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You Belong With Me

Page 17

by Kristen Proby

  “I feel guilty. I feel like I’m asking too much of him.”

  “Do you think my brother does anything he doesn’t want to do? He’s as stubborn as they come. And he wants you. Any way he can get you. Why don’t you hold on to that? Why don’t you believe in the love you have with Archer and be grateful for it? Live your life, Elena. Not Ally. Live Elena’s life, and be happy. Every day. If your family kicks up some drama here and there, you’ll deal with it. But living in what-ifs and trying to stay ten steps ahead of a possibility that might not ever happen is no way to survive.”

  I swallow hard and brush at the tears falling on my cheeks.

  “You’re right.”

  “Of course, I’m right.”

  We turn as Jase comes walking down the stairs.

  “How is he?”

  “Someone beat the shit out of him,” Jase says. “I’m Jase, by the way.”

  “Elena.” I shake his hand. “Does he have a concussion?”

  “A slight one,” he confirms. “You’ll want to wake him every two hours and check the dilation of his pupils. I cleaned up the wounds, and the dressings will need to be changed daily. I’d like to have that hand x-rayed. And I think there may be some fractured ribs, as well.”

  “Jesus,” Anastasia says. “How many were there?”

  “Three against one,” I reply, my voice grim. “Meds?”

  “Ibuprofen every four hours as needed. If he needs anything stronger, let me know, and I’ll write a script. He needs rest, so don’t let him decide to run a marathon this weekend.”

  I smile. “I won’t. Thank you very much.”

  “Call me if you need anything.” Jase passes me his card. “My cell number is on there.”

  “You can call me, too. And tell my brother to call me tomorrow when he’s up to it,” Stasia says.

  “I will. Thank you both. You didn’t have to do this.”

  “This is what family does,” Jase says with a wink.

  When they’re both gone, and Jase has given me more instructions for ice, rest, and elevation, I check on Archer. He’s sound asleep, so I take a quick shower to get the last forty-eight hours off me and find a T-shirt of Archer’s to slip into.

  When I return to his bedside, he’s still sleeping, breathing slow and steady. It’s not time to wake him up yet, so I just slip into bed next to him with my head propped on my elbow and lay on my side to watch him.

  I almost lost him tonight. They might have killed him. I don’t believe my cousins wanted that, but what they want doesn’t always matter.

  As I well know.

  Archer’s legs become restless, and he moans in his sleep. I brush my fingers through his hair, still stained with blood, and murmur to him.

  “It’s okay, my love. You’re okay. No one’s going to hurt you.”

  He opens the one eye that’s not swollen and turns to me. “Thought you were a dream.”

  “No, I’m right here.”

  “We won,” he says before his eye drifts shut again.

  “Yes, we did.”

  “Worth it.”

  “Babe, can I ask a question?”

  He reaches out to take my hand in his good one and brings it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the pads of my fingers.


  “When you were fighting, what did Carmine whisper to you?”

  His lips twitch, and that eye opens again. “You’d better win this, motherfucker.”

  I blink in surprise. “That’s what he said?”

  “Yeah. I don’t think your cousins are bad people, babe. I think the mafia is fucked-up.”

  “You’re right about that.” I want to skootch in and cuddle him, but I’m afraid of hurting him, so I lean over and kiss his cheek. “How do you feel?”

  “Like someone hit me with a bus.”

  “Close enough. I have a confession.” I lick my lips, watching this strong man before me. This guy that I love so much. “I almost ran again. Because the thought of you being caught up with my family is almost too much for me to bear.”

  “I’d find you.”

  I smile, remembering what Anastasia said. “I know. And I had to remind myself that you were right. We’re done hiding. I’m going to live every day, one day at a time, with you. Grateful. Because we’ve earned our life together, Archer. It’s been a long time coming.”

  “I’m glad you finally figured it out,” he says, his voice more slurred. “So tired. Gonna sleep, okay?”

  “Sleep. We have all the time in the world to be philosophical.”


  His breathing evens out, and I know he’s sleeping once more.

  Chapter 21


  I’m sitting in the screened-in porch of my home, waiting for my brothers to arrive. It’s a rainy day in the Pacific Northwest, mirroring my mood perfectly. In the week since we found Elena and all three of us took a beating from Archer, I’ve been planning.


  I’m almost ready to set my scheme into motion, but I want to run my thoughts by Shane and Rocco. I’ll need their help if this idea is going to be a success.

  “Hello?” Shane calls from inside the house.

  “Out here,” I call back. I’m in gym shorts and a sweatshirt. No shoes. My third cup of coffee sits on the table next to me.

  It’s barely eight in the morning.

  “It’s fucking early,” Rocco mutters as he walks out onto the porch with Shane, both holding steaming mugs of coffee from my kitchen.

  “Help yourselves.”

  “We did,” Shane says and sits opposite me. Rocco stands with his shoulder against the railing and sips his brew.

  Both of my brothers have black eyes, faded from purple to a sickly green now.

  I know my face doesn’t look any better.

  “He really fucked you guys up,” I mention casually and cross an ankle over the opposite knee.

  “Looked in a mirror today?” Rocco asks.

  “He gave as good as he got,” Shane adds. “It doesn’t feel good, but I have to respect that. He’ll protect Elena.”

  I nod in agreement. “Which leads me to why I asked you to come over here. I’ve been thinking.”

  “Whenever you start thinking, I get my ass kicked,” Rocco mutters, glowering into his half-empty mug.

  I ignore him.

  “We’ve known for a while now who is responsible for Uncle Vinnie’s death. It’s time we did something about that.”

  “Why now?” Shane asks.

  “A few reasons. Elena’s home, so it’s time to close that circle completely. Avenging her parents’ deaths will do that.”

  “And?” Rocco asks.

  This is the sticky part for me. The bit that leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

  “I have to earn Pop’s trust, remember?”

  Shane’s eyes narrow. “Pop was being a dick when he said that.”

  “He knew where Elena was, and he lied about it and then sent us all on a wild goose chase. It fucking pisses me off. I’m too old to play these games with him. So, I’m going to settle the score all around.”

  “How?” Rocco asks.

  I reach for a photo lying next to my coffee mug, flip it over, and toss it back on the table. Both of my brothers lean in to get a look at the tall, willowy blonde in the picture. She’s wearing sunglasses and a short skirt. Her hair is long and straight, and her lips are painted a bold red.

  “Nadia Tarenkov” Shane asks with a raised eyebrow. “You’re going to infiltrate the Tarenkov family through the boss’s daughter?”

  “Balls of fucking steel,” Rocco mutters as a slow smile spreads over my face.

  “What’s the saying about revenge?”

  “Revenge is but a small circle?” Shane asks.

  “Dead men tell no tales,” Rocco adds.

  I laugh and shake my head, lifting the photo of Nadia and studying it.

  “I was thinking more along the lines of paybacks are a bitch.”

  Chapter 22


  “Your breakfast, my lady.” Archer steps onto the deck at his beach house in Bandon, his arms laden with pancakes and all the fixings.

  Including bacon. I think the man keeps the pork industry in business all on his own.

  “You didn’t have to make breakfast,” I say as I accept the plate and set it on the arm of the chair next to me, already salivating at the smell of the deliciousness before me. “But I’m grateful.”

  “We worked up an appetite last night,” he says with a wink and takes a huge bite of his pancakes. “We need the calories.”

  I watch him as I eat, relieved to see that the bruises have faded away. Unless you look closely, you’d never know that he’d been beaten so badly just two weeks ago. Archer kept his word, he healed from the injuries quickly. I had to order, bribe, and beg him to stay in bed longer than two days so he’d heal faster, though.

  “I missed it here,” I say as I take a deep breath and enjoy the salty air. The water’s a little choppy this morning, and birds fly over the waves in search of their breakfast. “We got lucky with the weather this weekend.”

  “I watched the weather app last week, and it looked like a few storms blew through Bandon. They got it worse here than in Seattle.”

  I nod and chew my bacon. “I’m going to really miss living here.”

  He frowns at me. “We own property here.”

  “Speaking of which, I need to get my cottage cleaned up and ready to put on the market.”

  “Are you sure you want to do that? You could rent it out. You don’t have to sell it.”

  “I don’t know how often I’ll be in town, and I don’t want to hassle with a rental company. Plus, since it got ransacked, it just doesn’t feel like home anymore. It’s time to sell and turn the page on that chapter. Are you going to keep this place?”

  He swallows and turns to me fully now. “Elena, are you under the impression that we’ll go back to Seattle and never come back here?”

  I frown, hating the idea of never returning to Bandon. “With your work in Seattle, I just assumed we’d be there most of the time.”

  “You know I run my own company,” he says. “I work just fine from here, and I can do that from time to time. I have no intention of selling this house. I love it here. But most importantly, you love it here. So, we’ll come whenever you want.”

  The love is swift and all-consuming, filling me so full, it feels like light will start shooting out of my fingertips any second.

  “You’re awfully good to me,” I say. “I’d like that. I have a busy day ahead. In addition to starting on the cottage, I have to go to the animal refuge and see Margie and Chad. And I’m having drinks with Lindsey this afternoon.”

  “You finally get your happy-hour time,” he says with a grin.

  “Yeah. I know they’ve all been worried and confused. It’s time I come clean about everything. I’ll miss that job.”

  “There are animal rescues in and around Seattle,” he says. “I’m sure one of them would be happy to welcome you on staff. And like I said, we’ll be back to visit. You’re not saying goodbye forever like you did in California.”

  “You’re right. I guess it’s just an old habit. It’s amazing, isn’t it? How much can change in six weeks? My life is completely different. For the better.”

  “Same here,” he says. “I’m relieved it’s over. That you’ve come to an understanding with your family, and we can get on with our lives. It’s past time.”

  “It’s because of you that it happened,” I reply. “I owe you so much.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Elena. I’d do anything to keep you safe and make sure you’re happy.”

  “These pancakes are a good start.” I grin and don’t react when the phone buzzing starts.

  “That’s yours, babe.”

  “Oh, right.”

  When Archer replaced his phone, he got me one, as well. It’s the first cell I’ve owned in almost ten years, and I’m not used to listening for it.

  I scowl at the name on the screen.


  “Good morning,” Uncle Carlo says. “How are you today, little one?”

  “I’m fine.” The food I just ate sits like lead in my stomach. “What’s up?”

  “I need to see you in my office as soon as possible.”

  I close my eyes and feel despair creep through me. “Already? Uncle Carlo, we just arrived back in Bandon, and we’re seeing to a few things here. You need us for something so soon?”

  “No, you misunderstand,” he says. “I’m not calling you because I need something from you or Archer. I need to see you because we need to discuss your parents’ estate. It’s been sitting for eight years. And added to that is your inheritance from your grandmother.”

  “Oh.” I blink and look over at Archer, who watches intently. “Honestly, I don’t want anything from my parents. I don’t care what you do with it.”

  “I can’t do anything with it.”

  I laugh at that. “Of course, you can.”

  Uncle Carlo chuckles with me. “Elena, I know you didn’t have a close relationship with your parents. But this all belongs to you. Real estate, investments, money, jewelry. The value is in the eight figures.”

  My mouth goes dry, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth as I stare at Archer in shock. I had no idea my parents were worth so much.


  “I’m here.”

  “You were their only child, and everything was left to you in their will. It’s gone through probate, and as the executor, I’ve been managing it. But it’s time for you to take it all over. Now, I honestly don’t care what you decide to do with it all, but don’t be foolish and turn it down just because your parents failed you. Make it work for you. And if you need advice, I’m always happy to help. But you’re a smart woman, Elena.”

  “Let me do some thinking. I’ll be sure to call you when we’re back in Seattle. It’ll probably be a week or two.”

  “That’s perfect. Travel safe.”

  He hangs up, and I open and close my mouth like a fish out of water.

  “He said—”

  “I heard,” Archer says. “You’re an incredibly wealthy woman, Elena.”

  My shoulders sag. “I already was, actually. But this is…unexpected. I guess it never occurred to me to think about what happened with their estate after they died. I left less than forty-eight hours after their deaths and figured anything they had would have been absorbed by the family.”

  “You assumed wrong,” Archer says and reaches over to take my hand. “But don’t worry. I’m not just after you because I’m hot for your money.”

  I chuckle and then start to laugh, the kind of laugh that grabs hold of you, where you’re helpless to stop it.

  When I finally take a deep breath, tears are running down my face. My stomach muscles ache. My face is frozen in a most unattractive expression, I’m sure. But I don’t care. That felt damn good.

  “Ally!” Lindsey rushes to me across the lobby of the resort and pulls me in for a tight hug. “I don’t know what the hell’s been going on, but you’ve got some ‘splaining to do.”

  “I know.” I hug her and then step back. “But first thing’s first. My name isn’t Ally. It’s Elena.”

  Lindsey frowns and then takes my hand and leads me toward the bar. “I think we need drinks before you say any more.”

  “Good idea.”

  We choose a booth in the corner where we’ll have some privacy, and once our martinis are sitting in front of us, Lindsey takes a breath.

  “Okay. Start from the beginning.”

  And so, I do. It feels amazing to finally be able to tell my best friend everything, from being with Archer in high school to our separation, then about my parents’ deaths, and everything that happened after.

  “How didn’t I recognize you?” she wonders as she takes the last sip of her drink. “I used to love watch
ing the gossip on your family.”

  “I was never in the spotlight much. I’m an introvert by nature, and I always stayed out of trouble.”

  “Well, it makes sense.”

  “What does?”

  “That day at the diner when your grandmother’s death was on the news, and you flew out of there like a bat out of hell. And Archer—who I like, by the way. He’s nice, and he’s hot.”

  “I know.” I grin, enjoying being with my friend again. “I’m sorry I had to lie to you for so long.”

  “I’m just sorry that you had to at all. But I’m so glad that it’s over for you. Have you already talked to your job?”

  “Yeah, I was just there. Margie cried.” I feel my eyes fill with tears at the mention of it. “She’d been worried, and she’s sad that I have to quit. Archer and I will live in Seattle full-time, but we’re keeping his house here. So, you’re not getting rid of me. I’ll be back to visit and check in on you.”

  “Damn straight, I’m not losing you,” she says. “I’ll come visit up there, too. I love the city and don’t get to shop nearly often enough. I have a ton of vacation time coming.”

  “We can meet up in Portland sometimes, too,” I suggest.

  “Absolutely.” She signals to the bartender that we want two more drinks. “What are you going to do with your house?”

  “Sell it.”

  Her eyes get big. “Really? Would you be willing to sell it to me?”

  I tilt my head to the side. “I didn’t know you were looking to buy a house.”

  “I wasn’t, but I love your place. It’s so cute and close enough to the water that you can walk to the beach, but not too close to make it worth millions.” She grins happily and then deflates. “Wait. Unless you are planning to sell it for millions.”

  “No.” I nod at the bartender when he delivers our drinks. He doesn’t even look my way. He only has eyes for Lindsey. But she doesn’t spare him a glance. When he walks away and is out of earshot, I pounce. “What’s going on there?”

  “What? Nothing. I don’t know what you mean.”


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