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Color Me Blind (A Divine Love Story Book 1)

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by Melinda Michelle

  Even though Blake was good at football and it helped with the ladies, he didn’t want to pursue it beyond high school. He just had a lot of anger that he wasn’t in denial about because of his issues with his dad. He figured hitting people legally would allow him to deal with that anger in a positive way. He had his sights set on being a lawyer.

  After the incident when they were nine his father was absent from his life for two years while he got help for his drinking. His parents attended marriage counseling during their separation. His mother refused to let his dad come back home until she was sure he was no longer a threat to Blake. He had never laid a hand or a belt on him since that night.

  He knew his mother loved his dad with all her heart and he wished he could feel half of what she felt for him, but he didn’t. He hated his dad and they pretty much just stayed out of each other’s way.

  It was the oddest thing to hate someone and still want them to accept you, to still want a relationship with them. When they did have to be around each other Blake was always respectful and tolerant. It hurt him that his father never came to any of his games, but he tucked it away along with every other hurt of which his father was the root cause.

  When Jasmine finally started coming back to his house they were in high school. Frank treated her with less respect than he would a dead cockroach. Out of all the goals Blake set for himself, at the top of his list was not to be anything like his father.

  Jasmine’s father had stepped in to the fill the void Frank left. He taught Blake how to throw a curve ball, a spiral, how to fish and how to fix cars. He was the father Blake wished he was born to. He had a great appreciation for Justin Monroe and he would be forever grateful.

  Jasmine would tease him that her father spent more time with Blake than he did her. After all his boys graduated and left for college Blake helped Justin fill the void of not having a son to teach things to. Justin tried to teach Jasmine, but her philosophy was as long as Blake knew how to do it she didn’t need to know. She considered Blake her other half.

  They both had their choice of the cream of the crop when it came to dating. Jasmine was dating the captain of the basketball team, Robert. Robert was six-feet-three-inches and was the color of rich mocha. His hair was always neat sporting deep waves and he kept his face clean shaven. Blake was involved with the class president, Melissa, a perfectly proportioned blonde with dark gray eyes and smooth milky white skin.

  They double dated a couple times, but neither of their significant others seemed to appreciate their intimate camaraderie. This was the first time Blake and Jasmine had found blatant resistance to their friendship, other than Blake’s father. It was something they weren’t prepared to handle because they didn’t know any other way to behave.

  Blake was in the locker room after football practice. He and Damon were chatting about practice. Other than Jasmine, Damon was Blake’s only other close friend. Damon was an army brat that ended up at their high school sophomore year. He and Blake hit it off the first time they hit the field together. Damon was mixed and a stocky five-foot-eleven. His green eyes, creamy brown skin and short curly black hair made him a chick magnet. He embraced his mixed heritage with pride though his features were more prominent from his African-American parent than from his Caucasian one.

  Blake said, “Man, you slammed into John like a freakin’ truck today. What was up with that?”

  Damon cut his eyes over to John and then back at Blake, “He was pushing up on one of my ladies today right in my face.”

  Blake laughed, “That’s cold dude.”

  Damon shrugged.

  Blake said, “You keep it up I’m going to be your only friend.”

  Damon grinned, “You, me and Jasmine. I’m cool with that.”

  Blake shook his head.

  “Man, these cats are whack. I ain’t trying to be down with any of them,” Damon confessed.

  John walked up to Damon and Blake.

  “Hey Damon. Try that mess off the field without coach there to get in between us.”

  Damon didn’t respond, just got in his face. The noisy locker room went silent as everyone turned their attention to the altercation.

  Blake grabbed Damon’s arm, “Yo, chill out fellas.”

  Damon continued to stare John down for a few more seconds then backed up.

  Damon said, “I already said what I had to say on the field. You can respond anytime you feel like you’re up for it.”

  Blake knew this was about to be ugly.

  He stood between them before John could respond, “Come on Damon. It’s time to bounce.”

  John’s friends pulled him back and told him to let it go.

  As Blake and Damon were getting ready to leave one of John’s lackey’s said, “Hey Blake since you’ll be busy babysitting Damon tonight I guess that makes Jasmine free for me to sample what you’re obviously tapping on the side. I know she ain’t satisfied with you white boy!”

  The locker room erupted in laughter. Blake’s temper went from zero to 100 in a finger snap. It was now Damon’s turn to stop Blake from plowing his fist into somebody. He knew Blake was very protective of Jasmine. When Damon reached to hold him back he was surprised by how strong Blake was. He almost wasn’t able to keep him under control.

  Blake said, “If I ever catch you anywhere near Jasmine I will kill you.”

  Blake’s face was so calm and so serious that Damon thought he might actually mean it. The heckler didn’t like that cold look in Blake’s haunting blue eyes, so he laughed it off.

  “Whatever man.”

  When they were out of the locker room and heading to Blake’s truck Damon said, “Dude, you’re kinda scary. What the hell was that?”

  Blake was still pissed.

  “Sorry man, he just pushed a button. I don’t play like that about Jasmine.”

  Since the opportunity presented itself and Damon had always been curious he asked, “And why is that?”

  Blake just stared at him for a moment then said, “I don’t know why, but I’ve always known she was mine to protect. I just can’t explain it. I won’t let anything or anyone hurt her ever again.”

  To Damon it sounded like Jasmine had been cosmically assigned to Blake. If that were true so much about them made sense. He wanted to ask about the “again” but decided to let it go. They didn’t see Jasmine and one of her squad mates, Rachel, walking up to Blake’s truck.

  Jasmine asked, “Did I hear my name?”

  Startled Blake turned to face her.

  “Hey Jaz. Yeah you did, but it’s nothing to worry about.”

  She gave him the once over, “B, your ears are red. Who pissed you off?”

  Before he could respond John and his crew were headed out to their cars. Instinctively, Blake pulled Jasmine closer to him and watched them like a hawk silently driving his threat home. Jasmine wanted to snatch away. She wasn’t a child, but the look on Blake’s face was a little intense so she let him do whatever he needed to do. She knew he could be overprotective of her.

  Rachel asked, “What the heck happened in the locker room?”

  Damon didn’t believe in women getting caught in the crossfire of something that was between men.

  “Come on ladies, how bout we go grab something to eat.”

  He looked at Blake to make sure it was okay, Blake nodded. They all piled into Blake’s black F150 quad-cab. They agreed on pizza, so Blake headed to the local pizza joint.

  Chapter 6: Choices

  They walked into the pizza parlor.

  “Pizza’s on me guys,” Damon said and headed to the counter.

  Blake, Jasmine and Rachel grabbed a booth. Jasmine and Blake sat with their backs to the door and Rachel slid in on the other side. They were making small talk when Damon came over carrying drinks.

  Jasmine asked, “Okay guys, seriously, what was the tension in the parking lot about and Blake why did you grab me like a child?”

  Blake rolled his eyes, “Jaz, can you let it go for me please?
All you need to know is that I handled it.”

  He kissed her nose. She saw the plea in his eyes and decided to let it go.

  Rachel changed the subject, “So do you think you guys are ready for regional’s coming up.”

  Damon smirked, cocky as usual, “Of course we are.” He slid an arm around Rachel smooth as always, “You wanna be my personal cheerleader?”

  Blake and Jasmine both rolled their eyes as Rachel began to blush. Jasmine would have to remember to tell Rachel to run because Damon was the ultimate ladies’ man. They ignored the now private conversation that was starting between Rachel and Damon.

  Blake asked, “Hey, did you take good notes in Economics today?”

  Jasmine responded, “I sure did, but it will cost you.”

  “Come on Jaz, you know I’m good for it.”

  She laughed, “No boo, boo, you still owe me for the last set of notes from Anatomy.”

  He gave her his best puppy dog face and then kissed her nose again.

  She giggled, “Okay fine, I’ll make you copies, but the next two sets of notes are on you.”


  They were in their own world and were oblivious that Melissa and a couple of her friends had just walked in and witnessed their friendly exchange.

  One of Melissa’s friends said, “See that Melissa, I told you they had a thing going on. I know you’re not going to let him get away with that.”

  Melissa couldn’t hide the embarrassment creeping up on her face. She thought Blake was a good guy. She didn’t have a reason not to trust him when he said they were just friends, but the way he was carrying on with her in public was not cool.

  The other friend asked, “So what are you going to do?”

  Melissa wanted to cry. She wasn’t the confrontational kind, but she didn’t want to lose face in front of her friends. She and Blake had been dating for almost a year and they had real feelings for one another. She was so tired of hearing about Blake and Jasmine.

  “He is making a fool out of you. If I were you I would confront them both.”

  Melissa took a deep breath and walked over to their table with her two friends in tow giving her a boost of confidence.

  “Blake what the heck is going on?”

  Her shrill voice caused everyone to stop their conversations and stare at her.

  Blake was genuinely surprised to see her, “Hey babe, what are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about you sitting here flirting with “your best friend” like I don’t exist.”

  Blake was genuinely lost. He was trying to avoid losing his temper. However, Melissa causing a scene for no good reason didn’t sit well with him.

  “Okay, you need to calm down. I really don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not flirting with anybody. We’re just having a pizza.”

  Blake could feel Jasmine about to say something. Without looking at her he laid his hand on hers and shook his head. Jasmine rolled her eyes and sat back. Melissa didn’t miss their unspoken communication. It only made matters worse.

  “Whatever Blake. I just saw you kiss her!”

  He looked at her like she was missing a screw.

  He stood up, “Let’s go outside Melissa. You’re causing a scene.”

  He reached for her hand, but she snatched it away from him and that put him on the defensive.

  She left her two friends and followed Blake outside. They both gave Jasmine dirty looks.

  Jasmine said, “Y’all better back off. I’m not the one.”

  Damon laughed, “Girl you are crazy.”

  Jasmine just rolled her eyes.

  Rachel said, “I got your back Jazzy.”

  Jasmine gave the two guard dogs the once over and said, “Thanks, but I won’t need it.”

  Jasmine had gained a reputation freshman year after she decked a junior with her right hook when he grabbed her butt at lunch. With the dismissal they walked off to find their own booth.

  Outside, Melissa stopped just beyond the entrance door.

  Blake said, “No, in the truck.”

  She spat, “I’m not getting in your truck.”

  “We are not about to have this conversation in front of all these people.”

  He walked off and headed to his truck. Melissa reluctantly followed. When she got in the truck she slammed his door.

  He snapped, “What is your problem. I haven’t done anything.”

  “Don’t try and act so innocent. I saw you with my own eyes Blake.”

  “What did you see?”

  “I saw you kissing Jasmine in public like she was your girlfriend.”

  He wanted to scream.

  “You can’t be serious Melissa. You saw me kiss her on her nose. You have seen me do it before, so why are you throwing a fit all of a sudden.”

  “This is not all of a sudden. I told you I don’t like how close you two are.”

  “And I told you that you were just going to have to get over that. She is my best friend. I’ve known her since I was two.”

  “So I’m just supposed to accept how humiliating it is that you’re being seen with her in public making me look like a fool?”

  “You look like a fool because you’re going around yelling at me in public places like you have lost your mind.”

  She looked as though she wanted to slap him. What was with everybody today pushing his buttons?


  In the pizza parlor, Damon asked Jasmine, “Are you gonna eat that?”

  She pushed her plate toward him, “No you go ahead. I’m not hungry anymore.”

  Rachel asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “People suck, so I lost my appetite.”

  Damon laughed, “That’s cool, ‘cause I found it.”

  Rachel laughed a little too hard. Jasmine rolled her eyes as the two continued to flirt. Her mind was on Blake. She didn’t want to be the cause of problems between him and Melissa. She knew Blake genuinely loved Melissa and she hoped they could work out their differences.

  Damon eyed her as she pouted. He wondered if she understood why Melissa was so mad. He knew there was nothing going on between her and Blake. He didn’t really understand why though because he couldn’t imagine any two people more perfect for each other than his two friends.


  Inside the truck it had been uncomfortably silent for several minutes.

  Blake said, “Look Melissa, I love you and I want to be with you. Can you please stop trying to make something out of nothing? Jasmine is my friend, you’re my girlfriend.”

  If tonight was the only incident maybe Melissa could forgive it and move on, but it wasn’t. Countless people had told of her seeing Blake and Jasmine somewhere together. Though she never heard about anything physical between them the fact remained that he spent too much time with another girl. He had more than enough opportunity to do whatever he wanted, she was his neighbor. She was exhausted with trying to defend herself against the rumors. She had no idea what took place when she was not around and she was tired of wondering.

  With tears in her eyes she looked into Blake’s, “I love you too, but it’s time for you to prove that you love me.”

  He looked at her confused, “What do you mean prove it?”

  “I mean make a choice. It’s me or Jasmine. You can’t have us both.”

  For the second time that night his temper returned. He punched the steering wheel. Melissa jumped. His sudden reaction scared her. He was heated. Melissa had been the first girl he was in love with. It hurt him deeply to know she had such little faith in him and that his word meant nothing to her.

  He had always treated her with kindness and respect, so this demand that he sever ties with his oldest friend caught him off guard. He found himself in unfamiliar territory. There was no doubt in his mind that he loved Melissa, but he absolutely could not see himself not being Jasmine’s friend because Melissa was insecure.

  Blake said, “I’m really sorry you feel that way, but I’m
begging you to please reconsider what you’re asking me to do. I don’t want our relationship to end, especially over such a stupid reason. Please don’t make me choose.”

  She couldn’t stop the tears now, “Well looks like you’ve made your choice.”

  “Jasmine and I have been through things that you could never understand. She has always been there for me. What kind of friend would it make me to just abandon my best friend because you told me to? She’s my friend. I care about her. She is not a threat to you so I don’t understand why you’re doing this.”

  “I hope you and Jasmine are very happy together. Goodbye Blake.”

  She opened the door and slid out. He called her name. She turned to face him.

  Against his pride, he begged, “Please don’t do this.”

  Her response was the click of the door shutting in his face. It disturbed him that he wanted to cry. He hadn’t cried since he was a kid. He wasn’t about to open that door back up. Something inside him broke and contempt for the opposite sex began to take root. This was the last time a woman would ever stomp on his heart.

  Minutes later he saw Jasmine, Damon and Rachel heading towards the truck. He was really mad now because he just realized he didn’t even get to eat any pizza and his hand hurt from hitting the steering wheel. Damon opened the door and they climbed in.

  Jasmine touched his arm, “Hey B, are you okay? Melissa didn’t look too happy when she got out.”

  He shrugged her hand away, “I’m fine.”

  She knew him well enough to let the offense go. The car ride to drop off Damon and Rachel was filled with silence. He dropped off Rachel first and then Damon. When Damon got out of the truck Jasmine climbed into the front seat.

  She said, “Okay Blake cut the BS and tell me what’s going on.”

  He looked at her. He wanted to tell her to leave it alone, but he knew it was pointless. Besides she was the only person he could tell anyways.


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