the smells of the forest. Even though she was lost, she was determined not to waste this time. The day was too perfect.


  Jake watched as Cheyenne raised her head, ears pointed forward as she stared upstream.

  “We got company?” Jake asked quietly. Cheyenne growled low in her throat, then stood and walked quickly along the bank. Jake followed the dog with her eyes, finally seeing movement in the trees.

  “Oh, shit,” Nicole murmured as the large brown dog bounded up to her. She stood still, her earlier excitement of seeing steam rising from the water—a telltale sign of hot springs—vanished as she was being stalked by this… “Nice doggie. I hope.”

  It was only then that she saw someone in the water. Again, her elation at not only finding a hot spring but another human as well, was curbed by the curious dark eyes watching her.

  Nicole froze as the dog walked closer, sniffing her pants and boots, then nudging her hand with a wet nose. “Please don’t bite,” she whispered. Finally, the dog shook herself and turned, trotting back to her owner. She watched as the woman in the springs reached out a hand and affectionately rubbed the dog’s head. Nicole cleared her throat, deciding she better ask first instead of just walking over.

  “Is it safe to come closer?” she yelled. “I mean, with the dog.”

  “Cheyenne won’t hurt you.”

  Nicole stared. “I guess that’s a yes, then,” she murmured. As she walked closer, Nicole politely averted her eyes. The woman was naked, casually sitting on a rock as the water swirled around her waist. Great. A naked woman. A naked woman with… perfect breasts.

  Nicole looked downstream, she looked at the dog, she looked at her own damn feet. Finally, she looked at the woman, struggling to keep her gaze from lingering. “I… I don’t mean to intrude,” she finally said. Jesus! You’d think you’ve never seen a naked woman before!

  “You’re not intruding. This is public land,” the woman said. Nicole noticed the amusement in the woman’s voice.

  Nicole shifted uncomfortably. “Actually, I’m… well, I’m sort of lost.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” Nicole finally loosened the straps on her pack and let it fall to the ground behind her. “Actually, I’m really lost. I’m assuming I’m still in Colorado. Other than that, I don’t have a clue.”

  The woman’s laughter rang out, and Nicole relaxed for the first time in what seemed like days. “I’ve been following this stream for two days.”

  “Grizzly Gulch.”

  “This is Grizzly Gulch then?”


  “The map showed the trail crossing over Grizzly Gulch and continuing on until it reached Cottonwood Creek. But when I got to Grizzly Gulch, there was a mountain on the other side. No trail.”

  “Maps have been known to be wrong.” The woman shifted off her rock and submerged under the warm water, a satisfied look on her face as she resurfaced. “Why don’t you join me? There’s not much daylight left.”

  Nicole hesitated. A few hours ago, she would have given her right arm to walk up on some hot springs. But that didn’t involve stripping naked in front of a stranger. A quite attractive stranger with… perfect breasts.

  “If you’re shy, I’ll turn my back,” the woman offered.

  “That’d be nice,” Nicole said. “Thank you.” Jesus, you’re being silly. But as the woman dutifully turned her back, Nicole wasted no time in stripping off her clothes, dropping them in a neat pile next to her pack. As she walked into the water, the dog watched her every move. She had no doubt that, if instructed, the animal would attack. So, she slowly reached out and petted the dog’s head, pleased that it didn’t bite. She settled into the warm water, a quiet moan escaping before she could stop it. “You can turn around now.”

  “Great, huh?”

  “More than great. I’ve been dreaming of this for three nights. That’s the reason I’m lost.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “I had this bright idea to leave the main trail in search of hot springs.” Nicole stretched out, not caring that the crystal clear water did little to cover her. She dipped her head under water, smoothing the hair away from her face as she surfaced. “Two days of being lost is well worth it.” Then she smiled. “Provided, of course, that you tell me where we are.”

  Again, the woman laughed, and Nicole couldn’t help but stare. Her hair was cut short, brutally short. But it did little to distract from the attractive face. In fact, it most likely enhanced the woman’s features. Clean, smooth complexion, nicely tanned for this time of year, dark eyes framed by thick eyelashes, and full lips turned up now in a smile. Jesus, Nicole, can you get any more obvious?

  “We are between Cottonwood Pass and St. Elmo.”

  “St. Elmo? The ghost town?”

  “Yes. A good three-day hike.”

  “My original plan was to hike the Colorado Trail to the base of Mt. Princeton and then head up the mountain to St. Elmo.”

  “Lots of hot springs around Mt. Princeton.”

  “Yes. But I was looking for solitude.”

  The woman shrugged. “Sorry.”

  “Anyway, I didn’t count on getting lost. Once I made St. Elmo, I was going to hike around Mt. Shavano to the highway and down to Salida.”

  “That’s quite a trip. Especially alone.”

  “Yes it is.” Nicole looked away, sinking a little lower in the water. “But I needed some time alone.” She felt the woman watching her, but she didn’t care. The water felt too good, and she closed her eyes, sinking below the surface, letting the warm water surround her. When she lifted her head out of the water and slicked her hair back, the woman had moved away. Nicole watched as she rose out of the water, catching her breath as the woman stood, water dripping lazily off her body. Nicole’s eyes, of their own accord, traveled down the sculpted body, resting briefly on the… Jesus … nicest ass she’d ever seen. You’re a pig.

  “I’ll give you some privacy, since you wanted to be alone,” the woman said. “I’ll get a fire going.”

  Nicole wanted to protest, but she’d lost her voice. The woman was… beautiful. She told herself it was extremely impolite, but still she stared. Long legs moved through the water and the woman sat on the ledge, swinging both legs out of the water at the same time. Nicole frowned, catching a glimpse of a red scar. Then the woman moved, standing on the bank, water dripping from her body. Nicole tried to summon just a small portion of her professional side and failed miserably. Unabashedly, she stared, eyes moving over the well-toned body, resting again on the nicely rounded backside.

  “There’s plenty of room for two tents. You’re planning on camping here, right?”

  “If you don’t mind.”

  The woman nodded and walked away, still naked, clutching her clothes to her body. Nicole noticed the slight limp and dutifully turned her eyes as the woman bent over to retrieve her backpack and a cane. The dog walked obediently be
side her, following the woman into the forest.

  “What is wrong with you?” Nicole whispered as she turned away from the woman. God, try to act like you’re not a total idiot!


  Jake tugged sweatpants from her pack and slipped them on. From the side pouch, she pulled out thick socks and her moccasins. The warmth she’d enjoyed in the springs faded as soon as the cool, crisp air hit her. She unrolled her tent, using the cane to steady herself as the clasped the rods to the ends.

  Unable to stop them, she found her eyes wandering to the naked woman frolicking in the hot springs. Her hot springs. “She’s cute, Cheyenne. Don’t you think?”

  Cute… and damn sexy. You could tell a lot about a woman when she was soaking wet. And with the blonde hair slicked back from her face, the woman appeared nearly angelic. Flawless skin, sparkling blue eyes. And even though Jake had turned her back while the woman undressed, she’d managed a quick peek before the woman sunk under the water. And that quick peek afforded her a lovely sight of a small, yet muscular frame. Yes, there was nothing like soaking with a naked woman.

  “You’re such a guy sometimes,” she murmured. Even so, she still stared as the woman rose from the water and hastily pulled on her shirt over her still-wet torso. Like Jake, she searched in her pack for something, pulling out gray sweats much like the ones Jake was wearing. Jake swallowed hard, watching as the woman pulled the sweats over her naked body. “Cheyenne, did you see that?”


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