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You Belong With Me

Page 14

by Kristen Proby

  “I love you, too. I always have, Archer.”

  I want to shout from the mountaintop in joy.

  Instead, I kiss her until my head swims.

  We reach the bottom of the lift and walk the half-mile to the treehouse.

  “I need a shower,” Elena announces when we walk into the cool rental. Thank God for air conditioning on warm days like today.

  “Go ahead,” I say. “I’m going to grab some water. I’ll be behind you.”

  She nods and walks into the master suite. I do fetch the water, but I also make a call for dinner reservations.

  When I walk into the bathroom, the mirror is steamed up. I strip out of my sweaty clothes and cast them aside.

  “I didn’t figure you’d want a super-hot shower after that hike.”

  I open the glass door and grin when she turns a soapy head my way.

  “The breeze on the way down was cool,” she says. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m gonna check you over for ticks.”

  She scrunches up her nose. “That’s disgusting. You didn’t say anything about ticks.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m here to save the day.” I reach up and help her rinse her hair. “Have I mentioned how much I like your hair?”

  “Once or twice.” She lets her arms fall to her sides and leans into my hands as I massage her scalp and rinse the soap away. “That’s nice.”

  It’s about to get better.

  When her hair is free of shampoo, I let my hands roam over her slick, wet skin. The scars on her back and thigh ignite the anger in my belly, but I take a deep breath, content to know that she’s safe with me now.

  No one will ever touch her again.

  My fingers glide up between her thighs, and she sighs as she braces her hands on my shoulders.

  “I don’t think I have ticks there,” she says.

  “I’m just being thorough.” I pick her up and slip inside her easily, as if she were made just for me.

  Because she fucking was.

  I brace her against the tile wall and fuck her hard and fast until we’re both spent and weak.

  “Water seems to be our thing,” she says when I’ve set her back on her feet. “Good to know.”

  I smirk and stick my head under the spray of water. “Everywhere is our thing, babe.”

  “True.” She smacks my ass with a loud thwack. “I’m getting out of here before you attack me again.”

  “You’re not going to wash my hair for me?”

  “You’re a big boy,” she says with a shrug. “You’ve got this.”

  Our time in Montana was over too fast. Next time, we’ll stay a minimum of two weeks.

  I’ve already begun looking at some property there. Real estate is like a drug for me. An expensive addiction, yes, but it can also be quite profitable, and if what I’ve seen so far about the market in Cunningham Falls is true, an investor can’t go wrong by buying some property there.

  I’ve just sent off an email to an agent there when my phone rings.

  “Hey, Matt.”

  “This a good time?” he asks, which is code for are you alone?

  “It is.” I sit back in my desk chair and watch the waves beyond the windows of my office. “What’s up?”

  “There’s been some movement,” he says. “Mostly in California.”

  I feel my stomach ease when he doesn’t include Oregon.

  “You know, it would be easier for me to know what I’m looking for if I knew where in the hell you are.”

  I drag my hand down my face in agitation. I want to confide in Matt. But Elena would flip her shit, and I promised her I wouldn’t tell a soul.

  “I can’t,” I say at last.

  “Archer, I can’t protect you like this.”

  “I’m not asking you to,” I reply. “But thanks for having the inclination.”

  “You’re my family, and if you’re messed up with this mob family, you could be in serious danger. I can’t ignore it.”

  “I’m not asking you to do that either. Listen, I made a promise that I wouldn’t say anything to anyone about this. I’ve already done too much by calling you in the first place, but I needed the intel.”

  “I’ll continue feeding you information as I get it. Is there a specific part of the country I should be keeping a close eye on?”


  “You can’t tell me. Right.” He sighs heavily. “This is fucking frustrating, Archer.”

  “I know. I don’t disagree.”

  “How long?”

  “I don’t know that either. Could be weeks. Could be longer.”

  I don’t want to tell him that it could be years. I don’t want to admit that even to myself.

  “If you need help, at any time, you call me. I can have law enforcement engaged at a moment’s notice, anywhere on this globe, Arch. I fucking mean it. Don’t hesitate.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t fucking thank me. This is what family does. We protect each other. Watch your back. I’ll be in touch.”

  I hang up and stand to walk to the windows.

  This is what family does. We protect each other. We ask how we can help. We don’t fucking whip and brand those we love.

  I wish Elena could know what the love of family really means. That she wasn’t afraid and running.

  But I’m determined to give her that safety.

  I just have to figure out how.

  Chapter 17


  I didn’t plan to go back to Seattle emptyhanded. I’d thought to have Elena with me, this whole mystery solved.

  I don’t like being wrong.

  I wait on the plane, ready to go home, as the crew goes through their final checks. Using the family jet is convenient since it’s available whenever I want, and I don’t have to adhere to the schedules of commercial flights. I’m anxious to get back to Seattle to continue the search for my cousin.

  I won’t rest until she’s home.

  “We’re ready for you, sir.”

  I nod at the pilot as my phone rings.

  “Don’t take off yet. I need to take this call.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He disappears into the cockpit as I answer.

  “Give me good news.”

  “Found him,” Shane says into my ear, coming across as pleased with himself. Shane has always been the quiet one, the least emotive, but he sounds downright chipper right now. “He covered his tracks fairly well for a nobody. But I’m no amateur.”

  “Where is he?”

  “Oregon,” Shane replies. “Rocco and I are headed there now. I’ll text you the exact location and meet you in a few hours.”

  “Good work,” I say as my stomach clenches in anticipation. “Get me that info, and I’ll see you soon.”

  I hang up and buzz the pilot.

  “We’ve had a change of plans.”

  Three hours later, and my brothers and I are in a booth at a diner in Bandon, Oregon.

  “Why don’t we just go get her?” Rocco asks.

  “Because we don’t know for sure that she’s with him,” I reply. “This could be another wild goose chase. Maybe Archer just happened to buy an investment property here.”

  “I have a feeling,” Shane says, slowly shaking his head. “I feel it in my gut. She’s here.”

  “We need to stake out his house,” Rocco says. “We’ll see who goes in and comes out.”

  “Agreed,” I reply. “And there’s no time like the present. Let’s do this.”

  I throw some bills on the table to cover our coffee, and we file out to the rented SUV parked at the curb.

  My adrenaline is up as Rocco follows the GPS to the house on the shoreline. We park down the road so we can still see the driveway but also remain inconspicuous.

  “No one’s coming in or out without us knowing,” Rocco says as he cuts the engine, and we settle in to wait.

  Some stakeouts take minutes. Others, days. We have no way of even knowing if Ar
cher’s in residence right now.

  If all of this is for nothing, I’m going to be royally fucking pissed.

  But less than an hour later, a white Audi pulls out of the driveway.

  “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 18


  “I can’t believe you got me a cake.” I shake my head at Margie as I bite into my second piece of the chocolate deliciousness. Between this and the donuts I had for breakfast, I’m on a serious sugar high. I really need to give up sugar. I just wish it wasn’t so delicious. “You didn’t have to do all of this.”

  “We’re happy you’re here with us,” she says and taps her plastic solo cup to mine before taking a sip of her cola. “Besides, six years as an employee is something to celebrate. As you know, it’s not easy to keep loyal employees around here.”

  “Hey,” Chad says with a frown. “I’m only six months behind Ally.”

  “And you’ll get a cake, too,” Margie says with a wink. “Thanks for staying a little late so we could celebrate.”

  “Thanks for the celebration,” I reply happily. “It was a nice surprise.”

  I finish my cake and lean over to hug Margie.

  “Also? All those people who quit didn’t have the chops for this job. Taking care of baby animals isn’t all snuggles and cute photos. It’s hard when they die, and when they’re sick. It’s not a reflection on you, Margie.”

  “I know. Sucks, though. I sure appreciate you and Chad for stepping up in such a big way over the past year. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “You’d have been on a lot of medication,” Chad says with a laugh. “To stop from going crazy.”

  “You’re not wrong.”

  “Ally’s right,” Beverly, the new girl, says after setting down a tiny bear cub that was found on someone’s back porch. “It’s not easy. I know I haven’t been here long, but there were moments when I thought I wasn’t cut out for this.”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re quitting,” Margie says, her face transforming into panic.

  “No,” Beverly says. “I’m not quitting. But the first couple of weeks were rough. So, I also have to give props to Chad and Ally for being here so long.”

  “I’ve wanted to do this job since I was a little girl,” I admit.

  Margie’s eyes light up at something behind me, and I turn to see Archer walking toward me. “I like him.”

  “Me, too.”

  He’s tanned and wind-blown and everything I’ve ever wanted in my life. And he’s finally mine. He loves me, and he’s sticking.

  I think it’s crazy, and I don’t know how we’ll work it all out, but I’m here for it.

  A woman would be stupid to turn Archer Montgomery down. And I’m no fool.

  “You’re having a party without me?” Archer asks, his blue eyes intent on the cake, making me laugh. “With food?”

  “You’ll have to take a piece to go,” I inform him. “My car is ready to be picked up. Finally.”

  “You don’t like my car?” Archer’s already stuffed one piece of the cake into his mouth and grabbed another for the road.

  “I like it fine, but I need my own set of wheels. So, let’s go get it.”

  Margie laughs, waving us off. “See you tomorrow, kiddo.”

  “Have a good night.” We walk out to Archer’s Audi. I’m in an incredible mood. I feel like I have the best life in the whole world. “They surprised me because I’ve officially been at the job for six years.”

  “Very nice,” he says and leans over to kiss me. “They’re good people.”

  “Yeah, I think so, too. I’m excited to get my car back. And then I have plans to have drinks with Lindsey later this afternoon after she gets off work. We’re just going to the bar at the resort, keeping it simple, but it’ll be good to see her. We haven’t had any girl time in a long while.”

  “I love it when you’re in a good mood,” he says as he kisses my fingers, driving toward the auto shop.

  “It’s been a wonderful couple of weeks,” I say and roll the window down so the breeze can flow through my hair. “I have no complaints.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” he says as he parks in front of the garage. I feel like I’m almost bouncing as we walk inside, and the smell of motor oil and rubber tires hits me.

  “Hey, Ally,” Lee says with a wave from behind the counter. “We’ve finally got you all fixed up. Sorry it took so long. We’ve been pretty swamped.”

  “No worries. It all worked out.” I lean on the counter and smile at the older man. “How much do I owe you?”

  He gives me the figure, and I whistle.

  “Wow. It was really broken.”

  “I warned you it would be better to scrap it,” Lee says.

  “This should get me through for another year.” My voice sounds more confident than I feel, and by the look on Lee’s face, he also has his doubts.

  “I can point you in the direction of an honest used car person when you’re ready,” Lee says as he passes me my receipt.

  “Thanks. For everything. Have a great weekend.”

  I wave, and with my keys in hand, turn to Archer.

  “I’ll follow you home?”

  “Sounds good, babe.” He leans down to kiss me lightly, smacks me playfully on the ass, and we go our separate ways to our vehicles.

  Yes, it’s a damn good day.

  I adjust my seat and mirror, roll down the windows to clear out some of the mustiness from it sitting so long, and start the engine.

  It fires up and purrs like a kitten.

  Okay, it sputters a bit, but it’s running, and that’s the most important thing.

  Archer pulls out ahead of me, and when I’m behind him, we take off toward his house. I can’t help but turn the radio up and sing along with the Journey song wailing through the speakers.

  I have a few hours before I’m due to meet with Lindsey. I can either jump on Archer and have my way with him for a while, or head over to my cottage and start cleaning up the remnants of that fiasco.

  I just haven’t had it in me since the robbery to go in and start dealing with the mess. It’s going to take several days. And now that it’s been defiled so badly, it’s lost its luster for me. I know I’ll eventually have to go back and make it my home again, but for now, I’m procrastinating.

  Not to mention, I’m in a fantastic mood, and I don’t want to ruin it.

  So, jumping Archer’s bones, it is.

  I smirk as I pull in behind Archer in his driveway. Movement in my rearview catches my attention, and I frown when I see a black SUV pull in behind me.


  My good mood evaporates, replaced by swift, all-consuming fear.

  I step out of my car, just as my cousin Rocco climbs out of the driver’s seat of the SUV. But he smiles at me, and that loosens the knot in my stomach, just a smidge.

  Then my cousin Shane gets out of the back seat, and when his eyes lock on mine, he winks.

  Okay, maybe this won’t be so bad.

  But then Carmine gets out of the SUV, and the fury on his face has my stomach clenching all over again.

  “You have exactly fifteen seconds to get the fuck off my property,” Archer says from behind me. He plants his hands on my shoulders, and I watch in horror as Carmine pulls a gun from under his jacket and points it at us.

  “Wrong,” Carmine says. His jaw is tight, and his brown eyes are locked on mine, his expression filled with hurt and anger and more that I can’t read. I want to hug them all. I’ve missed them. And I’m terrified of what’s about to come next. “You’re both going to get in the car.”

  “No,” I say immediately and step in front of Archer, shielding him.

  “You’re coming with us, or I’ll kill him here and now. And trust me, Elena, I have no problems doing exactly that.”

  “He has nothing to do with this,” I insist.

  “Uh, yeah, babe, I do,” Archer says and kisses my hair. “I go where you go.”r />
  “No.” I turn and stare up into his eyes. “No. You can’t save me from this.”

  “I told you,” he says, “I’m in for the long haul, no matter how it shakes out. I’m not leaving you to fend for yourself. I’ll never do that to you.”

  “It’s too dangerous.”

  “As entertaining as this lover’s spat is,” Shane says, “we have things to do. Get in the fucking car. Both of you.”

  I press my lips together and will myself not to cry. This is it. This is the moment when my life is being torn away from me. The moment when everything I’ve worked so hard for over the years is just gone.

  “Hey.” I turn at the sound of Rocco’s voice. He’s standing closer now, and his voice is softer than Carmine’s. “We really do need to go, Elena. Once we get where we’re going, we can talk, okay?”

  “You have to promise me you won’t hurt him.”

  “You know I can’t do that,” Rocco replies. “Come on. We’ll figure this out.”

  Archer takes my hand in his and leads me to the black SUV.

  We have no choice.

  I don’t know how much time passes. No more than a few hours, I’d guess. We flew in the family’s plane to Seattle and are holed up in an apartment in the heart of downtown.

  “I thought for sure you’d take us to Uncle Carlo’s office,” I say to Carmine, who’s currently pacing the floor.

  “Why would we do that?”

  “Because he’s the boss.”

  His eyes narrow into slits. “So you have been paying attention to the family all these years.”

  “I had to keep tabs on things. I’m not stupid, Carmine.”

  His hands slide into his pockets, and he doesn’t look away from me when he says to the others, “Give Elena and I some time alone.”

  “You heard the man,” Rocco says, nudging Archer out of the room.

  “I stay wherever she is,” Archer insists.

  “He won’t hurt me,” I say. “He’s mad at me, but I’m safe with him, Arch. I promise.”

  Archer squeezes my shoulder and then leaves the room with my cousins, and Carmine and I are left alone.


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