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The Land: Forging (Chaos Seeds Book 2)

Page 14

by Aleron Kong

  Most of the villagers only received one spell or none. It seemed like it was tied to their affinity however, and five villagers with affinities above 90% at skill level one, received two spells. For the most part, the spells were the same as what Richter had started with, Haste and Errant Wind, but a few received spells that Richter didn’t have. Randolphus’s descriptions were exact.

  Glitterdust! This spell will create a 5x5 foot area of shining sharp dust. Anyone caught in the AoE will suffer certain effects. Effect 1: Hidden creatures will be revealed. Effect 2: Chance to blind creatures susceptible to such attacks. This is a spell of Air Magic. Cost: 30 mana. Duration: 1 min. Range: 10 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

  Air Push! This spell creates a column of air ten feet in front of you, one foot in diameter. Does no real damage, but will knock enemies back and possible prone. This is a spell of Air Magic. Cost: 15 mana. Duration: 1 second. Range: 10 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: 2 min.

  Gentle Rain! This spell summons a small rainstorm. This can be cast inside. This is a spell of Air Magic. Cost: 40 mana. Duration: 20 min. Range: 100 yards. Cast Time: 5 min. Cool Down: 1 hour.

  Some of the spells were very useful! Glitterdust would have been indispensable in the attack on the Night Daggers. At the very least, it might have kept Richter from being shived in the back. The Air Push was also a good offensive spell, and as far as Gentle Rain… Richter smiled, he had a feeling that the crops would always have what they needed.

  To finish increasing the Air magic skill of his villagers, he had a group teaching session. When he was done, all thirty-one Air novices knew at least, Haste and Errant Wind. He left them with the instruction to practice their new powers every day. Unfortunately, they could not teach Richter their spells, but at least someone knew them, he thought. When he was done, he started walking down the hill.

  As Richter was turning away, Sion asked him, “What are you going to be doing, my friend?”

  Richter stopped his movement, and instead placed his hand on his Companion’s shoulder, “It’s time to get stronger.”


  Richter handed his map to the sprites that would be sweeping the village, and the lands beyond. Futen had already summoned four Mist Workers that would accompany the sprites and retrieve the bodies. As he was walking down the hill, he asked Sion to join him in the Great Seal room once he had retrieved enough herbs to get started on making potions. Hisako, Yoshi and several other sprites followed him intending to go into the catacombs to rest. Alma flew in lazy circles above his head and Futen floated along behind. While they walked. Richter examined all of the combat prompts he had gained during the battle.

  Congratulations! You have received racial bonus Level I vs bugbears. +3% attack and defense bonus when fighting bugbears. Kill total 100 bugbears to reach next level.

  Congratulations! You have learned the skill: War Leader. Your presence will now be seen as a rallying point in war. Those around you will fight harder. Base distance for bonus is radius of 10 yards from War Leader. Take a prominent role in larger battles to increase this skill. Being a War Leader automatically qualifies you as a Champion in battles.

  Congratulations! You have reached skill level 2 in War Leader. +1% effective distance. +1% attack and defense for all allies.

  Congratulations! You have reached skill level 8 in Archery. +2% bonus to aim. +2% bonus to damage.

  Congratulations! You have reached subskill level 3 in Focus. +2% bonus to aim. +2% bonus to damage.

  Congratulations! You have reached skill level 7 in Light Armor. +2% bonus to aim. +2% bonus to damage.

  Congratulations! You have reached subskill level 3 in Grace in Combat. Dodge increased by 12%.

  Congratulations! You have reached subskill level 4 in Grace in Combat. Dodge increased by 13%.

  Congratulations! You have reached skill level 3 in Earth Magic. New spells now available.

  Congratulations! You have reached skill level 3 in Life Magic. New spells now available.

  Your familiar has performed her special attack: Brain Drain. She can latch onto the mind of an enemy, and drain its thoughts and experiences. The minds of other creatures are not meant to undergo this, and the affected creature will suffer an ongoing drop in health, mana and stamina while she continues her attack. Additionally, the mental attack will cause confusion and disorientation, in already weakened or low-level creatures it will create a stunned status. Brain Drain requires her whole focus however, and she will essentially be helpless while performing the attack. If the creature expires while the attack is in place, she will absorb 1% of the its total accumulated experience. Her master will also receive 1% of the target’s experience.

  You have been award 521 (base 41,723 x 0.01 x 1.25) experience from Brain Drain against Level 8 Bugbear.

  The first prompt raised mixed feelings in Richter. Having it reported in black and white that he had taken more than twenty-five lives was not something he was proud of. At the same time though, they weren’t the first deaths he had caused since coming to The Land. They most certainly wouldn’t be the last. It was the last combat prompt that truly fascinated him, though. It raised some very interesting possibilities. If Alma could target some high level enemies with Brain Drain, he could really power level!

  The combat play by play wasn’t all that was awaiting his perusal. Apparently, the destruction the bugbears had caused made a measurable effect.

  You have lost the 100% of the constructed shelter for your people. This occurred during an attack, and so your people will be understanding. If you do not build another shelter within one week however, the morale of your people will decrease by 5 per day to a maximum loss of 50. Shelter is a basic tenant of survival. You will not receive the bonus to morale that you initially did upon completing your shelter.

  Heavy is the head that wears the crown, Richter thought to himself. When they got back to the catacombs, Richter saw Hisako to his room to rest. Rather than leave, he stopped by the bedside. The other sprites also stayed because him, and Yoshi looked at him questioningly. Not wasting anytime, he spoke, “I am so thankful for everything you have done for us. I am equally sorry about the loss of life you have had to endure to do it. I have little to offer, but I would like to offer this. I will try to awaken Air Magic in you,” he said to Hisako, “and any of your warriors.”

  She looked at him surprised. Even after seeing him invest his magic into his people, it had not occurred to her that he would make the sprites the same offer. The ‘every man for himself’ philosophy seemed heavily entrenched in The Land. Well, that was something he would change. He preferred the motto of enlightened self-interest. Richter wasn’t a push over, but he did believe that by serving the interests of friends and allies, he would ultimately be furthering his own interests.

  “This is not necessary, Lord Richter. We are allies. It is our honor to fight by your side!”

  “I know, Lady Hisako,” he replied just as formally. There was a time for friendship, but right now he was operating as the leader of his people. He was extending a potential weapon to an ally. In truth, he should have done this before. “I offer this freely.”

  “You do not know how precious the gift that you offer is, however. It is not to be done lightly.”

  “It is not, Hearth Mother. Will you accept what I offer?”

  She nodded her head in acquiescence. Richter walked forward and placed his hands upon the Hearth Mother. He soon felt the magic intertwine with her soul, and she opened her eyes an Air mage novice. He smiled and was about to extend the same offer to the other sprites, but she caught his hand in a surprisingly strong grip.

  “I offer this freely as well,” she said her hands extended. Understanding what she offered, Richter bowed his head and bent down. “By the Right of My Power, I Awaken Your Power,” she breathed, and Richter felt for the first time, what he had made others feel. Much of it was indescribable, but it felt like his soul was a house with
many rooms. Some were darkened, but in one a light had now been kindled. Forever on from this day, he would be… more.

  Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Light Magic. Increasing your skill will allow you to cast more advanced spells.

  He thanked her profusely, and then they taught each other the spells that they could.

  Congratulations! You have learned the spell: Simple Light! Creates a ball of white light that will hover above your head, moving with you. This is a spell of Light Magic. Cost: 2 mana. Duration: 10 minutes. Range: Self. Cast Time: 1 second. Cool Down: N/A.

  Congratulations! You have learned the spell: Far Light! Creates a ball of white light that can be fixed to a distant surface. This is a spell of Light Magic. Cost: 5 mana. Duration: 10 minutes. Range: 100 yards. Cast Time: 1 second. Cool Down: N/A.

  Congratulations! You have learned the spell: Mirror! Creates a 6x3 foot reflective surface. This is a spell of Light Magic. Cost: 15 mana. Duration: 1 minute. Range: 10 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cool Down: N/A.

  Once they were done, Richter tried to teach Air magic to the other sprite warriors. Only three were able to learn, but Hisako was surprised even at that. She told him that seeing thirty-one of his people being able to become Air novices was shocking. Apparently magical affinity was nowhere near that common. Also various races were known for a predisposition to certain magical schools. According to Hisako, meeting a dwarf Air caster, when Air was the natural opposite to their racial predisposition of Earth magic, was strange to say the least! The only explanation she could come up with was that it was due to everyone’s exposure to the birth of the Quickening.

  When they were done, Richter finally left Hisako to rest, and then walked back into the Great Seal room. “Futen.”

  “Yes, my Lord?”

  “I need help with identification.” Richter pulled out the items from the Dark mage. The grey orb flared with an inner white light, and then Richter reexamined the items.

  You have found: Ring of Health. Durability 12/12. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight 0.1 kg. +20 to Health.

  You have found: Ring of Minor Mana. Durability 11/11. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight 0.1 kg. +10 to Mana.

  You have found: Ring of Flowing Thought. Durability 25/25. Item class: Rare. Quality: Superb. Weight 0.1 kg. +20% mana regeneration.

  You have found: Apprentice Dark Robes. Defense + 8 (additional +12 vs magical attack). Durability 18/20. Item class: Common. Quality: Average. Weight 2.8 kg. +10% Dark magic resistance.

  You have found: Amulet of Minor Mana. Durability 20/20. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight 0.3 kg. Mana +10.

  You have found: Wand of Dark Bolts. Attack 4-6. Durability 17/17. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Superb. Weight 0.2 kg. Casts spell Dark Bolts. Charge 0/50.

  Hmmm. Most of the items were no better than what he already had. He was already wearing eight rings. In the game that was the max that could be worn. Might as well test that theory now. Keeping an eye on his mana, he slipped the Ring of Minor Mana onto a finger. There was no change. He then took off his Dungeon Ring and tried again. His mana increased by 10 points. Well, that answered that. He rearranged his ring configuration and ended up wearing his four old Rings of Health, increasing his Health by +120. He also put on the slightly inferior Ring of Health the Dark mage had been wearing, increasing his Health another +20. He kept on his Ring of Hidden Dangers because he no likey’d da traps. The Minor Ring of Healing also stayed put. Even though it only healed 30 health, the effect was immediate rather than spread out over several seconds like his spells or potions. That made it invaluable. He also held onto his old Ring of Mana, which increased his mana reserves by +20. Last, he equipped the Ring of Flowing Thought. An increase to mana regeneration was just something he couldn’t pass up. The amulet would be a definite step down from his Necklace of Scry Defense, so he just put all of the other items into his Bag.

  Next, he quickly allocated the points and percentages from his previous level increases. His fingers almost tingled at the thought of being able to drop 24 points into his stats! The running and the fight had given him +1 to Agility. Strength had been a neglected attribute for him so far, as most of his kills had been at a distance. This first larger battle showed that things did not always go as planned. He invested +6 into Strength. With the +8 from the sprite breastplate, he could put some real power into his melee attacks now. The same logic of investing in close combat went for Stamina, it would be of greater importance in close quarters combat. He invested +3 in Endurance. His Dexterity was high enough for now, and he was also benefiting from the sprite armor bonus. Constitution, however, would always be important. Higher level enemies meant higher level damage. He allocated +8 to Constitution. Last, something inexplicable drove him to do it, but he put +1 into Luck. The other 6 characteristic points he decided to hold off on. Seeing as how he was going to be tackling a dungeon soon, it might be nice to have an ace in the hole. He did a quick check of his status.

  Name: Richter

  Age: 24

  Level: 14, 21%

  Health: 390 Mana: 300 Stamina: 200

  Strength: 29

  Agility: 18

  Dexterity: 34

  Constitution: 25

  Endurance: 20

  Intelligence: 23

  Wisdom: 21

  Charisma: 24

  Luck: 15



  Gift of Tongues

  Fast Learner

  Psi Bond


  Herb Lore Lvl 38; 91% to next level, 100% affinity

  Alchemy Lvl 1; 0% to next level, 100% affinity

  Analyze Lvl 5; 24% to next level, 100% affinity

  Stealth Lvl 4; 76% to next level, 100% affinity

  Archery Lvl 8; 18% to next level, 100% affinity

  Imbue Arrow Lvl 4; 62% to next level, 100% affinity

  Focus Lvl 3; 11% to next level, 100% affinity

  Double Shot Lvl 3; 31% to next level, 100% affinity

  Drill Shot Lvl 2; 40% to next level, 100% affinity

  Swordsmanship Lvl 2; 29% to next level, 100% affinity

  Small Blades Lvl 1; 11% to next level, 100% affinity

  Unarmed Combat Lvl 1; 10% to next level, 100% affinity

  Pressure Points Lvl 1; 15% to next level, 100% affinity

  Light Armor Lvl 7; 5% to next level, 100% affinity

  Grace in Combat Lvl 4; 88% to next level, 100% affinity

  Air Magic Lvl 3; 82% to next level, 100% affinity

  Life Magic Lvl 3; 57% to next level, 100% affinity

  Earth Magic Lvl 3; 29% to next level, 100% affinity

  Water Magic Lvl 1; 19% to next level, 100% affinity

  Dark Magic Lvl 3; 64% to next level, 100% affinity

  Light Magic Lvl 1; 24% to next level, 100% affinity

  Map Making Lvl MAX

  Trade Lvl 14; 52% to next level, 100% affinity

  War Leader Lvl 2, 43% to next level, 100% affinity


  Master of Mist Village

  Blood Oath


  Air 50%

  Earth 20%

  Mental 15%

  Spiritual 15%

  Race: Human (Chaos Seed)

  Reputation: Lvl 3 “You seem like someone worthy of my attention.”

  Alignment: Neutral

  Language: All

  He was really getting an extensive skill collection. The page was actually starting to look a bit cluttered. He played with the settings a bit and was able to remove the 100% affinity that was on every skill. Better, he thought. Then he put the 100% of skill percentage points into Archery, which was still his strongest combat skill. It brought him to skill level 9. Only one level away from more sweet experience! Satisfied with how everything was shaping up, he addressed Futen again, “A while ago I was offered a quest to unlock more of my power, but I hadn’t met the requirements yet. I
have a feeling that now that I’m above level 10, you can help me to learn more about it.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Futen flared and a prompt came across Richter’s vision.

  You have met the requirements of a previously restricted Quest: Unlock your Power II. Your village will increase your power, but you must care for it in turn. Go to a local dungeon, and clear at least the first level. Reward: Unlock one of the Powers. Yes or No?

  Choosing ‘Yes’ he asked, “You know where the dungeon is I’m guessing?”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “We will leave tomorrow morning. I need to rest. Help the villagers and summon Mist Walkers as soon as you can. We need to get more trees to rebuild the longhouse. But that is only after all the bodies have been collected and buried. Do whatever Sumiko asks of you until it's done.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  Richter walked to the barracks and fell onto the bed. Alma curled into a circle, resting on top of his chest and closed her eyes. In seconds, he too had fallen into an exhausted sleep.


  He slept like the dead. It was impossible to tell time inside of the catacombs, but it felt like he had slept for a while. A quick check showed that Alma had left while he was sleeping. The first thing he did once he got up was to look for Hisako. She wasn’t in her room or in any of the other rooms off of the Great Seal. He paused once to enter the armory and unload the gear he had picked up yesterday. Though the Bag of Holding decreased weight by 90%, it still felt nice to relieve himself of all the extra kilos.


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