The Land: Forging (Chaos Seeds Book 2)

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The Land: Forging (Chaos Seeds Book 2) Page 35

by Aleron Kong

  Name: Richter

  Age: 24

  Level: 18, 36%

  Health: 430 Mana: 420 Stamina: 210

  Strength: 29

  Agility: 24

  Dexterity: 34

  Constitution: 25

  Endurance: 21

  Intelligence: 35

  Wisdom: 21

  Charisma: 24

  Luck: 15



  Gift of Tongues

  Fast Learner

  Bounty of Life

  Psi Bond


  Herb Lore Lvl 39; 22% to next level

  Alchemy Lvl 1; 0% to next level

  Analyze Lvl 6; 7% to next level

  Pierce the Veil Lvl 23; 45% to next level

  Stealth Lvl 6; 14% to next level

  Traps Lvl 21; 87% to next level

  Trap Disarm Lvl 21; 99% to next level

  Archery Lvl 10; 24% to next level

  Imbue Arrow Lvl 5; 18% to next level

  Focus Lvl 3; 78% to next level

  Double Shot Lvl 3; 31% to next level,

  Drill Shot Lvl 2; 40% to next level

  Swordsmanship Lvl 2; 15% to next level

  Small Blades Lvl 4; 43% to next level

  Unarmed Combat Lvl 1; 10% to next level

  Pressure Points Lvl 1; 15% to next level

  Light Armor Lvl 8; 18% to next level

  Grace in Combat Lvl 5; 38% to next level

  Air Magic Lvl 6; 37% to next level

  Life Magic Lvl 5; 82% to next level

  Earth Magic Lvl 4; 92% to next level

  Water Magic Lvl 5; 47% to next level

  Dark Magic Lvl 5; 22% to next level

  Light Magic Lvl 4; 48% to next level

  Fire Magic Lvl 5; 9% to next level

  Map Making Lvl MAX

  Trade Lvl 14; 86% to next level

  War Leader Lvl 2, 43% to next level

  Enchantment Lvl 1; 44% to next level

  Portal Construction Apprentice

  Lore Lvl 1


  Master of Mist Village

  Blood Oath


  Air 50%

  Earth 20%

  Life 50%

  Mental 15%

  Spiritual 15%

  Race: Human (Chaos Seed)

  Reputation: Lvl 3 “You seem like someone worthy of my attention.”

  Alignment: Neutral

  Language: All

  He felt stronger as soon as the light finished scanning him. A quick check of Sion’s page showed he had been cured as well.

  Name: Sion

  Age: 44

  Level: 12, 32% to next level

  Health: 230 Mana: 240 Stamina: 140

  Strength: 18

  Agility: 18

  Dexterity: 54

  Constitution: 18

  Endurance: 14

  Intelligence: 24

  Wisdom: 13

  Charisma: 10

  Luck: 12


  Wood Craft


  Know Thyself


  Herb lore Lvl 11, 51% to next level, 96% affinity

  Alchemy Lvl 6, 17% to next level, 9%4 affinity

  Archery Lvl 12; 59% to next level, 96% affinity

  Imbue Arrow Lvl 8, 12% to next level, 87% affinity

  Double Shot Lvl 3; 32% to next level, 98% affinity

  Drill Shot Lvl 2; 45% to next level, 98% affinity

  Stun Shot Lvl 3; 17% to next level, 99% affinity

  Tracking Lvl 5; 62% to next level, 98% affinity

  Swordsmanship Lvl 9, 82% to next level, 91% affinity

  Air Magic Lvl 7; 61% to next level, 95% affinity




  Types of Magic

  Life 10%

  Earth 10%

  Light 10%

  Schools of Magic

  Enchantment 50%

  Race: Wood Sprite

  Reputation: Lvl 1 “Who are you again?”

  Alignment: +2

  Language: Sprite, Common Tongue

  Sumiko walked up, “I have checked everyone else. They are disease free. It is safe to return to the village.

  “It is good that you have come back,” Hisako said. “There is much to discuss. We have found one of the bugbear’s camps. We need to get ready to move against them. There have also been more monsters seen in the vicinity of your village. I take that to mean you were successful in unlocking another of your powers?”

  “I was,” Richter said, “but what does that have to do with monsters?”

  “I told you before, your growing power will not go unnoticed. Your Place of Power is awakening. You will find the lands surrounding your village to be more dangerous than before. Though you can directly access your power, all of the surrounding lands will be impacted by the reawakening of your Place of Power. Stronger monsters will be drawn to your settlement, and even existing creatures may grow more powerful. That is why we need to remove the danger of the bugbears as soon as possible. You may be facing enemies on different fronts soon.”

  “But your settlement is a much higher level than mine,” Richter protested. “Why aren’t there high-level monsters near the Hearth Tree?” He didn’t need more enemies to fight at the moment. Leveling opportunities were great and all, but enough was enough!

  She laughed without any real humor, “Oh, there are! We just constantly patrol to keep the lands around us relatively safe. If you remember, that is how you met Sion. From what you have told me, you were brought to The Land very close to the Hearth Tree. If you had started farther away… well, then you would have had a very different experience.”

  Richter thought again about his fortuitous starting point. It was becoming clear to him that the advantages he had been provided; the safe haven of the glade, Xuetrix’s advice, the Pool of Clarity, none of them had been small things. Put all together, well, he just might owe a large debt to someone out there. What would he do when they came to collect?

  “The situation is worse than you know, Hearth Mother,” Yoshi said. “We were attacked by eaters.”

  A colorful sequence of profanity spewed from Hisako’s mouth. Richter stared at her. Not just in shock, you understand, but also because he was thoroughly impressed. When the bile stopped flowing, she just stood there for a few moments. When she spoke again, there was no uncertainty in her voice.

  “If the scourge has indeed returned, then it must take precedence.” She started walking, and they all fell in step with her. She looked at Richter, “I had hoped that our two peoples could deal with the threat of the bugbears, but if eaters are now involved we will need more allies. I will send an emissary to reach out to the wood elves of the northern Forest. We have a long relationship of mutual protection. I need you to try and broker aid from some of the dwarf tribes of the Serrated Mountains. Can you do that?”

  Richter nodded. It was time he got to know the neighbors anyway.

  “Good,” she said a serious expression on her face. “The dwarves have never been enemies of my people, but neither have they been friends. They will not often involve themselves in the affairs of others unless there is a direct benefit to them.”

  “Do you mean I will need to bribe them,” he asked.

  She just arched an eyebrow at him, and then turned forward and kept walking.

  Richter shook his head. Why did it always come down to money? No that’s not the real problem, he thought. It was that it always seemed to come down to his money!

  Alma flew off as they got closer, no doubt in search of game. She had hunted constantly since they had been back above ground. Richter was sure that a squirrel hole or birds nest would have a vacancy soon.

  When they crossed into the boundaries of the village, Hisako spoke to Yoshi, “You need further healing. Sumiko! Go with Yoshi and heal him. He has internal injuri
es.” Forestalling any argument, Hisako also said, “I won’t hear any argument. We have many enemies. I need you to be at top form. Now go.”

  Yoshi bowed slightly and walked off with Sumiko.

  “Richter, I am going to send some of my warriors to the site where you found the eaters. Hopefully, the nest hasn’t grown too large yet. Sion. Daniella. Are you ready to travel?”

  “Yes, Hearth Mother,” she said

  “Yes, Hearth Mother,” Sion repeated.

  “Then restock and be ready to leave in an hour. I need you to lead us back,” she said. “Randolphus would like you to see him as soon as you can,” she said to Richter. “I have preparations to make, please excuse me.” She walked away then, with the stride of a determined woman who planned to do serious things. The other sprites walked on in tow.

  Richter sent Futen along to check in with the various craftsmen. He was sure the lack of Mist Workers had slowed things down. It sounded like they there was no time to waste. The progress on the wall that initially had so pleased Richter, now just seemed like too little too late. He walked through the village and saw that work on the new longhouse was progressing well. Like he had requested, the basic structure of the smithy was done as well. It had four walls and a roof anyway, and Richter took that as a good sign. Work had been started on several other buildings as well. Like he requested, they were being made out of stone. These would not be so easy to burn, and worse comes to worst, they could hold off attackers much more effectively than wood. Curiously, there were two small wooden shacks set in the center of the village, and there appeared to be guards outside of them. Richter would have walked over to figure out what was happening, but it was in the opposite direction of the Great Seal. He was fairly certain that was where he would find his chamberlain, and Hisako had implied there was some urgency.

  He walked into the Great Seal, and just stood for a moment with a smile on his face. When he had first claimed Mastery of the Mist Village, the Great Seal had only been a chipped and faded mosaic. After claiming his first power, the clear tiles representing Air had changed to a solid disc of crystal. Looking into that clear circle was like looking down in to a swirling maelstrom. Now a second change had occurred.

  The spiral of yellow tile had been replaced. In its place was a work of art. Laid into the floor was a shining representation of a tree created from pure gold. Each leaf was detailed showing the smallest veins. The tree was a backlit by an unseen sun and moved in an unfelt wind. There was no glaring light when he stared down at the newly awakened section of the Great Seal, but when he looked up at the ceiling he could see dapples of light that shifted with the limbs of the tree.

  After a time, he walked past the Great Seal into one of the side rooms. Sure enough, Randolphus was in his office hunched over a stack of papers.

  “You need to get more sun, Randy.”

  “My Lord!” He stood up quickly and bowed, “No one told me that you were back.”

  “Sit down, sit down,” Richter said. “That’s certainly what I plan to do.” He plopped into one of the chairs in front of the desk. “There is a lot that I need to tell you. It looks like we are at war. In addition, Hisako tells me we can start expecting more monster attacks. And last but not least, there is a plague of giant insects called the scourge that we need to eliminate ASAP. Before we get into ALL of that though, Hisako said there are some things you needed to tell me.”

  Randolphus eyes grew wider, and his expression grew more incredulous, as Richter had continued to speak. The last seemed to take the wind out of him though, and he dropped back into his chair. The chamberlain opened his mouth and closed it several times before speaking. These eaters certainly are well known and widely feared, Richter thought to himself. When Randolphus had composed himself, he said, “You are correct, my Lord. There are several things we need to discuss. The first however, is what you want to do about the prisoners. We can’t just continue to keep them under lock and key.”

  “Richter just looked at Randy with a befuddled expression, “Derrrr, what prisoners?”

  ~ End ~

  Thank you for once again joining me for a walk through my world! The adventures of Richter and Sion continue in “The Land: Alliances” which will be coming soon! As always: Peace, love and the perfect margarita!

  If you liked the book, please leave a review! If you didn’t… it’s not as crucial lol

  Feel free to email me at [email protected]

  I apologize for any errors that may have slowed down the story. Please email me at the above address if you find any and I will correct them. Thank you!

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  Richter’s Spells


  - Barkskin: This spell will increase natural armor by +2. This is a spell of Earth Magic. Cost: 20 mana. Duration: 20 min. Range: self. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: N/A.

  - Grease: This spell will make a 10x10 foot area slick greatly increasing chance of anyone in the area falling down. This is a spell of Earth Magic. Cost: 15 mana. Duration: 5 min. Range 25 feet. Cast time: 2 seconds. Cooldown: 10 min.

  - Summon Insects: Summons a host of stinging and biting insects in a ten-foot wide circle. Causes minimal damage, but impedes concentration. This is a spell of Earth Magic. Cost: 25 mana. Duration: 5 minutes. Range 20 feet. Cast time: 1 second. Cool down: 20 minutes.


  - Ice Dagger: This spell will throw a dagger made of ice at your target. This is a spell of Water Magic. Cost 20 mana. Duration: 1 min. Range: 40 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: N/A.


  - Haste! This spell will increase the speed of the target. This is a spell of Air Magic. Cost 25 mana. Duration: 10 min. Range: 5 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: N/A.

  - Errant Wind! Increase the dodge of your party to projectiles. This spell will only work when you are outside. This is a spell of Air Magic. Cost 50 mana. Duration: 20 min. Range: 50. Cast Time: 4 seconds. Cooldown: 45 min.


  - Flame! Shoot a weak gout of flame from your hand. This is a spell of Fire Magic. Cost: 10 mana. Duration: 3 seconds. Range: 5 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: N/A.


  - Charm! You can convince an enemy that they are your friend. In battle, they will fight for you. Casting this upon a creature lowers they regard for you after the spell wears off. This is a spell of Life Magic. Cost 60 mana. Duration: 1 hour. Range: 20 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: 10 minutes.

  - Slow Heal! Restore 30 missing health over 60 seconds upon casting. This is a spell of Life Magic. Cost 20 mana. Duration: 6 seconds. Range: Touch. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: 1 min.

  - Cure! Remove minor poison effects! This is a spell of Life Magic. Cost 50 mana. Duration: 1 second. Range: Touch. Cast time: 2 seconds. Cool down: 30 seconds.

  - Soul Trap: Binds the soul of the target to this plane, preventing passage to the beyond at the time of death. They will instead be pulled into any nearby empty soul stone of appropriate size. This is a spell of Life Magic. Cost: 30 mana. Duration: 2 minutes. Range: 10 feet. Cast time: 1 second. Cool down: N/A.

  - Minor Life Aura. The caster’s body is surrounded by a golden shield of pure Life energy. Any nearby death, dead or undead creatures will be discomforted. Any actual contact with the shield will cause damage to the undead. Cost: 50 mana. Duration: 15 minutes. Range: self. Cast time: 2 seconds. Cooldown: 20 minutes.

  - Courage! Improves your Fighting Spirit by +50. This is a spell of Life. Cost: 25 mana. Duration: 15 min. Range: self. Cast Time: 1 second. C
ooldown: 15 min.

  - Minor Life Armor! Defense of all armor pieces increased by +1 (+3 vs. Death attacks). Cost: 30 mana. Duration: 10 min. Range: self. Cast Time: 1 seconds. Cooldown: N/A.


  - Night Vision! You can see even in the deepest darkness. This is a spell of Dark Magic. Cost 5 mana. Duration: 3 hours. Range: 10 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: N/A.]

  - Cloying Darkness! Cast a cone of thickened darkness from your hand. Movement and Attack speed of targets decreased by 20%. All in area of effect will suffer from spell. Will not work in direct sunlight. This is a spell of Dark Magic. Cost 30 mana. Duration: 10 minutes. Range: 10 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

  - Troubled Sleep. Places your target in a restless sleep. He will be plagued by nightmares until awakening. Any attack or hostile action taken against target will awaken them. Area of effect five feet. This is a spell of Dark Magic. Cost: 50 mana. Duration: one hour. Range 15 feet. Cast time: 3 seconds. Cool down: 15 minutes.


  - Simple Light! Creates a ball of white light that will hover above your head, moving with you. This is a spell of Light Magic. Cost: 2 mana. Duration: 10 minutes. Range: Self. Cast Time: 1 second. Cool Down: N/A.

  - Far Light! Creates a ball of white light that can be fixed to a distant surface. This is a spell of Light Magic. Cost: 5 mana. Duration: 10 minutes. Range: 100 yards. Cast Time: 1 second. Cool Down: N/A.

  - Mirror! Creates a 6x3 foot reflective surface. This is a spell of Light Magic. Cost: 15 mana. Duration: 1 minute. Range: 10 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cool Down: N/A.

  Richter’s Current Weapons and Armor


  Sprite Helmet of Mana. Defense +5 (Max defense +7). Weight 1.3 kg. Durability 22/30. Item class: Rare. Quality: Superb. Type: Light Armor. Mana +50.

  Sprite Breastplate of Brawn. Defense +7 (Max defense +12). Type: Light armor. Durability 21/60. Item class: Rare. Quality: Superb. Weight: 6.1 kg. Strength +8

  Hardened Sprite Bracers. Defense +7 (Max defense +10). Durability 17/30. Item class: Rare. Quality: Superb. Weight: 3.0 kg. Type: Light armor. Dexterity +7.


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